New visual language

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New Visual Language

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CON TENTS City In Flux Typography Earth Artifact Modernism Post Modernism

This section of the magazine is all about City in Flux. I took photographs of Huddersfield, for the first half I created illustration of the Huddersfield landmarks. The other half I created a information graphic about my culture and heritage. They include information on men, woman and class. Both pieces of work are personal one piece is of my home

03 20

Where do you come from?

town Huddersfield, the other half is of

The amount of money your family has.

my home country Pakistan, based on a

The Leaflet is combination of silhou-

city called Faisalabad, where the rest of

ettes including both genders with

my family live. The illustrations on

signs on their clothing. Henna designs

Huddersfield have been created using

on the cover of both

my own photographs, for the end result

designs have been created in Adobe

of my first idea the illustrations had

Photoshop showing a range of different

facts on the edges, which I researched

skills. At the time I didn’t know how to

through the Internet. My main idea was

use Adobe Illustrator otherwise I would

the information leaflet based on my

have used it as it would have been

home country, I took this forward as it


was my strongest concept. The main concept included information on how men and woman live from day to day and how it can vary so much depending on what class you are.


leaflets. All the

City In Flux Huddersfield Pakistan Faisalabad City

City In Flux

05 20

In this informational graphic it explains how the different genders treat each other, how a certain class respects another and how they would live depending on class and gender. This idea is based on my culture so it is quite personnel to me and it based on what I have experienced during my time in Pakistan and understanding of the way people live in a 3rd world country. I have shown both genders and all classes, as I wanted to show my understanding, perception of a 3rd world country. In the info graphic I have added some Punjabi words but spelt it in English so everyone could read it, I did this because I felt it would make it more

This section of the magazine is the first idea I had on City In Flux. It is about the males and femles in Pakistan. I created all the sillehuotes, cloth designs and the Information was gather through the internet.

personnel to me and that’s what I was going





represent the classes, Grey - Poor, Blue - Average, Green - Above Average and Red - Rich. In Pakistan your class is measured in how much money you have, if you are poor you basically have no respect, if you are wealthy you will be treated like a king. Women are below men they have no say in anything a man does.

Initial Idea

NTT Journey

08 20

Huddersfield Illustrations I was introduced to NTT Journey by a

This was the 2nd idea that had for the

lecturer. I quickly found myself amazed

City In Flux, it was to create a illustra-



tion of a building that is in Huddersfield

photograph. This really inspired me to

that has a historic background, like I

create something similar to this but

have created the St Peter’s Church illus-



tration with little facts by the side to

information. The images have little

create a infographic illustrations. The

symbols, shapes and signs which all fit

facts on the images add something

in perfectly with the photographs. I

more than just information it shows you

think the best part of the while image

know about where you live and have

was the colour correction they choose

interest in the historic features.









to add, the lime green with the dark green shapes and symbols.

This is the finished product it is a info graphic leaflet, after print it folded at five times so it drop downs with all the information and all you able to see is the cover page. The cover has been hand draw as I wanted it to look like it was a henna design on the female as it is a big factor in the Asian culture and I wanted to capture as many things as possible. The silhouette of the women on the left hand side is to show how a woman of that class would dress, as you can see the woman at the top has no design on her clothing that is because they would be poor so they wouldn’t be able to afford clothing with any design, just a simple one color suit called a Shalwar Kameez. In the 1st text box is information on women, their class and what they would do day to day. Then in the second box is what they would own and depending on class you would own more or less as class is based off wealth, the last box is what work the woman has to do during the day. Woman in higher class would do less and less and have more pleasure time depending on their husband. Some women have more freedom than other it all depends on the man in the house, which in my opinion is completely wrong but it has been this way for generations.


This is the second half and it is based of the males in Pakistan. I decided to call this “Male Dominance” as the I felt that men dominated Pakistan and woman were not really respected in the way they in England. Men control everything from the outside work, money, property and the home. A woman doesn’t really have a choice she has to do what the man says, which completely unfair, sexist and unacceptable in modern society. A man in Pakistan is like the best thing as they control what they want to do, went they want, how they want and they pretty much answer to no one as the wife would have no say is what he does and he probably wouldn’t listen to her anyway. Plus they woman wouldn’t say anything as she would be to scared in case she is abused which is common. Men in Pakistan do as they please, where as a woman has to listen to everything so in Pakistan you are lucky if you are born a man. In Pakistan respect is everything, if you are wealthy you will be treated like a king, if you are poor you will probably be treated like a dog. I think it is a great experience to go to Pakistan but i believe they should change their ways as it sexist and everyone should be treated equally.






A Planet Wo

Earth Arti fact

orth Saving



This is the first Idea that I had for the Earth Artifact. It was to bring up the big issue with the earth, which is Global Warming. I did some research on global warming and found the biggest issues and using the poster with information graphic it would people to see the real issues in the world and not the minors. Some people don’t really know how bad global warming is and how it could end our world if we don’t do something about it. For me the main issues are sea levels





landscape changes as it affects the wild life,





because of the climate change melting the ice and polar bears have less living space due to the temperature rising.

