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The Community-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Officers Pilot Planning workshop
The Community-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Officers Pilot Planning workshop
Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) officers with disabilities partnered with divisional officers within the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) and other key actors to co-facilitate outreach efforts aimed at discussing SRHR with the general community, addressing stigma around SRHR and SRH services, including contraception; and disseminating information about SRH services available in SRH Representatives from OPDs in discussion the community and how to access these during their pilot to workshop services.
SRH officers collaborated in the design and implementation of strategic actions to ensure women and young people with disabilities are meaningfully included in these outreach efforts.
Along with divisional officers, SRH officers organized strategic actions – including small community-based meetings and one-on-one engagements (i.e., home visits)– targeting women and young people with disabilities whose needs and demands were not met by mainstream outreach efforts.
Whereas one-on-one engagements will be a necessary to reach out to women and young people with disabilities experiencing heightened barriers to leave their houses or to address individual needs and concerns related to SRHR, small community-based meetings was identified as a great opportunity for SRH officers, divisional officers and other key partners to deliver more comprehensive education sessions on SRHR (or on specific issues impacting SRHR for women and young people with disabilities).
During such outreach efforts, women and young people with disabilities will be able to ask SRH officers to provide them – or help them access– additional support to access SRH services. SRH officers may also encounter women and young people with disabilities who may require more technical counselling about their SRH or access to specific SRH services. In these situations, SRH officers would make referrals and connect women and young people with disabilities to other actors in the community who may be able to provide the specific support or services that they need.
The main partners involved in the planning workshop were the Ministry of Health & Medical Services - Fiji (MHMS), Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation (FDPF), Medical Services Pacific (MSP), Reproductive & Family Health Association of Fiji - RFHAF, Pacific Disability Forum (PDF), Women Enabled International and UNFPA Pacific
The Community-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Officers Pilot Planning workshop was held at the National Council for Disabled Persons Complex Hall from the 21 - 22 of July 2022.
Medical Officers and SRH Officers in discussions on how to work together effectively in their community awareness
FDPF Appoints New Board 2022
Ms. Lanieta Tuimabu has been nominated as the new FDPF President after Mr. Peniasi Rawaidranu stepped down to stand for elections.
The Board were nominated this year where Mr. Rawaidranu was nominated as President, thanks to all the OPDs and Branches.
Members were happy with FDPF for the election process and the AGM logistics.
Here is the new FDPF Board:
FDPF President - Lanieta Tuimabu V President - Joseva Verevou V President / Treasurer - Georgina Naigulevu Secretary - Ateca Mataitoga Women's Rep - Litia Naitanui Youth Rep - Amaysa Hope
The Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation would like to also acknowledge the funding support of the Woman Fund Fiji.