Betreuer: Prof. Chritoph Gengnagel
Prof. Markus Bader
Prof. Giovanni Betti
Segelfliegerdamm 1, the former aircraft factory dating from the 1920s is due to be demolished. Instead a new housing development is planned in its place. Demolition, we all know, results in huge quantities of lost resources i.e. waste. In the case of Segelfliegerdamm, steel. My thesis proposes one of many possible ways of repurposing materi als within the contemporary building industry.
«Today in NW-Europe, only 1% of building elements are reused following their first application. Although a large number of elements are technically reusable, they end up being recycled by crushing or melting, or disposed.»**
**Interreg FCRBE, 2021
**Interreg FCRBE, 2021
reused elements in the case-study left-over elements that go to the material mediator
reused elements in the case-study left-over elements that go to the material mediator
reused elements reused material from material mediator new materials
Fachwerk columns allow an open plan
Fachwerk columns allow an open plan hung
Ventilated wall:
-steel corrugate sheets (mined) -aluminium underconstruction -wind insulation, hight density polyethylen -MDF-plate (mined) -jute insulation board, 80mm (or cork) -constructive wood, spruce -steel U-profiles -compartmnent insulation, jute insulation board 200mm -OSB-plate (mined) -vapor barrier -constructive wood, spruce (mined) -covering from recycled textile
-mastic asphalt 50mm -separable greyboard -acoustic insulation wood fiber plate 30mmx2 -MDF-plate (mined) -two mirrored corrugated sheets (mined) -steel beams (mined) -corner steel profile
Floor plate:
-various stone plates 30mm (mined) -sand -foam glass steamer plate -vapor barrier -gravel -sand
visualisation of the promenade between two blocks card game as a mean for team-work. Program arrangement
Our project deals with the relationship between the site and the cultures that developed alongside it during its incarnations - those are expressed by two main areas: The changing lifespans and history that left the place as an urban no-man‘s land: trapped between the industrial strip of the railway, the river and the city, and later on by the Berlin Wall; and the formalization of various social textures that have found their place in this enabling space; which are reflected in the club culture that existed in the 1990s at the site and the commercialization culture that is poured into it at the present.
A perimeter enveloping the site will for the development: reserving spaces
users and residents that will form the building typologies that are attached space for potential appropriation. Three building types were designed date different users and lifestyle, with spaces on the lower levels of the buildings and social uses and office spaces the perimeter enabling extension and
will be the starting point spaces for rent by private the basis for a series of attached to it. Thus, creating designed in order to accommo with public facing buildings with commerce which are aligned with and flexibly.
existing structures on site BSR ring commercial
the ring of office space for rent housing buildings of two types buildings with special program buildings with special program housingraised ground with BSR on the GF
In the center of each area three stand alone buildings were programmed as ‘attractors’ condensing different so cial and cultural users, each with its own ‘identity’.
communal house and BSR
To us being around Jahnsportpark revealed a remote area of Berlin. A landscape garden which drew its qualities out of separated seemingly improvised atmospheres. There is a quality lying in this introversion but also a withdrawnness which prevents actors of the city to socially interact with each other or even discovering the Friedrich-Ludwig- Jahnsportpark. In our design approach we tend to accomplish a connectedness of the park. At the same time remote wild gardens and safe spaces for humans and animals should be preserved.
1.0 physical model of the landscape 2.0 section of animal aided design 3.0 accessibility scheme
The new connectivity and existing remoteness are mainly redeveloped through punctual interventions in the topography (relocating about 60.000m3 of soil), extending green spaces and achieving barrier-free accessibility of all plateaus. We aim not to cut a tree and to carefully implement the vast spatial program with praising existing qualities.
Regarding the new indoor facilities it was clear to us, that the facilities had be stacked on multiple levels in order to fit them in the park without sealing new surfaces.
We placed two double height 3-field hall as well as 6 multipurpose room and all kind of changing and equipment facilities inlace of one of the football fields.
The football field is put back on the rooftop and the dug out earth is used to smoothly level up this level.
From the other side you enter the building from the tribune level.
Anna Sofia Gallegos Garcia | Tilman Haseloff | Leonard Zweck | Sofia Ogarkova
North view
Appartments and Offices
The project focusses on the mixture of two typologies, working and living. A special splitlevel design allows for several different functions combined in one building. Shared spaces, which can be used as an extention of the office space, as well as by the appartments outside of work hours, are arrayed throughout the building. The position and orientation of the hybrid shared spaces is carefully set through the individual parameters of each space.
