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Meet Our New Managers Nicole and Stefan NEW VEGETARIAN MENU cous-cous, risottos, vegetable lasagne, fresh pasta,
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Your Host - Chris Wright
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vegetables and potatoes or rice.
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Booking Recommended
Spanish Speaking 950 430 145 English Speaking 647 730 103 PolIG ONO I ndu st r ia l A lb ox, Nea r t he ITV Ga rage
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Tel: 950 459 136
Parque Ind El Real, Antas 04628 car of the week
BOOK YOUR VEHICLE IN BEFORE THE END OF AUGUST AND RECEIVE A 20% DISCOUNT! Mon~Fri 8am - 3pm Sat 10am - 1pm - by appointment only Workshop: 950 459 209 Sales: 950 459 136 Opening Hours:
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Saturday Breakfast 9 - 11:30am 4,50€ inc Tea or coffee
BISTRO BONITA BELLY BUSTING BAKERY PIES OF YOUR CHOICE, BOOZY PUDS & CAKES Closed Monday & Tuesday, Weds-Fri: 12-3, 6-late, Sat: 6-late, Sunday: Midday-5pm
Sat Nav co-ordinates N37° 24.511 W002° 11.479 EL556 For all enquiries & reservations Tel: 650 599 739 / 950 930 169 ●
camping los gallardos
MOBILE Salida HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT 525 from autovia
1.9m & 2.4m dishes in stock
call now for best prices Tel Martin: 678 813 505
Entertainment at Miraflores
CafeRestauranteMarene WiFi Gratis
Free WiFi
Saturday 30th July ADELANTE Sunday 31st July Cavery followed by entertainment with HYSTERIA Saturday 6th August ABBA DABBA DOO- ABBA & THE BEDROCK PARTY Sunday 24th July Sunday Carvery followed by the streeters Saturday BBQS AND SHOW €10
Bookings: 679 970 399 / 650 418 954
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V E n TA s , A L Q U i L E R E s Y M A n T E n i M i E n T o
Mojácar’s longest established Qualified estate agents +34 950 478 915 - -
Kalevala Restaurante July 2016
LUNCH MENU 1-4pm 1 Drink, Bread & Alioli, Coffee and Dessert. Starter & Main Course of your choice All this for only 10,00€. If you don’t feel hungry today try our ½ lunch meal for 7,50€ (choose starter or main course with drink, coffee and dessert) CHECK OUT OUR NEW A LA CARTE MENU ON OUR FACEBOOK, OR EMAIL US AT TAPAS 1.20€ & 1.50€ FISH STEAKS
SPANISH ROCK DUO 29th July, 10pm ROADRUNNER 30th July, 8.30pm MUSIC JAM 4th August, 8pm ADELANTE BAND 11th August, 9pm SPANISH ROCK DUO 14th August, 10pm ROADRUNNER 20th August, 8.30pm KAYLEIGH EASTON 2nd September, 7pm
F I N D U S I N L O S C A R AS OL E S I N Z U RG E NA , ON T H E N 3 4 0 ROA D TO A L B OX , J U ST N E X T TO T H E F U N N Y T R A F F IC L IG H T S . OP E N 1 1 A M - > , C L O SE D ON M ON DAYS T E L : 6 0 7 4 8 4 4 1 4 – G l u te n f r e e , K i d s P l ay A r e a !
the popular German city. The hotel shut its doors to the public, the city centre was closed off to outsiders, trams emptied of passengers lined the streets as public transport was grounded, and people all around were running in terror. “We even saw a baby’s pram, empty and abandoned,” Jiménez reveals. “Given the madness and panic, we thought it must be a terrorist attack - the streets were deserted and we were not allowed out of the hotel. “In fact, we had to stay there until gone 02.00hres, when we managed to get three taxis to take us all to our accommodation. “None of us speaks German, which meant even greater fear and uncertainty although we managed to keep abreast of developments through the Spanish media online.” They managed to let their friends and families know that they were safe inside their hotel when they finally made it back there, after which, they said, they slept off their ordeal in order to ‘recover a bit of normality’ and ‘enjoy the days they had left’. The group did not return straight home, but chose to carry on with their holiday and make the best of it. Reports some hours after the attack, which killed three adults and six children and left 27 injured - some seriously - seem to show that the author was a very young man with psychiatric problems rather than being a member of, or acting in the name of, any type of terrorist organisation. Immediately after the shoot-out, the killer turned the gun on himself, becoming his own 10th victim. He is said to have been an 18-year-old German with Iranian parents, who had been born in the central European country, and had no known leanings towards any political or religious ideology. thinkspain
shot blasting and powder coating service available for all metalwork: the ONLY powder coating company in the area!
mobile: 638 900 949 office: 950 930 520 info@
The Metal Works
A GROUP of Spaniards on holiday in Munich, Germany, have described how they hid in the cashpoint lobby of a bank when they heard the shots ring out, instantly fearing a terrorist attack on the scale of the Paris massacre in November. “At times like this, you only think about running for cover - fear stops anything else going through your head,” said one of the visitors from Loja (Granada province), local radio DJ Juan María Jiménez. The 10 Spaniards, all from the same town and aged between 23 and 65, were about five kilometres from the shopping centre where a young gunman ran amok. They were fairly near the central Karisplatz, which was evacuated after warnings of a second shoot-out that turned out to be unfounded. “We were in a shop when the till lady’s facial expression suddenly changed, and a voice in German ordered everyone to get out of the mall,” Jiménez explains. “Everyone started running at once and seeking cover.” His party ran into the street and took refuge in the lobby of a bank, from which they had a clear view of how the streets suddenly emptied of pedestrians and filled up with patrol cars with sirens blaring, and armed police carrying machine guns. “We saw a police officer nearby and when we went to ask him what was happening, he ran with his machine gun pointed into a nearby side-street, so we just got back inside,” Jiménez explained. When they were able to do so, the ‘Granada 10’ hid inside a nearby luxury hotel, at the advice of the Spanish Consulate, whom they rang from their hiding place. They shared the tense few moments in the lobby with another five Spaniards who had travelled from the regions of Murcia and Valencia to
security grills - garden gates & railings spiral staircases - motorised sliding gates garage doors - ornate gazebos
between Amigos Bowling & Mora oil, poligono industrial, arboleas
Spaniards in Munich describe terror of shopping centre shoot-out
July 2016
Freak storm grounds flights from Barcelona airport
fly free enclosures
glass curtains
Pool Safety Fencing
Frameless Glass Curtain Systems New Innovative Pool Safety Fencing FloPlast Guttering, UPVC Trims and Architraves in stock High Quality Glazing (Sliding / Folding / Hinged) Insect Screening for any Area Fixed or Fully Retractable Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm
Parque Ind El Real, Calle El Garcel 11, Antas, Exit 534 E15 Autovia
Tel: 950 459 060 M. 638 063 196 / 649 482 677 Find us on
AT LEAST three flights were cancelled (Saturday) at Barcelona airport due to a freak storm which forced a runway to close. High winds smashed up one of the lights in the take-off zone, and planes heading for Manchester (UK), Milan (Italy) and Paris were grounded. Flights connecting Barcelona with St Petersburg (Russia) and Beirut (Lebanon) had to be rescheduled after one of the three runways, number 25R, was shut. Among the affected carriers was budget airline Vueling, which has recently caused some 50,000 passengers huge headaches after up
to 40 flights a day were cancelled due to organisational mayhem. Vueling had pledged ‘business as usual’ for the rest of July and all of August, having taken on extra staff and thrown on an additional aircraft, but the unseasonal storm yesterday meant further cancellations and delays were out of their control. Forked lightning, gales and heavy rain late on Friday night and in the early hours of Saturday mean extra time will be needed even today (Sunday) between aircraft landing and re-boarding, and delays may ensue due to the domino effect of yesterday’s cancellations and rescheduling. thinkspain
Intellectuals and artists sign open letter calling for politicians to avoid a third election
political values, with supporters of all the main parties who stood for general elections in December and again in June. The letter says that the 'moment has come' for searching for consensus and solutions rather than playing the 'blame game', and calls for politicians in the limelight to 'prevent the absurd situation' of 'forcing the voting public' to putting its 'trust' in a third election to solve the stalemate. "Now, it is their responsibility to make every effort and sacrifice - even deeply personal sacrifices - to put an end to this unsustainable situation of non-government." With the ongoing impasse, no active policymaking or decision-taking has been in sight since November 2015, or nearly nine months. This means crucial action to cull unemployment, return the country to prosperity, seek unity in light of the Brexit threat to EU economic and political stability, help the influx of refugees in Europe, or safeguard the nation against terrorism, has not and cannot be taken. Those who predicted a second election within hours of the inconclusive result of that of December warned Spain could be in for a 'lost year' in terms of socio-economic, legal and welfare matters which need urgent addressing.
WRITERS, artists, intellectuals, historians and other household names in Spain have signed an open letter urging political parties to put their personal ambitions aside and work together to avoid a third general election. They all come from a wide range of
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Two Iberian lynxes move into Madrid Zoo
Royals and government officials attend the inauguration of new facilities for this endangered Spanish feline. Two Iberian lynxes are the new residents of Madrid’s Zoo Aquarium, which inaugurated special facilities for the endangered species on Wednesday. King Felipe VI’s mother, Sofia, who still holds the honorary title of queen, attended the event along with state and regional officials. The male, Kalama, and the female, Jazmín, are the only Iberian lynxes to live in the Madrid region. Most of the others are in southern Spain, particularly in Doñana National Park, where there is a breeding program in place to save the species. The breeding program has raised the number of specimens in two Andalusian locations from 100 in 2002 to 361 in 2015 The three and four-year-old animals were transferred to their new 600 m2 residence from a breeding center in Zarza de Granadilla (Cáceres). Jesús Fernández, director of the zoological division of Parques Reunidos, the parent company of Madrid’s Zoo Aquarium, explained that “because they are not fit for reproduction purposes, the lynxes will fulfill another one of the program’s goals, which is raising social awareness about the dangers threatening this species.” With this initiative, the Zoo Aquarium and the Parques
Reunidos Foundation are joining the Life Iberlince conservation program, which is run jointly by the Environment Ministry and the regional government of Andalusia. This program has managed to reduce the Iberian lynx’s status from “critically endangered” to “endangered.” The Andalusian environment chief, José Fiscal, said that the breeding program has raised the number of specimens in two Andalusian locations from 100 in 2002 to 361 in 2015. In the whole of the Iberian peninsula there are 404 animals after some of them expanded into Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and the neighboring Portugal. Agriculture Minister Isabel García Tejerina underscored that “lynx conservation is one of the prime examples in the history of nature protection in Spain.” She added that the coordinated work of all agencies involved in the project has yielded excellent results throughout these last 15 years. Agustín López Goya, biology director for Parques Reunidos, explained that the main threats to the Iberian lynx are vehicle strikes on roads and a decline in wild rabbit populations through disease. “Lynxes feed on rabbits, and if these are ill the lynx is usually affected as well, and its own population declines notably,” added this expert elpais
ENGLISH, SPANISH, BELGIUM, FRENCH, DUTCH & GERMAN TV systems installed & Maintained, including Sky TV, BT Sport, Canal Digital. Communal systems, TV Aerials & Mobile phone signal boosters installed. A Professional, SKY trained engineer with 20 years’ experience. Established in Spain for the last 12 years. The best knowledge of TV systems around.
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fuNERAL DIRECTORS, TANATORIOS & INSURANCE One call and we will take away the worry of organising things at such a difficult time. We have been established for over 50 years and employ two native English funeral directors who will assist you through every step of the process, at your own speed and ensure that the funeral of a loved one is as you desire.
Collyfer cover all areas of Almeria and parts of Murcia We have our own Tanatorio´s in Huercal Overa, Arboleas, Garrucha, Pulpi and Cantoria. We also have permission to use Tanatorio´s in Bedar, Lubrin, Uleila del Campo, Albanchel, Seron & Sorbas.
