Maruti Swift Ten Years but Still Brisk Maruti Swift was launched in India in 2005. European Design Company in the beginning but it did not rely much on their Sagment nearly ten years later, Swift remains the bestseller. Just a few days before Suzuki Motor Corp said swift's global sales exceeded the figure of 40 million but the biggest thing is that it contributes around half more than Two million are cruising the streets of swift, India. It is not as if the country's premium compact segment in swift's first model year 2000 surrounding Fiat Polio. through this segment was launched after a year of swift has even in the same segment, Hyundai Getz did launch, but both models now have the speed of history where swift is 9 years 9 months if a model 40 million figure could touch its brand The idea of customer equity and can be loyalty.
Swift actually was the first global model of Suzuki came India. Global it company especially in the European market for his foot-age design was to design a model was the sporty, the stylish and fun-to-drive. Beginning in November 2014 began in production and sales in Japan and Hungary in 2005 swift In India and China, to become engaged and selling. In India the swift than you can from old vain as wine grows old after his suroor something like has happened with swift. ten years proved ageless in the ageless so say so ...Day-by-day on the young is the diesel cars in India nikhri which alone has the greatest contribution of why swift is based on the corresponding 3-swift. Box model delayer also lettering and all models are sold every month more than 35 thousand. Those if India’s passenger segment should be considered of two million units a month, add single swift contributed only 17-18 range proset.
Swift now India, Japan, China and Viet Nam and Thailand including Pakistan, Hungary etc. originates in eight countries and countries where swift premium compact hatchback segment is today Volkswagen in Polo, Hyundai I-20, Nissan Micro, Fiat pinto, Chevrolet sail-youth, including close to ten model Toyota liva and recent years have come in but does not stay like SWIFT's name.