2 minute read

Memes Collection

Alex Sojic




The Collection


An immense variability of occurrences turns into the minimalistic patterns

Stripped of particulars, the Memes (2018) communicate ashared cultural experience. The Memes in their simplicity, asgeneralised archetypes, capture some common aspects of human experience facing the information overloaded.Underneath a rapidly changing environment, the symbols ofcontinuous iterations are turning into stains and repeatingpatterns that are marking our perceptions as well as ouridentity. Extrapolated from this apparent variability, Memes' uniqueness is almost mimetic and cross-cultural, just as it isthe singularity of abstract and semi-figurative forms theyembody. Realised in a gouache technique, the paintingscombine ink and acrylic on paper.

The author, Alex Sojic, art.sojic.org

Alex Sojic

Memes 1

33 x 48 cm

Alex Sojic

Memes 3

33 x 48 cm

Alex Sojic

Memes 6

33 x 48 cm

Alex Sojic

Memes 7

33 x 48 cm

Alex Sojic

Memes 9

33 x 48 cm

Alex Sojic

Memes 11

33 x 48 cm

Alex Sojic

Memes 12

33 x 48 cm

art.sojic.org Via Cadore 33 Milano Italy

© Sojic 2019

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