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Aline Di Campi Marco Bechis Jacopo Galliano Sofía Izquierdo


The final goal of the lab is to design a product, define a concept and to prototype it, through the new processes and methodologies offered by Open Design, micro-production and technological support of the new Digital Manufacturing processes.

Design by Components | Materials and Components fotr the Design | Production Chemical Processes | History of Material Culture

89% of students with an individualized problems reading, with 85% Although false, 80% of people linked to mental retardation. getting numbers or letters mixed More than 50% of NASA employees high school dropout rate for is 62%. 1 out of 4 puzzle group

individualized education have

kids with reading problems group

85% of them having dysleia people assume that dyslexia is retardation. Dyslexia is not just about mixed up or out of order. employees are dyslexic. The for
participants is dyslexic.


Enlifing human light. An experience thought to adapt to the preferences and needs of the user at its interaction building emotional attachment.

Concept developed by the team.


Mechanical control Comfortable envirnomenr Built-in accessibilty Communication GUIDELINES

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