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July 2016
Poligono Ind. Sur, Arboleas (opposite Almeria Bowling) Open July August Mon - Fri 1000-1930 1000-1400 Saturday 1000-1430 1000-1430 120cm diameter table with lazy susan 57cm Grillstream BBQ
2 seater sofa, 2 armchairs & coffee table Was €1,430 NOW €899
Charcoal Fire Pit with Lid Ice Bucket
2 seater sofa, 2 armchairs, coffee table
Was €775
NOW €599
Bramblecrest Oakridge Curved Casual Dining Set - €1,995
2 seater sofa, 2 armchairs & coffee table Was €895 Now €599
Casablanca Fire Pit Set - €1,095 with 4 chairs & cushions
Bramblecrest Sahara Modular Sofa Set - €1,795
2 seater sofa, 2 armchairs & coffee table Was €875 Now €599
160x90cm Mosaic table & 4 chairs
Was €675
NOW €589
160x90cm dining table - €125 Side chairs - €36 Armchairs - €45
Probably the largest selection of garden furniture, gas BBQ’s, BBQ accessories, solar lights, parasols, unbreakable glasses, wall art and patio heaters in the Almeria region. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY. NOW IN STORE Durable polypropylene Garden sheds and Storage Boxes
BBQ Steel Top Entertaining Bench €230
1 = €85 Or 4 = €300
BBQ’s and Accessories
BBQ’s from €329 Grillstream 2015
7 Find and circle all of the summer words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an additional summer item. Send answers to
Win 20€ in our fun summer wordsearch competition be spent with one of the Albox advertisers on this page!!!
Supermercado British Supermarket Providing all UK Brands at Low Prices Avda. leptanto 26
(Next to car park entrance of Mercadona)
ALBOX 04800 TLF.: 950 43 00 43
de A
We look forward to seeing you! Team Price Busters
I am pleased to announce that Gladrags Boutique´s FIRST Autumn/Winter Fashion Show will take place on Sunday 9th October at Maloans Bar and Restaurant Albox. Tickets will be available soon and you are guaranteed a fantastic Afternoon of Fun & Fashion. All proceeds from Tickets Sales will go to Walk4Life.
l Ru
e de
Glad rags
The Corner Shop
We have the largest selection of your favourite goods in the area, and at the best prices too!
All direct from the UK. Check our website for all the latest SPECIAL OFFERS
THE CORNER SHOP now supplies frozen fish from Catch of the day, Vera For your convenience you can pull up outside or we have a large carpark. We are only 2 minutes from Mercadona. Opening Hours Mon – Fri 9-5:30, Sat 10-4, Sun 10-2
Opening Times Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 3pm
The place to buy unique Arts & Crafts from local artists
Summer Opening Hours Monday to Saturday 10am to 2pm NOW IN STOCK New range of home accessories Gifts for everyone Crystals, Angels, Soaps, Handmade Gifts and cards. Keep those mozzies at bay with our Citronella, Lemon and Lavender candles, oils, incense and soaps. We now stock Raspberry Garden Candles & Melts. Every Thursday massage with Leanne and Craft classes fortnightly with Julie See up and coming events on Facebook
Tel: 634 395 085
Calle Malaga, ALBOX (two streets up from Mercadona)
For Stylish Quality Clothing in Beautiful Fabrics there is nowhere like Gladrags in Calle Malaga, Albox Tel: 634 313 071
Summer Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday 10am - 2pm
Sale Now On HUGE REDUCTIONS Fantastic Bargains tO MAKE WAY FOR NEW STOCK ARRIVING SHORTLY Open: Mon-Sat 9.30am-2pm, Calle Malaga, Albox. Tel: 671 715 294 ● 868 931 872
Tel: 950 930 539
Pay us a visit soon, you will love our prices!
hair & beauty salon AUGUST OFFERS Crystal Collagen Gold Facial Mask and Collagen Hair Treatment only 25€ Wet Cut with Collagen Hair Treatment 17€ Pedicure with Shellace 18€ Waxing from 5.50
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July 2016
TYRE KING The Best Deal for Miles
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Mon - Fri: 9.30am - 5.30pm Tel: 950 459 253 e: Poligono El Real, Calle El Garcel F19, Antas
Providing Quality Pool Services to Albox and Mojacar Services We Offer: Weekly Pool Service One Off Cleans Acid Washes Filter Cleaning Sand Replacement Equipment Installation How to Instruction Sessions
Contact Neil on 642 764 741 Email:
glorious goodwood The home of champions - In 1802 the 3rd Duke of Richmond introduced horse racing to Goodwood for the amusement of local army officers. Race week was so popular it was soon dubbed Glorious Goodwood and today the racecourse is renowned for being one of the most exciting – and is considered by many as the most beautiful – in the world. With five days of thrilling action set against the magnificent backdrop of the rolling Sussex countryside, Qatar Goodwood Festival – popularly known as Glorious Goodwood – is the sporting and social highlight of the flat-racing season. Traditionally taking place at the end of July, here the finest thoroughbreds compete in some of the world’s most prestigious races. The Stewards’ Cup was first run in 1840, and it was here that Edward VII caused a sartorial stir by sporting a panama hat and lounge suit instead of traditional top hat and tails. 2015 saw a new association with Qatar, whose sponsorship will ensure that Goodwood continues to attract champion jockeys, trainers and the finest equine athletes. The undoubted sporting and social highlight of the season, the Qatar Goodwood Festival gets underway in 2016 with the Opening Ceremony on Tuesday 26 July – a celebration of past winners and the unveiling of specially commissioned cups for the week’s feature races.
Stylish Gifts & Home Accessories
Serendipity The Crystal Cave - Albox
Paseo de Mediterraneo No 355 inbetween Cafes Koi & 353 on Mojacar Playa Tel: 697 778 355 E-mail: info@ Make your home more with our lovely home accessories
We build it all swimming pools with gunite swimming pool leak detection from house extensions to full house build
Concrete imprinting maintenance & repairs wall art - bbq artificial grass
ONE CALL DOES IT 628 408 197 Check out our website:
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Tel: 617 699 624 C & A REMOVALS & STORAGE
wE THINK OUTside the box
UK-SPAIN - SPAIN - UK from a box to a full load Cars, Pets & passenger if req
torage arboleas olutions
For all your Storage & Transportation needs... Fully Legal, Goods In Transit Insurance
LUBRIN ALMERIA SPAIN & ESSEX UK Unwanted items bought for CASH Call: 634 310 512/634 349 347 or 07434434820
spain uk spain & local removals Open: Monday - Friday 10am to 4pm T:(0034) 950 930 316 E: Poligono Los Llanos, Arboleas 04660, Almeria
Home & Garden Centre
Bradley Richards - Rachel Crawford
Garden Furniture - Home furniture Muebles de Jardin - Muebles del hogar Tel: 950 091 153
Amanda’s Tienda Segundo Mano
now open
A1101 Km 24, Rambla Aljibba, Lubrin Tel: 634 310 512 email:
ALBOX, 04800
The rug specialists
opposite Mercadona
TEL: 950 633 149 OR 607 375 697
Ctra. Lorca-Baza 72.5 04800 Albox (Almeria)
Ken & Jackie Dog & Cat Sitter service
• Your home or ours • Honest & trust worthy • 5 years experience of all types of animals • References available on request
676 389 592
spain - uk - spain & europe Large Vans Leaving Fortnightly House Clearance & Local Removals Etc.... email:
Tel: 634 337 185 or 950 064 778 Pork Pies are Freshly e th Baked on s Premise
Baked Potatoes and Hot Sandwiches
The best breakfast in Albox starting from 3€ A great selection of pasties all freshly baked on the premises They are the best quality and value in the area. See you here soon. Avda America, Albox. Next to Pricebusters
Bar lepanto
Opening Times Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat 9am - 4pm Friday 9am - 6pm - Sunday 9am - 5pm
specials served daily
Fridays Fish & Chips Sunday Breakfast 9am-1pm. Sunday Roast 1-5pm Booking recommended for Fridays and Sundays Lepanto 26, Albox
Tel 642 906 638
Tel: 666 618 933
M &N
pool, home & garden maintenance Pool cleaning & maintenance Gardening Pre holiday exterior clean & preperation Pre & post holiday cleaning telephone: 637090346 or 670087726 email: are you getting frustrated at ever increasing electricity bills? Do you want a clean, reliable energy alternative?
if so call ecocorp on 671 716 597 or 950 930 187 for a no obligation quotation Landscape Design and Consultancy Fully Licensed and credited with over 20 years professional landscaping experience. Work ranging from private gardens to 5* international resorts. Available for all landscaping needs. Portfolio available opon request INITIAL CONSULTANCY FREE Call Us Today 634 359 082 / 684 334 431
James & Son
Tel: 666 020 797
Removals / Storage
Sale Now On up to 50% Off!
bar restaurant
personal shopping from the UK
Pet Transportation & Competitive Rates
Automotive Diagnostic Specialist
Nave 2, Llanos de Arboleas Arboleas 04660, Almeria, Spain
950 930 922 / 616 453 813
electro-os s.l. damp proofing
19 years in spain
architect approved
Jeoff Hadleigh - Lloyd
Open 7 days a week 12noon - 3:30pm, 6pm - late Closed Monday Lunchtime
Avda Lepanto, Albox
Tel: 958 65 65 60 Mob: 619 66 63 63
IPTV Spain UK TV Leading the way in UK TV
Tel: 632 454 505 or 602 198 970
Holiday Rentals, Property Management & Maintenance Alquileres, Administracion y Mantenimiento Office
950 699 947 634 972 377 - email:
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(Argos, Screwfix, Wickes etc)
0034 627 968 434 0044 7874 638 330 Email:
Ladies ... a new style, a new look, a new you
BARBER & HAIRDRESSER Fully Qualified (Saks London) & Fully Legal Look out for “Wally” Monday to Friday From 8am Near Los Arcos & K7 Estate Agent
Calling all males too... Come down & get your hair cut!
TLF: 667 961 645
Wacky Barbers & Hairdressers Mojacar
Steven Smith - Arboleas Builder
Building Maintenance & Property Repair No job TOO Big or TOO Small
Blockwork - Plastering - Damp Proof Concreting - Tiling - Roofing Painting - Decorating - Rejas
Cladding Specialists
950 930 536 / 634 306 690
July 2016
Shelly White Liberty Seguras
Exclusive Insurance Agent Auto - home - pet - life commercial - community savings - funeral & more
Tel: 620 179 206 Open Monday to Friday 10am - 2pm Afternoons on appointment
Tony’s Golf
• New and Used Golf Clubs
For Sale Or Hire. • Balls, Shoes, Trolleys, Bags & More
• Club Hire15€ PD or 60€ PW
Find us at Turre Market Friday, Arboleas Saturday & Villaricos on Sunday Or Call 607-645-175
Hostal Rural - Restaurante El Tio Tomas Hostal Rural Restaurante
There will be a charity car boot at the El Keys Bar, Turre. Sale starts at 10 am Sunday 31 Jul 2016. Please come and support this local event. It's with a sad but sensible head that we close the doors to Ferreteria El Real permanently on 31st August. The sale will continue until that day and we wish to give a big thank you to all our customers, both old and new, who have supported us over the last few months. Meanwhile my husband Dave will continue with all aspects of construction and Cocinas El Real will also continue. Dave can be contacted on 622 232 186 In September I start working with some fantastic Bulgarian products for skin, hair and beauty. The main ingredient comes from the rose fields of Plovdiv where the roses are distilled for their oil. This is known to have great rejuvenating qualities and are extremely popular in the north of Spain. This will allow me to work from home and give me more time for my girls.
El Tio Tomas
Cortijo Grande
Original British Blues – Rock – Fusion SuperTurre With a touch of wit → 24th September 2016, doors open at 7.30pm Entrance 5€
Davoid Walton Blues Trio
Cortijo El Gitano, TURRE (Almeria) Tel: 950 109 230 / 672 628 939 Avda. Almeria, 27 Turre, 04639 Almeria P R E PA I D F U N E R A L P L A N S
Julie durrant Marketing Supervisor
tel: 634 321 296
Cabrera Lawn Bowling Club Looking For A New Hobby? Why Not Try Our Bowling Club. Al Andalus Gardens 04639 Turre Almeria 950 930 471 email:
699 909 737 office:
950 398 146 E-mail:
solo perros Elleanns-Homestyle Quality new & used furniture dog grooming
bought & sold
Compra y venta de muebles de calidad
674 514 999
Sale Now On
Sundance Spas
Pool Maintenance S.L.
