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The ACT Renewables Hub
At the ACT Hub’s first event of the year industry innovators mingled with Ministers and manufacturers in a convivial gathering that was all the more special after the isolation of lockdown.
Connecting industry, sharing knowledge, and building business opportunities through collaboration.
THE IMAGES ON THIS PAGE convey the story of how fun can be mixed with business while generating new connections and spreading influence.
Hub Manager Alethia Barceinas who arranged the popular ACT Hub networking event that created a high level of interest remarked that the arrival of 2021 brought with it new opportunities in the renewables space.
In her words the aim was to put a spotlight on the ACT’s no-interest loans for residential solar and battery storage and progressive electric vehicle policies, a briefing on the Hub’s work with Hydrogen Australia, and news of the ACT Renewable Hydrogen Cluster.
Quite a lot to cover at the COVID Safe Event that attracted more than 50 people including many familiar faces and several newcomers to the ever-expanding Hub.
“Early last year when we took on the Hub we had a database of about 1,500 people. Within twelve months we have almost doubled it. I would say that our webinar series and renovated website had a lot to do with it,” Alethia said.
“The tremendous boost to our Hub membership highlights the determination of people working in renewables to not just get on with business but also to bolster connections, and we are really pleased to play a pivotal role in facilitating industry networks.
Among the diverse group of Hub members are Reposit Power, Global Power Generation, Icon Water, ActewAGL Energy, Electromotiv, Intelligent Energy Solutions, Solar Hub and Stored Solar.
“The better-connected people are the more benefits they can reap whether it be through access to technical knowledge or innovative systems and at day’s end the renewables industry advances more quickly.
“That is the end game: to accelerate developments in what is already a dynamic, fast-moving industry.”
For more information about the range of resources available through the ACT Renewables Hub contact Manager Alethia Barceinas on 0452 414 070 or alethia@smartenergy.org.au, www.actrenewableshub.org.au
SEC President Steve Blume (left) at the popular ACT Renewables Hub’s first event of 2021 Alethia Barceinas (centre) with SEC’s John Grimes and ACT Minister Shane Rattenbury

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