Early spring 2014 newsletter

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Volume 12 Issue 1

April 2014

Growing With Us


If you’re addicted to HGTV and their many home improvement shows, here’s a bit of news: HGTV has introduced their own collection of special landscape plants for home gardeners. This development is sending shock waves through the world of new plant introductions. HGTV is a home improvement powerhouse, with hugely popular shows on cable and satellite TV, an HGTV magazine chock full of ideas, and their own brands of first-rate branded home improvement and decorating products. Now they have turned their attention to the world of specialty plants. Determined to take the guesswork out of combining annual flowers, HGTV’s floral designers experimented with various bedding plants to create stunning combinations that grow well together under the same conditions, (sun, shade, part sun etc.) in complimentary contrasting colors and textures. They developed totally new hybrid annuals that perform for the longest possible season, in striking new foliage and bloom colors. The next step was to design chic yet affordable planter pots with just the right edgy style to set the plant combinations off to best advantage. We offer these new patented plants individually, combined in fashionable containers, or combined in premium moss hanging baskets. For the budget conscious who already own planter pots, HGTV offers combinations in affordable gallon containers for you to re-plant into larger containers yourself. With names like “Pink Flirt”, “Tropical Bliss”, “Red Sparkle” and “Glow Yellow”, HGTV’s planters and hanging baskets offer fresh new combinations and unique varieties that have been thoroughly tested. We’ve been very impressed with the quality of plants, the colorful combinations, the overall freshness and professionalism of HGTV. We predict that the HGTV Home Plant Collection will set a new standard for high-fashion annuals. You can view the Collection at http://www.hgtvhomeplants.com.

NEW GoodSeed Nursery Hours: Monday through Friday, rain or shine ................................ 10 AM to 7 PM Saturday, rain or shine ............................................................ 9 AM to 6 PM Sunday ............................................................................................ Noon to 5PM

Maps, Directions & Schedules at www.goodseedfarm.com

Start Your Garden: Boston Ferns, Pansies Seeds, Onion Sets Topsoils and Mulch Fruit Trees

Growing With Us

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“Steve’s Soapbox:” Location, Location, Location... Have you been to our new garden center yet? In case you don’t know, we moved our retail nursery last year to a new location, nearer Cincinnati, closer to where most of you live or work. Whether you commute on the Appalachian Highway every day, or just visit Adams County now and then to shop the Amish stores, you’ll see our new garden center from Route 32. We’re just off the Appalachian Highway where it crosses Route 62, just west of Winchester. We’re happy to report that since we moved we’ve been much busier. We see our old friends more often, and we make new ones every day! After fifteen years of struggle at our old location near Peebles, it’s exciting to have our garden center in such a busy spot. We miss the scenery at the farm, and the beautiful shopping environment we worked so many years to build. Commuting to work for the first time in years isn’t much fun, but every time we make that drive we think about how most of you are now a half-hour closer to us, and more likely to visit. At our new place, we’re 14 miles east of Mt. Orab, 20 miles south of Hillsboro, 16 miles from Georgetown, and 18 miles west of our old location near Peebles. That’s less than a half-hour drive from any of those places, and an hour round trip closer for most of you. We still live at the farm, and our thriving landscape company is headquartered there, but the state of Ohio says we can’t have the public in our old barns and homemade buildings. At the time that seemed like terrible news and we fought back, but in hindsight the building inspectors did us a huge favor. They forced us to confront what a bad choice it had been to open a garden center in such a remote spot. This year we’re focused on being better in every way. For starters, we’re staying open till 7PM weekdays so that you have time to reach us and shop after work. Another change is a much larger selection of affordable, portable trees. To call attention to our hardscape offerings, we’re kicking off the season with a sale on retaining wall block, and we’ll have a much larger selection of walls and pavers. As time goes by we’ll add scenery and improvements at our new place to make it fancier; right now we’re just starting out all over again. We’re grateful to our loyal supporters who have shopped with us for years, and we hope you’ll follow us to our new store. It’s our job to make sure there’s something new for you to see, every time you visit!

NEW LOCATION, SAME PHONE NUMBER! Our phone number, 937-587-7021, has been the same for so many years we decided not to change it when we moved. It’s still the best way to get in touch. Those of you from Adams County know that 587-7021 is a Peebles phone number, and that’s where our office and landscape division are still located. Dial 587-7021 and your call will reach us wherever we are.

Growing With Us

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Perennial Pick Creeping Phlox One of the first signs of spring, Creeping Phlox is a hardy, dependable groundcover plant for borders or hard-to-mow slopes. Phlox prefers moist, well-drained soils but it’s very adaptable and forgiving. To get a healthy stand quickly, plant a single gallon pot full of roots, working some Holly Tone and peat into the soil in your planting hole and then mulching heavily. The plant will quickly spread up to three feet in a single season, with dense thick foliage that smothers and discourages weeds. During the fall or winter, lift the edges of the clump, trim off the part that hasn’t rooted yet. Sprinkle a cup or two of Espoma Holly Tone around the plant. You’ll have a huge carpet of showy flowers come spring.


