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FoAD’s AFH sets up solidarity fund to assist students during COVID-19 crisis


The Faculty of Arts and Design’s Art for Humanity (AFH) established a solidarity fund to assist Durban artists, art students and creative practitioners with cash relief during the coronavirus crisis which has caused a disruption in many people’s lives. AFH’s Director, Ismail Farouk, said the fundraising project was initiated as part of the Arts Lives Project (ALP), which is spearheaded by DUT’s Faculty of Arts and Design.


With the COVID-19 pandemic having a substantial effect on the arts globally and locally, “artists, art students, creative practitioners and the families they support are now facing a severe loss of income, resulting in a variety of difficulties and an inability to even purchase basic needs for survival”. AFH raised a total of R43085,35 in nine days and paid 77 verified applicants a total of R559,55 each by 1 May 2020.

To apply for the fund, people had to fill out a basic survey and send copies of their ID and CV to AFH. A Working Committee was setup to ensure that the applicant information captured through the online application is processed with urgency and transparency. “This is only a very small initiative, but we hope it can be consolidated and continue to be a source of support for Durban-based artists. Importantly, there exist several similar solidarity initiatives in various other cities around the country, as well as globally, and we are one among several others which provides support and solidarity for artists around South Africa,” said Farouk. To raise the funds, AFH ran an online campaign and had various fundraising efforts collaborating with their partners. Farouk said that AFH is extremely grateful to those who have donated funds.

To donate to the AFH Artist Solidarity Fund, go to: https://www.payfast.co.za/donate/go/artforhumanity. Alternatively, you can make a direct deposit to the following account: Account Name: Art For Humanity Bank: Nedbank Branch: 130126 Account Number: 1301289353 Account Type: Cheque/Transmission Reference: ALP

AFH’s Director, Ismail Farouk.

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