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Positive Quality
SOLAR INDUSTRY Positive Quality™
THE SMART ENERGY COUNCIL’S Positive Quality™ program sets rigorous standards that ensure manufacturers who achieve and maintain high standards are singled out and recognised.
Prominent panel maker JinkoSolar meets those high standards and proudly displays the Positive Quality™ logo, a symbol of manufacturing excellence, which sends a signal of confidence to consumers.
Participating manufacturers are fully recognised, consumers enjoy peace of mind and the industry’s reputation is strengthened, delivering Positive Quality™ for all. Australian consumers and businesses can have confidence in the quality of the solar panels they are installing by looking out for the Positive Quality™.
The Smart Energy Council developed the program because the generic appearance of panels makes it difficult to determine good from bad, unless an identification mark denotes otherwise. A logo that signifies superior quality.
The Positive Quality™ program admits and endorses manufacturers that are independently tested and verified through plant visits. The initial assessment consists of a company’s entire manufacturing processes undergoing independent and intensive inspection and testing.
This is carried out by the Smart Energy Council’s specially appointed Positive Quality™ specialists in a three step process: Certification check and compliance with IEC and Australian standards; Factory inspection with a 60-point check; and a Product quality check: appearance, IV, EL, Hi-Pot, and leakage current.
Positive Quality™ participants’ premises are then inspected at random every 12 weeks to ensure the continuity of those high standards. All solar PV manufacturers of high quality can participate.
**JinkoSolar was recently awarded the ‘Top Brand PV Australia 2021’ by specialised European research firm EuPD Research.**
By displaying the Positive Quality™ logo solar companies convey high standards in panel manufacturing to industry and consumers
Contact Positive Quality™ Manager Alistair McGrath-Kerr on 0499 345 013, email alistair@smartenergy.org.au or visit www.smartenergy.org.au
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