..for pickup or “next business day” delivery: call 937-587-7021

We’re the BARN QUILT Place! Have you ever wondered where you can get one of those colorful quilt murals for your barn? The barn quilt craze has gone national, but it started right here in southern Ohio. It’s easy to decorate your own building with a colorful quilt square; GoodSeed Nursery has a big selection of different murals in stock or we can have one custom-made for you in your choice of colors. Most barn quilts are based on traditional quilt blocks. We stock the most popular ones like the Ohio Star and Grandma’s Fan. Perhaps you have a family quilt you’d like to memorialize on your barn. Show us your photo and let us help. Whether you’re looking for a one-square-foot panel or a giant 8x8 or even 10x10 mural, together we can create the perfect barn quilt for your particular home place.

Growing With Us

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RAINY DAY Certificate $10 Value!

Garden shopping in wet weather can be fun! This coupon should help. If it’s raining while you’re shopping at GoodSeed Farm, present this coupon for $10 off any purchase over $20. Valid until October 13, 2014. Not to be combined with any other discount or offer. Limit one per customer.

Mother’s Day 3-Day


Friday, May 9th through Sunday, May 11th 10AM-7PM It’s time again for the annual gathering of mothers and daughters, grandmothers and grandkids, mothers-in-law and mothers-to-be, at GoodSeed Nursery for the Country Garden Mothers Day Party. After sixteen years this has become an annual ritual, including a FREE gift plant for every mother. We’ll be giving away 1200 cute little Burning Bushes, one for every mother, no strings attached. COME HUNGRY! Our menu includes Papa’s Kettle Korn, pulled pork sandwiches, chicken salad croissants, lemonade, homemade cheesecake and more. We’re also planning to offer Chinese food this year! Or reserve a table at Hilltop Ballroom next door for their sumptuous Mother’s Day buffet (695-5545). We’ll have plenty of unadvertised specials of 30%, 40% and even 50% off on plants at their peak, perfect for Mom! If this is your first year in the GoodSeed Farm community, it can be the beginning of a wonderful family Mother’s Day tradition for you and your family.

SAVE $20 OFF DELIVERY CHARGE for any bulk order (minimum 6 scoops) delivered now through April 30th! GIV CO E THI U S OU PON T RD ON RIV O DE LIV ER ER Y!

“Jet Black”, “Black Gold”, Red-dyed, or “Pine Magic” !

Growing With Us

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BOSTON FERN HANGING BASKET SALE! Save $8 on two (Net cost $15.99 each) No Coupon Required. Sale Dates: Tuesday, April 1 through Wednesday April 30, 2014

WALL ROCK SALE! $1.39 each by the pallet $1.49 individually. TIME TO GET THAT WALL PROJECT UNDERWAY! Valid April 1-30. Delivery available. No coupon required. While supplies last窶馬o rain checks.

- EARLY BIRD CERTIFICATE! SAVE $10Bring this voucher to GoodSeed Farm for an instant $10 discount on any purchase over $20 in our garden center.

For the Month of April Only!

Valid: Monday, April 1st through Tuesday, April 30th One coupon per family. Not to be combined with other discounts. Expires April 30, 2014

