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Training and Development Report
The Wilson Marine Goolugatup Sailing Carnival was created in 2019 as an alternative event for our Youth Sailors who would normally compete in a Australian Sailing Youth selection events which due to Covid was postponed from SoPYC for two years.
The 2021/22 event kept the ethos of this event alive and broadened out the invitation to other similar classes to make it a unique sailor friendly event in WA. With only similar classes and staggered events and start times, it was a lot of work for the staff and volunteers but a great platform for the sailors.
Starting with the Open Skiff State Titles which had a combination of normal windward leeward and slalom racing , and a great family vibe which included a parents race as part of the fun aspect of this class.
The second event was the 29er State Championship which had 15 boats in the main division and another 6 using the cut down 29erXS rig which is proving to be a great transition concept.
The main part of the GSC event was in January with Lasers (ILCA) on the first three days overlapped with 29ers and Invited Skiffs in the middle, then Windfoil and Kitefoil racing on the last three days.
What a great seven days of racing. Lasers had a good range of very light, medium, and very strong winds to challenge them and the Race Committee.
The Skiffs had very strong winds challenging their skills and equipment. The young sailors in the 29ers were all still sailing hard tactical races in 22 knots, just under their wind limit.
The third day of the 29ers had very light 4-10 knot easterly wind to challenge their light air skills and strategy to round off a great event.
The Windfoil and Kitefoil racing started in a very light session on day 1, but days 2 & 3 delivered outstanding 15-20 knot sea breezes for some high-speed action in the newest and most exciting foiling craft around.
The concept of a sailor-friendly sailing carnival with minimal waiting times and similar boats racing together made for an exceptional on-water racing experience that was really appreciated by the sailors. ~ Denis Jones, Head Coach