Greek mythology

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Greek Mythology

Who is Odysseus? Tsatsou Sofia The translation was made by Fasoli Irini

The adventures of Odysseus

As soon as the Trojan War ended, Odysseus started his journey to his country, Ithaca. It took him 10 years to return. The Gods were against him. His wife Penelope and his son Telemachus waited for him in Ithaca. In Ithaca suitors wanted to marry Penelope to reign. Finally, Odysseus arrives in Ithaca and kills the suitors and reigns again.

Polyphemus, I’m Nobody and I offer you some sweet wine!

Predictor Teiresia, tell me when and how will I return to Ithaca?

The Siren’s song is so enchanting! Untie the ropes. I command!

-Where am I? Who are you? I’m Odysseus.

-I ‘m Calypso. You are on the island of Feakon.

Where is my Odysseus? Maybe he died in the Trojan War. I have been waiting for him for ten years.

-Wait a minute! I know that mark on your knee! Is it you, Odysseus?

-Eurycleia, my faithful slave, if you love me, keep your mouth closed.

-Telemachus, I will not let the suitors marry your mother!

-And I am on your side!

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