Annual Report 2019

Page 30


Published by SolidarMed Obergrundstrasse 97, 6005 Lucerne, Switzerland Phone +41 41 310 66 60,

Editorial team: Jochen Ehmer, Benjamin Gross, Christian Heuss Concept: Benjamin Gross, Tiziana Pittini Design concept and layout: Tiziana Pittini Control authority (Auditors): Acorus Treuhand AG, Meggen Printer: Brunner Druck und Medien AG, Kriens, Switzerland Print run: 1500 copies (German), 200 copies (English) Translation: Raphaela Scholz-Daouk Photos: Olivier Brandenberg ob, Maurice Haas mh

Donations Online: (Swiss Postcard, VISA or MasterCard) Account details: SolidarMed, CH-6005 Luzern IBAN CH09 0900 0000 6000 1433 9 BIC: POFICHBEXXX

SolidarMed is a politically independent and non-denominational association. The association is supported by members and patrons. The supreme body of the association is the Annual General Meeting which meets once a year. The AGM votes for the members of the board and defines the statutes. The board, as the highest governing body, is responsible for the strategy and approves the annual budget. The head office and the country offices are responsible for the planning and implementation of the programmes.

â–˛ The photo on the front cover shows 10-year-old Jennifer from Tanzania. Her mother Hilda Raspitsos (photo on the back cover) is nursing tutor at the Lugala School of Nursing supported by SolidarMed. ob

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