University of Michigan 10th La Celebración Latina, 2009 booklet

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This symbol comes from the Mayan Sky Clan. The symbol has three central meanings: Question, Fearlessness and Intelligence.

the University of Michigan’s Tenth Annual

La CelebraciĎŒn Latina for the graduating class of 2009 Friday, May 1, 2009 8:00pm Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre

La Celebraciόn 2009

Program of Events

Celebraciόn Processional Welcome – Bienvenidos

Mark Villacorta, Ph.D. Assistant Director of Student Development & Services Office of Multi–Ethnic Student Affairs, Division of Student Affairs

Opening Remarks

Lester Monts, Ph.D. Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Senior Counselor to the President for the Arts, Diversity, and Undergraduate Affairs Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Music (Musicology)

Student Speaker

Paula Marie Viñales Bachelor of Science in Movement Science

Keynote Speaker

Monica Ponce de Leόn Dean of A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Circle Award

John A. Vasquez Assistant Director of Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program and the Coordinator for Admissions & Recruitment

Class Recognition Hispanic Alumni Council Remarks

Closing Remarks Recessional


3 Program of Events 5 ¡Felicidades!

La Celebraciόn 2009

Table of Contents

7 Host Mark Villacorta, Ph.D. Opening Remarks Lester P. Monts, Ph.D. Student Speaker Paula Marie Viñales 9 Keynote Speaker Monica Ponce de Leόn 11 Circle Award History & Previous Recipients 12 Circle Award Presentation 13 Class of 2009 21 La Celebraciόn Latina A Brief History Notes


Clase de graduados del año 2009



Me uno a la comunidad al reconocer vuestros logros y compartir un tremendo sentido de optimismo, que la vida les ofrecerá muchos más éxitos en los años venideros. Con una gran anticipación les decimos Adiós, deseándoles lo mejor en vuestras actividades futuras El día anual de graduación, cuando se otorgan diplomas a cientos de estudiantes, es uno de los momentos más importantes en la comunidad de la Universidad de Michigan. Este es un día en que los esfuerzos de nuestros estudiantes, pero también de sus familias, compañeros, amigos, profesores y ex alumnos, son reconocidos. La décima Celebración Latina es un momento para reflexionar y mirar hacia el futuro. Este evento especial, suplementa varias graduaciones en el predio universitario y ofrece la oportunidad para destacar y celebrar los logros de los estudiantes Latinos/as/ -Hispanos/as en la Universidad de Michigan. El Comité de Planificación del año 2009 decidió que el tema sería “Inspirados por Nuestros Sueños, Nos Hacemos Realidad” El tema de esta graduación, fue elegido para representar el enorme sentido de esperanza y optimismo que nuestros estudiantes graduados mantuvieron durante sus años en la Universidad de Michigan, a pesar de numerosos desafíos que en la actualidad enfrenta nuestra nación. Es justamente en el marco de esperanza y optimismo que los graduados del año 2009 han solidificado sus compromisos con sus queridas comunidades. Mientras trabajaron asiduamente e hicieron importantes sacrificios, sirvieron con esfuerzos a otros, logrando crear una diferencia. Hoy, los honramos, como una comunidad para compartir su celebración. Graduados, vuestro destino es desconocido, pero confiamos en que la Universidad de Michigan les ha ofrecido las herramientas básicas y un bagaje académico sólido para tener éxito y aunque no sepan donde los lleva el futuro, recuerden que aquí en la Universidad de Michigan, siempre tendrán un hogar. Como graduados de esta institución fantástica, llenos de orgullo, tomen conciencia de tienen en frente muchas oportunidades y desafíos. Esperamos que hagan uso de las ventajas en las oportunidades y sean un instrumento de cambio al negociar los desafíos que todos enfrentamos. Los honramos hoy, convencidos de que en definitiva, vuestro éxito será medido, por las contribuciones que ustedes hagan a vuestras comunidades y a la sociedad en general. La clase del año 2009 ha recibido la extraordinaria responsabilidad de mantener lo mejor de su comunidad y continuar con los éxitos de muchas gentes e ideas, en el pasado y también en el futuro. Sé que están a la altura de estos logros.

The Graduating Class of 2009:

I join with the community in recognizing your accomplishments and share a tremendous sense of optimism that life will offer you many more successes in the years to come. With high expectations, we bid you farewell and wish you the best in your future endeavors. The annual commencement day, where academic degrees are conferred on hundreds of students, is one of the most important times of the University of Michigan community. This is a day when the efforts of our students as well as their families, colleagues, friends, faculty and alumni are recognized. The 10th annual La Celebración Latina is a time for reflection and for looking ahead. This special event complements the various commencement exercises on campus and provides the opportunity to highlight and celebrate the achievements of graduating Latino/Hispanic students at the University of Michigan. The 2009 student planning committee decided that year’s theme would be Inspired by Our Dreams, We Become Reality. The theme was chosen to represent the tremendous sense of hope and optimism which our graduating students maintained during their years at the University of Michigan, despite the numerous challenges facing our nation today. It is within this vein of hope and optimism that the 2009 graduates solidified their commitment to stay connected to their beloved communities. While working diligently and making significant sacrifices, they served others through community engagement efforts and made a difference. On this day, we stand as a community to share in their celebration. Graduates, your destination may not be known, but we trust that the University of Michigan has provided you with the essential tools and solid academic background to succeed, no matter where the future takes you. Acuérdense que siempre van a tener un hogar aquí en Michigan. As proud graduates of this wonderful institution, be ever mindful that many opportunities and challenges lie ahead of you. We hope that you will take advantage of all opportunities and be an instrument of change in negotiating the challenges that we all are facing. We honor you today, knowing your success will be measured ultimately by the future contributions that you make to your community and to society at large. The graduating class of 2009 has been given the awesome responsibility of preserving the best of its community and continuing the successes of many, many people and ideas – both from the past and the future. I know you are up to the task. ¡Felicidades!

