NSB national strategic body 2015-1
The Process
Hey, AIESEC! The MC Hike is so proud to launch the applications for the National Strategic Body 2015-1 of AIESEC in Perú.
The application package is divided into 1 part:
Don’t lose the chance to be part of the strategic team that will support the MC to deliver a network that grows like never before!
1. Specific Questionnaire: These must be answered by candidates for specific teams. The Specific Questionnaire is outlined in the section below (Max 3 pages). Make sure all documents must be in PDF file . All applications should be completed in English and named : “[NSB Peru 2015.1] Position – Your Name – Your Entity”
1st Round Applications are open for: OD, iGCDP, oGIP, and MKT.
The applications should be submitted before Sunday 20.12.14, 11.59 PM (GMT -5) and e-mail to: Alonso Otárola (MVCP TM 14-15): alonso.otarola@aiesec.net
In case of any doubt, contact national responsible for NSBs strategy, Alonso Otárola MCVP TM 14-15.
And to MCVPs of the position you are applying: Franco Perez: Marcela Werutsky : Stephany Bezerra: Jorge Aching: Angie Roca: Laura Torres: Solange Crousillat: Alonso Otárola: Evelyn Calle: Marcela Tobías: Melanie Kessler:
Or the MC responsible for the role you’re applying for.
Applications Launch
Timeline DDL Packs Sending
29/12 - 4/1
franco.perez@aiesec.net marcela.werutsky@aiesec.net stephany.bezerra@aiesec.net jorge.aching@aiesec.net angie.roca@aiesec.net laura.torres@aiesec.net solange.crousillat@aiesec.net alonso.otarola@aiesec.net evelyn.calle@aiesec.net marcela.tobias@aiesec.net melanie.kessler@aiesec.net
Review Board Week
- Operations - iGCDP - oGCDP - iGIP - oGIP - MKT - MKT - TM - OD - FLA - EXP
NSB Announcement
Specific Questionnaire LC Tracker: (3 positions) 1.. Why are you applying for ICX GCDP NST 2015.1 of AIESEC in Peru? What is going to be your main contribution to the network and what is going to be your main contribution to the team? 2.. From 1 to 5, how would you rate ICX GCDP’s network nowadays based on a) General Performance and b) implementation. Justify your answer and present 3 propositions to improve network’s performance. 3. What would be your key priority to aim a higher implementation of operational strategies while coaching an LCVP? 4.. Consider the group of LCVPs that have been assigned to be your coaches as the team where you are the team leader. How would you implement each one of the Team Minimus with your team, having in mind most of your contact would be virtual? 5.. Let’s suppose you are tracking an LC which results are dropping massively from comparing to the previous year. They did have a big pipeline of TNs RE, but the LCVP does not have team management skills to keep on raising and delivering a new peak. Please, mention basic steps in order to have this VP performing again. The VP is part of the top cluster and has a goal of more than 181 RE.
national strategic body 2014-2
Specific Questionnaire General for all oGIP Applicants: 1. Main weaknesses of the program 2. SWOT of the program 3. What should be the focus of the program? Why? 4. Create a flow of how the program should be run (between RA - MA)
Sales Manager and Coach:
1. Explain the Sales Development Flow and how you will improve 2. Create 3 strategies and explain it, about how to achieve 40 RA’s in Q1 3. What will be your main focus and strategies with MKT to improve the promotion and RA flow. Create a pipeline
S&S Coach Manager:
1. Using the CF from EXPA and the LDM, now explain how we develop the LDM trough the EXPA. In each part of the CF create activities which we can implement with the EP’s 2. Create the agenda for the local OPS with the topics and objetives from each session. 3. What would be the S&S focus and explain a plan for the issues you will focus
Cooperation &Coach Manager:
1. Our main products will be IT and MKT. Choose the countries for partnerships (countries for the cooperations 2014-2 and new countries), what would be your focus with each one, goals and timeline 2. Create a flow between RA-MA with a timeline of activities and tools 3. Improve the MA flow 4. Create 3 strategies for the MA (explain) with 3 activities
national strategic body 2014-2
Specific Questionnaire National MKT Manager for iGIP: 1. Describe your product Packaging steategies for MA to promote our products. 2. Explain your main strategies for Host Campaign. Put international benchmarks. 2. Attach in your application your personal portfolio.
