Portfolio Sofía de SousaArchitectureMatías Selected Works 2017-2022

Best Project Nomination | Torcuato Di Tella University
Architecture student with Minor in Project by the Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently doing her thesis on the refunctionalization of office towers in the Microcentro Porteño with the architect Sebastián Adamo (from the Adamo Faiden studio) as tutor.
Damián Ayarza | Buenos Aires, Argentina Aug.-Sep. 2022 Collaborator in Landscapeing and Architecture studio.
Academic Merit Award | del Plata Adventist Institute 2016
Course | Barcelona Housing | Torcuato Di Tella Univesity, Buenos Aires Oct. 2017 One-week trip to Barcelona. Second year second semester design studio. Prof: Josep Ferrando
Email: sofiadesousam@gmail.com
Academic Background
Scholarships and Mentions
Extracurricular Activities
Academic Merit Scholarship | Torcuato Di Tella Univesity 2017-present 50% of tution cost, annually renewed.
Workshop | The seven capital sins | Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires Aug. 2022 Dictated by Bruther Stéphanie Bru, Alexandre Theriot. One-week workshop of design and development of a pavilion
Sofía de Sousa Matías
Phone: +54 9 343 5046 180 (Argentina)
Instituto Adventista del Plata, Entre Ríos 2011-2016 High School Degree with Orientation on Business Management. Grade point average: 9.33 out of 10.
Workshop | Opaque Architecture | Torcuato Di Tella Univesity, Buenos Aires Aug. 2018 Directed by Jesse Reiser. 50-hours course.
Workshop | Mies Understandings | Torcuato Di Tella Univesity, Buenos Airess Mar. 2018 Directed by Camilo Restrepo. 50-hours course.
Seminar | Ecologies of the Envelope | Torcuato Di Tella Univesity, Buenos Aires Aug.-Dec. 2021 Dictated by Alejandro Zaera Polo as part of the Master’s Degree in HCAC at the UTDT. 18-hours course.
Instagram: @sds.arch
Workshop | Hello Wood Argentina | Ceibas, Entre Ríos Mar. 2020 One week of architecutal wood construction.
Workshop | Embedded Architectures | Torcuato Di Tella Univesity, Buenos Aires Aug. 2019 Directed by Michael Hensel. 50-hours course.
Working Experience
Gabriel Burgueño | Buenos Aires, Argentina Mar.-Jun. 2022 Research on urban wetlands for the University of Buenos Aires
Estudio Palma | Entre Ríos, Argentina 2018- Present Draftman and collaborator in Landscapeing studio.
Seminar | Bioclimatic Tools for Buenos Aires | Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires Apr. 2022 Dictated by Florencia Collo as part of the Thesis of the Architecture Career at the UTDT. 18-hours course.
Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires 2017-present School of Architecture and Urban Studies with Minors. 50 of 51 approved courses | Grade point average: 8.71 out of 10.
July 28 of Nationality:1998argentinian, urugayan
Hand drafting | 3D modeling | 3D printing | Laser Cutting | Digital and Analógic photography
Rhino + Grasshopper | TwinMotion | AutoCAD | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Indesign | Office
Sofía de Sousa Matías SelectedArchitectureworks 2017-2022
Other Skills
Cover and back cover illustration: Analysis of runoff and accumulation of salt “Spirholism”
Spanish (native language) | English (advanced) | Portuguese (basic knowledge) Software
Palermo, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | Argentina
Sofía de Sousa Sofía de Sousa

SERIES | Elements that build cities: streets, intercoms and discontinuities

Photography and Territory -Minor Course in Project- | Prof. Pablo Gerson Fifth year, first semester
It is a study of the city of Buenos Aires based on the recording and repetition of situations and elements that have their similarities but are dynamic and build new scenarios for the development of the city. Series that help understand the operation and characteristics of a particular site, that tell stories and represent the use of these urban elements.

Sofía de Sousa

The project works with the Foster and Partners building of the Carre d’art in the city of Nimes and with the film Dr. generated from different selected shots of the film. With this, forms, lights, and transitions are analyzed for the identification analysis of the images, visualization projects are developed that reinterpret the architectural space, bringing new

RGB 000 | Back to Black Kafkaesque | Viewing and Editing -Minor Course in Project- | Prof. Federico Menichetti Fifth year, first semester | Developed with Josefina Lalor, Trinidad Urriste and Ignacio Camperchioli

Dr. Strangelove by filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. It works in turn with the Stylegan code, with which new images are identification of variables with which architectural elements of the building will be affected. From these changes and graphic and spatial qualities.