LESTER P. MONTS, Ph.D. Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Senior Counselor to the President for the Arts Diversity, and Undergraduate Affairs Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Music (Musicology)


Host Mark Villacorta, Ph.D.

Assistant Director of Student Development & Services Office of Multi–Ethnic Student Affairs, Division of Student Affairs Dr. Mark Villacorta is the Assistant Director of Student Development and Services at the Office of Multi–Ethnic Student Affairs (MESA). His parents moved to Montreal from the Philippines in the 1970s, where he grew up, until moving to Michigan to pursue his graduate studies in 2000. He received his Ph.D. in 2006 from the University of Michigan’s Psychology Department where he conducted research in personality and social psychology. While pursuing his graduate degree, he became involved in the student of color community in multiple ways, such as student organization leadership and teaching classes in the Program on Intergroup Relations and the Detroit Initiative. Dr. Villacorta now works in higher education administration in an attempt to bridge his community involvement with his academic interests. Broadly, his work centers on the education and development of highly effective leaders from diverse communities, empowering underrepresented communities through social justice education and action, and facilitating strong coalition building between different communities. He has interests and experience in curricular and cocurricular program development, implementation, and assessment that incorporates social justice principles and intercultural skill development. He has been committed to the empowerment of Latino/Latina community at UM since taking his position at MESA in 2007. He has advised multiple student organizations and facilitated retreats with community leaders through LeaderShape and Leadership Connection.


Most recently, he served as the lead staff advisor of the 2008 Hispanic Heritage Month committee, which was formed in partnership with MESA to promote a month of successful cultural programs and celebrations highlighting the Hispanic/Latino community. As someone from another cultural community, he is extremely honored, humbled and deeply moved to be chosen as the 2009 Host of the tenth annual La Celebración Latina. He is incredibly proud of all of the graduates’ accomplishments and wishes them GOOD LUCK!

Opening Remarks Lester Monts, Ph.D.

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Senior Counselor to the President for the Arts, Diversity, and Undergraduate Affairs Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Music (Musicology) Dr. Lester P. Monts has served as an academic administrator and Professor of Music at the University of Michigan since 1993. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in music education from Arkansas Polytechnic College, a Masters of Music degree in trumpet performance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and a Doctorate in Musicology from the University of Minnesota. He has served on the faculties of Edinboro University, University of Minnesota, Case Western Reserve University, and the University of California, Santa Barbara. From 1988-1993, he served as Dean of Undergraduate Affairs in the College of Letters and Science, and in that role, directed Santa Barbara’s Undergraduate Honors Program.

Dr. Monts has focused his scholarly research on the musical and cultural systems among the Vai people of Liberia and is regarded as one of the world’s leading scholars on music and culture in the Guinea coast region of West Africa. His book, Vai Musical Language, is published by the Societe d’Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France; it explores Vai folk etymologies related to the intersection between music and other linguistic phenomena. He is currently working on another book that examines the influence of Islam on the continuity and change of music in funerary rituals among the Vai. He has presented his research at the conferences of many national and international learned societies, including the Society for Ethnomusicology, the African Studies Association, and the American Anthropological Association. Dr. Monts has more than 17 departments that report to him including the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the Office of Financial Aid, the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives, the Office of the Registrar, the Office of New Student Programs, the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, the National Center for Institutional Diversity, and the Center for Educational Outreach. He recently served three years as Chairman of the Board of the CollegeBoard.

Student Speaker Paula Marie Viñales

Bachelor of Science in Movement Science Born and raised in Southfield, Michigan, Paula is the youngest of five children and the fourth in her family to attend the University of Michigan. In the Vinales-CruzMillan household, she remembers the emphasis that was placed upon education and the words that her mother shared: You get a good education, a good job,

make a life for yourself, and then worry about having a husband and a family. Those words influenced Paula and have shaped her own priorities. Over the years, she has focused on becoming a wellrounded individual by taking diverse classes and participating in many extra-curricular activities. She has dedicated herself to the community by fundraising for cancer awareness, advocating for women’s health issues, and become an active member of the University of Michigan community. Paula has committed to making a positive change within her community as well as herself. As a participant of the 2005 Summer Bridge Program, she began her journey. Paula quickly realized her passion for helping others and the desire to empower women. The influence of Women and Latino Studies academic offerings, provided an incredible source of knowledge to tackle issues that are important to her, including being a role model for other women and understanding societal barriers. Her on-campus work has spanned working as an Instructional Aide within the Bridge Program to work in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Michigan Hospital. She is an active member of Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Incorporated and has participated in other organizations, including Latino Culture Show, Big Brother-Big Sister Program, and the Latino orientation program, Assisting Latinos to Maximize Achievement (ALMA). She currently works as a Physical Therapy Technician at the University Health Service Physical Therapy Department. When asked to reflect on her time at University of Michigan, she says her “past four years here have been quite a rollercoaster ride” and wants to thank all who have continued to encourage her. “Thank you to those of you whose shoulders I have cried on. Thank you to those of you who have given me strong hugs as encouragement to keep going. This would not have happened if it was not for you and I will forever love you all.”


