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Reflective Material is Born for Bifacial Solar Gains SUNPLUS
Bifacial solar panel rear side power generation efficiency challenges
The ground reflectance of most of the project sites is low
The rear side power generation cannot be satisfied
There is no mature solution for increasing rear side power generation in the industry
Increase power generation of power plant Improve the PR of the power plant Full utilization of the power plant, resulting in lower LCOE 4 Easy installation and experience required Long service life, at low OPEX
Sunplus Engineering Case
Reflective material is Born for Bifacial solar gains
High diffuse reflectance ≥ 83%, gain up to 9 11%
Flexible material, easy to install
Anti-fouling and self-cleaning, easy maintenance
Anti-UV and anti-weathering, leading to long service life Heat and Cold resistant
Environmentally friendly
Through the continuous efforts of the HALEAD team, The latest generation of products has a diffuse reflectance of up to 85% & More longer service life.
The world's first photovoltaic power generation project
Using a ground-based flexible reflective material reinforced backplane power generation solution
From September 2021 till date now, the O&M is low and power generation gain effect is high
The Fourth Generation Revolution
A new breakthrough of power generation efficiency after the three proven technology trends (Poly to Monosilicon, P-Type to NType/TOPCon, and Monofacial to Bifacial)
Enrich Bifacial market
Increasing the competitiveness of Bifacial solar panels, accelerate the market penetration of Bifacial solar panels
Incorporates New Technology
It can be seamlessly coupled with gain enhancement technologies such as tracking and robotic cleaning systems adding greater value
Distributed Rooftop photovoltaic power project in China
The roof area is about 7,200 square meters, and the overall paving scheme is adopted After grid connection, it was confirmed that the gain is around 9% 11% higher after using SUNPLUS material against no material