Sale Now On
Open: Monday - friday 9.30am - 2.30pm & 4pm -6pm Closed Saturday & Sunday
Telephone 607 658 540 for out of these hours
All Sundance Spas in Stock (45 spas) 50% off normal price All stock must go to make way for new models
Sundance Altamar Normally 17,999€ now 8,999€
Caldera Marino Sale Price 6,995€
Sundance Capri normally 14,425€ now 7,212€
SALE NOW ON ! sold
Sundance Denali normally 10,995€ now 5,497€
Sundance Dover normally 11,849€ now 5,924€
Sundance Hamilton normally 14,995€ now 7,497€
16 second hand spas in stock. priced from 1,500€ to 6,000€
We Purchase Old Spa Cash Your Paid
Pool Maintenance • Now taking on building work, terrace, extensions etc
Mojacar Showroom, Paseo de Mediterraneo, 165
Tel: 950 472 845 or 607 658 540 •
July 2016
health & beauty Tel: 950 121 936 -
The hidden health clues in the SHAPE of your food, from walnuts boosting your brain to celery strengthening your bones...
Studies have shown many foods look like the body part they are good for Ancient philosophy says the shape of plants give clues as to their purpose Long stalks of celery look like bones and help to strengthen the skeleton Walnuts warn off dementia while their wrinkles resemble a brain Remember that old saying ‘you are what you eat’ or ‘if you don’t eat all your carrots you won’t be able to see in the dark’? Well, recent studies have shown many fruits and vegetables often look like the body part or organ that they are good for. That’s right – it’s not just a coincidence that kidney beans are actually called kidney beans, or why walnuts look like tiny little brains. An ancient European philosophy known as ‘The Doctrine of Signatures’ suggests that plants, animals and minerals often contain clues in their shape, form or actions, which secretly tells us their purpose. CARROTS: EYE Look at a carrot and you’ll see the pattern resembling the lines of the pupil and iris - similar to that of an eye Carrots also have the ability to enhance blood flow, bettering the function of the eye. Look at a carrot and you’ll see the pattern resembling the lines of the pupil and iris - similar to that in the eye Slice a carrot in half and you’ll see that from afar, the middle mirrors a similar pattern to an eye. Look a bit closer and you’ll even start to see the pattern
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resembling the lines of the pupil and iris. As well as being packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants, carrots also contain a plant chemical called beta-carotene – which is where they get their orange colour from. Beta-carotene is great for reducing the risk of developing cataracts and protecting against macular degeneration – the leading cause of loss of vision in older people. Carrots also have the ability to enhance blood flow, bettering the function of the eye. WALNUT: BRAIN Walnuts are so similar to brains that it even looks like they have left and right hemispheres. Walnuts contain a high content of omega-3 fatty acids and develop over three dozen neuron- transmitters, which help support brain function Walnuts have left and right hemispheres as their wrinkly surface looks very similar to that of the brain As gross as it is, the creases and wrinkles of a walnut make it look strikingly similar to a brain. In fact, they’re so similar that it even looks like they have left and right hemispheres. Walnuts contain a high content of omega-3 fatty acids and develop over three dozen neuron- transmitters, which help support brain function. They also help to warn off dementia and a recent study found walnut extract broke down the protein-based plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease. So, that’s why walnuts have been nicknamed as ‘brain-food’ all this time. CELERY: BONES Bones contain 23 per cent of sodium and celery also contains 23 per cent sodium Celery specifically targets bone strength as it is a great source of silicon, which is a component of the molecular structure that gives bones strength Long stalks of celery look like bones. The vegetable is a great source of silicon which gives bones strength
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them. Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to prevent the development in human breast cells Oranges and grapefruits look like the internal structure breasts. These fruits also aid the movement of the lymph - a colourless fluid - in and out of the breast The similarity between oranges, grapefruits and breasts may be more coincidental than you think. Oranges look like breasts – state the obvious – but actually, they’re really good for them. They aid the movement of the lymph - a colourless fluid - in and out of the breast. As for grapefruit, it contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to prevent the development in human breast cells. Read more:
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Have you ever noticed long stalks of celery look just like bones? Celery specifically targets bone strength as it is a great source of silicon, which is a component of the molecular structure that gives bones strength. And guess what – bones contain 23 per cent of sodium and celery also contains 23 per cent sodium. If you don’t have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones making them weak, so eating celery is one of the best ways to replenish the skeletal needs of the body. ORANGES AND GRAPEFRUITS: BREASTS Oranges look like breasts, state the obvious, but actually, they’re really good for
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July 2016
WITH MICHAEL DAVIES, ABOGADO/SOLICITOR Hello and welcome to CanDu Computer Manager app. If you have Bytes. If you need professional computer a second Android phone help, you can contact me at make to or tablet with you, grab it appointment at my workshop or clinic and install the app(lication). (which is at Maloan’s bar in Albox). Once you’ve got it loaded up, you’ll need Like everything else, Android Device to input your Google email account and Manager isn’t without its limitations. For password to start location devices. The example, if your phone is stolen and app works exactly like the website, so all you don’t have a protected lock screen of the instructions and details above are (shame on you!) and the thief has already applicable here. You can ring, lock, and performed a factory reset, you’re out of erase your device directly from the app luck. The phone is no longer associated with all the same options that the web with your Google Account at that point, so offers. Google has no way of tracking it! So what happens if you don’t have If the phone happens to die before you another Android device or your computer? can track it, or the thief turns it off, all hope That’s when it may seem like all hope is isn’t totally lost—Android Device Manager lost, there’s still another option. Just get will try to provide the last verified location. onto the ‘Net’ and login to “https://www. This will at least give you an idea of where”. It you could’ve lost it. You can also hope that will automatically start looking for your whoever finds it will put it on charge for phone! Bear in mind that this is Google you—then you’ll be able to track it again. and they will want authentication that you Or maybe they’ll just call you. Unlikely but are who you say you are and might want stranger things have happened AND there a Two-Factor Authentication enabled on are many more decent people out there your Google account, which will require than lying, thieving scum! you to input a six-digit code before getting Lastly, if all hope is lost, you can access to your account. The problem is completely wipe the device with the “erase” command. This will completely that this usually relies on either an app factory reset the device, wiping all of your (like Google Authenticator) or a text personal data, pictures, music, and all message to get you this code, and if your other stored files. It will also try to wipe phone is missing…well, you see where this the SD card if your device has one, but is going. That’s why it’s always a good idea to there’s a possibility (depending on Android keep some backup codes handy. Google version and manufacturer) that it may not be able to, so keep that in mind. Once the provides these when you set up twophone has been wiped, Android Device factor authentication in the first place, so Manager will no longer work, so this is print them out and keep them somewhere basically you saying goodbye to your safe—don’t wait until it’s too late! These phone—this is the point of no return! Why codes could mean the difference between would you want to go to these extremes? getting your phone back (or at least You are unique! Your genetic make-up and keeping prying eyes away from your life experiences make you who you are! personal data) and never seeing it again. Once you’re logged in, the Device YOUR IDENTITY IS PRECIOUS! Wipe the phone and NOBODY can use it for their Manager will work the same way as the app and will either allow you to get your own ends! So maybe you don’t want to go back home phone back or prevent someone buying a just to find your missing phone. That’s Porsche in your name!! Good luck. understandable, For further information or advice on and there’s another solution: the computing,contact Trevor on 689 892 745 or Android Device
Builder makes a real life ‘Where’s Wally?’ game for sick kids to spot from their hospital window
When Jason Haney started work on a construction site beside a children’s hospital, he knew just how to brighten their days with everchanging game Jason Haney created an 8ft model of Wally so that he could entertain the kids in hospital Children’s hospitals are difficult places for little ones to spend time but one builder has done his bit to make their experience as fun as it can be. Jason Haney is working on a construction site beside a facility where sick kids are getting treatment. But when he realised they can look out of their ward windows and see his building work, he decided to build them a real life ‘Where’s Wally?’ game. The worker who lives in South Bend, Indiana made an 8ft cut-out of the stripey-jumpered kids’ favourite and started hiding it around his site for patients at the city’s Memorial Children’s Hospital to spot. Parent’s desperate appeal to save severely burnt 11-month-old boy The kids - who in the US call the character Waldo - are tasked with finding the character, at which point Mr Haney moves it and the game
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RENOUNCING AN INHERITANCE IN FAVOUR OF ANOTHER PERSON CAN BE A VERY EXPENSIVE MISTAKE QUESTION: My brother and I recently inherited a villa in Mojacar worth 400,000€. I agreed with my brother that he keeps the property and I would compensate him. We discussed this with our solicitor and with this as the background agreement, we assisted the notary and we both signed a deed in which I renounced in his favour and he accepted the inheritance of the house, half directly and half due to me renouncing my half in his favour. The solicitor is now saying that the tax office is claiming that, in respect of my half, two taxable transactions have taken place: 1. Inheritance tax on the half to me and 2. a taxable donation to my brother. Is this correct? ANSWER: I am afraid you have made a very expensive mistake. What the tax office is claiming is correct. In Spain if you renounce and establish the new beneficiaries on the deed then the tax office
taxes the transaction twice (inheritance+donation). The best solution, depending on the way the will was worded, would have been: Option 1. If the will states that everything goes to the two of you with the right to accrue the other, then you could have signed a full unconditional renunciation to your father’s estate (which is not taxable as long as it is unconditional). In this case the next in line according to the will would have been your brother (without you having to name him, which makes it a donation) who would inherit the complete property directly from your father. Option 2. If the will stated that you are both the heirs and then as a second step the grandchildren, then solution A. would not work. In this case you should have both inherited as stated on the will and then you could have signed a deed to resolve the joint ownership, which is much cheaper than a donation. The only angle to your situation now would be to speak to the tax office to see if there is any way you can sign a deed of modification at the notary, claiming that you made a mistake.
Michael Davies is a Spanish Abogado and has been practicing law in Almería since 1993. He is member of the Law societies of Almería and Madrid and has offices in Mojacar and Almeria High Street.
begins again. Where’s Waldo.. Memorial Children’s Hospital/Jason Haney ‘Where’s Wally?’ made real has amused and entertained the kids Where’s Waldo.. Memorial Children’s Hospital/Jason Haney Wally has made a construction site into a game for sick kids Haney has even created a Facebook group where the children are able to post about their find. Where’s Waldo.. Memorial Children’s Hospital/Jason Haney The model is just the first in a series, promises Mr Haney Where’s Waldo.. Memorial Children’s Hospital/Jason Haney When the kids find Wally, they tell Mr Haney on Facebook and he moves him somewhere else Although Wally has been a big hit, Mr Haney and his daughter have already decided on their next project - and they’re making cut-outs of Minions for it to happen. Wally has already been a smash hit online. Help us raise £3.5m to give these desperately ill kids a chance of life Lisa Anderson wrote: “What an amazing thing you are doing. I truly hope your good deed is returned in kind.” “Thank you for bringing light to the lives of some very special people. It’s comforting to find someone who works hard to show great kindness. Many blessings to you!” added Marcia Wright-Hinson.
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July 2016
Movie News and Reviews
For two-plus hours, audiences will be mesmerized by Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s transformation into Edward Snowden, government agent turned whistleblower who now lives in exile after exposing programs used by our own government to spy on the world’s citizens. You will become so engrossed in Gordon-Levitt’s portrayal that it’ll be stunning when, in a bit of camera trickery, the REAL Edward Snowden shows up in a scene that begins with Gordon-Levitt in the role, and gracefully transitions into the actual Snowden. The mind reels with questions. Why did Oliver Stone do this? Did he actually go to Moscow, where Snowden resides, to shoot this scene? Thankfully, as part of a special Snowden screening in San Diego, Edward Snowden participated in a live Q-and-A via satellite from Moscow and answered questions alongside Stone, Gordon-Levitt and costar Shailene Woodley. And he opened up about the creation of this eye-catching scene, explaining: Oliver [Stone] came out to interview me, talking about maybe [filming me] to contextualize it, maybe for DVD extras. But we had this feeling, as we talked about things. I spoke at length about my personal values, and just how I felt about things that had been happening to me since 2013. And I guess he liked it. People do see, to respond to it. And I think there’s kind of a magic in seeing Joe, has been going through the movie, putting this really amazing performance, and then it wipes across the back of the screen. ... It was something that made me really nervous, but I think he made it work. Does Oliver Stone agree? He took the baton from Snowden and elaborated: The whole thing is set up by Joe. He’s obviously exhausted himself at this point. And I think we just wanted something completely out of the left field. It was a gamble. I think poor Ed [Snowden], he suffered greatly that day. He’s minimizing the damage to his psyche. It was very hard for him. We did nine takes, I believe, at least, on several angles. He talks so well in interviews, but it’s so hard for him to become a third person. He has that difficulty making that leap. Any actor knows what I’m talking about. ... We got there eventually, but it was a painful day.