Keynote Speaker

Monica Ponce de Leon

Dean of the A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning Monica Ponce de Leon is Dean of the A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. She is also a Principal in Office dA, an internationally known design practice that she launched in 1991. The firm’s synthesis of research and design has led to a remarkable body of work that has been widely published and exhibited and has won numerous honors. Dean Ponce de Leon’s work addresses the critical importance of digital production to the future of the profession and the re-establishment of the architect’s role in the construction industry. Through her strong commitment to teaching and her successful practice she has proven her ability to link the profession and the academy. Born in Caracas Venezuela in 1965, Dean Ponce de Leon received a Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1989 from the University of Miami and the Master of Architecture in Urban Design degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Design in 1991. She joined the Harvard Graduate School of Design faculty in 1996, where she was a Professor of Architecture and the Director of the Digital Lab. She has held visiting professorships at the Southern California Institute of Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design and Georgia Institute of Technology among others. She has received honors from the Cooper Hewitt Museum (National Design Award 2007), the Architectural League of New York (Emerging Voices, 2003, and Young Architects Award, 1997) and the American Academy of Arts and Letters (Award in Architecture, 2002). In 2007 she received a Target Fellowship from United States Artists. Her practice has received over 30 design awards, among which are the AIA/LA Design Award (Helios House, 2007), the I.D. Magazine Award: Environment (2007) and the AIA/ALA Library Building Award (2007) for the Fleet Library at the Rhode Island School of Design, and eleven Progressive Architecture Awards or citations. Most recently Office dA was awarded the American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment’s (COTE) Top Ten Green Projects for 2008 for the Macallen Building in Boston.


Among her authored works are numerous articles in U.S. and international publications on topics ranging from Latin American architecture to eco-tourism to public infrastructure for the tropics. She has given more than 60 invited lectures and symposia and conference presentations. Between 1991 and 2007, her work has been referenced in over 200 publications world-wide about design. She has curated exhibitions, and she has had numerous solo exhibitions in New York, Providence RI, Atlanta, Princeton NJ, Cambridge MA, and elsewhere. She has received grants for research on design, including implications of digital fabrication in relationship to conventional construction practices in the U.S. and invention of new construction systems for unique conditions of the Galapagos Islands, and for archival research in Latin American architecture and landscape architecture. The portfolio of her firm, Office dA, includes institutional, residential, commercial, housing, governmental, industrial design and urban design projects all over the world. Among the more recent are the Fleet Library at Rhode Island School of Design, the Tongxian Arts Center in Beijing, Helios House/ Rebranding of a Gas Station in Los Angeles, an Intergenerational Housing Center for the City of Chicago, a dynamic low-cost housing for the Elemental program in Chile, the first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certified large residential project in Boston and a border station between the U.S. and Canada.

La Celebraciόn Latina Past Keynote Speakers 2008 Maria de los Angeles Torres, Ph.D., Director of Latin American & Latino Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago 2007 Catherine Benamou, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Screen Arts and Cultures and Associate Professor of American Culture, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts 2006 Neil Foley, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History and American Studies, and Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas 2005 Cecilia Muñoz, Vice President of the Office of Research, Advocacy & Legislation at the National Council of La Raza 2004 Diane N. DeHoyos, General Motors 2003 Ricardo Muñoz, Alderman – 22nd Ward, City of Chicago 2002 Dr. Juan Andrade, Jr., President, United States Hispanic Leadership Institute 2001 Juan E. Mestas, Ph.D., Chancellor, Professor of Foreign Languages, University of Michigan – Flint 2000 Aida Hurtado, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of California – Santa Cruz


Circle Award History & Previous Recipients

The Circle Award

The Circle Award has been a central element of La Celebración Latina since the inaugural ceremony in 2000. As we celebrate the tenth year of both La Celebración Latina and the Circle Award, the motivation behind the award remains consistent. Among family and friends, we honor persons who have made significant contributions to the harmony and strength of the Latino and University communities through their work, leadership and service. It is in the tradition of recognizing others for their contributions to our community that the 2009 La Celebración Latina planning committee has selected this year’s award recipient. Tonight, we are honored to present the 2009 Circle Award to John A. Vasquez for his positive impact on the University of Michigan community and the lives of students. Let us celebrate the achievements, leadership and unwavering commitment to the Latino community at the University, as exemplified by John A. Vasquez and our previous award winners.

Previous Circle Award Recipients 2008 –Dr. Larry La Fountain-Stokes 2007–Dr. Maria Eugenia Cotera and Dr. Robert M. Ortega 2006–Patricia Aqui Pacania and Dr. Millie Tirado 2005–Silvia Mayers 2004–Steven Abbott 2003–Donney Kyra Maritza Moroney 2002–Roxanna Duntley-Matos and Tomas Hulick Baiza 2001–Dr. Margarita de la Vega-Hurtado, Dr. Tomas Almaguer

and Dr. Frances Aparicio 2000–Katalina Berdy and Eliana Mayo-Raggio


John A. Vasquez

Assistant Director of Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

La Celebraciόn 2009 Circle Award Recipient

John A. Vasquez is a graduate of the University of Michigan and currently the Assistant Director for the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. John received a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Studies from the College of Literature, Science and Arts in 2001 and a Master of Health Services Administration from the School of Public Health in 2006. As an undergraduate, one of the most rewarding and significant experiences John had was when he spent time working with teenage Latino immigrants on health & social issues through Project Community. In addition, he worked on archival research on the Maquiladora Industry on the border of US and Mexico and its impact on Latino communities in the United States. John actually dropped out of school during his sophomore year due to finances, personal, and other mental health reasons. With support of various individuals, including several Latino faculty and staff, John was able to return to school two years later to complete his degree. After graduating from College of Literature, Science and Arts, he worked at the University of Michigan Hospital’s Interpreter Services Program, where he coordinated and trained interpreters on how to provide professional foreign language interpretation services for patients, in addition to providing cultural competency training for clinical and administrative staff throughout the University of Michigan Health System. Both of these experiences are what eventually led him to pursue a degree in Public Health. After graduating from Public Health, John had the opportunity to lead the creation of MI Talk, an interactive mental health website for students at the University of Michigan. Throughout his school and professional life, John has had great support from numerous individuals at the University of Michigan. They provided mentorship, advice, and guidance. It is for this and many other reasons, John has committed his free time and efforts in and outside of work to help show students, especially in the Latino community, the opportunities available to them at the University of Michigan, and the impact that faculty and staff can really have on their education and career.


