In this folder we have collected the rules you need to know about in order to obtain unemployment benefit. When you have read the folder you will be in a position to focus on the task of finding employment. We can discuss any questions you may have at your introductory meeting with Akademikernes A-kasse. Otherwise, you are always welcome to contact us.
Your cv on jobnet.dk 3 Check job suggestions on jobnet.dk
Availability for work – what does it mean
Especially for you, who are under 30 years of age Mandatory attendance at meetings
Compulsory meetings and ‘Min plan’
Quarantine if you give notice
Supplementary unemployment benefit
Applying for work abroad
Activation 8 Checklist 9
YOUR CV ON JOBNET.DK To obtain unemployment benefit you must first create your cv on jobnet.dk and then attend an introductory meeting with Akademikernes A-kasse. If you already have a cv on jobnet.dk, you should simply update the contents and reactivate it. Your cv must contain a description of your previous employment, your education and other qualifications. You should also describe the type of job you would like. Before we can approve your cv, it must meet the following criteria: The job you are looking for must be in line with your education and experience Your job search must cover a wide geographical area You cv must at least include your postcode and phone number so that a potential employer knows where you live and how you can be contacted. If you have not created and activated your cv by three weeks at the latest after your first day of unemployment, you cannot receive unemployment benefit. CHECK YOUR JOB SUGGESTIONS ON JOBNET.DK You should check your job suggestions on ‘Min side’ on jobnet.dk (not to be confused with ‘Min plan’ on aka.dk) at least once every seven days. If you forget to do this, you will receive a reminder on the first two occasions. After that, you will be de-registered as unemployed on jobnet.dk and will have to re-register in order to receive unemployment benefit. 3
You can only receive unemployment benefit in periods when you have been registered as unemployed and your cv is active on jobnet.dk and available to employers. Especially for you, who are under 30 years of age When you are under 30 years of age, the job centre has to give you an activation offer already after 13 weeks of unemployment. That is, the job centre has a very short time to make arrangement with you about your activation period. Therefore, you will almost always be informed about the activation offer at your first meeting with the job centre. After the meeting, the job centre will draw up a job plan in which you will be informed about time and place for the activation you must participate in. The job plan will be accessible for you at jobnet. dk – at the same place where you create your CV and confirm your job search every seventh day. Be aware, that it is very important that you read this job plan. If you do not read the job plan or do not turn up for the activation, you will risk 3 weeks of quarantine without unemployment benefits for selfinflicted unemployment. Notify the job centre of holiday plans and sickness You must notify your job centre if you are sick or planning a holiday. Notify the job centre the same day you become sick. If you are planning a holiday, notify the job centre at least 14 days in advance. AVAILABILITY FOR WORK – WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The concept of availability is central to your eligibility for unemployment benefit. It means that:
From your first day you become unemployed, you are required to seek work that you can perform – both inside and outside your profession – by answering job advertisements, submitting unsolicited applications, and using networks and personal contacts. Furthermore, you are obliged to accept jobs referred by Akademikernes A-kasse or your job centre at a day’s notice. It is therefore important that you check your daily post and that you live and are present in Denmark. As a full-time insured member you must be willing and able to work 37 hours a week on normal pay and employment conditions. Part-time members must be available for up to 30 hours’ work a week. You must be prepared to apply for and accept work entailing up to a total of four hours’ travel per day by public transport. If you work reduced hours and receive supplementary unemployment benefit, you must still apply for full-time work.
MANDATORY ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS You are obligated to attend meetings called by Akademikernes Akasse, your job centre or other party. ‘Other party’ is typically a private firm which takes over the job centre’s role as regards helping you into work. Failure to attend such meetings will disqualify you from unemployment benefit from the date of the meeting until the date you contact the meeting organiser. COMPULSORY MEETINGS AND ‘MIN PLAN’ When unemployed, you must attend meetings alternately with Akademikernes A-kasse and your job centre/other party.
