prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 1
07.01.11 17:48
Athene all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/10 and Stainless Steel 18/0
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 2-3
07.01.11 17:48
Athene all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/10 and Stainless Steel 18/0
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 2-3
07.01.11 17:48
Bacchus all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/10 and Stainless Steel 18/0
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 4-5
Callisto all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/10 and Stainless Steel 18/0
07.01.11 17:48
Bacchus all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/10 and Stainless Steel 18/0
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 4-5
Callisto all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/10 and Stainless Steel 18/0
07.01.11 17:48
Aruba part sandblast Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 6-7
07.01.11 17:49
Aruba part sandblast Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 6-7
07.01.11 17:49
Ascona all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 8-9
07.01.11 17:49
Ascona all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 8-9
07.01.11 17:49
SOLA Switzerland AG, die Schweizer Besteckfabrik in fünfter Generation mit den grössten Innovationen für Ihren Tisch. SOLA und der Tisch ist gedeckt.
SOLA Switzerland AG, the Swiss family owned cutlery manufacturer in 5th generation with the innovative cutlery for your table. SOLA and your table is set.
SOLA Switzerland AG, le fabricant suisse de couverts de table depuis cinq générations, avec les plus grandes innovations pour votre table. SOLA et la table est dressée.
SOLA Switzerland AG, la fabbrica svizzera di posate alla quinta generazione, crea grandi prodotti innovativi per la tavola. SOLA e la tavola è apparecchiata.
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 10-11
07.01.11 17:49
SOLA Switzerland AG, die Schweizer Besteckfabrik in fünfter Generation mit den grössten Innovationen für Ihren Tisch. SOLA und der Tisch ist gedeckt.
SOLA Switzerland AG, the Swiss family owned cutlery manufacturer in 5th generation with the innovative cutlery for your table. SOLA and your table is set.
SOLA Switzerland AG, le fabricant suisse de couverts de table depuis cinq générations, avec les plus grandes innovations pour votre table. SOLA et la table est dressée.
SOLA Switzerland AG, la fabbrica svizzera di posate alla quinta generazione, crea grandi prodotti innovativi per la tavola. SOLA e la tavola è apparecchiata.
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 10-11
07.01.11 17:49
Chippendale all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 12-13
French-B all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
07.01.11 17:49
Chippendale all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 12-13
French-B all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
07.01.11 17:49
Malta all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
07.01.11 17:49
Malta all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
07.01.11 17:49
Sevilla all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
Siena handle satin
Stainless Steel 18/10
07.01.11 17:49
Sevilla all mirror Stainless Steel 18/10
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
Siena handle satin
Stainless Steel 18/10
07.01.11 17:49
CH-1001 Daylight all mirror Stainless Steel 18/0
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
Moonlight all mirror Stainless Steel 18/0
07.01.11 17:49
CH-1001 Daylight all mirror Stainless Steel 18/0
prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
Moonlight all mirror Stainless Steel 18/0
07.01.11 17:49
20 prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
21 07.01.11 17:49
20 prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
21 07.01.11 17:49
Perth all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/0
Perth sandblast
Stainless Steel 18/0 prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
Pronto all mirror Stainless Steel 18/0
07.01.11 17:49
Perth all mirror
Stainless Steel 18/0
Perth sandblast
Stainless Steel 18/0 prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 14-15
Pronto all mirror Stainless Steel 18/0
07.01.11 17:49
Sola Switzerland AG Head Office Switzerland Seetalstrasse 39 CH-6032 Emmen/Luzern T +41-41-268-8383 F +41-41-268-8389 prospekt_spiegelungen-def.indd 16
07.01.11 17:49