Natalie Marie Alizaga

School of Public Health Master of Public Health

La Celebraciόn Latina CLASS OF 2009 with thanks, dedications and maize & blue memories Gabriela Aurora Aguilar

College of Literature, Science & Arts B.S. in Cellular & Molecular Biology

A is for Aguilar!


A big thank you to my family, friends, and Lambda Theta Alpha sisters, both here and in California, for supporting my dreams and encouraging me in the pursuit of my Masters. I could not be more grateful for the opportunities I have been given at Michigan, and I am proud to be an alumna of this institution. Through there are not many Latinos in higher education, especially Central Americans, I hope to be a voice for those in our community whose important stories have yet to be heard. Go Blue!

Marla Crystal Andrade

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Social Anthropology

Thank you to all my family and friends for your support!

Chris Iscela Arteaga College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Political Science I would like to thank my mother and father for everything they have done for me. I will never be able to express in words how much they mean to me, and how eternally grateful I am for them. I would have lost my mind and given up a long time ago if it wasn’t for them. Los Quiero Mucho! I would also like to thank Tammy, Dianita, Melisss, Mirella, and Benito. From alien conversations to

late night movies, you all truly made my college experience one that I will never forget, and memories and friendships that will last forever. And to all my sisters de Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. “Don’t Quit!”

Jennifer Carrion-Rivera

College of Engineering Master of Engineering in Industrial and Operations Engineering

Delfina Paula Bonilla-Cassel

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Musicology and Spanish

Someone very dear to me once quoted Maya Angelou and said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I will always take with me the love , care, and support that my family, my sorority sisters, and my boyfriend have shown me throughout the roller coaster ride that is college. Thank you for your wise councils, laughing both at and with me when I trip over myself, accepting my road rage, sending me countless ridiculous youtube clips, and sharing my affinity for a good slice of home made pizza. Most of all, thank you for supporting me and my efforts to achieve my ambitions.

Adlin Cedeno

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Science in Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science

I would like to thank my parents and my amazing little sister, Adriana, for always believing in me even when Michigan’s science classes seemed to be getting the best of me. You were always there to remind me to never lose faith or lose sight of my goals. I’d also like to thank my Divi Divas and Minis for shaping my experience at Michigan, and reminding me to always laugh in the most ridiculous of situations. To my beautiful sisters of Lambda Theta Alpha, thank you for your endless love and support I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through these last few years without each and every one of you. To Diana and Caro, senior year (part 1) and spring term were some of the best times I’ve had at U of M and it wouldn’t have been the same without you. Lastly, thanks to my Ann Arbor girls who always kept me laughing with the hilarious chain email updates and reminding me that some things will never change even if we are halfway across the world. Each and everyone of you have shaped my lives and I would not be who I am today without you.

David Enrique Cepeda

College of Engineering Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering

Born in 1984 —shortly after my mother obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Architectural Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and just before my father completed his Ph.D. dissertation in Civil Engineering— I was raised and formally educated with

my younger brother and sister in a bilingual Spanish-English setting and a well balanced bicultural environment purposely provided by my native Colombian parents. Now, I am honored to continue the path paved by my parents’ diligence, love, and sacrifice. Earning a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from one of the most prestigious universities in the world, I am well on my way to achieving the prosperity my parents envisioned by immigrating to the U.S. I plan on earning a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan, developing technology to help study the brain better, especially as it pertains to the treatment of mental illness. I am proud of making it this far, always keeping in mind my family and friends that made it possible. I am humbled and blessed to be in a position to better serve the Latino community, and the world in general. Congratulations to all the 2009 La Celebración Latina graduates!

Lorenz de Los Angeles Cisne

A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning [TCAUP] Bachelors of Science in Architecture

Gracias a Dios, mi familia, y mis amigos, por el apoyo para poder sobre salir en mis estudios. No fue facil, pero con las bendiciones de Dios y el amor de mi familia todo fue posible. Los quiero mucho. Mami y Papi: ahora podré diseñar su casa de sueños y comprar un Chevy Silverado (en azul por supuesto)! I love being a PHENOMENAL woman of Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Incorporated [04.06.06]! Thank you to my beautiful sorors for all the laughs, words of wisdom, and ‘diva’ moments. I will always take pride in the Brown & Gold because

I am Woman of Action! Special shoutouts to P.A.S.I.ON., my Pers. Family, NOMAS, UofM POSSE1, the Pirate Crew, & the Little Circus. And finally thanks to all those wonderful people who have made my stay in Michigan a little bit more “warm”: with inside jokes, chats about music at 3am, entertaining Meijer runs, coffee breaks, Spanglish conversations at TCAUP, and rap sessions on the dance floor. I will miss you all. I’m finally graduating and I still don’t know what I’m doing with my life. Needless to say I’m scared and stressed. But I smile because I’m 21, talented, educated, and have a full support system behind me. [“So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up.... and handle it.” – Tupac Shakur] I’m ready!

Evan Tomás Colmenero

College of Literature, Science & Arts B.S. in Neuroscience

Te amo mama y papa.

Christina Cooper

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

I am proud to be a Latina Wolverine! Mil gracias a mi familia!

Johannes Widmalm-Delphonse

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a Minor in Music

Thanks to my mom & sister. And thanks to God!


