Bible Reading Plan (Amazing Facts)

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Amazing Facts Bible Reading Plan BY DOUG BATCHELOR

This unique Amazing Facts Bible reading plan makes it easy and fun for you to read through God’s Word in one year. Here are some things to keep in mind: Don’t wait for January. You can start at anytime! Each month has 25 days of reading, giving you extra days to catch up if needed.

Each day includes passages from the Old and New Testaments, helping to reinforce the incredible unity of Scriptures.

May God bless you as you open His precious Word each day. Remember to pray for His guidance as you read! “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” —2 timothy 3:16, 17 nkjv

JANUARY Old Testament Genesis Psalms 1. 1-2 2. 3-4 3. 5-8 4. 9-11 5. 12-14 6. 15-17 7. 18-20 8. 21-23 9. 24 10. 25-26 11. 27-28 12. 29-30 13. 31 14. 32-33 15. 34-35 16. 36 17. 37-38 18. 39-40 19. 41 20. 42-43 21. 44-45 22. 46-47 23. 48 24. 49 25. 50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18:1-25 18:26-50 19 20 21 22:1-44 22:12-31 23

FEBRUARY New Testament Matthew Acts 1:1-17 1:18-25 2:1-12 2:13-23 3:1-12 3:13-17 4:1-11 4:12-17 4:18-25 5:1-12 5:13-20 5:21-32 5:33-48 6:1-15 6:16-24 6:25-34 7:1-14 7:15-29 8:1-13 8:14-22 8:23-34 9:1-13 9:14-26 9:27-38 10:1-20

1:1-11 1:12-26 2:1-21 2:22-47 3 4:1-22 4:23-37 5:1-16 5:17-42 6 7:1-38 7:39-60 8:1-25 8:26-40 9:1-19 9:20-43 10:1-23 10:24-48 11:1-18 11:19-30 12 13:1-25 13:26-52 14 15:1-21

MARCH Old Testament Numbers 1. 1-2 2. 3-4 3. 5-6 4. 7-8 5. 9-11 6. 12-14 7. 15-17 8. 18-20 9. 21-22 10. 23-25 11. 26-27 12. 28-30 13. 31-32 14. 33-36

Psalms 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69:1-18 69:19-36 70 71


1. 1-3 2. 4-6 3. 7-9 4. 10-12 5. 13-15 6. 16-18 7. 19-20 8. 21-23 9. 24-26 10. 27-29 11. 30-31 12. 32-33 13. 34 14. 35-37 15. 38-40




24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37:1-22 37:23-40

10:21-42 11:1-19 11:20-30 12:1-21 12:22-37 12:38-50 13:1-23 13:24-43 13:44-58 14:1-21 14:22-36 15:1-20 15:21-39 16:1-12 16:13-28

15:22-42 16:1-15 16:16-40 17:1-15 17:16-34 18:1-17 18:18-28 19:1-22 19:23-41 20:1-12 20:13-28 21:1-26 21:27-40 22 23:1-11

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

17:1-13 17:14-27 18:1-14 18:15-35 19:1-15 19:16-30 20:1-16 20:17-34 21:1-11 21:12-22

23:12-35 24 25:1-12 25:13-27 26:1-18 26:19-32 27:1-26 27:27-44 28:1-16 28:17-31

Leviticus 16. 1-4 17. 5-7 18. 8-10 19. 11-13 20. 14-15 21. 16-17 22. 18-20 23. 21-23 24. 24-25 25. 26-27

New Testament Matthew


21:23-32 21:33-46 22:1-14 22:15-33 22:34-46 23:1-12 23:13-24 23:25-39 24:1-14 24:15-35 24:36-51 25:1-13 25:14-30 25:31-46

1:1-17 1:18-32 2 3 4 5:1-11 5:12-21 6:1-14 6:15-23 7:1-12 7:13-25 8:1-17 8:18-39 9:1-18

26:1-16 26:17-35 26:36-56 26:57-75 27:1-10 27:11-26 27:27-44 27:46-56 27:57-66 28:1-10 28:11-20

9:19-33 10 11:1-24 11:25-36 12:1-8 12:9-21 13 14 15:1-13 15:14-33 16

Old Testament Joshua


New Testament Mark 2 Cor.

