1 minute read
Good to know
Wir ermöglichen keine Wunder. Sondern medizinische Standards.
Unterstützen Sie uns, damit medizinische Grundversorgung zur Normalität wird: solidarmed.ch
Zusammenarbeit, die wirkt.
Pflegefachmann Mkonja Mohammed im Mahenge-Spital, Tansania
▲ “We don't enable miracles but medical standards. Support us in our goal of making primary health care the norm. lb_SolidarMed_Anzeige_quer_DE_FR_v02_CO.indd 1
Partnerships for Health.”
03.11.21 15:01
… but medical standards.” You might have noticed our slogan in stations, on screens in post offices, on public transport or online. The current awareness campaign features Mkonja Mohammed, a nurse at the Mahenge hospital in Tanzania, together with a pregnant patient.
Through this campaign, SolidarMed is campaigning for greater health equity and for basic primary health care as is standard here in Switzerland to become the norm everywhere. ■
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