Bryan Enochs

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Graduating from Southwestern in Detroit, I never would have thought I would have been able to make it here only to prove that if there’s a will there’s a way. Along the way, I came across people that only pushed me and made me a better person today. Thanks to my family for showing me what it feels like to make it on my own. Everything I have, I have worked for; as everyone can attest by my constant response to “what are you doing?” by “I’m at work.” My brothers: I can’t imagine how the rest of my college life would have gone without being a brother of Lambda Theta Phi. Pledging…one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I couldn’t have asked for better brothers. To my extended family: Leanna, J.V., Diana: I am sure after I submit this I will remember tons of more names that I should have added but these people stick out to me the most. You guys have always been there for me and vice versa. Anytime, anyplace I will be there for you…as long as I am not at work. Last but definitely not least: Jen, I am so glad to have spent these last two years of my college life with you. Thank you for your constant support. Thank you for being there when I thought no one else could have. LOVE YOU BABY!!!! I can’t wait until you’re up here!

Angela Christine Esquivel

School of Education- Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education Master of Arts, Higher Education Administration

To my dear family--Grandma Hilda, Grandpa Rey,


Mimo, Uncle Bear, Coach, Uncle Richard, my cousins, my siblings, and those that are no longer with us--I could not have made it through this experience without your unshakable, unconditional love and support. This degree is ours, a family triumph, because I did not get here or get through this alone. To Derek and Karin Polischuk, my Trojan family in Michigan, thank you for taking me into your home and supporting me through everything, from my freshman year in college to my final semester of grad school. To Brian Shepard, for mentoring me and always providing me with the perfect balance of challenge and support that continues to inspire me. To Courtney Moore, for all the late nights in the Dude hyped up on Red Bull…and for those times we sat in my car and screamed for a few seconds just to let the anxiety out…WE DID IT, and we were right there alongside each other every step of the way. To Teri Rosenberg, for being my sensei and not only mentoring me as I finally realized my passion for student affairs, but (more importantly) for introducing me to Arrested Development and changing my life forever…your support means so much to me! To my UUAP family, for giving me a place at Michigan that feels like home. To my best friends from USC—Richard, Hilary, Asia, Ashley, Alex, Scott, Erin, Joe—FIGHT ON! And to my newest Michigan family—GO BLUE!

Erik Alexander Fonseca

Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Master of Public Policy

I want to dedicate this beautiful and momentous day in my life to my mother and father for their unconditional and tireless support during my entire graduate career. Thank you so much for being my backbone during the last 30 years of my

life. Secondly I want to thank my entire family for believing in me. Los quiero con todo mi corazon. Y que Dios les traiga muchisima felicidad los años adelante.

Erica Maria Galvan

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

I would like to say thank you to the following people, without them I would not have been able to be here today. My mom, dad and Juanita, the three of you have shaped me into the person I am today and have made it possible for me to graduate from the University of Michigan, thank you so much! My grandparents, I love you all so much and you have also provided much needed support and love throughout my life and college career. My siblings, you all inspire me everyday, I love you and have missed you while being away at college. Finally, all of my friends who have made college an amazing and unforgettable experience!

Manuel Alejandro Herrera

Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Thank you to those who encouraged me to persevere, to those who dared me to take risks, and those who said I would not make it. This one’s for you. ACE, Bridge ’04, SON, SAL, NOMAS, TCAUP and every friend I made at Michigan. To my Honorable Brothers that taught

me priceless values and the power of Wisdom. To individuals like Chauncey Williams and Jaden Felix for guiding me through uncertainty. Mi madre y padre, que siempre me enseñaron el valor de ser fuerte y salir adelante, los quiero mucho. A mis hermanas y hermano Rafa que me guia del cielo. To the homies and Herrera family I left back in East Los but haven’t forgotten. Certainly, with great admiration, love, respect and appreciation my sincere gratitude goes to someone very special to me, Mary. Your very essence, patience, and heart of gold inspires me to dream big every day. Lastly, to my favorite family away from home, the Curmi Family. I was a youth in barrio schools, once fell to academic probation and never had a cent to pay for school, but today I rise an educated Latino Man, blessed and thankful for every one of these challenges. Excuses and obstacles are many, but the risks are few and the pride is forever...

Bryan Howell

College of Engineering Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering

Without my family’s support throughout the years today would not have been possible. I am lucky to have such a loving and caring family. But in particular, I would like to dedicate today’s thank you to my mother; she has never wavered once in her dedication to my happiness and success. My high school mentors Dr. Carolyn Pesthy and Dr. Martin Meltz also deserve a huge thank you. They helped mold the person that I am today. Lastly, I would like to give a “muchos gracias” to my friends for making my experience here at Michigan enjoyable. Oh, and my body for putting up with the years of erratic sleeping patterns, neck strain, and physical abuseseriously!

Cynthia Katanbafnezhad

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics

I’d like to thank my Mom and Grandma for giving me no option except to go to college(LOL) and for always believing in me and giving me words of encouragement and support. Thanks Dad, for the all support and understanding you provided when I changed my major and throughout my college career. To my brothers and sisters, Sahar, Ray, Melinda, Michael and Kurt--I really am blessed to have you for all of the laughter and happiness you bring to my life. You guys cheer me up when I’m down and I’m so glad that I can pass on the knowledge I’ve learned about college to you all. And last but not least to my sisters of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc: you have made this last year and a half the best of my undergrad and I know that I will miss you all so much when I leave...but like we say Hermanas por vida, sisters for life!

Mikaela Lee-Garcia

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in History

I would like to thank my amazing family who had the pleasure of living in the same city as me since I was born all through my college career. With the countless papers and finals that have filled the years, they always had the joy of their stressed child coming home for food, sleep, and play time with the cats. For the past four years they have loved me unconditionally and provided so

much support that thank you and I love you is the least I can say to them. College would also have not been the same if I had not made the lasting relationships with all of my friends, sorority sisters, and my wonderful boyfriend. Each and every one of you has left such an impact on my life, and I am grateful for all the memories that have been made!! Good luck Class of 2009!!!