1. 1-2 2. 3-5 3. 6-8 4. 9-10 5. 11-13 6. 14 7. 15-16 8. 17-18 9. 19-20 10. 21-23 11. 24-25 12. 26-28 13. 29-31

95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106:1-23 106:24-48

9:33-50 10:1-16 10:17-34 10:35-52 11:1-11 11:12-26 11:27-33 12:1-12 12:13-27 12:28-34 12:35-44 13:1-13 13:14-31

1:1-11 1:12-24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11:1-15 11:16-33

14. 1-2 15. 3-4 16. 5-7

107 108 109

13:32-37 14:1-11 14:12-31

12:1-10 12:11-21 13

17. 8-10 18. 11-12 19. 13 20. 14-15 21. 16-17 22. 18-19 23. 20-21 24. 22 25. 23-24

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

14:32-42 14:43-52 14:53-65 14:66-72 15:1-15 15:16-32 15:33-41 15:42-47 16

1 2 3:1-14 3:15-29 4:1-20 4:21-31 5:1-12 5:13-26 6

2 Samuel


JULY New Testament Matthew

1 Cor.

1. 1-2 2. 3-5 3. 6-7 4. 8-9 5. 10-12 6. 13-14 7. 15-17 8. 18-19 9. 20-21 10. 22-23 11. 24

72 73 74 75 76 77 78:1-39 78:40-72 79 80 81

1:1-8 1:9-20 1:21-34 1:35-45 2:1-12 2:13-17 2:18-28 3:1-19 3:20-35 4:1-20 4:21-41

1:1-17 1:18-31 2 3 4 5 6:1-11 6:12-20 7:1-16 7:17-40 8

12. 1-3 13. 4-5 14. 6-7 15. 8 16. 9 17. 10-12 18. 13-15 19. 16 20. 17-18 21. 19 22. 20-21 Ruth 23. 1 24. 2-3 25. 4

82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89:1-18 89:19-25 90 91

5:1-20 5:21-43 6:1-13 6:14-29 6:30-44 6:45-56 7:1-23 7:24-37 8:1-13 8:14-21 8:22-30

9:1-12 9:13-27 10:1-13 10:14-33 11:1-16 11:17-34 12:1-13 12:14-31 13 14:1-25 14:26-40

92 93 94

8:31-38 9:1-13 9:14-32

15:1-2 15:29-58 16



Old Testament 1 Samuel Psalms

New Testament


Deuteronomy 15. 1-3 16. 4-5 17. 6-8 18. 9-12 19. 13-17 20. 18-21 21. 22-26 22. 27-28 23. 29-31 24. 32 25. 33-34

Old Testament



New Testament Luke


1. 1-2 2. 3-4 3. 5-6 4. 7-9 5. 10-11 6. 12-14 7. 15-16 8. 17-19 9. 20-22

123-124 125 126 127 128 129 130-131 132 133-134

7:11-17 7:18-35 7:36-50 8:1-15 8:16-25 8:26-39 8:40-56 9:1-17 9:18-27

1:1-14 1:15-29 2:1-7 2:8-15 2:16-23 3:1-14 3:15-25 4:1-9 4:10-18

10. 23-25 11. 26-28 12. 29

135 136 137

9:28-36 9:37-50 9:51-62

1 2:1-9 2:10-20

13. 1-2 14. 3-5 15. 6-7 16. 8-9 17. 10-12 18. 13-16

138 139 140 141 142 143

10:1-16 10:17-24 10:25-37 10:38-42 11:1-13 11:14-28

3:1-6 3:7-13 4:1-10 4:11-18 5:1-11 5:12-28

19. 17-19 20. 20-21 21. 22-24 22. 25-27 23. 28-29 24. 30-33 25. 34-36

144 145 146 147 148 149 150

11:29-36 11:37-54 12:1-12 12:13-21 12:22-34 12:35-48 12:49-59

1:1-7 1:8-12 2:1-12 2:13-17 3:1-5 3:6-13 3:14-18

2 Chron.

1 Kings

1. 1 2. 2-3 3. 4-5 4. 6-7 5. 8 6. 9-10 7. 11 8. 12 9. 13-14 10. 15-16 11. 17-18 12. 19-20 13. 21-22

