What Is A Grid Connect Solar Power System Part - I Grid connect systems, often located in built up areas, supply solar electricity through an inverter directly to the household and to the electricity grid if the system is providing more energy than the house needs. When power is supplied to the mains grid, the home owner usually receives a credit or a payment for that electricity. This is called a feed in tariff.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Solar direct online, Solar systems australia, Solar installation australia, Home solar system melb/melbourne & Solar replacement melbourne Will I need a new switchboard and/or meter In order to install a grid connected solar power system at your premises, you will need to have a compatible switchboard and meter. A meter exchange may be required after the installation of your new solar system. The energy produced by your solar system interacts with the main power grid and the loads in your house. Without an appropriate mains meter, any energy you sell to the power grid can be inaccurately measured, or even completely disregarded, greatly reducing the system’s effectiveness in reducing your energy bill. A ‘bidirectional’ meter is installed in place of the existing one-way ‘detented’ meter, allowing the reading of energy in both directions; both buy and sell. What can affect the amount of solar energy received The strength of the solar energy (radiation) available depends on the time of year, the time of day, and the latitude of the generation point. The amount of energy generated can be further affected by the amount of dust and water vapour in the air, the amount of cloud cover and any shading of the solar panels and the quality of the solar modules. You can learn more about solar radiation levels for your area in our solar power system builder. Does roof orientation really matter?
Most certainly. For example, a system with solar panels facing in a southerly direction will generate far less than one with a northerly aspect. However, east/west installations can be a good option depending on the installation scenario. How does electricity get stored for use after the sun goes down? Grid connect systems direct excess electricity produced during the day back into the local electricity grid. You then receive a credit for any power that your system supplied to the grid. During the night when your system does not produce and electricity you draw your power from the grid and your electricity meter measures your consumption. What happens with grid connect systems during a blackout? The grid connect inverter will automatically shut itself off within a few milliseconds of a blackout, to avoid the potential of a dangerous “brown-out� in your home and to prevent back feeding into the grid. Therefore even though you have a solar system during a blackout you will not have power available. If you want to keep on having electricity available during a blackout then you would need to have back up batteries installed as well, which will add to the cost of the system.