Release Date: 16 September 2016
Star Trek Beyond This weekend, audiences are preparing to
re-board the Enterprise and explore the deepest reaches of outer space when Justin Lin’s Star Trek Beyond opens in theatres. The interesting thing about Beyond is that it’s the continuation of the series, J.J. Abrams launched back in 2009, but we already know that a Star Trek 4 is in the early planning stages. So, will we get a tease for that recently announced sequel via the always popular end-credits sequence? No, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay for the end credits sequence of Star Trek Beyond, because two special things to happen early on in the process. It’s not breaking news that the Star Trek family lost two very important members recently. Leonard Nimoy, the original Spock, died of complications to his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 2015, while Beyond was still in production. And then, tragically, current Chekov Anton Yelchin was killed in an automotive accident in June, leaving his Star Trek colleagues reeling. While there is no footage in a post-credits scene, both Nimoy and Yelchin receive memorial cards in the credits of Star Trek Beyond. The movie’s actually dedicated to Yelchin with the touching “For Anton” added at the last minute. In many ways, Star Trek Beyond feels like an episode of the original series, and furthers it’s connection to classic Star Trek with everything from bottles of Saurian brandy to Shakespeare quotes, but the movie’s greatest charm is just how fresh it is and feels. The script takes pieces of franchise history and lore and moulds them to create something original - not only providing the opportunity to view classic elements in different lights, but also opening the doors to the creation of two tremendous supporting characters in Sofia Boutella’s Jaylah and Idris Elba’s Krall. The former is destined to become a fan favourite (being a firecracker badass who shares a fantastic backand-forth with Scotty); and while the latter requires some time to evolve on screen and become interesting, by the end he makes for a terrific foil to the ennui-addled Kirk. Taking the reins from J.J. Abrams behind the lens, Justin Lin succeeds in crafting a Star Trek movie in his own personal style -- constructing not only mind-blowing action sequences, but even giving audiences a new way to look at the Enterprise. With its camera work and visual effects, the movie creates a great sense of geography within the classic spaceship (prior to its destruction), achieved with beautiful, long arcing shots that travel around the outside.
out now
The Infiltrator
In a summer full of superheroes and talking animals, Bryan Cranston’s new film The Infiltrator isn’t what you’d expect to find in the theatre. However, it is exactly what you’d expect to find Bryan Cranston doing. Cranston plays Robert Mazur. He’s a U.S. Customs agent in South Florida tasked with stopping the illegal drug trade that used the area as its primary port in the mid-1980s. Along with a new partner, Emir Abreu (John Leguizamo), Mazur goes undercover in an attempt to track the financial institutions that are complicit in the illegal drug business in order to use them to “get to the bad guys.” Robert Mazur becomes Bob Musella, a money launderer, and infiltrates (see what I did there) the cartels in order to get the evidence he needs to take them all down. Of course, this is a 1980 drug cartel, so if they figure out he’s playing them, he’ll be very dead, very quickly. The plot synopsis likely sounds like something you’ve heard before. This is because you have. While The Infiltrator might be based on a true story, it has a plot very similar to many fictional tales revolving around undercover cops and drug dealers. The cop that does it by the book with the partner who threw the book out the window? Check. The undercover cop who might be getting a little too close to the criminals he’s trying to bust? Check. The wife at home who wants him to quit before he ends up dead? Yup. Bring your “police movie trope” bingo card to The Infiltrator and you won’t even need the free space to win before act one is over. Of course, if there is one thing that The Infiltrator has which the rest of the genre is missing, it’s Bryan Cranston. While he’s on the opposite side of the drug business from his Breaking Bad character, the two still have quite a bit in common. Both have dangerous jobs, and families they’re trying to keep protected from it. Both of these jobs involve hanging out with drug dealers. Both of them really like their jobs. Walter White is certainly a part of Cranston here, even if this new version had a badge. And this is very much the Bryan Cranston show. John Leguizamo’s character takes the middle of the movie off entirely, Bob’s fake finance, played very well by Diane Kruger, doesn’t show up until just before that point. The most nuanced character in the film, Benjamin Bratt as cartel distributor Roberto Alcano is also underutilized. He’s the “bad guy” that Bob is trying to get to, only it turns out he’s not so bad a guy. He’s a businessman with a wife and a family and hopes and dreams and concerns about the future. He’s not the villain the drug dealers were supposed to be in the 80s. He’s an opportunist, to be sure, but this was the 80s, who wasn’t? To be sure, The Infiltrator has some great moments of tension and suspense. What’s unfortunate is that those great moments are few and far between.
out now
950 121 936 - Avenida 28 de Febrero 34, Albox 04800- Almeria. We are now on the A334 road coming into Albox on the left hand side between the Grand Sport Shop and the Heaven Cafe/Bar.
ESP 2730
Cortijo el Molino
ESP 2736
Villa Miguel
Spain’s Primary Residence Housing Stock Falls First Time in 15 Years
The housing stock in Spain, for primary residences, fell by 0.71% in 2015, representing its first reduction in at least 15 years, to stand at a total of 18.97 million homes, according to statistics from the Ministry of Public Works.
Detached beautiful unspoiled traditional mill house which has now being fully renovated very well. Located in Oria.
In contrast, the number of non-main residence properties continued to grow, following the decline registered in 2011, and stood at a total of 6.56 million at the end of 2015, which is 2.3% higher than the previous year.
ESP 2733
This type of property contributed to the total stock of homes in Spain closing last year with an increase of 0.19% which, nevertheless, represents its lowest annual increase in the last decade.
Villa Puerto
Beautiful detached Villa in located in Arboleas, habitable with all mains connected.
ESP 2732
Cortijo Gloria
Thus, El Economista reported that the total of Spain’s housing stock at the end of 2015 reached some 25.54 million homes, with 74.2% of the total being primary residences (down from 75% the previous year) and the rest for other uses. The Ministry’s data highlights that, at the end of 2015, housing stocks of primary residences fell in all regions while, at the same time, the stocks of non-main residence properties increased in all regions.
Fantastic and luxurious house on two floors with electricity and water connected and habitable. Located in Puerto Lumbreras.
Regarding the total housing stock, Andalucía is the region which registered the greatest number of completed homes, with 4.40 million, followed by Catalonia (3.89 million), Valencia (3.17 million) and Madrid (2.95 million), while the regions to register the least number of completed homes were La Rioja (201,553 homes), Navarre (317,420) and Cantabria (363,195).
Fabulous renovated cortijo with a total of 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, porch, walled and gated patio/sunbathing area with swimming pool and outside chiringuitostyle bar area with barbeque. Located in Albox with all mains connected.
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mail: web: email: Address: La Plaza Nueva, No 10, Albox Office: 950 102 191 • Carlos: 648 505 938 • Gavin: 671 293 942 *Albox* Spacious townhouse with 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a garage.
*Oria* This villa has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a private pool.
is in a very good condition and has water & electric connected to the house. €95,000
*Albox* Nice villa with Rambla De Oria a garage on Nice Cortijo (200m²) with some land, & beautiful views. The a plot ofgarage 16 cortijo has 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge and kitchen. The cortijo hectares.
*Albanchez* Beautiful villa with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and stunning views.
*Limaria* *Arboleas* Quality Stunning villa with 4 villa with 3 Taberno bedrooms, bedrooms, 2 villa in the town of Taberno (114 mtrs) comprises 3 This beautiful detached 2 bathrooms bathrooms and a fully fitted kitchen, a spacious lounge and a private bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a private beautiful splash pool (5 xviews. 3). All of this is on a small low maintenance plot (400 sq mtrs) pool. with off road parking and all amenities very close by!
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We are looking for more properties due to an increase in both British and Belgian clients. We have lots of customers looking! So please contact us if you want to sell.
July 2016
Fixed Rate Mortgages on the Increase
According to the latest quarterly report published by the Spanish Mortgage Association (AHE), some 57.3% of the new mortgages contracted in May were of fixed or mixed interest rate types, while the remaining 42.7% were variable rate mortgages.
holder and the financial institutions in an environment of low interest rates. Specifically, 31.4% of the mortgages formalised in May were made with a fixed rate of over 10 years, while 25.9% had an initial fixed rate of between one and 10 years, and the remaining The AHE pointed out that the fixed 42.7%, had a variable interest rate of less than one year. The Association rate mortgages “are gaining ground” also highlighted the increase in the due to the advantages they offer in number of loans with a fixed rate to terms of stability, both to the mortgage term, which accounted for 31.4% of the Contact: 607 705 085 or 687 938 466 transactions, compared C/Llanos, Bedar (Next to the Miramar Restaurant) with 4.95% in 2015. Open: Monday-Friday 10.00am-3.30pm Moreover, El Mundo reported that the mortgage This stunning newly renovated 5 outstanding bedroom, 3 bathroom is located in the balance registered in hills above the wonderful coastal resort April 2016, the latest of Mojacar Playa. This contemporary data available, shows design property boasts high quality a year-on-year decline fixtures and fittings throughout as of 3.41%, to 673,983 well as a stunning natural looking salt million euros. The AHE chlorinated pebble tech swimming pool. stated that: “Since the OLV1024 mojacar 365,000€ process of adjustment in
O Olive
the Spanish mortgage market began in 2010, the outstanding mortgage balance has continued to decrease at a sustained pace. However, the latest data shows a clear trend of deceleration, which indicates that this process is in its final phase.” The report shows the same behaviour in the managed mortgage credit balance, which in April stood at 684,132 million euros, representing a drop of 3.6%, year-on-year. As with the mortgage lending balance, the real estate credit balance in Spain has experienced a similar adjustment process. Thus, the total real estate credit balance maintained the same trend observed in earlier
periods, standing at 716,373 million euros in the first quarter of the year, representing a year-on-year decrease of 6.47%. By sectors, the real estate household credit balance, which accounted for 76.3% of the total real estate credit, decreased by 4.7%, to 546,795 million euros. Credit for real estate activities, representing 17.9% of the total real estate credit, decreased by 11.9% in March, to 128,106 million euros. In addition, credit for construction activities recorded a reduction of 10.9%, with a balance of 41,472 million euros.
Housing Prices Fell by 5.1% to May, Say Notaries
A report published last week by the General Council of Notaries notes that the average price per square metre of housing in Spain has dropped in value since the beginning of the year. According to the Notaries’ data, between January and May the average price of housing fell from 1,330 euros/ m2, accumulating a decline of 5.1%, to stand at 1,261 euros/m2, which is its lowest figure registered so far this year and represents a price reduction of 1.6% compared to May of last year. The number of home sales increased by 11.4% year-on-year in May, reaching a total of 38,845 transactions. However, this figure
represented a slight decline compared with the number of transactions registered in March and April. Moreover, the Notaries’ data shows that home sales accumulated a total of 181,056 transactions up until the end of May, which is an increase of 16.1% over those registered in the same period of 2015. Sales of second hand homes accounted for some 26,889 of the transactions, representing an increase of 16.8% year-on-year, while sales of single family dwellings increased by 9.2% year-on-year, to a total of 7,885 transactions. In contrast, sales of new homes fell by 22.6%, compared to the same period of 2015, to a total of just 2,495 transactions. However, according to the Notaries, “the increase in home sales registered in May reflects the underlying path of recovery of the housing market”.
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Bedar, 04288 (next to Miramar Restaurant)
Tel: 607 705 085 or 687 938 466
Monday - Friday 10am - 3.30pm
Sales office now open in Bedar
El Pinar (Bedar)’s all in the detail
Located in the popular, former mining village of El Pinar de Bedar, this sizable and rare property was originally built for the one of the mine managers. This spacious 400m2 property boasts some wonderful features and includes 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and the possibility for more bedrooms if wanted, also pool permission would be possible . 200,000€
A wonderful reformed 3 bedroom detached Cortijo situated in the beautiful countryside near Cariatiz, just over 20 minutes to the coast. This property has a large courtyard and outbuilding, private pool and large terrace and wonderful front garden with various mature fruit trees. 279,950€
This interesting 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom property is located in the mountains above the charming village of Bedar. The property boasts some of the most incredible vistas of the entire coastline as well as a beautiful pine forest. There is a large terrace with private pool and under build large enough for several cars.
This is a unique opportunity to purchase two detached properties, a large cortijo with land , views and a private pool as well a detached 2 bed, 2 bath property next door, ideal as a letting property. The two properties are located only 15 minutes from the coast yet in a fabulous country setting with amazing views 425,000€ total quiet and privacy.
beautiful agricultural land with 700 planted olive trees producing 3000 kg of olives in 2015. Located only a short walk to the prosperous village of Uleila del Campo, near Sorbas and set in beautiful, fertile, countryside close to the Natural Park of Sierra de Baza. 130 m2 built area on 25,700M2 plot. Energy Efficiency rating G - 60.25 kg CO2/m2 annual.