In a context where adaptability has become an indispensable necessity for architectural conception, Flexible Dynamism on the contrary, seeks from a component and its repetitiveness to generate a system of infinite possibilities. It is understood also because it is a design without an end point, it is an open and adaptive prototype.
Create and Produce 3.0 | Communication | Prof. Sergio Foster
Fourth year, first semester | Developed with Michela Ammirati, Mercedes Anelo, Constanza Lopreite and Sara Sahores
plants of different states of the prototype
structural variables and their folding logics

seeks to make this a quality that increases its capabilities. The project does not seek singularity, but rather, understood as something dynamic not only because of its capacity for morphological and spatial transformation, but

The project controls, concentrates and articulates the deployment of vertical, horizontal, and central organi zation models, giving rise to complex spatial relationships and tensions that make up a structure of multiple centers and vertical developments as slender as they are extensive. Its fragmentation composes a project whose polycentric condition multiplies its capacities to accommodate various ways of living, displaying multiple possibilities for relationships, enhancing its singularities, and determining degrees of specific oc

level plant
TOWER OF TOWERS | Concentrations of Fragmentations
Skyscapers 1.0 | Design Studio V | Prof. Juan Pablo Porta
Fourth year, first semester | Developed with Mercedes Anelo and Dana Schocron
Tower of towers is a residential project, within which different situations can be found. The way of living is determined by the circulations and motion speeds within them. The number of accesses that a space has, and the speed of that circulation, determines the number of people who can inhabit it and their length of stay. The residence inside the tower adapts to the way of life of its inhabitants; There are permanent, tem porary, utility dwellings (only to sleep and continue), and indefinite stays.
public level plant

Ginga is a project proposed by a group of four Brazilian architects that is based on interactions, movements, and reactions. the project is made up of a platform raised by means of tensioners, which are fixed to an or thogonal structure of beams and columns. In the center of Ginga there is a red lamp that allows the use of this space both during the day and at night.

Project by Giovana Taques, Guillherme Schmitt, Victor Escorsin and João Sarturi March
HelloInstagram:2020@ginga.hwWood,isaninternational festival that integrates various fields of architecture, design and art. It is a weeklong camp focused on thinking and learning through experience.
GINGA | Hello Wood Argentina

Hotel Project, Professional Practice | Design Studio IV | Prof. Paula Lavarello

Broke busca desarrollar no solo un hotel, sino que a partir de la interacción entre interiores y exteriores, busca generar profundidad en todos sus ejes, con marcada linealidad y transparencia que generan dif erentes efectos de luz. El reto de la transparencia radica más que nada en la gestión de la privacidad. En esta tipología conviven múltiples funciones y situaciones que varían en su grado de privacidad y exposición. Para controlar esto, el edificio se configura a partir de una ruptura en su morfología, con la intención de abrir un espacio público en su frente. Esta acción conduce a la definición de espacios más privados en la parte trasera, así como a la definición de una juntura en este quiebre, que se propone como juntura de circulación entre los dos volúmenes quebrados.
detail plants
Third year, second semester | Developed with Mercedes Anelo and Constanza Lopreite
plants catalogue
Planta Hibrida | Digital Modeling II | Prof. Diego Arraigada
The work is developed through the effects generated by the transition from a partitioned plant to a free plant. The column and the partition are interpreted as the same structural element that, depending on their proportions, acquires its definition. Attempting to maintain the support surface of these elements, variations are tested in their sections that configure different floors at each level of the project, progres sively modifying their spaces and printing the various structural conditions in a new architectural organi zation.

Third year, second semester | Developed with Mercedes Anelo and Lucía Romanato


material background:outputproject construction

Porosities and Convolutions 1.0, FOAmy | Matter and Form | Prof. Lucas Torres Agüero Second Year Second Semester | Developed with students Michela Ammirati, Nicolas Bruno, Milagros Pizzolo, Lucia
The work takes as a case study the Yokohama Maritime Terminal designed by the FOA studio of Farshid Moussavi which is made up of a series of folded metallic pieces that vary throughout the terminal. Understanding its folding work is to use this information to print them on a new material, thus generating new forms. Through the radicalization pressure on a material medium and reproduces these relationships in a new way. The material used is expanded when pressure is applied, thus imprinting the shape of the pressure exerted. The result obtained absorbs and softens

Lucia Romanato and Valentina Vendramin
Moussavi and Alejandro Zaera Polo. Specifically, the logic and morphologies of the parking roof system are analyzed, folding and counter-folding logic, the sections that will make up this system are determined. The objective of the radicalization of the sections of the system, discs were developed that are inserted into a profiling machine, which exerts expanded polyurethane that has the property of being able to distribute its small air chambers without losing its mass softens the existing relationships in the FOA project, returning new imaginary architectural spaces.

The Architecture of the Model | Design Studio I | Prof. Santiago Giusto Second Year First Semester | Developed with students Michela Ammirati and Mercedes Anelo
The Project consists of a public coworking building. The organization is determined by a regular grid. The columns and beams will fluctuate progressively decreasing towards the center of the building, where the central courtyard is located. In turn, with varying and repetitive rhythm logics, the ceilings of the different enclosures will vary in their opening, thus generating enclosures of varied luminosity and relationship with the exterior. These conditions, both of ceilings and structural, will give unique characteristics to each build ing enclosure, which will be occupied not only by specific programs, but also by an organization of its own.

