Reflections on energy economics and climate change “I have no doubt that the era of fossil fuels is drawing to a close. But questions remain as to the speed of the coming transition and, in direct consequence of that speed, the nature of what will be left in its wake. Human decision-making and action are now in control of our planet’s thermostat … if rapid emissions reductions are delayed until 2030, then the global temperature will remain more than 1°C higher than preindustrial levels for about 400 years.”
“While climate sceptics like to call the renewable energy target (RET) a subsidy, it is not. It’s a pollution control measure.” Richard Denniss, Prominent Australian economist
“The price of climate change action is nothing compared to the price of inaction.” Zali Steggall, Independent MP for Warringah
“The proposed mine in the Galilee Basin has the potential to be a carbon bomb. It poses serious risks to the environment, public health and North Queensland tourism. If all the coal in the Galilee Basin was burned, it is estimated that 705 million tonnes of carbon dioxide would be released each year … more than 1.3 times Australia’s current annual emissions.” Professor Tim Flannery, Climate Council
“The ridiculous climate wars in Australia have led to a very damaging climate and energy policy vacuum for more than a decade … this inaction is putting us at war with a climate that has no more room for atmospheric pollution.” Christiana Figueres helped instigate the 2015 Paris climate change agreement and is now a World Bank climate leader
Former NASA scientist and ‘father’ of climate science Dr James Hansen “If we have not taken dramatic action within the next decade we could face irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies. What happens now and in these next few years will profoundly affect the next few thousand years”. Naturalist Sir David Attenborough “As a 16-year-old, I am very aware that the effects of climate change will be most harshly felt by my generation and future generations to come … I am getting fed up with you and your [Coalition] party’s inability to take meaningful action.” Youthful ABC Q&A participant during the solo appearance by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg
“The Coalition government assumes there’s a ‘do nothing’ option [on climate change].” Mark Butler, shadow Climate Change Minister on the Coalition’s attitude to climate change