You should start by booking an introductory meeting with Akademikernes A-kasse not later than three weeks after registering as unemployed. You do this by logging on to aka.dk and selecting ‘Min plan’, which is your tool for managing the job search process. In ‘Min plan’ you will regularly be offered meetings and activities which you are free to attend – but you must meet with Akademikernes A-kasse at least every three months. Every meeting and activity in your jobsearch you must note in ‘Min plan’ on aka.dk. ‘Min plan’ is used by us to assess the progress of your job search so that we can advise you regarding your current situation. QUARANTINE IF YOU GIVE NOTICE If you terminate your employment, you will receive three weeks’ quarantine without unemployment benefit. This applies regardless of whether the work is full-time or part-time. The quarantine rules also apply if you say no to a job referral or if you reject or cut short an activation offer agreed with your job centre/ other party without valid reason. The quarantine will be exercised on the same days as you would otherwise have received unemployment benefit. The quarantine becomes effective if you apply to us for benefit within three months of terminating employment or from the day you said no to a job referral. If you are quarantined twice in the course of 12 months or if you are not available for the labour market, you will forfeit all entitlement to unemployment benefit. You will only regain entitlement to unemployment benefit when you have worked more than 300 hours in a con6
tinuous three-month period. The work must have been performed on normal pay and employment conditions. SUPPLEMENTARY UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT Employed work: If you work reduced hours, you can normally receive supplementary unemployment benefit for 30 weeks. You must complete a form concerning your job so that we can assess what importance your parttime job has for your unemployment benefit. You can find the form on aka.dk. If you are in permanent employment with a period of notice, you must have a discharge certificate to be eligible for supplementary unemployment benefit. The discharge certificate ensures that you can stop from one day to the next if you find work with longer working hours. The discharge certificate must be received by Akademikernes Akasse not later than five weeks after you became employed. If the certificate is not received in time, supplementary unemployment benefit will only be payable from the date we receive the certificate. Self-employed sideline occupation: If you have a self-employed business as a sideline occupation, you may be eligible for supplementary unemployment benefit for 78 weeks. Our permission for you to carry on such business is conditional upon the work done by you being flexible enough to be performed outside normal working hours. To enable us to assess whether you can receive supplementary unemployment benefit while carrying on a self-employed business as a sideline occupation we must be provided with business details. The necessary forms can be found on aka.dk.
APPLYING FOR WORK ABROAD If you wish to seek work in the European Economic Area (EEA), you can receive your unemployment benefit abroad for up to three months. Contact Akademikernes A-kasse for further details. Employment interviews abroad If you have to go abroad for an interview, you can receive unemployment benefit for five days while you are away. You must notify us and your job centre of the period you will be abroad for interview. ACTIVATION As an unemployed person you are obliged to accept an activation offer from your job centre. Activation is agreed under a ‘job plan’ and can consist of various types of training, upgrading of skills, practical experience or wage subsidy jobs with public and private employers. The aim is to get you quickly into work. The content of your job plan is essentially based on the needs of the labour market but your wishes and qualifications are also taken into consideration. When attending a mandatory work activity scheme, you must still be actively seeking work and be available for work. You may be exempted from this obligation by agreement with your job centre.
CHECKLIST TWO STEPS TO UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT 1. Register as unemployed on jobnet.dk from your first day of unemployment 2. Log on to aka.dk, complete an unemployment declaration form and send any documentation to us. YOUR CV ON JOBNET.DK Publish your cv on jobnet.dk as soon as possible and not later than three weeks after registering as unemployed on jobnet.dk CHECK YOUR JOB SUGGESTIONS ON JOBNET.DK Check your job suggestions on ‘Min side’ on jobnet.dk at least every seven days. CONTACT US AT LEAST EVERY THREE MONTHS Book a meeting, phone interview or other joint arrangement with Akademikernes A-kasse at least every three months depending on what suits you. When logging on to aka.dk, keep an eye on ‘Min Plan’ where you can see what options you have for participating in events that boost your job search. A good range of initiatives pays dividends. We will naturally be pleased to explain the opportunities available – just contact us.