€340,000 REDUCED TO €295,000
Paseo del Mediterraneo 19, Mojacar Playa, Almeria (near the Hotel Best Indalo) Tel: 950 478 612 / 610 808 631 calida homes
calida homes T h e N a m e Yo u C a n T r u s t Established In Arboleas since 2000 Avenida Almanzora, Arboleas
Price 159,000€
cla 6624
0 LY 2
Price 165,000€
ALMERIA 3 bed 2 bath villa Zurgena, pool, lovely views, easy walking distance to village.
cla 5086
ALMERIA 3 bed 2 bath villa Arboleas, quality 2 storey, pool, large garden.
Price 147,500€
cla 4138
0 LY 2 D JU
ALMERIA 3 bed, 2 bath villa in Arboleas, detached garage, lovely views.
Price 120,000€
cla 6795
ALMERIA 4 bed, 3 bath villa in Albox, 1400m plot, stunning views.
Due to an exceptionally busy June and July. We urgently require fully legal villas in all areas of Arboleas, Cucador and Zugena. Low commissions guaranteed for a quality professional service.
Office: 0034 950 430 763 - Richard: 0034 634 302 801 Andrea: 0034 697 875 717
SOL Y MAR 950 121 936 -
Tel: 950 064 584 609 199 394
Well appointed detached home on the outskirts of Oria , short drive or walk into town Featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms , log burner, private swimming pool , aircon and under floor heating as well as many other extras. In immaculate order and represents good value for money
July 2016
Detached villa in excellent order , features 3 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms Set in a beautiful mountain backdrop on the outskirts of Cantoria , prime location as walking distance to the many amenities of the town including bars, cafes, medical centre , school and much more. The 1000m2 plot is fully fenced/ walled and in excellent order , plenty of room for a pool , this property represent excellent value for money.
REDUCED PRICE 85,000€ ALBANCHEZ SM050 Only 20 mins to Albox
Detached village home walking distance to local bar and swimming pool Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and many original and stunning features including 3 courtyards, beautiful mosaic walls with unique aspects. Close to the town of Tjola with all amenities you would require including bars, cafes , medical centre, banks and post offices. Must be viewed to appreciate.
Delightful country villa set on a plot of 143m2 in a beautiful country setting. The property is located just 2 minutes drive from the town of Albanchez which has bars, shops, bank, medical centre etc. The property is in a quiet location and enjoys excellent views of the surrounding countryside. The property comprises of:- 2 double bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen (fully fitted including white goods), and lounge/diner. Outside there is a good sized patio area for outdoor eating and sunbathing and also included in the price is a Jacuzzi. Viewing is recommended.
Avenida 28 de Febrero Nº 44, Albox Email: │ fantastic value for money
Spacious 3 bed 4 bathroom detached traditional cortijo with much charm and character and many original features. Most attractive and desirable location as short drive to the nearest village and just off main access road. This large property offers scope for minor renovation hence the fantastic price. This home comes with many extras including 4 outbuildings, garage and a new fitted kitchen. Set in a small hamlet of country houses in a setting yet so close to amenities. A short drive to the traditional village of Almanzora with all amenities you would require including bars, cafes, medical centre and banks. Only 5 mins drive to the nearest main market town of Albox.
Elevated Views
NEW LISTING 175,000€
Impressive detached villa with elevated views across the valley. Beautiful walled mature garden with BBQ area. Finished to a very high standard with many extras including pellet central heating, built in damp proofing, swimming pool, screened gazebo eating area and a generous plot size of 936m2. Walking distance to local bar and restaurant and only 10 mins drive to Albox. Must be viewed to appreciate.
beautiful country home
500€ PCM RENTAL limaria
Beautiful country home set against stunning mountain backdrop. This home is in a semi rural location in an idyllic setting yet only 10 minutes to many amenities of Arboleas. Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished to a high standard, jacuzzi, beautiful mature garden, garage and fully fenced area. This home is in immaculate order and available from 1st September. Will allow a small dog and is available long term.
country home close to amenities
Detached country home on the outskirts of Albox Features 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, unfurnished, stunning views, large plot, very private setting yet short drive to all amenities. Available ASAP for long term let, pets welcome.
July 2016
A striking 3 bed 2 bath detached villa in El Saltador, Huercal Overa. An impressive home with fly free swimming and eating area, private pool, 510m2 plot, great views, master suite with walk out terrace, air-con and fitted wardrobes.
A fantastic semi-detached bungalow on Mojacar Playa. The property offers a full fly-free roof solarium, two separate large terraces, sea views and is a 10 minute walk to the beachfront.
REF HUE3VES03 €154,950
REF MOJ2V02 120,000€
A spacious 2 bedroom 2 bath villa in Arboleas with 8x4m pool, large terraces, excellent country views, extended living/ diner, car port, A/C throughout, and just a 2 minute drive to the village.
A large & striking 5 bedroom property in the Tabernas area with fantastic country views from various terrace areas, private swimming pool, and independent 2 bed annexe on the upper level. The entire 440m2 plot is walled and gated and the property maintains many traditional features.
REF ARB2VC12 139,950€
REF TAB5C01 129,950€
Simply stunning 3 bedroom villa with separate 1 bedroom apartment overlooking the coastline of Mojacar Playa. Private 10 x 5m pool, Jacuzzi, sea views, immaculate presentation and successful rental history.
Recently reduced 2 bedroom ground floor apartment in Los Lobos. Communal pool, underground parking & store room. Property can be sold fully furnished, subject to negotiation.
REF MOJ4V05 499,500€
REF LOB2A05 72,500€
property group Paseo del Mediterraneo 197 - Mojacar - Almeria
Tel: 950 472 430 / 610 053 563
Opening hours. Monday to Friday 10.00 am to 6.00pm Saturday 10.00 am to 1.30pm
Mojácar playa
veritas homes
High quality 2 bed / 1 bath Apartment with roof terrace and underground parking space. Communal pool. Near amenities. Ref.1126
Mojácar playa
€80.000 cortijo grande
2 bed / 2 bath fully furnished Apartment with large terrace and underground parking place. Communal pool. Ref.1672
Mojácar playa
Charming 3 bed / 2 bath Villa with private plot of 424 m2. Mature garden, terraces and solarium with nice views. Ref. 1717
Lovely 2 bed / 2 bath Apartment with east facing terrace of 63 m2, store room and underground parking place. Oasis del mar. Ref.1714
Nice 3 bed / 3 bath Townhouse with garage on basement, patio, terrace and roof solarium. Near commercial center. Ref.1713
€150,000 Mojácar playa
Sea facing 2 bed / 2 bath fully furnished Apartment with terrace and underground parking place. Communal pool. Ref. 1712
1 bed / 1 bath sea facing Apartment with terrace, store room and underground parking place. Fully furnished. Lift and indoor pool. Ref.1698
Sea facing 2 bed / 1 bath Apartment with 2 terraces within 50 m to new promenade. gorgeous sea views. Ref.1669
€229,000 Mojácar playa
Immaculate south facing 3 bed / 2 bath Townhouse with private garden of 108 m2 and parking place. Nice community. Ref.1715
Amazing opportunity! 3 bed / 2,5 bath Villa with sea views on plot of 350 m2 in La Parata. Garden and room for pool. Ref.1697
July 2016
Telephone: 950 460 999
Ronda de Las Buganvillas, Local 15, (nr Garrucha)
Your friendly English speaking registered and regulated accountancy & gestoria in Garrucha. Services offered:
Maria Maroto Perez: Solicitor/Barrister - Esther Serrano Saez: Solicitor/Barrister
• NIE Cards • Residency Cards • Social Security Cards • • Company Setup • Insurance • • Conveyancing • Translations • Litigation • Wills & Inheritance Tax • Tax Returns • Visit us now at our new office: Local 15, Ronda de Las Buganvillas. Situated between Victor´s Bar and Cajamar Bank. We look forward to seeing you soon!
We are pleased to introduce ourselves
We are a multidisciplinary law firm based in Vera (Almería) and as such we deal with many different aspects of law, specialising in litigation, conveyancing, taxation, civil, commercial and fiscal law. Our aim is to provide a personal, quality service, in plain English and to do so promptly, efficiently and in a friendly manner. We will keep you up to date and fully informed throughout and all at a very competitive price. We can also arrange the following if needed: • Open a Spanish bank account • Connection of utility services • If you are considering renting your house or land we will negotiate your letting agreement, ensuring that the terms of your contract meet your requirements • Write your Spanish will • As your Fiscal Representatives, we will assist you in any dealings with Spanish Tax Office and explain to you all the taxes that you are liable to pay. For those that become residents of Spain, we can also assist in other legal matters, such as matrimonial issues or business contracts.
Focusing on smaller area to give our clients a better service.
If you are going to register your vehicle in Spain we will check if you are eligible for any tax exemption, saving you money & time! From just 250 Euros.
● Accountancy & Taxes for Business ● Taxes for Residents & Non-Residents ● Inheritance, Estate Planning & Wills ● Residency Permits, NIE, Medical Cards ● CGT Refunds and General Tax Rebates ● Company Accounts & Payroll ● Conveyancing & Mortgage Advice ● Vehicle Import & Driving Licences
! ! SPECIAL OFFER ! ! WILLS DRAWN UP FROM 100€ P.P. Call today + (34) 647 86 37 87 or 950 106 490 Email C/ Malecón 90, Bajo B, Garrucha Almería (Just in front of the port entrance) Registered with the Guild of Economists number 483
We urgently need FOR SALE and LONG TERM RENTAL properties in the Huercal-Overa, Zurgena, La Alfoquia and Taberno areas. Please contact us for more details. For more information and to arrange a viewing contact us asap.
Please call 0034 950 616 827 / 0034 678 002 006 / 0034 667 891 741 or email:
Office: 155a Carrerera Estacion, Huercal-Overa. 1km off the A7 motorway at exit 553. 100metres from Lidl.
John MacDonald (El Sordo)
The Reversal
The beat of a butterfly’s wing will, in time affect the whole of mankind. Alqueria is about to suffer from its very own ‘Butterfly Affect’ set in motion by one Loco Paco idiot of the Parish. Manuela had had a hard night, just why it was so hard perhaps should be left well and truly veiled for the purpose of this discussion. She was completely ‘empanada’. Her breakfast preparations never changed and therefore could be attended to without the need for conscious thought. As her neurons had clumped together for safety severely retarding her metal processes, conscious thought was not possible at the moment. Bearing the above in mind, we turn to Loco Paco who had been despatched from the Alquerian seat of power to summon Manuela to the monthly meeting of the Alquerian Cabinet. The Cabinet Office, that great think-tank at the heart of the Village Republic, guardian of the democratic principles for which it stands located in a back room just above ‘Dusty’ Pepe’s baker’s shop in the Calle Horno. Now Loco Paco was a simple lad, both in deeds and thought and after knocking on Manuela’s front door was taken aback at her appearance. Even the slow witted Paco could see that her head wasn’t working properly. Having dutifully passed on the request for her presence she answered with, after translating into English what sounded like “Oooomeeeead, who are you? Bloody hell, who am I? Ooooohhhhh”. Paco decided she needed sleep so off he toddled back to the Cabinet Office
bent on doing Manuela a good turn, something most of the Village lads have already done. Now we move our attention to the Cabinet Office where Paco had just informed Poyato and Rodriquez that Manuela had moved to Portugal where, listening to Fado had so depressed her that she had disguised herself as an itinerant cucaracha gelder and moved to Alaska. Manuela in fact was simply hungover. This was a wonderful oratory from Paco who could fantasize with gusto it was reality which caused him problems. Now two items were on the agenda, one: Whether or not to place a no parking sign outside the town hall and two: The Republic should be dissolved and Rodriquez declared perpetual dictator. Rodriquez tabled this proposal every month and every month it was outvoted. But to today, thanks to Paco’s white lie Manuela was absent. After approving the no parking sign, which was irreverent as the dysfunctional folk of the Pueblo will take no notice of it whatsoever, Rodriquez’s motion was voted upon with Poyato against and Rodriquez for. Both men looked at Paco who is dimmer than a environmentally friendly light bulb. Paco was wondering why the two men kept staring, it unnerved him and prompted an unscheduled bladder contraction. He raised his hand to leave the room and Rodriquez was jubilant two votes to one. The Republic was duly abolished. Will Manuela take it laying down, an unfortunate choice of phrase perhaps but we will see.