National MKT Manager for iGCDP:
1. Describe your product Packaging steategies for MA to promote our projects.. 2. Attach in your application your personal portfolio.
MKT Manager for Expansions:
1. Describe a SWOT Analysis of expansions market and synergy work between MKT 2. Describe 3 innovations you will apply on oGCDP sinergy for USMP & URP. 3. Describe your coaching model for expansions. Use examples.
Customer Loyalty:
1. How will you apply the current process of CLO in ICX? Explain your main strategie. Use benchmarks and additional data for your answer.
national strategic body 2015-1
Specific Questionnaire Social Media NAtional Manager: 1. Visit our AIESEC PerĂş Social Media Channels first (At least Fanpage, Twitter, LinkedIn) Define 3 weaknesses of Social Media current management. What will be your main strategy of inbound marketing to lead AIESEC in Social Media to the next level? Put benchmarks internationally. 2. How will you manage all our current channels? Put examples 2. Attach in your application your Personal Portfolio
Global Citizen National MKT Manager:
1. Plan your main ideas, strategies & KPIs for implementing Global Citizen Campaign. Use Customer Flow Tool for your answer. 2. Define 3 innovative improvements on Product Packaging for Global Citizen Fruit Peak Campaign and explain them 3. Explain your idea for a real BTL implementation and benchmark 2 initiatives for Creative Offline Strategy. 4. Attach in your application your personal portfolio.
Global Talent National MKT Manager:
1. Benchmark 2 international AIESEC successful initiatives for running Global Talent MKT Campaign. (1 iniciative for MKT Sub-Product and 1 for IT Sub - Product). 2. Explain your 2 main physical strategies. Show the aim and how will you implement and assure this strategy to the National Level. 3. Attach in your application your Personal Portfolio
national strategic body 2015-1
Specific Questionnaire Public Relations National Manager: 1. Explain 2 main strategies for applying the current PR process. 2. Explain your coaching & mentoring strategy you will use to assure PR implementation initiatives and accountability to LCs, SUs and Expansions? Define at least 2 general strategies considering each kind of entity (LC, SU, Expansion Entity). Explain also there the channels you will use.
National Showcasing Manager:
1. Describe your national Showcasing Strategy for iGCDP. Put timeline & KPI for your answer 2. Describe your national Showcasing Strategy for oGCDP. Connect LDM Model proposal in this for your answer. 3. Explain what will bea script to showcase: “EP living the LDM Model�.
national strategic body 2015-1
Specific Questionnaire Internal Communication Manager: 1. How can we assure the creation of AIESEC’s Perú culture through the manage of internal communication? Explain two strategies you would use. 2. Make benchmarking with the country you prefer and present the following information: How they use it as country and what are the main strengths in their manage? 3. What are the channels would you use to asure the rigth ICOMM management? 4. Why do you consider is it important for AIESEC Perú? 5. How do you consider we should work with national newsetter? Explain your strategies
National Education Cycle Manager: 1. Taking in consideration the OD model, give us a feedback about the network trainings we will have? 2. What are the main bottle necks about national trainings? Mention 3 strategies to overcome them 3. Mention 3 companies related with education, coaching, mentoring, etc that you would like to work with, Why? What will be the main value they’ll add to NEC? 4. Make benchmarking with one IGN country: How do they manage NEC? Mention 3 strengths they have 5. How would you assure LEC is conecting with NEC?
LC Coach: 1. From your perspective, What are the main needs LCs will have during 2015 term? Why do you consider yourself a good option for being LC coach? 2. Which are the strategies that you will implement to assure the adequate development of LCs through the work with LCP? Mention 3. How will you assure the rigth implementation of OD Model at local level? 4. How will you manage Showcasing and R&R strategies at national level? Mention 3 strategies 5. Make benchmarking with the country of your preference which manage or had managed a similiar coaching model we will use. What are/were the main advantages and disadvantages?
national strategic body 2015-1
We are waiting for you!!