Ursula Ann Lopez

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

I would like to thank God, my family, and my friends for helping me grow and prosper while at the University of Michigan. It was a long and rough road but I have no regrets. The memories that were made will last a lifetime. Viva Mexico!!

William López

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Latina/o Studies

From the start of my college career I was blessed with arriving to a community of Latino students that cared and looked out for each other as if we were one united family. I was taken under the wing of Richard Nunn, one of my best friends and still my mentor to this day. I managed to weave my way around campus and learn from all of my amazing experiences. I will certainly miss the college life and now that I am entering the difficult “real world” I might just have to come visit all the friends that I have made throughout the


Unique J. Luna

College of Engineering Bachelor of Science and Engineering

years and that I am leaving behind. I hold much love for my Brothers of Lambda Theta Phi Latino Fraternity Inc. and for the people that have cared for me along the way. I could not have made it through without all of your support. I would like to thank Dr. Maria Cotera for helping me out from the beginning of my Latino Studies concentration and for being a genuinely great friend. And most importantly my biggest shout out go! es to my mother, Elba Gonzalez, a woman that has stood by my side always and never has let me down; this graduation is for her as much as it is for me. Te amo

Monica Madrid

College of Engineering Bachelor of Science in Industrial & Operations

First and foremost, I want to thank God for all of the blessings he has given me up to this point, I have so much to be thankful for and none of this would have been possible without the strength and guidance he has given me. And next, are the most important people in my life—my beautiful family that are truly my heart and soul. Thank you mom and dad for always supporting me, for loving me unconditionally, and for bringing me up to be the person I am today. Words can’t express how incredibly blessed I am to have parents like you. Carito, Mundito, and my little Juany—thank you for being my inspiration. You three are some of the most incredible people I know, and every


day you make me so proud and happy to be your big sister. And to the life changing friends I have made here at U of M: to Nadia, Leanna, Rita, Deena, Yazmin, and Charlene—I don’t know what I would have done without you ladies! Thank you for being so wonderful! We had so many great and hilarious times. To my sisters of LTA and the whole engineering crew (My IOE lifesavers, SEI/ MEPO friends, and the SHPE familia)— you all are AMAZING, thank you for teaching me so much and always being there for me---I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things that you will do in the future.

Elizabeth Mendez

School of Social Work Master in Social Work

Llegar a este día a sido un camino largo, maravilloso y también muy doloroso. Siendo una Chicana a veces no es fácil en una universidad que aun sigue discriminando, pero la fortaleza de mi padre y el amor incondicional de mi madre fue todo lo que necesite para seguir adelante. Hoy, todo lo que soy y lo he hecho es por ustedes y con el amor de mis hermanos, amigo/as y Francisco, que nunca a dudado en mi. Aunque no estés físicamente aquí conmigo Papi, se que tu espíritu me sigue donde sea que este. Te amo y te extraño. Esto es para y por ti. Y para todos los que nos van a seguir los pasos recuerden que “Aquel que no esta orgulloso de sus orígenes no valdrá nunca nada, porque comienza con despreciarse a si mismo”- Pedro Alvizu Campos

David Mickey-Pabello

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts

I want to thank my mother and father for giving me the opportunity to attend Michigan. I’d also like to thank the Office of Student Activities and Leadership and the Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs office for developing my leadership abilities. I will always remember my fraternity brothers for helping me to blow off some steam and relax, and to Jaden Felix for being there for me when no one else was. I also want to thank two Professors for being extraordinarily human people: my mentor John Burkhardt and Maria Cotera.

Emilia Mondragón

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Science in Biological Anthropology

It is not unusual to hear people say, “Wow, where did the years go?”. However, I do not have the same feelings about my bittersweet undergraduate experience. These past 5 years of blood, sweat and tears have taught me a great deal of passion, discipline, and perseverance. Not a moment went by where I stopped dreaming about this day, even though there were times that graduation seemed beyond my reach. I’m so thankful to my mother, my grandmother, and my closest friends who never stopped believing in me and helped me along the way. Congratulations to the Class of 2009. Si Se Puede!

Leanna Millan Moreno

Elizabeth Mota

Alexander D. Ponce

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in English, Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Latina/o Studies and Sociology with a sub concentration in Social Welfare and Social Services

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Science in Biology

These last few years have proven to be the most beautiful, challenging, and ridiculous of my life, thus far. There are too many people to thank for that, but to name a few: *Mami - Thank you for *always* answering my phone calls only to listen to me cry, laugh, yell, alone have gotten me through the best and worst of times. Thank you for being the most loving, patient mom a girl can ask for. *Papa “Leanna, this is your Father” will be words that will *forever* make me smile... and cringe [just a little]. Thank you for your unending support. Your the best, Pops. *To the rest of my family - Your love and support was felt from Texas, New York and even Venezuela. Thank you for your blessings and love. I do not know what I would have done with out it. Los quiero mucho! *Monis, Yazminita, Lorea, Unica, Andi, Luisito, and B - You all held me together and held me up [yes, even literally]... No matter how far the oceans take us from one another, you will FOREVER be in my heart. I love each of you beyond words. *Lambda Theta Alpha & the rest of my Michigan Family - It is you that have *showered* these years with laughter, drinks, and stories that will last a LIFETIME!! I do not know who I would be without your contributions to my life. Thank you! and, last but not least...*To my special bartender - You came back into my life 8 months ago and I hope you stay a long, long time. Thank you for loving and supporting your Pinchez even when she was unbearable. Te amo. is to the rest of our lives Class of 2009 - let’s go out and KILL it!

It’s been a long 4 years full of hard work and tears, yet, at the end of the day, it has all been worth it. I have had great support from many friends. Firstly, I’d like to thank my mom for her unconditional support and love. My sister Delia whom has been with me all four years, even after she graduated. She’s made things easier for me here. This past year, I have grown a lot, learned a lot, and experienced a lot. I have great memories of undergrad, and that is all thanks to a woman I consider my best friend, Elizabeth Mendez. Gracias amor! Nunca te olvides de mi. Ultimately, my sorors of Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc., continue being Phenomenal!

