According to corporate news, BSE Sensex crosses the mark of 28,000 on Wednesday. It is noteworthy that for last a few months Indian share market is touching new heights constantly and it seems that the trend will be continued. According to the analysts, the boom of the market is due to immense worldwide liquidity and uplifts in the investment sentiment. If we have a look at the condition of the Indian market, the reason behind such rise is basically the investment made by (Foreign Institutions Investors) FII. Due to the heavy investment, the share of major Indian companies in FII has reached to the highest levels of last 10 years. The businesses analysts say that the small and big investors who wish to have their shares in the market are being motivated to invest while the dip in the share market. As per the Managing Director of Asit C Mehta Investment, there is a big investment when the market plunges and in the coming 18-24 months, BSE Sensex might achieve a rise of 50 per cent than the current levels. In the middle of all these, despite the hike, a number of analysts are eying on the roots of the corporate sector. As mentioned in corporate news, K. Vikas Gupta from Vaida Funds Management says that the use of the production capabilities of the Indian companies is at the lowest level from the last many years and furthermore, the demand in various sectors has been weak currently that is the most vital aspect of the situation. The upside down of the condition of fundamentals has made the rates of the shares high at present. However, a few resolvents believe that there will be a big improvement in the financial performance of the companies in the coming days. According to Earth Veda Management, the Sensex can touch the mark of 75000 in next five years if everything goes well and the market does not face any financial crisis. The major global firm UBS Securities remarks on the situation that NIFTY Sensex might touch the level of 9600 in 2015. On the whole, all possibilities of the rise of the market will turn into reality only when if there is a huge hike in the espousal of the retail investors and the signs of that are not seen for the time being. However, at this time, we can enjoy the mild rise which the market is displaying and hope that this will keep on continuing and our economy will not be stressed by any internal as well as external crisis.