Appartments and Offices
Appartments and Offices
The split level design allows for visual connections between the different functions. It also increases the space efficiency of the building as later shown in this report. The elipse is split on an off-axis so there is a narrower side on the east for the appartments and a wider site on the west for the offices.
An Atrium connects through the whole building for ventilation purposes and additional daylight supply.
Ellipse: - Less underlit areas on the north - Better energy performance - Aerodynamic
Defining the size of the openings de pending on the radiation intensity
Finding the most fit angle to the sun to harvest the most energy with the PV panles
Open atrium as a light-well
The fact of having a central atrium, access to natural ventilation and daylighting were key factors during this analysis. Starting with a default square form, environmental simulations (daylighting and solar resource) on Grasshopper and Sefaira, as well as manual energy demand calculations in line with ISO EN 13790 were performed to assess the performance of the different building forms. Finally, an ellipse form resulted to be the best op
Total Area = 2076 m²
Total Radiation =1540 MWh/a BIPV efficiency = 20% Inverter efficiency = 90% Total Potential = 277 MWh/a equals to 80 Households
tion in terms of compactness, daylighting levels, aerodynamic form, and better energy performance.
The façade design opted was an integrated or titask” façade, which design combines strategies answers the needs for the whole building. It is a bination of curtain wall, opaque components, photovoltaic panels offering access to natural lation, daylighting, and renewable energy production.
Forming a green square and a rooftop
Forming a green square and a or “mul strategies that a com components, and natural venti production.
levels, more performance.
Simulation 1 standard occupancy
Simulation 2 extended occupancy
kWh/m²/yr 1.992.872 kWh/yr 2.053.744
109,65 kWh/m²/yr
106,4 kWh/m²/yr 1.992.872 kWh/yr 2.053.744 kWh/yr 3,05 % increase
Pure office Hybrid
Auditorium Meeting Room (Acustic Isolation)
Dining Area Break Room / Chill Library / Individual Workspace Teeküche / Café Coworking
Auditorium Meeting Room
Dining Area Break Room Library / Teeküche Coworking
Simulation 2
extended occupancy
Simulation 3 standard occupancy + occupancy gain
Simulation 3 standard occupancy + occupancy gain
Simulation 4 standard occupancy + occupancy gain + split level gain +6022m²
Simulation 4 standard occupancy + occupancy gain + split level gain +6022m²
+3963m² 2.053.744 kWh/yr +579.900 kWh/yr 22,02 %
+360.823 kWh/yr
+3963m² +579.900 kWh/yr 22,02 % ENERGY SAVING
Die klimatischen Bedingungen in Puerto Williams manifestieren sich in einer fast durchgängigen Notwendigkeit, Heizenergie für das Gebäude zu erzeugen. Die Kühllast ist dabei so gering, dass kein zusätzliches Kühlungssystem in das Gebäude integriert werden muss. Um die Heizlast des Gebäudes möglichst niedrig zu halten, ist eine Grundlage des Energiekonzepts ist der Entwurf einer Gebäudekonstruk tion, die tagsüber möglichst hohe Strah lungsgewinne erreicht um diese Nachts
Heizenergie halten,
möglichst lange zu speichern. Ein zur Sonnenseite (Norden) aus gerichteten System aus Glashaus und Trombe-Wand bietet hier eine Möglichkeit der Nutzung der tagsüber eingestrahlten Sonnenenergie. Die Wand heizt sich durch die absorbierte Sonnenstrahlung und den durch das Glashaus bedingten Treibhauseffekt auf. Durch Lüftungsklappen kann die so erwärmte Luft bei Bedarf in die innenliegenden Räume geleitet werden. Nachts gibt die Wand einen Teil der gespeicher ten Wärme zeitversetzt wieder ab. Das Gebäude ist in den Hang eingelassen, was dazu führt, dass die Südfassade größtenteils im Erdreich liegt. Die Transmissionsverluste der innenliegenden Räume werden somit verringert.