Yet Again!
I know my dislike of and my inability to cope with technology is a recurring theme, but I am the injured party here! Normally I push the laptop’s start button, upon which it tells me the date and time, superimposed on a nice picture. I click the picture and a blue screen appears with a box that suggests that I put in my password. I put in my password, the laptop thinks about it for a bit, then it leaps into action and produces all those little pictures called icons; I always thought icons were religious paintings of saints, or people who represented greatness in one form or another. However, if it wants to call them icons……. I select one, and it promises to give me access to my inbox via Google. Now it starts to get sticky – it wants another password! For the sake of peace and quiet I tap one in, and a little blue circle appears and starts revolving around itself, presumably so that I have something to watch while it pretends to be undertaking a task of monumental difficulty. Then, all of a sudden, we’re done! Not yesterday we weren’t! I got the picture. I got the icons. I put in the password. Password not recognised, it said, so I carefully typed it in again, giving it the benefit of my having typed it in wrongly. Password not recognised, it maintained. This was a job for Pete, with his superior qualities of self-control and patient persistence. He and the laptop locked horns, and battle was met. Google, in a pretence of civility,
By Jos Biggs suggested that he might want to change the password. Why? what was wrong with the old one? Ah! Google said, it is being used by someone else. Of course it is! It’s being used by us, you moronic machine! Would you like to create a new account? Google asked in a disinterested way. No, there’s nothing wrong with the old one. Sorry, can’t help you then, Google sighed and shrugged its shoulders. All right then, if you insist, we’ll create a new account. You’ll need a password, smirked Google. We invented a new password, and Google acquiesced, with bad grace. However, it had not given up. To get to our account Google insisted that we go via the scenic route - we had to go through 7 different steps via the new account to get to where we wanted to be. Yet today I went straight in! There is nothing as cussed as a machine!
puzzle pages
July 2016
To advertise in this space
Contact our sales advisors on 950 121 936 or email: on this day 28th July
soltimes women in politics Quiz
2. Which rugby international won junior Wimbledon in 1966?............ 3. Which team did Andy Platt and Dean Bell join after leaving Wigan? 4. Which was the first Union club to win the John Player Cup three years in a row?............................... 5. Which Welsh player was a champion hurdler?......................... 6. Who captained Australia in the 1995 World Cup Final?.................... 7. Who captained Australia in their World Cup win in 1991?.................. 8. Who captained England in the 1995 World Cup Final?.................... 9. Who captained the 1967 touring All Blacks?..................................... 10. Who did Russian Prince Obolensky play for in 1936?...........
6. Brad Fittler
1. Scott Quinnell
7. Nick Farr-Jones
2. J. P .R. Williams
3. Auckland Warriors 8. Dennis Betts
squiggle SUDOKU
standard SUDOKU
9. Nehru
4. Nancy Astor
8. Epsom Derby
3. Russia
7. 30
2. Education Minister
6. Shirley Williams
1. Ceylon
CRYPTIC crossword
became a Wigan player?................
9. Brian Lochore
10. Betty Boothroyd
5. Cory Acquino
soltimes rugby quiz
4. Leicester
Physics 1
Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining 30 letters spell an Albert Einstein quotation.
1. Which nephew of Barry John
10. England
1. In 1960 Mrs Bandaranaike became the worlds first woman PM in which country?................................................ 2. What was Mrs Thatcher’s only cabinet post prior to becoming PM?................... 3. In which country was the Israeli PM, Golda Meir born?................................... 4. Who was the first British woman to take her seat in the House of Commons? 5. Which women became her country?s president in 1986 after its previous president for 21 years fled to the USA?... 6. Who was the first women MP member for the Social Democratic Party?............. 7. What was the minimum age at which women could vote in the 1918 British General Election (18, 25, 30, No vote, 75 (if accompanied by both her parents)..... 8. Where in Britain in 1913 did Suffragette Emily Davidson die?............. 9. Which Indian Prime Ministers daughter became PM herself in 1966?.... 10. Who was the first woman to hold the post held in the past by Horace King and George Thomas?....................................
5. Nigel Walker
Name these famous sports cups and trophies. e r u 2 ct i 4 p l 3 o 1 s quiz!
1 Canada 2 Vietnam 3 Brazil 4 Norway
1821 – José de San Martín declares the independence of Peru from Spain. 1932 – U.S. President Herbert Hoover orders the United States Army to forcibly evict the “Bonus Army” of World War I veterans gathered in Washington, D.C. 1948 – The Metropolitan Police Flying Squad foils a bullion robbery in the “Battle of London Airport”. 1993 – Andorra joins the United Nations. 2001 – Australian Ian Thorpe becomes the first swimmer to win six gold medals at a single World Championships.
puzzle pages
across 1 Intense sorrow (9) 6 Deleted expletive (5) 9 Blow up (7) 10 Sowed (7) 11 A tropical cereal grass (7) 12 Trade stoppage (7) 13 Regards with suspicion (9) 15 Pertaining to the Hellenic Republic (5) 16 Without companionship (5) 19 Fazed (9) 22 Sharp turn (7) 23 Smooched (slang) (7) 25 Inane (7) 26 Piano music with a syncopated melody (7) 27 Contemplates (5) 28 Subverts (9) Down 1 They often grow on heads (5) 2 Asserts (7) 3 Instructor (7) 4 Whipping, clotted or ice (5) 5 Female imperial rulers (9) 6 A small weighted cloth bag (7) 7 The Muse of music (Greek mythology) (7) 8 Firmly fastened with a device (9) 13 Controls the size of a camera aperture (9) 14 Wastes (9) 17 Beginnings (7) 18 Depletes (7) 20 Notion (7) 21 Prolonged unfulfilled desire (7) 23 Bush (5) 24 Sediment (5)
famous birthdays on this day
1635 – Robert Hooke,
English physicist and chemist (d. 1703) 1951 – Ray Kennedy, English footballer 1956 – Robert Swan, English explorer 1972 – Robert Chapman, English cricketer
ACROSS 6 Result of cute mood, mostly upset (7) 7 Love chap’s signs (5) 9 Nothing in freezer outside (4) 10 Fenced in, dudes run or change (10) 11 Tiny creatures notice European going into Time Square at first (8) 13 Ask for fashionable tie to be produced after 5 (6) 15 The French sailor comes first and is competent (4) 17 Ladies mostly becoming perfect (5) 18 The source of a minute life form? (4) 19 Man caught by snake is deceased (6) 20 Title award on the radio for unexpected event (8) 23 Jagger, universal nut, could be an overpowering force (10) 26 Soldiers out of ammunition? (4) 27 Double time, with one church (5) 28 Put a ring round 10 (7) Down 1 Postman nearly collapses in this place, for pressure unit (10) 2 A bit of code left (6) 3 Iron - a redhead’s concern (4) 4 Mountain pass on island, with a litre of ants, perhaps (8) 5 List containing little excess (4) 6 Game-playing follows love letter (5) 8 With more honey, perhaps, dessert comes before queen (7) 12 Sources of river, flowing backwards on board ship (5) 14 In a robust way, US virology is adapted (10) 16 Snack that might be taken to be worse than anything (7) 17 Brought in what’s left in one sea (8) 21 Come back from spin again? (6) 22 Observed food in extremely sad surroundings (5) 24 King George: “I’m dark” (4) 25 Head shape (4)
Quote of the week...
950 680 007 -
come dine our way
Just a few or your favourite restaurants in Albox and surrounding areas
To advertise here contact Julie: Tel: 950 680 007 -
Ba k ed se a ba ss w it h le m o n c a pe r d r es si n g
July 2016
4 x 100g/4oz sea bass fillets olive oil for brushing For the caper dressing 3 tbsp ex tra virgin oliv e oil grated zest 1 lemon plu s 2 tbsp juice 2 tbsp small capers 2 tsp gluten-free Dijon mustard 2 tbsp chopped flat-le af parsley, plus a few ex tra leaves (optional)
To make the dressing, mix the oil with the lemon zest and juice, capers, mustard, some seasoning and 1 tbsp water. Don’t add the parsley yet (unless ser ving straight away) as the acid in the lemon will fade the colour if they are left together for too long. Heat the oven to 220C/200C
fan/gas 7. Line a baking tray with baking parchment and put the fish, skin-side up, on top. Brush the skin with oil and sprinkle with some flak y salt. Bake for 7 mins or until the flesh flakes when tested with a knife. Arrange the fish on warm ser ving plates, spoon over the dressing and scatter with extra parsley leaves, if you like.
St r aw be r ry R h u ba r b T r if le
Ingredients 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup cornstarch 3 cups whole milk 5 egg yolks, beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla ex tract
: 4 cups chopped fresh or frozen rhubarb 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream 1 prepared angel food cake (8 to 10 ounces), cut into 1-inch cubes 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries
fish healthy? Why is eating -fat food that provides a range of
Fish is a high-protein, low , in particular, is lower health benefits. White-fleshed fish mal protein, and oily fish in fat than any other source of ani or the “good” fats. Since are high in omega-3 fatt y acids, ificant amounts of these the human body can’t make sign ortant part of the diet. essential nutrients, fish are an imp commonly found in red Also, fish are low in the “bad” fats meat, called omega-6 fatt y acids.
Open 11am til Late. Tuesday-Thursday evenings only.
Served Daily Breakfast Snacks and Tapas
Authentic Italian Pizza’s with topping of your choice Friday Fish And Chips 6€ (Booking Essential)
Saturday Homemade Pie Chips & Gravy
Sunday Roast, 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month, 7.95€ for 2 courses Sunday BBQ, 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month, Booking essential Saturday 30th July Music with Chris Pottle from the Twighlight Shadows Saturday 6th August Karaoke with Graham D Saturday 13th August Music with Roadrunner Saturday 10th September Pamlela and Marcelo Saturday 24th September Peter (Spanish Guitarist)
Available for parties with marquee and bouncy castle. Free wifi BT and Sky Sports Call Linda f or mor e inf or mation Tel: 642 947 182 P l a z a d e C o n s t i t u c i o n S / N Pa r t a l o a plazabarpartaloa for up and coming events
In a heavy saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch and milk until smooth. Cook and stir over medium-high heat until thickened and bubbly. Reduce heat; cook and stir 2 minutes longer. Remove from the heat. Stir a small amount of hot mixture into egg yolks; return all to the pan, stirring constantly. Bring to a gentle boil; cook and stir 2 minutes longer. Remove from the heat. Gently stir in vanilla. Transfer to a large bowl. Cool to room temperature
without stirring. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, bring the rhubarb, sugar and water to a boil. Reduce heat; cook and stir for 5-8 minutes or until rhubarb is tender and mixture is thickened. Cool completely. In a bowl, beat the cream until stiff peaks form. Gradually fold a fourth of the whipped cream into the custard. Fold in remaining whipped cream. Place half of the cake cubes in a 2-1/2-qt. trifle bowl. Spread with half of the rhubarb mixture; top with 1 cup of 10% off strawberries and menu del dia half of the custard. every Saturday 12-4pm Repeat layers. and chill BAR EL SALIENTE Cover for at least 1 hour WINE & TAPAS before serving. Menu del Dia - Menu del Noche Yield: 12-14 Calle Andalucia 25 Tel: 950 63 30 14 servings. 100m down from Guardia Civil Albox (Almeria) C.P.: 04660
Movil: 618 710 516
come dine our way
M el o n & c u c u m be r pu n c h
Just a few or your favourite restaurants in
Ingredients 1 gala melon juice 1 lemon
Lemon 100ml Pimm’s 50ml orange liqueur (we used Cointreau)
750ml white wine ½ cucumber, sliced
small bunch mint 300ml sparkling water or sparkling wine ice
Mojacar and surrounding areas
To advertise here contact Jane: Tel: 950 680 007 -
Cut the melon in half and scoop out and discard the seeds. Using a melon baller cut the fruit into spheres and place in a large punch bowl. Add the lemon juice, Pimm’s, orange liqueur and white wine then chill in the fridge for 1-2 hrs. To serve, add the cucumber pieces, mint sprigs and top with sparkling water and ice.
Ru m pu n c h
175ml freshly squeezed orange juice l 75m freshly squeezed lime juice 150ml good-quality golden rum 50ml sugar syrup dash of grenadine syrup dash of Angostura bitters ice cubes, to serve generous pinch of freshly grated nutmeg 2 thick slices orange, to
garnish maraschino cherries , to garnish
Pour the juices, rum, sugar syrup, grenadine and Angostura bitters into a large jug and give it a good stir. Pop into the fridge to chill for 1 hr. Serve over ice cubes, sprinkle over the nutmeg and garnish with an orange slice and maraschino cherry, speared with a cocktail stick.
