How to make windows system updated and complete (windows downloads, windows software download) Software updates are really important, even more, if the operating system needs it. Many of these updates are critical for smooth operating of the system and may end up ruining up everything if not timely updated. Hence keeping the operating system up to date is as crucial as breathing. Here are a few ways in which you can keep your windows system updated. Both conventional and non-conventional ways are being illustrated. An easy way to keep your PC running smoothly is Windows Update. Just turn it on and all the latest security and other important updates will get installed in your system from the Microsoft server. Setting up Windows UpdateIt is really easy. If automatic update is already On, you can open windows update in control panel and it will display the status. If it is not on, you will be guided through a series of steps to do so and after that all the security and performance related updates will be installed quickly and easily.
In automatic updating most updates will install automatically, however certain crucial ones may require a few inputs during installation. In such a situation, an alert will appear in the
notification area which needs to be clicked, failing which your system might end up missing an important update. In case one does not wish to keep the automatic update on, it is recommended to ensure checking for updates at least once a week, manually. Other ways are as:
Autopatcher: Autopatcher provides a vivid collection of updates and tweaks that are easy and quick to install with minimum user intervention. All you have to do is download a file, run it, make a few selections regarding the updates and tweaks you want to apply and the rest is done by the patcher itself. Windows Update Downloader: Windows Update Downloader helps in downloading all current windows updates and tweaks using a pretty simple interface. For downloading the updates one needs to add update lists, which are available from the site and then choose the updates needed. Project Dakota: Project Dakota was an alternative to Microsoft’s Windows Update. At the end, those above discussed were some of the important method those can be used in updating your windows software. Windows software download are very easily available and moreover the windows downloads are free on various sites.