First Idea For The Project Earth Artifact 2nd Brief Global Warming

15 20

The main issues that occur from global warming are: - Sea Level rise - Weather change - Air pollution - Heat Rise - Illness/Disease - Oxygen - Iceberg melting/Landscape changes - Server Drought, Fires and Floods There are multiple solutions to global warming such as: - Wind Wills - Water Turbines - Solar Panels - Energy Saver - Recycle



In this info graphic it shows the Earth on fire as global warming is a serious issue. These are some of the posters that I created to raise the issue. To make people aware of the serious than can be fixed.

APWS #Save Our Planet


It Worth


Global warming and climate change can both refer to the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects. Multiple studies of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming. More than 90% of the additional energy stored in the climate system since 1970 has gone into ocean warming and the remainder has melted ice, and warmed the continents and atmosphere. If this continues it will start to kill animals that are living in the arctic, it will affect animals such as the Penguins, Polar Bears, Sea Turtles. These innocent animals will become extinct from our wrongs.

We will have to help in our own way it being small or big. Just by turning off a unused light can help a lot as it is saving electric. Which means it can be used else where it is needed not being wasted and efficently used by one.

The more Electric energy we save the better it is as less fossil fuels have to be burned to power our homes, offices, shopping center and much more. There are other ways that we are able to create energy and it does not harm the enviroment like Wind Turbines, Solar Panels also Water Turbines. By using more green energy solutions could save our planet as at the moment a lot of energy is going to waste where as if it is green energy going to waste it doesnt


To Save the Earth we will have to work together. There will be no earth if we continue to pollute the atmosphere with Carbon Dioxide. Fear not it is not to late to save our planet. To Save the Earth.

Save Our Planet

The Risk?


Binary Code Tells Times Of the Scan

Artifact Computer From 1977



Computer Technology 2015

Reincarnation Second







Artifact is a reincarnation

original voyage and the

of the original Golden

digital version so you can

Voyage. I tried to create a

expect to find the time

digital copy of the voyage

difference in technology,

as times have changed


the quality of the images

language . I tried to keep

were low resolutions. So I


started with the images

close to the original as

and recreated them as


illustrations using Adobe

always the best.

illustrator. The additional


illustrations that I added


to the voyage are the

magazine, fist one being



reincarnation, knows my

as it


I have favorite



the golden records initial

The Goldern voyage The original voyage was lunched in 1977, it was intended for a different species to be found and hopefully use the information on the Golden to find Earth to prove there is life other then humans and animals.

design, the difference in computer technology and finally the Golden State

Golden Record Images

Bridge in San Francisco, California.

Second Idea Earth Artifact 2nd Brief Reincarnation



Modernism began to break through at the end of the 19th century into the

beginning to the 20th century. Western society began to develop new ways to shape human culture and improve the constructed environment.

it saw a break in the world of the ‘ism’ these art styles include Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism, Brutalism and Surrealism. With the influence making such an impact across multiple creative disciplines Modernism is arguably being the most influential movement of the 20th century. Modernism especially changed the thinking profor



design and typography, the style of design shifted drastically from the prior 19th century approach. Before the concept of Modernism, graphic design and typography was ‘overly decorated’ and elaborate, every possible inch of a typical poster would be filled with imagery and type.

became to strict, structured grid system with emphasis on negative space, just as important was the use of clean sans-serif type. The idea was to create graphics that were against commercialism, greed and cheapness. Typical type-

Modernism particularly inspired fine art,


Designers of the era of Modernism

faces used in the Modernism era include Franklin Gothic, Monotype Grotesque, Futura, and Helvetica Neue.

Post Modernism

Post era is the late 20th century move-

ments in the arts such as Graphic

Design. Beginning in the mid-to-late 1960s, when Abstract Expressionism had already been falling out of public favor for some time, many artists turned increasingly toward mixed-media art forms,




Super-Realism and Neo-Expressionism, which were precursors to Postmodern

Moving away from the conformities of design. The poster has texture along

with quite bold, block colouring, both qualities being characteristics of postmodern design. This cover would later come to influence a style that would come to categorize early postmodern design different typeface in one compositions with little to no visible organization.


Experimentation with type, a key feature

This shift compelled critics to reconsid-

colouring. A modern twist to traditional

er the factors that determined an artwork’s intrinsic value. In these new styles, critics noted an unprecedented degree of self-awareness on the part of the artists, as well as a rejection of Modern art’s emotional and spiritual detachment from society. This gave rise to the two distinct schools of Postmod-

of post modernist design. Bold, block materials. Dramatic layout, not conforming to the traditional techniques. The use of geometric shapes going against traditional conventions is a characteristic of post modernism within graphic design. Post modernism favors expressive a

ern art theory.

rebellion against for strict constraints,

Post Modern designers used of aggres-

pioneered this movement were young,

sive amount of collages, colors, experimental photography were the norm and were the “style” of post modernism that was able to strike a dramatic design aesthetics.







the design of a magazine are centered around a postmodern youth culture proved to be a perfect catalyst for such experimentations in typography and image manipulation.

By Sohail Aftab

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