New Testament




119:1-8 119:9-16 119:17-24 119:25-32 119:33-40 119:41-48 119:49-56 119:57-64 119:65-72 119:73-80 119:81-88 119:89-96 119:97-104

1:1-25 1:26-38 1:39-56 1:57-66 1:67-80 2:1-20 2:21-40 2:41-52 3:1-20 3:21-38 4:1-12 4:13-30 4:31-37

1:1-14 1:15-23 2:1-10 2:11-22 3:1-13 3:14-21 4:1-16 4:17-24 4:25-32 5:1-21 5:22-23 6:1-9 6:10-24

119:105-112 119:113-120 119:121-128 119:129-136 119:137-144 119:145-152 119:153-160 119:161-168 119:169-176 120 121 122

4:38-44 5:1-11 5:12:16 5:17-26 5:27-32 5:33-39 6:1-16 6:17-26 6:27-36 6:37-42 6:43-49 7:1-10

2 Kings

14. 1-3 15. 4-5 16. 6-7 17. 8-9 18. 10-11 19. 12-13 20. 14-15 21. 16-17 22. 18-19 23. 20-21 24. 22-23 25. 24-25

Philippians 1:1-11 1:12-20 1:21-30 2:1-11 2:12-18 2:19-30 3:1-9 3:10-14 3:15-21 4:1-7 4:8-13 4:14-23


Old Testament 1 Chron.

Old Testament

1 Thess.

2 Thess.

Old Testament Ezra

New Testament



1 Timothy

1. 1-2 2. 3 3. 4-5 4. 6 5. 7 6. 8 7. 9 8. 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

13:1-9 13:10-21 13:22-35 14:1-14 14:15-24 14:25-35 15:1-10 15:11-32

1:1-11 1:12-20 2 3:1-10 3:11-16 4 5:1-15 5:16-25

9. 1-2 10. 3

9 10:1-16

16:1-9 16:10-18

6:1-10 6:11-21

11. 4-5 12. 6 13. 7 14. 8 15. 9 16. 10 17. 11

10:17-32 11:1-15 11:16-31 12:1-14 12:15-28 13:1-12 13:13-25

16:19-31 17:1-10 17:11-19 17:20-37 18:1-8 18:9-17 18:18-30

1:1-7 1:8-18 2:1-13 2:14-26 3:1-9 3:10-17 4

18. 12 19. 13 Esther 20. 1 21. 2 22. 3-4 23. 5-6

14:1-18 14:19-35

18:31-43 19:1-10

15:1-17 15:18-33 16:1-16 16:17-33

19:11-27 19:28-38 19:39-48 20:1-8

2:1-10 2:11-15 3:1-8 3:9-15

24. 7-8 25. 9-10

17:1-14 17:15-28

20:9-19 20:20-26

1-11 12-25


2 Timothy


1:1-9 1:10-16


SEPTEMBER Old Testament Isaiah Proverbs 1. 1-2 2. 3-5 3. 6-8 4. 9-10 5. 11-13 6. 14-16 7. 17-20 8. 21-23 9. 24-26 10. 27-28 11. 29-30 12. 31-32 13. 34-36 14. 37-39 15. 40-41 16. 42-43 17. 44-45 18. 46-48 19. 49-50 20. 51-53 21. 54-55 22. 56-58 23. 59-61 24. 62-64 24. 65-66

18 19:1-14 19:15-29 20:1-15 20:16-30 21:1-16 21:17-29 22:1-16 22:17-29 23:1-18 23:19-35 24:1-22 24:23-34 25:1-14 25:15-28 26:1-16 26:17-28 27:1-14 27:15-27 28:1-14 28:15-27 29:1-14 29:15-27 30 31

OCTOBER New Testament Luke Hebrews 20:27-40 20:41-47 21:1-19 21:20-28 21:29-38 22:1-13 22:14-23 22:24-30 22:31-38 22:39-46 22:47-53 22:54-62 22:63-71 23:1-12 23:13-25 23:26-31 23:32-37 23:38-43 23:44-49 23:50-56 24:1-12 24:13-27 24:28-35 24:36-44 24:45-53

1:1-9 1:10-14 2:1-9 2:10-18 3 4:1-11 4:12-26 5 6:1-12 6:13-20 7:1-10 7:11-28 8:1-6 8:7-13 9:1-10 9:11-28 10:1-18 10:19-39 11:1-16 11:17-31 11:32-40 12:1-13 12:14-29 13:1-8 13:9-25

