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Technology Insight

EV Public Charging Station (PCS) Infrastructure In India



CHArge de Move (CHAdeMO) (Min50KW)

Type-2 AC (Min 22KW)

Bharat DC001-48V Min 15KW

Bharat DC00172V or higher (15KW)

Bharat AC-001 (10KW)


Source: CEEW-CEF dashboard in collaboration with CEA

From the above graph it is clear that slow charging type has 38% market share followed by Fast charger type & Slow +Fast charger type with 27 8% & 8 3% market share respectively Due to the highest market penetration of 2W & 3W EV segment in India, Slow mode of charging has got the largest market share followed by Fast DC charging type for 4W commercial EV segment


Data from VAHAN portal shows that EV sales across all segments (2W-3W, 4W and E-Buses), increased 210% in the calendar year (CY22) when compared to the calendar year (CY21)

From the above graph, it is evident that the electric two-wheeler (E2W) segment is India's most competitive in terms of EV adoption. It has many advantages, including comfort, low cost ownership, fiscal incentive and ease of travel. E2W & E-3W are the most popular and fastest adopters


From the above graphs, it is evident that the electric two-wheeler (E-2W) segment is India's most competitive in terms of EV adoption It has many advantages, including comfort, low cost ownership, fiscal incentive and ease of travel E2W & E-3W are the most popular and fastest adopters

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