Samantha E. Perez

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Science in Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science

I’m thankful for all the wonderful, influential individuals I’ve met here over the years. Roxanna, thanks for all your encouragement and all the times you’ve dragged me out to study. This would not have been possible without the love and support of my family who have been here for every step of the journey and who still continue to support my dreams and plans for the future. Thanks Mommy and Daddy, love you!

I would like to thank my family and friends for all their love and support. A special thanks to my mother and father for being great parents and everything they have done for me.

Tasha Rios

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature

I feel blessed and thankful for the journey that has brought me to graduation. I want to thank my loved ones for the support and encouragement over the years. Vamos Azul!

Diana Salinas

College of Literature, Science & Arts, Residential College Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics, Pre-Med

Gracias mami, papi, Andrea y Jessica por siempre apoyarme en todos mis estudios y locuras :) Tenerles cerca a sido una vendicion y todos los dias le doy gracias a Diós por tenerles en mi vida. Les quiero y adoro con todo mi corazon. Love you! And to all my friends (you know who you are),


thank you for making my stay at Michigan such a wonderful experience. Your company throughout my crazy journey and random mishaps is truly unforgettable. And to all my sisters and girlfriends: thanks for putting up with my weird and sometimes uncomfortable seductive What can I say? You are all damn sexy amazing women! Love you all! *muah*

Elysia Sandoval

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

It’s been a tough couple of years and I never would have been able to do it without certain people in my life. I want to thank my family, especially my mom for being there for me. I’d also like to thank all my friends, and my sisters, shout outs to my LS-Erica, FUERZA family, and FINIRAZION! But most of all I want to say congrats to all the Gammas graduating this year! It’s been fun, but we all know we’re glad it’s over!

Eric Soto

Ross School of Business Bachelors of Business Administration

I would like take this time to thank everyone that has helped me achieve this great honor. My parents who have never doubted me and provided me with words of encouragement and resources needed to succeed. My older brother who kept me focused and served as a great role model. My girl friend who always supported me, and my fraternity brothers whom I share many great memories with. I am thankful for all of you and I love you. GO BLUE!!!


Umar S. Saadeh

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Sociology

I would like to extend all of my appreciation to those that I have met during my time here at Michigan. I have formed many friendships and relationships that are beyond measure. I have met some of the greatest professors and other academics during my academic career. I have learned so much over these last few years and have formed memories to last a lifetime. I cannot emphasize how much I will miss Michigan after I graduate, and most importantly, all of the people that I have come to know.

Elisa Rosee Torres

School of Nursing PhD

I would like to thank the co-chairs of my committee, Drs. Carolyn Sampselle and Kimberlee Gretebeck. Their guidance, patience and enthusiasm have helped me lay the foundation for a research career. Additional members of my committee include Dr. David Ronis and Harold Neighbors for their gentle and kind direction. This accomplishment would not be possible without the financial assistance I’ve received from the Rackham Merit Fellowship and the National Institutes of Health. Specifically the National Center for Research Resources supported the Multidisciplinary Clinical Researchers in Training Summer Practicum (PI: Kang) and Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research, Clinical and Translational Service Award (PI: Clauw). The National Institute for Nursing Research supported the Women’s Health Disparities Interdisciplinary Training Grant (PI: Sampselle) and funded my dissertation with an Individual National Research Service Award (PI: Torres!) On a personal note, I would also like to thank my partner Tim, who I met when I was an

undergraduate, for his constant support through almost two decades of higher education. I am lucky to have too many friends to name, but I thank them all for sharing in my laughter and tears. I’d like to acknowledge my parents who have been married for over 40 years. My dad’s teachings in spirituality helped me find my path. My mom instilled in me the importance of an education when she told me at the age of 5 that I would go to college. I have achieved what our grandparents couldn’t imagine. Thank you University of Michigan.

Elvir Joao Trujillo

A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture Bachelor of Science in Architecture

First of all I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for given strength because if it was not for Him, I wouldn’t have made it through. And I want to give thanks my mother for all her supports in every way with her unconditional love, my grandparents who are my world, to my classmates, my instructors for being patient with me, the Chair of the Architecture Department, Tom Buresh, the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students, the Latino Student Organization, the Society of Hispanic Student Engineer, Michigan Gospel Chorale, and especially the Puente Program for I am a “Puentista.” In addition, I want to encourage those are continuing pursuing their dreams not to ever give up. Winston Churchill said once, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

Judith Vazquez

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Science

Primeramente, le quisiera dar gracias a Dios por haberme dado todo lo que tengo. A mi familia, por supuesto, les agradezco a todos empezando con mis papas hasta mis primos por todo el apoyo. No creo que pudiera haber sobrevivido estos 4 años sin la ayuda de mis hermanas, Thank you Phenomenal Women, you all mean so much to me and love each and everyone of you!

Erica Marie Vera

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in History of Art

I would just like to thank my family. None of this would have been achieved without their love and support.

Jessica Marie Vera

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in American Culture, Minor in Cultural Anthropology

First I would like to thank God for the abundance he has brought to my life thus far and for the wonderful future I have ahead of me. I would also like to thank my parents for always being there for me, believing in me, and supporting me through thick and thin. If it wasn’t for your hard work, dedication, and sacrifice I would not be where I am today. To my siblings: David (U of M is still better than MSU), Erica (we’re graduating!!), Daniel (Don’t go to state!!). Much love goes out

to all those who were with me in getting through these tough, yet exciting 4 years of my college life. Since I can’t name everyone I will just say to my good friends, (and you all know who you are) that you have changed my life for the better and I’m glad to have been your friend these last 4 years. The last 4 years have made me into the strong, independent women that I am today and I know I will leave the university with wonderful memories and many life lessons learned. Last but not least, I would like to thank all my beautiful sisters of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc. My college years would not have been the same without you. I love you all! Women of Distinction for 19 years now and much more to come! Hermanas por vida, sisters for life!