La Montaña
Bar & Restaurant
Family Bar, Restaurant and Show Bar live music and Karaoke everyday except sunday Breakfast - Lunch -Dinner Why not try our Steak House Menu available every night Open everyday, 8am until late
Paseo de Mediterraneo, 235, Mojacar Playa
Tel: 950 472 288 Beauchelles En El Sol
La Montana is a charming Restaurant midway between the beautiful villages of Bedar and Lubrin. It offers both style, affordable and modern food and in the hot summer months is a cooling place to eat and drink. While taking in the surrounding views. First Sunday of August come see Gill Farmiloe singing Live from 2pm at La Montaña Opening Times: Lunch Wednesday to Sunday 12pm until 4pm Dinner Wednesday to Saturday 7.30pm until close Tel: 950 398 856 Mob: 670 589 788 Email: Closed Sunday evenings, Mondays and Tuesdays.
& g n i n entertai about out and is tise on th r e v d a o ...t 7 0 68 0 0 0 5 9 ll a c pa g e
Menu del Dia 10€ Selection of Tapas English Speaking Everyone Welcome Friendly Atmosphere
Avda Lepanto, 43 Opposite the BP Garage 04800 Albox-Almeria Tel: 950 430 993 Mobile: 659 056 082
La Cena
menu del noche €10.95
Includes a carafe of wine per couple 11 starters, 10 mains & 9 Desserts Full A La Carte also available Monday - Saturday 7pm - late. Closed Sunday
Call 950 430 930 after 5.30pm
Find us across the old bridge from Palza Mayor Albox, opp Bar Wassy
Full Menu Available ALL DAY, EVERY DAY from 10am - 9pm, Sunday 5pm-9pm
July 2016
is situated in the pretty village of Cerro Gordo and just 10 minutes outside Albox. They do delicious homemade food including beef wellington, orchard pie and speciality food. All freshly prepared so booking is essential. Try their homemade 3 course Sunday lunch at 8.50€. Free venue for your Party or Get Together just phone Chris for details 950 930 169 or 650 599 739. www.bistobonita.
NOW OPEN 9am - Late 7 days a week Come along and welcome the opening of Legends. Serving all day breakfast
La Cena
would like to invite you to sample the exciting new additions to the already successful menú of the night. With 4 new additions per the 3 course taking it to 11 starters, 10 mains, and 9 sweets. With additions to include more choice for the high volume of gluten free people. Still priced at the value beating 10.95€ for 3 courses, including a carafe of wine for 2 people. Full a-la-carte still available. Please call for reservation.
from just 3.95€, bar meals and snacks. Coffee 1.00€ and bottled beer just 1.20€
John Alex Disco and Karaoke from 8pm - Late
Come along and join us Pol Llanos De Arboleas, 04660 Tel: 634 375 908 email:
Restaurant - Bar ida
Sharron & Danny welcome customers new and old
Traditionally Cooked Sunday Lunch
Saturday 30th July 6pm
Roast Beef, Pork, Chicken, Honey Roast Gammon (and now Braised Lamb available at a supplement)
Available 12:30pm - 4pm
Reggae night in the Garden with Kev Moore
Air Conditioned Restaurant
BBQ menu available please call to reserve your table and food Diners take priority Scan Code for our Facebook Page
Every Wednesday 6pm-9pm Buy one fillet meal at €10 get 2nd half price Booking Essential
(Ribeye Steak also available) (Fillet and Ribeye are available on the menu everyday of the week for €10)
Atlantic Cod Fillet with Handcut Chips & Peas full menu also available
Monday - Saturday 10am - Late ● Sunday 12 - Close Avenida Europa, Cucador (Above The Attic) ● 950 634 562
We are here
Albox Arboleas Zurgena La Alfoquia
La Vida
Cucador Huercal Overa
Junc 547
Tel: 950 680 007
THE Charit y Shop (Arbole as) NOW Open 10 - 2
Helping good causes and specific charities around the Almanzora Valley and surrounding areas. We expect to be supporting the elderly, children, animals and enhancing quality of life for our communities. We are still urgently looking for volunteers to help in the shop between the hours of 10-2. If you have a little time or a morning you can spare to help good causes and have a sunny disposition, then please call Rob on 609 199394 (4candlescharity@ for more details.
Also we URGENTLY need your unwanted clothes and household items, bric-a-brac and home furnishings. For now we have drop off points at SolyMar in Albox and Sol Times Offices at Los Carasoles (Zurgena), next to Almeria Angels. The shop is open opposite the Ayuntamiento in Arboleas and we need stock! All for a good cause, please help us to help them.....
Tel: 609 199 394
TOTAL MAILBOX SOLUTIONS · YOUR OWN P O BOX WITH A REAL ADDRESS · EMAIL ALERTS FOR ALL YOUR MAIL RECEIVED 45€ one year 35€ for 6 months 25€ for 3 months Mail forwarding and postal services also available
Open: 10am - 2pm (Summer Hours)
Tel: 950 064 584
Email: Looking for badminton players with or without experience to play at Zurgena Sports Hall each Monday, 7pm to 9.30pm. All ages are welcome. 3€ per person Just turn up or for more details Email
Among the endless possibilities that Mojácar has to offer visitors, to make a trip along the roads and trails that run through the municipality is an unknown option for many. However, these routes offer a unique opportunity to come across beautiful landscapes and discover pockets of ancient history as well as simply enjoy the spectacular nature of the Sierra Cabrera. Last weekend a group of walkers took a magical moonlit walk along the fascinating Mena-Macenas Route created by Mojácar Town Council. The group consisted of local people, along with walkers from all over the province of Almeria, organized by the Provincial Government. The 10km path, with a “medium-low” difficulty rating, runs through strategic points of economic and social history of the area. Accompanied by two guides and the Mojácar Councillor for Education, Ana Garcia, the group were given explanations and historical details of the places they stopped at along the way. The Mena-Macenas path takes visitors back to the area’s mining past, which starts on the tracks left by the mule drivers and transporters of iron ore mined from the hills. It then continues past the spectacular Nazari rock formation and onward to the Towers built to defend the Mediterranean coastline from attack by invaders. Throughout, the walker is surrounded by unique flora and fauna such as the famous “limonium estevei”, which is unique to the area and in danger of extinction. Mojácar currently has three marked paths accessible to walkers: The Gardens of Mojácar, along the margin of the River Aguas, a route from Marina de la Torre to Mojácar Village and lastly, the Macenas Tower Mines walk. All of which have undoubted appeal and are being promoted by the Department of Tourism with great success.
Missed Call - Llamada Perdida Tel Number – Número Teléfono To Dial – Marcar Code Number – Prefijo To Hang Up - Colgar
What Is The Code Number For?
No Contestan, Está Comunicando I´M Sorry, I Have Got The Wrong Number Lo Siento, Me He Equivocado Hello! (Making A Call) - Hello! (Answering A Call) Hola - Diga/Digame! Could I Speak To? It’s ¿Podría Hablar Con? Soy. What Is Your Telephone Number? ¿Cuál Es Su Número De Teléfono? Learn more Spanish with Paco at Campsite Los Gallardos, Lessons based in conversation, All levels catered for plus Private lessons! Contact Paco-661 142 606 or email
In the junior category, Mojácar gave a medal to all the participants in the competition as a reward for the youngster’s efforts and to encourage sportsmanship and sport as a healthy pastime. Ana Garcia, Mojácar Councillor of Sports, handed out the trophies to the winners of the 2016 Mojácar Beach Tennis Summer Cup. She thanked all those present for attending this year’s event and encouraged them to continue practicing sports. She also hoped to see all the participants again next summer for the 2017 edition. Following the success of the event held in Mojácar, the players will continue their matches in the near soon, in the towns of Garrucha and Cuevas de Almanzora.
Almanzora Group of Friends 1998 by a small group of ex-patriots as a means of sharing information and giving advice. It now also has a library with over 5,000 items for loan and organises interesting and original trips, as well as producing a monthly newsletter, and holding a quiz on the first Monday of the month at Maloans, Albox. The Library and Information Centre is based at 44, Avenida Lepanto, Albox and is open from 10am to 1pm on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. More details can be found at and/or on Facebook.
The Branch meets on the third Tuesday in the month at 14.30 hrs at the El Paraiso Restaurant, located in Jardin del Mar 3, which is located very near Carrefour. If you would like information please contact the Chairman on 692508916 or Welfare on 615048892 or visit the Website
Learn spanish at
¿Cuál Es El Prefijo De? There Is No Answer, It Is Engaged.
The tournament, held on Mojácar’s El Cantal beach, attracted more than sixty participants of all ages. It was an intense yet friendly day of beach tennis doubles in which the winning pair were Francisco Rufete and Javier Belmonte. Second place was taken by Sabrina and Adriana Lopez Morillas with Adrian Contreras and Sahin Sabokbar coming third.
The Almanzora Group of Friends was originally started in
Telephone - Teléfono Phone Book - Guia de Teléfono Message - Mensaje Yellow Pages – Paginas Amarillas Mobile Phone - Movil
Mojácar recently held a round of the Beach Tennis Summer Cup 2016, organized by the Mojácar Department of Sports in collaboration with the “Almeria, play fair” campaign promoted by the Province of Almería.
bistro bonita Every Wednesday at Bistro Bonita 11am - 1pm Come and learn Spanish the fun way and conversation with coffee and cake Only €5.
Information for all present and future COLLYFER clients, you can now take your policy with you should you need or want to return to the UK, contact Karen for details 617 456 335
The Zurgena & District Branch of the RBL meet on the first Thursday of the month at Latino’s Bar in Alfoquia. We are a small branch. We have various social events throughout the month and year. We have a Coffee Morning on the third Wednesday of the month at Latino’s with various activities. It is a good opportunity to meet up and have a chat and you would be made very welcome. If you would like to join the Branch or attend any of our events and would like further information please contact the Secretary, Chrissy at You do not have to have been a member of the Military to join
COSTA ALMERIA Albox & Surrounding areas • Antas • Huercal Overa
Julie: 681 674 050 Mojacar • Turre • Garrucha • Vera & Surrounding Areas Jane: 618 530 767 All Other Areas Paulette: 950 680 007 ext 1332 All email enquiries to Sol Times Calida and Sol Times Blanca are independent of political parties, private investment and government. Our policy is to provide readers with a news and information service that is fair, accurate and balanced. Sol Times Calida and Sol Times Blanca are independent publications. Published weekly and produced exclusively in Murcia & Blanca. Sol Times News Group cannot be held responsible for claims made by advertisers, nor can it be held responsible for errors in advertisements caused by poor quality text, photographs or layout instructions. Furthermore, no responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage resulting caused by any error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of an advertisement. Deposito Legal Sol Times Calida AL 851-2010. Sol Times Blanca AL 852-2010
July 2016
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Gas fridge / freezer in reasonable condition 50€ Free standing Air/ con unit, remote control & instruction book 75€ Tel 680 933 396 Albox area A quantity of straight shank drills for METAL from 1.6mm to 11.8mm 20€, Smoke and fire alarm never used 10€, Black & Decker Electric chain saw 35cm blade 40€, Tracker for detecting pipes cables and wooden joists etc, never used 15€, back of car seat organiser, Black 10€ Tel: 699 727 138 Albox Large 3 seater settee 6 months old, modern style brushed faux leather light grey, high cushioned back ,chrome feet, ex condition, €300, Large 2 seater settee same as 3 seater. Tel: 671 945 945 Mojacar ERDE TRAILER 1 x 1.5 good condition 100€ ono Tel 620 370 567 Albox area Greys G-M multiplier 7 fishing reel complete with 500m of braided line, as new €80,7ft fishing rod and bag complete with various lures, feathers, weights etc €40 tel: 634 321 103 mojacar area. HP Deskjet Printer 3325 10€, Anti-Glare Screen Diffuser 5€, Mustek 1200UB Plus Scanner 10€,2 x Sky Digi Box 5€ each. Canal Plus TV Box 10€, Colour Monitor Screen (old style) 10€, Shaped Corner Table with Adjustable Legs 45€, Plain Desk 120 x 70 25€, Small Log Burner H58W55D50 85€, CCTV System 200€, 3-Piece SuiteCream Damask-Good Condition 150€ Tel: 675 302 443.
