Database Design
3D view created by Arcscene
Database for Charlottesville, VA This project used the Sanborn maps from the 1920's to create data for a limited segment of downtown Charlottesville, VA.
Building heights map
The Sanborn maps are an extremely rich source of information, and contain a wealth of information about the streets, buildings, construction, and building uses that existed at that point in time. Our goal in compiling this database was to organize and store this data in such a way that it could be put to a wide variety of uses as the need arises. For this reason, it was input so that it would be possible to evaluate such disparate topics as the changing uses of parcels of land, to visualize what the city might have looked like at that time in three dimensions, or even as a basis for genealogical research, although building ownership or residents from that time were not included with the scanned maps. The data presented here was divided into two parts: a collection of street information, and a collection of building information. On the basis of the current arrangement of the data, it is possible to see the building or street layout, or both, as they existed in the 1920's.
Geocoding map
Sql Inquiry
Slope Map created from the elevation data
Public areas and high habitat potential areas
Identifying Potential Reserve Sites . This project aims to identify lands within the Centre County, Pennsylvania that meet a set of specific criteria that makes them suitable for a biological reserve program in Centre county, Pennsylvania. The final maps help policy makers to make thoughtful decisions regarding the endangered species. The required criteria are as follows: - Greater than 70 bird and mammalian species combined - Less than 10% of each study area occupied by buffered roads, highways, and interstates - High habitat potential - Publicly owned land - Forested areas - Slope less than 10% During this project different maps were created from tabular data and a final map of potential sites was created by superimposing these maps. .
Areas with less than 70 Spices of birds
Forests with less than 10% slope
Raster Data Analysis Soil Drainage Interpolation
Maximum Wind Speed interpolation
Minimum Temperature Interpolation
Identifying Suitable Vineyard Sites Due to the economic importance of wine grape cultivation in California, grape farmers and winemakers in wine producing regions could benefit greatly from the use of Geographic Information Systems. The input data layers used to complete this analysis include elevation/aspect, climate, soils, land use, and hydrography. These layers represent important environmental characteristics that must be considered when identifying suitable sites for grape cultivation. The criteria for a suitable vineyard site are:
Napa County Vineyard Site Analysis. The green areas shows the private suitable sites.
Aspect Layer. Cells that fall into a certain range of directions are symbolized with a color
Land Use Map
- Outside the floodplain and more than 100 meters from a stream - Land use type of agriculture or undeveloped - Aspect (slope orientation) between 112 - 337 degrees or flat land - Average maximum wind speed of 25 mph or less - Average minimum temperature greater than 35 degrees - Soil depth between 31 and 72 inches - Medium - to highly drained soils (values of 1.5 - 3)
Thematic Maps I
Identifying the Percentage of Hispanic Voters In an election year in the City of Fitchburg, and the local chapter of the Whig party wants to maximize turnout at the city's voting booths. The primary data provided by the Whig party representative were hard-copy voter registration records from the city's Department of Voter Services as well as tax parcel and other data from the city's Department of Land Records, and demographic data from the Census Bureau. This project aimed to examine the hard-copy data and design a table structure in ArcGIS that stores the information. In addition, this project included creating a number of thematic maps from the created dataset in order to provide an overview of the voters’ neighborhoods. Ratio of voters affiliated to different political parties in block groups
Total number of Hispanic voters. The shaded colors represent the percentile of Hispanic voters .s
Number of Hispanic voters affiliated to Whigs Right
Total number of registered voters in Fitchburg
Thematic Maps II
housing density per county
Map of Tornado paths based on the tornados’ enhanced Fujita Scale
Thematic map of total damaged properties
Tornado Aftermath Analysis In this project I worked with data on property damaged or destroyed by tornadoes that pounded central Alabama on April 27, 2011.
The purpose of the project was to create thematic maps that indicate the aftermath of the tornado which led to considerable damages and causalities in Alabama state. Multiple tasks were required to accomplish this project including joining tables and manipulating fields that are required steps for creating thematic maps. It also required defining coordinate systems as well as map projection. The project’s objectives were first, to identify those public facilities that are appropriate options for emergency relief and are nearby the damaged areas and second, to identify those damaged areas that are in a greater need for emergency relief in comparison to others. areas that are in priority for emergency relief as a result of Alabama Tornado in April 27th 2011
Red areas are in priority for emergency relief in Tuscaloosa county
NOAA photo of Tuscaloosa tornado April 27th damage path