Report on Livelihood and Poverty Research for the Pacific Region
Pacific Disability Forum
Report on Disability, Livelihood and Poverty Research for the Pacific Region. 1.
Overview of research
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in partnership with the Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) and the Fiji Disabled Persons Federation (FDPF) conducted a research in the Pacific on Disability, Livelihood and Poverty from January 2012 to June 2012. The objectives of the research are to Empower persons with disability through generating knowledge on their livelihood needs through their own voices • Build capacity of partner organizations (DPOs) through the project and strengthen relationships between ESCAP, DPOs and persons with disabilities • Provide governments with analysis on the livelihood needs of persons with disabilities • Provide comparable data and experiences of persons with disabilities which reflects their lived experience •
The research was conducted in Fiji (Northern, Western and Central divisions), Nauru, and the Federated States of Micronesia. It is to be noted here that the research initially targeted Fiji, but the PDF took the initiative to expand this activity to two other Pacific Island countries for better reach and comparative purposes. There was no additional funding provided to the PDF because of this expansion to the research activity. The target sample respondent for the research was 200 from the Pacific region. 2.
Outline and Status of Planned activities
The planned activities for the research with status for each phase are highlighted in the matrix below. Outline of activities Phase 1 Planning Status – Completed Meeting with the DPOs - briefing on the FGDs Finalising the Questionnaire Templates for the Action Research Submission of Plan to UNESCAP Phase 2 Communication with stakeholders Status – Completed Communicating with leaders at the Itaukei (local) affairs for approval on involvement of PWDs and highlighting
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
the benefits. Talking to each of the DPO leaders from each affiliate in the community Drafting of letters to DPOs and DPAs Getting the Resources Together Identifying of Research Assistant Finalising the list of PWDs to take part in the Face to Face Survey Preparation for the FGDs with FAD,UBP,SIA and PSA Implementation of research Research with urban based DPOs Research for the Central Eastern Based Affiliates - Rewa and Tailevu north Research in the Western Affiliates Sigatoka/Nadi/Ba/Tavua and Ra Research in the Northern Affiliates Cakaudrove, Labasa and Dreketi Research in the Western Affiliates Sigatoka/Nadi/Ba/Tavua and Ra Analysing of data Identifying the person for Data Entry Compilation of data Submission of summary of findings to UNESCAP
Status – completed
Status – completed
Status – 90% - complete by week 2 July.
Outcomes against Objectives
After completing the face to face interviews and live story interviews, it was evident that the survey contributed to fulfilling Objectives 1 and 2 of the research. Majority of the respondents were empowered by the research. It was an opportunity for the respondents, who were persons with disability and the head of the household to reflect on their past attitudes and practices and realise the opportunity to develop their current status. For persons with disabilities, it was a significant opportunity to express their livelihood needs or identifying assistance from relevant stakeholders to assist them in achieving their livelihood targets. It was also empowering for the researchers as they assisted in contributing to realising the potential future for respondents. The research also provided the opportunity for PDF and FDPF to develop their capacity in participatory action research from the UNESCAP workshop held before the research. PDF Programme Manager Katabwena Tawaka and FDPF Project Officer Elenoa Kaisau attended the workshop and participated in the interviews. In developing local capacities, PDF utilised its staff to participate in the face to face interviews with FDPF identifying research
assistance from provinces to assist the researchers in allocating respondents and participate as an interpreter at community level. The relationship between PDF, FDPF and UNESCAP was strengthen due to the continued support and advice received during the project with additional support from UNESCAP to assist in providing during the duration of the research. The project also allowed PDF to expand the research to the Republic of Nauru and to the Federated State of Micronesia. This allowed PDF to work with DPOs in the both countries in developing the capacity of identified research assistances and proving empowerment to persons with disabilities in Livelihood issues. The results from the two extra countries allows better and comparison of data between Pacific Island countries. The research in the Pacific also contributed to Objective 3 and 4 of the project by providing information for government through the project and also improves the capacity of DPOs in lobbying for inclusion of persons with disabilities in livelihood project. The information will assist UNESCAP in comparing data with other sub regions with the Asia Pacific Region. 4.
Pending Activities
According to the status of the planned activities, PDF and FDPF need to complete phase 5 of the project which includes the transcribing, translating and analysing of the live story interviews. This is on target to be completed by July 11 2012. The final activity to be completed (by July 13 2012) is the summary that includes information on the following: i) Explaining the methodology used and highlight any issues or experiences which emerged during the research; ii) Indicate the number of surveys completed including by type of disability, gender and other key characteristics; and iii) Provide 3-5 key findings/recommendations from the surveys that PDF/FDPF think UNESCAP should focus on and highlight, including the significance and dynamics of each. 5.
Financial Breakdown
Particulars FJD$ Research grant received from (rate 1.67-US$15,000)- $25,000 UNESCAP Expenses Bangkok $2,265.05
Fiji – Northern survey
(extra costs for FDPF to attend workshop) – visa application in Australia The funds were used for
Fiji – Western survey Fiji – Central survey Federated States Micronesia
Admin – PDF Admin – FDPF Total
$7,910.00 $1,595.00 of $3,618.00
travel expense, fees for research assistance costs for traditional expenses for PDF and FDPF to interview 180 participants in Fiji. Refer to above Refer to above Costs include airfares, accommodation, research assist fees and other costs for research
$1,000.00 $1,000.00 $24,740.05
To date PDF has received USD$4,000 and have utilised its funds to complete the UNESCAP Disability, Livelihood and Poverty research. 6.
PDF and FDPF sincerely thank UNESCAP for its confidence to include the Pacific in the Asia/Pacific wide research that will feed into and support the Incheon Strategy, in particular Goal 1 on poverty and employment. The support from UNESCAP has developed the capacity of the staff of PDF and FDPF including research assistants from local DPOs. The significant impact of the project was the ability for PDF and FDPF to travel to rural settings to meet and empower persons with disabilities in understanding their livelihood needs.