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Smart thinking and smart energy

“Decarbonising our economy can only happen if we first decarbonise our electric system. I believe technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as advanced visualisation and computing have the potential to unlock the tools we need to provide clean, affordable and reliable electricity to everyone — and I’m committed to making these tools available to people worldwide. I believe strongly in the importance of integrating cutting edge technology into grid design and management.”

AUDREY ZIBELMAN, Former AEMO chair, now with X, Alphabet’s moonshot factory to lead their moonshot for the electric grid with its industry-leading work to combat climate change and build a greener economy


“The national consensus for climate action in Australia has shifted markedly in recent years. Every state and territory government is now committed to net zero emissions, so too are our peak industry, business and agriculture groups, as well as our national airline, and even our largest mining company. The main thing holding back Australia’s climate ambition is politics: a toxic coalition of the Murdoch press, the right wing of the Liberal and National parties, and vested interests in the fossil fuel sector.”

Former Prime Ministers KEVIN RUDD (ALP) and MALCOLM TURNBULL (LNP)

“Australia needs to triple the level of its current ambition to cut emissions and aim for a 75 per cent reduction by 2030, and net zero by 2035. Net zero by 2050 is at least a decade too late. This means no new coal mines, no ‘gas-led recovery’, no more magical thinking about some new method of carbon capture and storage. We’ve got the sun, wind, land and water. We’ve got the brains, the science and the technology to do it now.”

LESLEY HUGHES of the Climate Council and professor of biology and pro vice-chancellor at Macquarie University

Net zero is a ‘deeply divisive proposal within the Coalition’... Why is saving humanity deeply divisive? Why? What am I missing?”

DR ANIKA MOLESWORTH, Farmer, Scientist, Planet guardian

“Many of the same folk who think that batteries and pumped hydro storage are unreliable are confident we can bury carbon dioxide underground for thousands of years with no chance it could ever bubble up”


“Is it just me or is there a bizarre overlap of right wingers who had no faith in scientists ability to predict climate change but have incredible faith in other scientists ability to invent solutions. CCS, magically turning coal into hydrogen, small scale nuclear.”


“Carbon Capture Storage has only two plants in the world — and they don’t work. Angus Taylor says we should be focused on outcomes. So why is his government throwing another $250 million+ at CCS when we’ve already spent $1 billion with bupkis to show for it?”

Media commentator & entertainer DAN ILIC

“The science says we need to halve global emissions by 2030 if we are to get to net zero by 2050. The US target is now almost twice as ambitious as Australia’s and the UK’s three times as much. No amount of spin changes that.”

Former Prime Minister KEVIN RUDD

“A hollow boast to claim that we easily beat our Kyoto targets – our 1st 2012 commitment allowed us to increase emissions by 8% (the softest and only bettered by reduced land clearing), then by just 5% by 2020 off 1990 base. Government NOT ‘world leader’ in emissions reductions.”


Former Liberal party leader JOHN HEWSON

“Australia sure is on its way to net zero, as the PM just said. On current projections they’ll reach net zero in 2294.”

KETAN JOSHI of RenewEconomy

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