6 minute read
1. Advanced absence reporting—fill out the absentee form online at sogo@studentorchestras.org. (Click the Membership tab)
2. Illness - fill out the absentee form online at studentorchestras.org. The Rehearsal Manager will call if we do not have an absentee form filled out.
SOGO EXPECTS: Participation in your school music program, attendance at all rehearsals and concerts, arrival at rehearsal 15 minutes prior, music prepared before rehearsal through practice at home, HAVE FUN!!!
Consistent attendance and participation in all rehearsals and concerts are vital to the success of the ensemble as a whole. Your absence from rehearsal is difficult for your fellow musicians, conductor, and the ensemble. If necessary to miss a rehearsal, fill out an absentee form online. (Click the Membership tab)
ATTENDANCE: Promptness (arriving 15 minutes early to warm-up) and perfect attendance are expected of all SOGO musicians. Because of the high level of musicianship required by SOGO orchestras, attendance is a key factor in providing a complete, productive and worthwhile musical experience. Please bring your own music stand for rehearsals.
ABSENCES: You are allowed a maximum of one (1) absence per concert cycle. Excused absences include: death in the family, sickness, required school events, and religious observances. Homework excuses are not considered acceptable. Dress rehearsals are mandatory.
EXCEEDING THE LIMIT: If more than one (1) rehearsal is missed per concert session, your conductor(s) and teaching artists will determine your participation in the performance. Musicians with more than one excused absence per concert series may be ineligible to participate in the concert.
ABSENTEE FORM: There must be an absentee form filled out for all absences. Fill out the form online at studentorchestras.org (click the Membership tab)
SAFETY: Knowing if your child should be at a rehearsal is an issue of safety. We try to be vigilant in knowing where your child is during rehearsal times, so if your child is absent, please inform us.
Parents, please be prompt in picking up your child following rehearsal. The building is open at 2:30 p.m. prior to rehearsal and closed following the last rehearsal at 6:30 p.m.
CAUTION: Do not leave your car unlocked or leave valuables visible in your car.
1. Check in Sunday at least 15 minutes prior to rehearsal start time.
2. All necessary stands, mallets, instruments and other equipment must be ready by the start of rehearsal.
3. Do not leave rehearsal until all percussion instruments are put away and secured.
4. Come prepared with ALL music and mallets each week, as sectionals may consist of repertoire not necessarily covered during rehearsal.
5. You may be called on to help load and unload percussion equipment for dress rehearsals and concerts. Please check with your conductor.
Musical Opportunities
MUSIC HISTORY: SOGO musicians receive quarterly presentations in music history to provide them with more in depth understanding of the performance literature.
SUMMER MUSIC: Students of all ages should get ready to rock, swing, and explore music styles from around the globe at SOGO Summer Music. This one week program includes exciting classes such as fiddling, music theory, composition, conducting, orchestra, and more. Cost: $75 (multiple class discounts available)
TUITION (due in full before music can be picked up):
Debut Orchestra $700
Academy Orchestra $725
Conservatory Orchestra $800
METHOD OF PAYMENT: Tuition can be paid online. SOGO also accepts cash, check, Visa, and MasterCard.
TUITION REFUND: see Tuition Policy on page 14
*Financial Scholarship
Tuition assistance is available through our Future Music Makers scholarship fund. Apply online.
*Goldberg Family Merit Scholarship
Provided by the Goldberg Family Charitable Foundation, this scholarship awards musicians for their longevity and commitment to the study of music in SOGO. This is a one-time 50% tuition scholarship. Eligibility: Musicians who are beginning their 4th season or more with SOGO and have been awarded placement in the Conservatory Orchestra. Apply online.
*Military Discount
SOGO offers a 10% discount on tuition for military families.
*Payment plans are also available. Email the financemanager@studentorchestras.org.
MUSIC POLICY: All SOGO music is the property of the Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia, and is a valuable resource. By accepting the music folder, SOGO musicians (and their guardian) are agreeing to return all of the music on time and in good condition.
As such, musicians are reminded of the following:
• Please mark music lightly with pencil only, not pen. Be careful to avoid unnecessary marks that might make the music difficult to read.