Growing With Us

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A “Short List” of Ten Favorite Trees Why would you plant a particular tree instead of another kind? People often ask me what kind of tree to plant, and then I start asking questions. There’s a place for every tree and a tree for every place; you just have to narrow it down based on what conditions you have and what benefits you want from the tree. Here is a “short list” of tree varieties we recommend often, and plant in landscapes we design. “Anne” Magnolia: Small flowering tree with large scented red-purple flowers. Blooms later than most Magnolias, so it's less vulnerable to frost damage to blooms. Clay soil tolerant, full sun. Red maple: Popular hardwood shade tree with red blooms in spring and red fall foliage. Tolerates most soils. Grows slowly to 35 foot spread, 50' tall. "Heritage" River Birch: Superior disease-resistant hybrid river birch. Tolerates moist clay soil unlike most birches. Attractive cinnamon-colored peeling bark, yellow fall color. 30 feet wide, 40 feet tall. Willow Oak: Fast-growing pyramidal shade tree similar to pin oak in habit but with narrow oval leaves. Very popular park and street tree in the eastern and southeastern US. Grows to 70 feet tall and wide. The willow oak at GoodSeed Farm gets more compliments than any other tree we have. “Skyline” Thornless Honeylocust: Ideal tree for filtered shade over paved areas; has almost no leaf litter, sap or fruit drop. Drought tolerant; can survive in a hole in concrete so it’s popular for street tree or parking lot shade. Tough wood resists breakage. Disease free. 35' spread, 50 ft. tall Norway Spruce: The best spruce for southern Ohio. Fast-growing privacy screen or windbreak tree. Well adapted to clay soils. Plentiful cones attract birds. Grows rapidly to 25'wide and 50' tall. "Bloodgood" London Planetree: Our favorite fast-growing shade tree. Non-fruiting cousin of American Sycamore, a creek-bank native. Tolerates extreme wet and dry conditions, clay soil. Handsome peeling bark, white trunk color. Fast grower to 50-70 feet. "Cleveland Select" Ornamental pear: Narrow, upright-growing form of ornamental pear ideal for driveways, street trees and small spaces. Showy white bloom, purple-red late fall foliage. Easy to “limb up” for clearance, resists splitting. Hardy. Grows rapidly to 15' wide, 25' tall. Bald Cypress: Problem-solver for shade in wet areas or next to ponds. Grows to a majestic 60 feet, 35 feet wide, can grow in standing water or on dry sites. Fernlike sage-green foliage similar to Dawn redwood. “Niobe” Weeping Willow: The classic "Golden Willow" grows quickly to 50 feet tall & wide. Perfect pond bank tree. Must have a wet location or it will be messy, and keep it away from drain lines and leach fields! Stop in and ask us about any of these trees. Chances are one of them will fit the exact situation you have! If you love gardening, why waste your time “Googling” to get the solutions you need? Instead, go to www.goodseedfarm.com and click on our “Weekly Blog” for an alphabetical list of helpful topics from “Asparagus Planting” to “Winter Reading for Gardeners”. In simple, plain language we make gardening easy. You can find our weekly gardening column “Let’s Grow” in nine newspapers around southern Ohio. Some of our readers clip and save the column, but there’s no need. Each week we post it on the “weekly blog” page at www.goodseedfarm.com, and you can look up a hundred gardening topics in the online archive. Need gardening advice? Jump in your car and drive out to GoodSeed Nursery for an entertaining shopping trip. We’d love to see you. Or just visit www.goodseedfarm.com for garden answers online.

Growing With Us

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“Orange Bliss”

INTRODUCING: The HGTV Plant Collection at GoodSeed Nursery Get Inspired by the style, beauty and color of this exciting new plant collection, HGTV HOME Plants. Want to know more about choosing the right plants? How to care for them? Which plants go together? We take the guesswork out by giving you our expert know-how! It’s what sets us apart.

“Pink Flirt”

“Tropical Bliss”

“Glow Yellow”

“Chic Black & White”

“Purple Genius”

“Red Sparkle”

9736 Tri-County Highway Winchester, Ohio 45697 937-587-7021 www.goodseedfarm.com





GoodSeed Nursery

We’re now at a more convenient location, just off the Appalachian Highway at Route 62 in Winchester. We’re at Hilltop Designs on Tri-County Highway across the street from the Winchester Carpet Outlet.

PLAN TO VISIT GOODSEED FARM OFTEN THIS SPRING! Mark your calendar so you can enjoy our special events, take advantage of special savings, bring your family or friends for special times! March 1, 2014 Open for the 2014 Season (WEATHER PERMITTING in March): Seeds, fertilizer, mulch and soils! Hours: Monday-Friday 10AM-7PM, Saturday 9AM-6PM, Sunday Noon-5PM Now till April 30 MULCH MADNESS! Save $20 on bulk mulch delivery of 6 or more scoops of Black Gold, Jet Black, Pine Magic or Red Dyed. April 1-30 Boston Fern Special $8 off on two Boston Fern Hanging baskets! April 1-30 Early Season Tree & Shrub Sale! 25% off on selected evergreens, shade trees and shrubs! April 1-30 Wall Rock Special! $1.39 each by the pallet, $1.49 individually May 9-10-11 Country Garden Mother’s Day Party! FREE Burning Bush for every mother. Specials, food and fun 10AM-7PM Friday, Saturday, and Mother’s Day Sunday June 23-July 6 Truckload Annual Flower Sale Outrageous savings on a fresh shipment of annual flats, pots and hanging baskets while they last Aug. 23-Oct. 12 Mum Season Perfect MUMS plus shrubs, trees, fertilizer, mulch and soils! October 4&5 Appalachian Artisan’s Fest Two-day craft festival. We’ll be open with our gorgeous hardy mums, barn quilts and a selection of fall color. October 10-12 End of Season Sale! Friday: Everything discounted 30%! Saturday: Everything discounted 40%! Sunday: Everything discounted 50% or more! Come early for the best selection. (Bulk Mulches and soils not included). October 13 CLOSED FOR THE SEASON! Mulch & Soil Delivery, Landscaping still available by calling 937-587-7021

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