3 minute read

Ledoux x Rowhouse

“Sometimes we would get hungry for the neighborhood. Walk up the sidewalk towards Chestnut Street. ...

One night, a man was shot and killed on this block, right outside our thick wood door. But not today. Today is one of those days to come home from walking in the world, leave the windows open, start a pot of black beans. Smoke some Alice Coltrane. Cut up some fruit, toenails. Hold on to the moment as if time is taking your blood pressure.”


This project explores the dialectic between Ledoux’s villas and rowhouses in Philadelphia. French villas are both a place of dwelling and exhibition; the residents display their power and identity through architecture, of which scale reaches that of an institution. Philadelphia rowhouse is a one to four-story house with narrow street frontage and party walls on both sides sharing its structure to the adjacent units. It is also a place of dwelling and exhibition, yet its subject of the display is not the power of a dweller, but the collective presence of individuals or a neighborhood. Philadelphia being the city with the largest number of rowhouses, this architectural type embodies the identity of the city - as a neighborhood.

Hall of Community Records is, on the one hand, a place of dwelling where the memories of the community reside on the papers and in objects. At the same time, it is a place of an exhibition where these memories are brought out to the community and its visitors. It renders “a possibility of renewal, a chance to share, a fragile truce.”1

Sound Stage as Site

Instructor | Elizabeth Christoforetti

Sound stages have been tabula rasa. Its structure - be it load-bearing long span, technological, industrial - provided convenience to film-makers and its industry. What if sound stages are not as conveninent, but rather impose constraints and therefore different possibilities? Extremely long, or tall, or forced perspective, or tilted sound stage provides different set of contraints and possibilities.

Linear trusses house these stages. They swallow and divorce from other amenities, at different height in section. The cantilevered volume house small programs. Folded corners sometimes open up for circulation. These stages provide productive “site” for filmmakers to wrestle with.

Revestimiento de fachada: chapa de aluminio anodizado color natural de 3mm esp plegada s/ detalle. chapa perforada con tamano geometria de perforacion de nir por la DF.

Cubierta de panel de chapa galvanizada tipo Aceralia de 100mm, esp. 3.5mm. con nucleo aislante de lana de roca mineral de 90mm, esp. y 80kg/m3

Viga correa metalica IPE s/calculo estructural

Viga armada metalica HEB s/calculo estructural

Aislacion de poliuretano proyectado de 90mm. esp. 80kg/m3 s/cierre de chapa galvanizada plegada de 2mm. esp.

Revestimiento ext. de chapa de fundicion de aluminio marinotratado de 6mm. esp, s/estructura de per tubular de alumnio de 40x80x2.5mm, esp.

Revestimiento ext. inferior de chapa de fundicion de aluminio marino tratado de 8mm. esp, s/estructura de per tubular.

Capa de mortero de cemento de proteccionde 20mm. esp. c/ lamina geotextil

Poliestireno extruido de 50mm. esp.

Doble lamina impermeabilzante de p.v.c. de 6+6mm. esp.

Capa de mortero de hormigon aligerado en formacion de pendiente.

Losa de hormigon armado c/ HA25 Acero B500S + S275JR. s/calculo estructural

Cerramiento ext: carpinteria de chapa de acero inox. plegada de 2mm. esp. per tubular con vidrio de seguridad 10+10mm. esp. segun detalle DE4.

Techo susp.int de: capa sup.lana de roca 70mm/70kg/m3+doble placa carton yeso 18+18mm rompejuntas per c/muelle de susp. elastica AMC de caucho. Capa inf: lana de roca 50mm/ 40kg/m3 c/placa

PladurFon R12 de 12mm cubierto de veloglas pintado al temple.

Solado int: gres porcelanico 10x10cm. s/capa de cemento nivelado y lm de polietileno reticulado de 10mm. tipo TROCELLEN 25 o similar.

Solado de resina autonivelante c/imprimacion SIKAFLOOR 156 siml. mortero auto nivelantede 2.5mm. tipo SIKAFLOOR261 color a def. p/DF. BAse de cemento alisado s/ lm de polietileno reticulado de 10mm.

Solera de HA. de 15+20cm. s/calc. estruct. sobre encachado de grava de 20cm. min. granulometria 40/80.

Acabado techo cara inf.de losa HA visto.

Revest. int: placa carton yeso 13+13mm. rompejuntas

Construction Detail traced from “FRANCISCO MANGADO: ARQUITECTURA 1998-2006” p. 360 (2006). translated, modi ed by the student

Professional Works: Clover at Newtonville

SsD Architecture (December 2019 - March 2020)

Principal: Jinhee Park

My job included producing architectural drawings, models, renderings, and site visits. The drawings were produced in collaboration with BKA Architects.


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