NOVEMBER Old Testament Ezekiel


Old Testament Jeremiah

New Testament John


1. 1-2 2. 3-4 3. 5-6 4. 7-9 5. 10-11 6. 12-13 7. 14-15 8. 16-18 9. 19-22 10. 23-25 11. 26-29 12. 30-31

1 2:1-16 2:17-26 3:1-12 3:13-18 4 5 6 7:1-14 7:15-29 8 9

1:1-18 1:19-28 1:29-34 1:35-42 1:43-51 2:1-11 2:12-25 3:1-15 3:16-21 3:22-36 4:1-14 4:15-26

1:1-11 1:12-18 1:19-27 2:1-13 2:14-26 3:1-12 3:13-18 4:1-10 4:11-17 5:1-6 5:7-12 5:13-20

13. 32-34 14. 35-38 15. 39-43

10 11 12

4:27-42 4:43-54 5:1-15

1:1-9 1:10-16 1:17-25

5:16-30 5:31-47 6:1-15 6:16-24 6:25-40 6:41-59

2:1-8 2:9-17 2:18-25 3:1-7 3:8-12 3:13-22

6:60-71 7:1-13 7:14-24 7:25-36

4:1-11 4:12-19 5:1-7 5:8-14


Song of Solomon

16. 44-46 1 17. 47-48 2 18. 49 3 19. 50 4:1-7 20. 51 4:8-16 21. 52 5 Lamentations 22. 1 6 23. 2 7 24. 3 8:1-7 25. 4-5 8:8-14

1 Peter

DECEMBER New Testament John

2 Peter

1. 1-3 2. 4-8 3. 9-12 4. 13-15 5. 16 6. 17-19 7. 20-21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7:37-44 7:45-53 8:1-11 8:12-20 8:21-30 8:31-47 8:48-59

1:1-11 1:12-21 2:1-9 2:10-16 2:17-22 3:1-9 3:10-18

8. 22-23 9. 24-26 10. 27-28 11. 29-30 12. 31-32 13. 33-34 14. 35-37 15. 38-39 16. 40-41 17. 42-44 18. 45-47 19. 48 Daniel 20. 1-2

8 9:1-20 9:21-35 10 11 12 13 14 15:1-16 15:17-35 16 17

9:1-12 9:13-25 9:26-41 10:1-10 10:11-21 10:22-42 11:1-16 11:17-37 11:38-44 11:45-57 12:1-11 12:12-19

1:1-4 1:5-10 2:1-11 2:12-17 2:18-23 2:24-29 3:1-10 3:11-18 3:19-24 4:1-6 4:7-21 5:1-12




21. 3-4




22. 5-6




23. 7-8 24. 9 25. 10-12

21:1-21 21:22-34 22

13:12-17 13:18-30 13:37-38

1-7 8-16 17-25

1 John

2 John 3 John Jude

Old Testament Hosea

1. 1-3 2. 4-6 3. 7-8 4. 9-12 5. 13-14 Joel 6. 1 7. 2-3 Amos 8. 1-2 9. 3-4 10. 5-6 11. 7-9 Obadiah 12. 1 Jonah 13. 1-4 Micah 14. 1-3 15. 4-5 16. 6-7 Nahum 17. 1-3 Habakkuk 18. 1-3 Zephaniah 19. 1-2 20. 3 Haggai 21. 1-2 Zechariah 22. 1-5 23. 6-9 24. 10-14 Malachi 25. 1-4


New Testament John


23 24 25-26 27 28

14:1-14 14:15-21 14:22-31 15:1-8 15:9-17

1:1-8 1:9-20 2:1-17 2:18-29 3:1-13

29 30

15:18-27 16:1-11

3:14-22 4

31:1-23 31:24-40 32 33:1-11

16:12-24 16:25-33 17:1-5 17:6-19

5 6 7 8







34:21-37 35 36:1-15

18:19-27 18:28-40 19:1-16

11 12 13







38:1-21 38:22-41

19:38-42 20:1-9

16 17




40 41:1-11 41:12-34

20:19-23 20:24-31 21:1-14

19 20 21




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