Popinjay Women Rising

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SABA GUL CEO, Popinjay

What is Popinjay and how was it born? Popinjay is an artisan-made handbag label that simultaneously enables livelihoods for underprivileged female artisans by creating a hand-made product that revives ancient craft techniques. It was inspired by the

Lahore born Saba Gul is an engineer by profession. She returned to Pakistan in 2011, after spending 10 years in the US, to set up the not-for-profit Bags for BLISS. In 2013, she re-launched BLISS as a commercial venture, Popinjay.

beauty of the Punjab, where craftsmanship

potential of the business for changing lives

has been stunted by the lack of connec-

in Pakistan, and two are now on my board

tions to global markets. In October 2013, it

of directors. The most important ingredient

feel immensely proud of earning their own

launched its debut collection.

for entrepreneurial success is persistence

living and creating a beautiful product.

How has BLISS/Popinjay evolved over the years? At first, I was a one-woman show with

and this is what ultimately convinced people

What are the problems you’ve

to join us, as investors and team members.

encountered as an entrepreneur in

How do you market Popinjay?

Pakistan, specifically as a woman?

25 artisans but no finished product, no mar-

Our main marketing strategy is word

Being an entrepreneur is tough as hell,

ket and no customers. Today, we have 150

of mouth, so we work hard to cultivate re-

regardless of where you are. My startup

artisan women, a full-time team, commit-

lations with our customers. We also do

has led me to lose sleep, ruin my health,

ted investors, hundreds of products sold

regular trunk shows, where I personally

neglect relationships, and push myself to

every month across the world (primarily

communicate the brand’s story to attend-

new levels of physical and mental fatigue.

North America) and a band of loyal custom-

ees. Recently, we’ve started doing online

I always like pointing out the dark side of

ers. Our products have been carried at the

marketing, exploring Facebook and Google

entrepreneurship because startups and

Emmy Awards (Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy)

advertisements, email campaigns, etc. And

their founders’ lives get glorified a lot. The

and featured on CNN, Al Jazeera and NBC

we’ve been getting global coverage too.

biggest challenges have included building a

News, and most recently the US retailer,

You re-launched BLISS, a not-for-

team and achieving the quality our product

Anthropologie, has picked up our products

profit, as the for-profit, fashion line,

boasts. As the founder, I’m answerable to

as well. It’s been one heck of a ride and I’m

Popinjay. How has this changed the

everyone, so it can be pretty challenging,

insanely proud of my team!

productivity of the business?








workforce? Our full-time team consists of a production manager, product designer, sales/

With this transition, our production per

Also, manufacturing is a heavily male-

month has almost tripled. As a for-profit

dominated sector in Pakistan, so I deal with

venture, our hiring focus has shifted to de-

a lot of men who, unfortunately, don’t take

sign, production and quality.

me seriously. But I simply ignore it.

marketing director and myself; that’s three

You’re doing a lot to bring your

Is working for oneself a 24/7 job?

females and one male, all in our mid-20s to

women artisans into the limelight. How

How do you manage to strike the infa-

early 30s. We’re geographically dispersed,

has the standard of living changed for

mous ‘work-life balance?’

with half the team in Pakistan and the rest in

these women in comparison to when

North America/UK. The team also includes

Popinjay was a not-for-profit venture?

150 artisan women and five trainers in

Popinjay’s impact is baked into our busi-

Hafizabad, Punjab, and a growing network

ness model – the more products we sell, the

of 15 female brand ambassadors through-

more money the women make and the bet-

out the world.

ter their standard of living. Many of these

How did you acquire the funds in order to set up your business?

I’m probably one of the worst people to answer this question! My work is my life. But, sometimes, I do force myself to take time off for friends and family. What is one thing you’ve learned as an entrepreneur in Pakistan?

women now earn more than half of what

Never give up! Ignore the naysayers

their husbands earn, and after only three to

and keep chugging along. At times you feel

It was quite a process, with lengthy re-

four hours of work a day. The 50 - 60 per

like it’s never going to work, but remem-

views of the company’s valuation, financial

cent increase in their household incomes

ber: good things don’t come easy. Pakistan

and sales projections. The investors are all

means that they can educate their children

needs more people to think outside the

Pakistani, so they were quite excited by the

and spend more on healthcare. They also

box. n

52 | Newsline March 2014

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