• Debut and Academy Orchestras – Immediately following each concert, musicians return their music and folder in the designated boxes.
• Conservatory Orchestra musicians will return previous music at the first rehearsal following each mid-season concert. Immediately following the May concert, musicians return their music and folder in the designated boxes.
• A replacement fee of $25 will be charged for any lost Conservatory folder.
• For all musicians, a fee of $5 per piece of music will be assessed on music that is lost. Thank you for helping us to care for this valuable resource – our SOGO music.
General Information
MAILING ADDRESS: 1629 22nd Ave SE, Olympia WA 98501
PHONE: 360 352.1438 (leave a message)
EMAIL: sogo@studentorchestras.org
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Communications throughout the season will be sent via email.
NEWSLETTER: The newsletter is sent to members via email during the season. Please read and pass on the communication to family and friends—get the word out!
WEBSITE: The website is updated and our most current information is regularly posted at www.studentorchestras.org. Many of your questions can be answered there.
FACEBOOK: The SOGO Facebook page is updated and our most current information is regularly posted at facebook.com/studentorchestras. Do not send inquiries via Facebook, but we will gladly respond through sogo@studentorchestras.org.
CANCELLATIONS: Inclement conditions check Facebook and website and if electricity is out listen to Mixx96.1. Call the SOGO phone (360.352.1438) and listen for a recorded message. Check the website at www.StudentOrchestras.org for updates.
DONATIONS: SOGO is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. You can help ensure the health and vitality of SOGO through a tax-deductible financial contribution. Please consider this to be your orchestra. Tell friends and family about us and seek their attendance at concerts and fundraisers. Tuition fees pay less than 50% of the operating costs. The remainder is covered by donations, fundraisers, community sponsors, and advertising.
• BUY LOCAL Holiday Fundraiser: Poinsettias, wreaths, and coffee are for sale from September through November. Pick-up of items is the first week after Thanksgiving break. SOGO partners with local businesses Starlake Nursery, Sherwood Forest Farms and Olympic Crest Coffee Roasters for our holiday fundraiser. We ask that our families help sell these beautiful florist quality items and freshly roasted coffee to friends and business associates.
• GIVE LOCAL: Stretch your donation dollars in the fall when The Community Foundation of South Puget Sound hosts Give Local, an online giving event. Donations are stretched through an incentive fund. More information will be available in the fall.
ADVERTISING: Advertise your business or invite a business owner to advertise in the SOGO concert program. Forms are available to download from the website (click the Donate tab). The advertisement will be seen by hundreds of audience members, a link to the business is provided on the SOGO website, and advertisers are listed during the year in the newsletter.
SPONSORSHIP: Please contact the office if you are interested in sponsoring an event.
SOGO EMPORIUM: The Emporium has music-related gift items, SOGO tee-shirts, hoodies, and more. Located in the lobby of the Washington Center, items are sold during the SOGO concerts.
COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS: Service hours may be available to musicians. Examples of opportunities are: helping with the music library, setting up or tearing down the rehearsal space, moving equipment, and non-paid ensemble performances in the community. If your child is enrolled in a program that requires community service hours, they may speak to their conductor about opportunities.
REGISTRATION: Be sure your child’s registration information is current. Please inform the SOGO staff if there are any changes to your address, phone or email.
MODEL RELEASE FORM: During the season we photograph and video tape rehearsals and concerts. This material may be used in different communications (i.e. newsletter, social media, brochures, advertising). If you want to opt out, please inform the office.
INSTRUMENT RENTAL: SOGO has a collection of instruments for use by its members.
REHEARSALS: Parents are welcome to attend rehearsals anytime. We also encourage SOGO musicians to bring interested friends to participate in rehearsals to see what the SOGO experience is all about!
PARENT MEETING: There is one scheduled New Parent Meeting at the beginning of the season.
VOLUNTEER: Parent volunteers are a very important component in the success of SOGO. Help is needed for a variety of tasks:
• Rehearsal setup
• Concert supervisors
• Transport percussion equipment
• Special Events
• Fundraising
VOLUNTEER FORM: The volunteer sign-up is available online when you register for and audition. For further information, please contact the office.
BOARD: Board meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. (except in July). If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact a board or staff member to find out further information.