Solarpanele und Windturbinen benötigte Energie Der Absolute bei 104,405 kWh.118 Solarmodule mit auf die Richtung Norden und Sonnenseite nem 33 Grad Winkel geneigte Dachfläche che Ges mtleistung der PV Module Sommermonaten wird der Energieverbrauch deckt und zusätzlich Stom in das deutlich sonnenärmeren Wintermonaten, Energieverbrauch des Gebäudes gedeckt. Die jährliche Gesamtleistung 52,668 kWh und deckt somit die benötigten
Pro ject Building
del flo o r area 1421 1 m2 Cus t o mer Mo del vo lume 8977 7 m3 Creat ed by Mo del gro und area 1612 6 m2 Lo cat io n Puert o W illiams Scho o ls Mo del envelo pe area 4779 5 m2 Climat e file Puert o W illiams 1 W indo w/Envelo pe 12 1 % Cas e puert o at rium rammed eart h Average U value 0 3074 W /(m2 K) Simulat ed 10 02 2022 12:52:13 Envelo pe area per Vo lume 0 5324 m2 /m3
Windturbinen erzeugen die anderweitig Heizbedarf des Gebäudes liegt mit einer Fläche von 192 m2 sind Sonnenseite gerichtete und in ei Dachfläche positioniert. Die jährli Module beträgt 36,052 kWh In den Energieverbrauch des Gebäudes ge das Netz eingespeist. In den Wintermonaten, wird der zusätzliche Gebäudes durch 19 Windturbinen Gesamtleistung der Tubinen umfasst benötigten 36,899 kWh.
Innenraum, Gestaltung und Bauleitung Sofia Ogarkova
Watergenics ist ein junges StartUp, deshalb mussten wir uns auf ein kleines Budget beschränken.
Manche Materialien, wie Backsteine und Holzbalken im Podest, Fliesen auf der Küchenschürze, wurden nach dem Abbau des Bestands erhalten und im Projekt wiederbe nutzt.
Die schwerste Entscheidung war die Sanitärbereich zur Wand zu schieben um mehr Platz für Arbeit stische im Zentrum zu bekommen. Das Podest versteckt die Abwas serungsleitungrohr, die im Zentrum bleiben muss.
Für zentral Dekorativelement, die Wand aus Glassteine, die das Office mit dem Sanitärbereich trennt, musste ich einen Sonder element für Entlüfter gestalten, dessen ich in eine Box aus Acryl platziert habe.
Heizkörper 3 Abwasserleitung
Urban 64 - 1. Stock - 1/50
HeizkörperHeizkörperHeizkörper5Heizkörper6Heizkörper7 8
Absperrventi Heizkörper 1 Heizkörper 2
Heizwasserleitung Kaltwasserleitung Abwasserleitung
Urban 64 1 Stock 1/100
Plan der Wasserleitung
The project was made as a part of PhD work for Saqib Aziz with the title “Minimal Mineral”. With the help of Grasshopper Plugin “Folo gram”, Aruco markers and a QR code I scripted an interactive environment for augmented reality that could potentially help construction workers to orient the irregular modules without a need to read complex construction documentation and which would minimize a chance for a mistake. Each module will be marked with an individual Aruco marker, With the help of a phone or AR glasses the marker will be read and a visual instruction and additional information about a module will appear. After placing a model on a right position, the marker will gain another color stating that it was positioned on the right place.
The Urban Streams kinetic facade was designed for a class on Human-Machine collaboration. We chose to work with urban soundscapes, as we consider the symphony of complex urban sounds and noises to be tremendously undervalued, as we learned to ignore them after in our day to day lives in big cities. We wanted to create a meditation pavilion in the middle of that loudness that would become at the same time a tool for sound artists to change human perception of their urban environment.
Our concept treats the overall mix of noises and sounds of the city as material for sound artists, as a block of marble is for a sculptor, “carving out” all the unnecessary sounds using filter systems that results into a sound-piece we might never have heard before, without adding anything to the existing ambience.
In the built prototype of the facade we tested Ron-Resh origami that opens and closes its mod
ules, depending on the input frequencies coming from the outside: it either confronts the urban context with the self-grown mycelium acoustic material or lets the sound go through sonically porous material on the inner petals of the origami when opened.
A fully-built pavilion would be a flexible tool for a sound artist, that can perform different soundfiltering purposes by changing a script for the mo tion of the motorised umbrella on which the filters are supported.