Roxanna Vigil

College of Literature, Science & Arts Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Bachelor of Arts in Spanish

“Nothing endures, not a tree, not love, not even a death by violence.” This is from A Separate Peace by John Knowles, the first novel I ever fell in love with. Like all good passions, there was love and heartbreak, it was good while it lasted, and I moved on. Since then my taste have expanded and I’ve been involved with many novels, all unique and memorable in their own way. Were it not for my supportive family, my bookworm friends, and those who advise and guide, I would not have been able to do what I enjoy most, read. Más que todo, si no fuera por mis padres, no hubiera descubierto el mundo

maravilloso de la literatura en español.

Paula Marie Vinales

School of Kinesiology Bachelor of Science in Movement Science

I would like to thank everyone that has been a part of my life during these past 4 years. You have each helped to mold me into the person I am. Seeing me through good times and bad - I am forever indebted to you. Thank you Mami for always being my emotional stronghold. You have given so much just so that I can succeed. And Papi, thank you for paying for my school!!! You have also been so supportive and my biggest cheerleader. I love you both so much! And to the Latino Community on campus - focus on supporting each other. Create a stronger bond between organizations. We are a small piece of the University but an important one as well. Unite to become a stronger force on this campus and encourage one another to succeed!

Darla M. Williams

School of Public Health Master of Public Health

First and foremost I’d like to thank God, it is through God’s grace that I have made it to this day. I must also thank my incredibly strong Mother and her sisters for enduring the unimaginable and getting me to this point. Last but not least, thanks to Bill Gates, my main sponsor!


La Celebraciόn Latina 2009

A Brief History On Friday, April 28, 2000, over 300 graduates, their families and friends, University faculty, staff and administrators joined together in celebration for the inaugural year of La Celebración Latina. The event was a culmination of efforts led by students and other University of Michigan units. The goal was to coordinate a festivity that acknowledged the achievements of Latino graduates. Now, we find ourselves celebrating the Tenth Annual La Celebraciόn Latina.

La Celebraciόn Latina 2009 Planning Committee Staff:

Jaden Osuna Felix, the Office of Student Activities & Leadership Diana Iris Maldonado, the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives


Kenia Ruiz, the Ross School of Business Roxanna Vigil, the College of Literature, Science, & Arts Jennifer Cantu, the College of Literature, Science, & Arts Gabriela Aguilar, the College of Literature, Science, & Arts


Special Thanks

Lester P. Monts, Ph.D., Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Senior Counselor to the President for the Arts, Diversity and Undergraduate Affairs John Matlock, Ph.D., Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Director, OAMI: the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives Wesley Taylor, Graphic Design Gloria Taylor, Associate Director, Office of Academic and Multicultural Initiatives, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Theda Gibbs, Program Associate, King/Chávez/Parks Pre-College Programs & Black Celebratory Carol Williams, OAMI: the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives Susan Wilson, Director of the Office of Student Activities& Leadership Jimmy Brown, Leadership Programs Manager in the Office of Student Activities& Leadership Mark Hindelang, Special Programs Coordinator in the Office of Student Activities& Leadership OAMI: the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives Office of the Registrar Nick Capul, Event Services Coordinator, University Unions-Scheduling Latino Faculty & Staff Association Vivanne Schnitzer-Hendrickson, Hispanic Communications Manager, Office of the Vice President for Communications Kathleen Kirkland, Major Events and Activities, Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs Shannon Rice, University Productions SAL: Office of Student Activities & Leadership La Celebración Latina is sponsored by OAMI: the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives at the University of Michigan 3009 Student Activities Building 515 East Jefferson Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1316 phone: (734) 936-1055

Regents of the University of Michigan Julia Donovan Darlow, Ann Arbor Laurence B. Deitch, Bingham Farms Denise Ilitch, Bingham Farms Olivia P.Maynard, Goodrich Andrea Fischer Newman, Ann Arbor Andrew C. Richner, Gross Pointe Park S. Martin Taylor, Grosse Pointe Farms Katherine E. White, Ann Arbor Mary Sue Coleman (ex officio)

Nondiscrimination Policy Statement

The University of Michigan, as an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The University of Michigan is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Senior Director for Institutional Equity, and Title IX/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Office of Institutional Equity, 2072 Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1432, 734-763-0235, TTY 734-647-1388. For other University of Michigan information call 734-764-1817.

The Freedom of Expression Statement

Thank you for attending this program. The University of Michigan strives to create a truly open forum, one in which diverse opinions can be expressed and heard. It is the right of members of the University community, speakers, artists, and other invited guests to express their views and opinions at the University. We will protect the right of individuals to speak or perform, and the rights of those members of the University community who wish to hear and communicate with an invited speaker or artist. Protesters also have a right to express their opposition to a speaker in appropriate ways, both within the confines of this building and outside the facility. However, protesters must not interfere unduly with communication between a speaker or artist and members of the audience. If the hosts of this event or University representatives believe that protesters are interfering unduly with a speaker or performer’s freedom of expression, those protesters will be warned. If the warnings are not heeded and the interference continues, then the individuals responsible may be removed from the building. We reaffirm these policies in order to most fully protect the rights of free expression for speakers, performers, and protesters alike, as set forth by our Civil Liberties Board in our Student Handbook, and in accordance with the U-M Standard Practice Guide; Regents’ Ordinance Article XII, Section 1; and state statutes.


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