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Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus GT-S7580 Android smartphone. Black, 1.2 GHz, 4GB storage, front and rear cameras, 4” display. Comes with charger, data cable and silicon S-Line case. € 45.Tel: 617 138 880 (Vera). 2x2 seater green fabric sofas one of which is a sofa bed, very good cond €75 Tel: 950 523 852 Rambla de oria area, buyer must collect
FREEZER – Telefunken, Brand New, never used, still with guarantee, 144 x 55 cms. 180€ ono. Buyer to collect Tel: 618 98 48 16 Honda whisper quiet EU 10i 1kw generator little used €300 buyer collects Tel: 675 242 486 Huercal Overa area Aquarium 80x42x33 complete with tropical fish €100
682 724 445, Alfoquia
Childs wooden cabin bed with built in wardrobe, drawers and computer table. Mattress included. Good condition. 75€ ono. Tel: 693 400 898 Ladies bicycle, pink/ purple, gel seat and basket. Gents bicycle, red/ white, gel seat, panniers. Used only a few times, as new. 60€ each or 100€ for both. 2 cycle helmets 5€ each. Car cycle rack for 3 bikes, 20€. Tel: 634 780 501. Turre LG 32” LED Smart television (less than 3 years old) vgc. with LG Magic Controller and LG Camera ( for Skype video) 250€ Oria Tel: 634 332 991.
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Book Review
The One That Got Away by Simon Wood - -
“She wanted to see fear and terror in his eyes, the same fear and terror that she and all his other victims had suffered at his hands. She wanted him to know the misery he’d put her through.” If you enjoy reading thrillers this will not disappoint you. The suspense will keep you riveted throughout. With a dramatic opening and a thrilling finale which takes a lot of beating it’s an enjoyable read from a well-established author. This is one for the boys. Two young girls have been abducted after having replicated a Thelma and Louise Las Vegas, doing the works: gambling, drinking to excess and partying temporarily abandoning their respectability and studies. Zoe was a PhD student just needing to let her hair down and have fun. Girls behaving badly. So how come Zoe Sutton was still fighting for her life after the two girls were abducted and drugged even 15 months later? Was she such a bad girl that she needed to be punished by a psycho who believed in his demented mind that he was performing a clean-up act? She was guilty of a lack of respect for her fellow citizens. Is this a crime comparable to murderers and rapists? “My crime is disrespect? Do I really deserve to die for displaying bad manners?” It might sound a bit corny and far-fetched but when you are trussed up by a monster vying for your blood do you have a leg to stand on? Apparently not. An honourable killer? An interesting paradox but it doesn’t make sense in a logical world, does it? What a warped view of society. What a dangerous man. Both girls were treated like disposable trash and there were others. Holli was left hanging from a hook in the ceiling just like a slice of beef. Zoe was next. It had been a random abduction. Zoe had the advantage, she wasn’t hanging and she was free to move and escape. Her car was visible and if she ran for it she might be able to find the cops and rescue Holli. A chance in a million considering that Zoe was still drugged. Attempting to rescue her friend would have been seen as a suicide mission. The monster was over 6 feet tall, strong and armed with a knife which he used to brand his victims with a Roman numeral and a whip like a dead snake which “possessed the power to devastate the human body.” Ten lashes wrecked most people. One of his victims was flogged more than forty times. Yes, Zoe was the one who got away and the story moves on 15 months. Every day she relives the nightmare knowing that the monster is still out there. Her life is ruined, she has ostracised her friends and family, needs weekly shrink sessions and still cannot deal with anger issues or guilt at
Special Offers Visit:
950 121 936 -
abandoning her friend.
A development provokes Zoe into responding irrationally and putting herself in danger and in the spotlight. “Murder victim found suspended” relayed on the news resurrected the nightmares from the deep recesses of her mind. “It was happening again. It was happening here” in San Francisco. Without thinking of the consequences she raced to the crime scene, ducked under the tape, gatecrashing the investigation and contaminating the crime scene. Consequently her impulsive behaviour made news and her image was shown on national tv only to be recognised by the killer who was determined to track her down and punish her once and for all! Ominous. And we know how that story goes. Another abduction. a race against time with an incompetent police force getting nowhere fast and a cold and calculating killer. Will Zoe survive the final reckoning or will she pay the ultimate price-her life? The suspense picks up in the right places and Zoe proves to be a powerful match for the Tally Man but will this be enough? A thrilling journey, a bit scary at times though but well worth a read. “Predators like these aren’t created perfect. They develop their methods from their errors. They’re damaged people inflicting more damage on innocent bystanders.” But that doesn’t justify their actions does it or make them less dangerous? Of course not. Publisher: Thomas and Mercer trademark of ISBN: 13: 978-161-218-4081 and 10: 16-12-18-4081 Available on kindle as an ereader.
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July 2016
Aguilas FC Promotion Push! Aguilas FCAfter reaching the final round in the promotion play offs to the Segunda B last season Aguilas FC are making noises that they want to be up there again fighting in the forthcoming campaign. The Blue and Whites have started to put together their squad and already look to have signed some quality and experience, not to mention the signing of Ex Huercal Overa CF Head Coach Sebas Lopez, the man that took Los Huercalenses to the play offs in 2014-15. Using his influence Sebas has managed to tempt Campanas (Lorca Dep), Manzano (Huercal Overa), José David (Pulpileño), Paco (Mazarrón), Juanma Acevedo (Hércules), Pianelo (UCAM Murcia DH) & Pedro Chinchilla (Huercal Overa) all to join him at El Rubial next term. Aguilas BadgeAlso keeping the likes of Javi Méndez, Rubén Primo, Emilio & Javi Soto in the squad means that the club can build on last season’s fantastic effort, but taking that final step and achieving Segunda B stauts. Pre-season fixtures for the Blue and Whites are as follows: 27/07 – 21.00 – Águilas – Almería. El Rubial 05/08 – 21.00 – Águilas – Argentina Sub-20. El Rubial 07/08 – 20.30 – Águilas – Granada B. El Rubial 15/08 – xx.xx – Aguilas – Lorca Deportiva. El Rubial Dates and times correct at time of Publishing.
A defining Season for Lorca Deportiva?
Much has happened in the football community in Lorca over the past few months with Xu Genbao expressing interest to unite the Lorca football world into one solid unit, to form Lorca FC. An agreement could not be reached between both parties so Lorca Deportiva will fight once again in the Tercera Division with a passion to reach the play offs for a second season in a row. CF Lorca Deportiva. After achieving promotion to the Tercera in the 2014-15 season Deportiva went on to have a fantastic year at the higher level, only conceding 16 goals in 34 games, finishing with a goal difference of +48 & add to that losing only four games throughout shows just how difficult it was for teams to break them down. Looking forward the club have appointed Sergio Sánchez (La Hoya B) as head coach after getting the La Hoya B side promotion at a canter. Also new arrivals on the playing staff are Antonio (Lorca FC B), Alberto Hortal (La Unión), Felix Bapé (Flagenfurt), Ortuño, Casado (La Hoya B), Gonzalo Guardiola (FC Jumilla), Dani (La Hoya B), Edu Alarte (La Hoya Lorca) and Michael (El Palmar). Remaining with the club will be Juan Daniel, Luismi, Chicho, Pele, Momprevil, Carrasco, Zaplana, Kuki, Omar & Pico. But they have lost Guille (El Palmar), Campanas (Águilas), Gerardo (Coruxo) & Fran Minaya (Cacereño) who have moved on to pastures new. A defining season for Deportiva? Certainly, as the newly formed Lorca FC have the budget and vision to push on for the La Liga 2. Deportiva need to have the support from the loyal fans not to mention the passion and desire to be up there with the Lorca FC neighbours. Pre-Season Fixtures: 26/07 – xx.xx – Olímpico Totana – Lorca Deportiva. Juan Cayuela 30/07 – xx.xx – Lumbreras – Lorca Deportiva. Municipal 15/08 – xx.xx – Aguilas – Lorca Deportiva. El Rubial Please consult clubs website before travelling.
Huercal Overa CF Remain Focused on Survival
Juanma Hoyos will continue with Los Huercalenses for another season after a steady campaign last time around, but lack of a noticeable striker was the main point of concern for the fans last year and with good cause. The red and blacks only managed to hit the back of the net 42 times (16 less than the previous season) and if you’re not going forward, you are going back, this was evident as they conceded 41 in 34 run outs (32 in the previous season) and ended with a goal difference of +1. The word from the club is that they will battle again to stay within the league, this comes a slight disappointment to some sections of fans who would hope after a number of years in the division the club would come out and state they were going to try and push for a play-off spot, or even announce they would enter Federacion Cup but sadly not the case. Joing Juanma this season will be Paco Sánchez (Europa FC), Ferri (U18), Sergio López (Los Molinos), Javi García (Almansa). Paco Sanchez comes in from Europa FC in Gibraltar, he is a strong centre half that reads the game very well with a commanding aerial presence, has previous experience in the Sugunda B with El Ejido and Alicante CF. Sergio Lopez joins from Los Molinos, a very attacking minded player who like to get forward and play on the front foot. Javi Garcia is a well thought of young goalkeeper from Albacete spending most of his time playing in the Tercera Division Group 18. Ferri you will remember playing the back end of the season up front, a very quick striker who is looking to break
into the first team set up this year. Staying at the club is Álex Martínez, Carmona, Ismael, Luis Miras, Selu, Fran Moreno, Vicente, Kiko, Linares & Juli. Departing El Hornillo is Manzano (Águilas) & Ex Club Captain Pedro Lloris who moves to Granada due to non-football commitments. Pre-season for Huercal-Overa CF: 04/08 – xx.xx – Huercal Overa – CD Ejido. El Hornillo 09/08 – xx.xx – Huercal Overa – Almería B 12/08 – xx.xx – Comarca Mármol – Huercal Overa. Polideportivo 16/08 – xx.xx – Sporting Aguileño – Huercal Overa. El Rubial 01/09 – xx.xx – Cuevas CF – Huercal Overa. Municipal Andrés Soler Dates and Time subject to change. Season tickets are available now, and remain the same cost for Pensioner, General and the ladies.. Remember there is another 2 games this season. Opening fixtures: August 21 Away v Club Olímpico de Totana 28 Home v UCAM Murcia CF B September 04 Away v CD Cieza 11 Home v CF Lorca Deportiva 18 Away v EDMF Churra 25 Home v NV Estudiantes de Murcia CF If you would like to travel to away games please contact for more info.
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19th Hole Golf Society, Match Report
On Thursday 21st July 30 members of the 19th Hole Golf Society visited the beautiful Golf Resort of Aguilon to play a Traffic Light competition. Paco Ocaña Grajal made short work, of what is a really difficult track, by scoring an impressive 45 points to easily take the win from new member John Briddon on 41, Pat O Dwyer and Geoff Smith all on the same 41 points. Paco also took a Nearest the Pin on the 8th which he converted to a Two, John performing the same feat on the 17th. Good days golf on a superb circuit in perfect weather. Results Traffic Lights. 1st Paco Ocaña Grajal 45 points ( 21) 2nd John Briddon 41 points (8) 3rd Geoff Smith 41 points (27) 4th Pat Odwyer 41 points (26) Nearest the Pin 3rd Dave Denyer 8th Paco Ocaña Grajal 12th John Briddon 14th Gary Grey 15th Gary Grey 17th John Briddon Twos 8th Paco Ocaña Grajal & Norman
Marina Phoenix Golf Society
Les Armfield won the men’s division at Marina Phoenix on Monday 18th July. He scored 37 stableford points, the same as Derick Dale but won the day on countback. Jim Budd (35) was third and Alf Taylor won the only two’s prize. The ladies division saw a win for Jean Wilkinson with 36 points ahead of Isobel Jones (33) followed, in third by Carole Donoghue. The team game, on Thursday, was a stableford waltz played in fourballs. The winners with 96 points were Ali Mahmud, José Urroz, Steve Dimmock and Margaret Budd. Three teams were tied on 94 points, for the places, and after countback second went to John Thompson, Marco Caparros, John Lally and Jim Budd in front of John Park, Mark Upchurch, Alf Taylor and Nadie Wass. Nearest the pin prizes went to Alf Taylor (5th) and Jeffrey Williams (14th). Marina Phoenix play Mondays (individual) and Thursdays (team game). To join us for a €25 greenfee. Ring Jim on 950 162 727 / 600 353 670 or Rosalie 950 397 117/ 697 512 882.
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Taylor 12th John Briddon The 19th Hole Golf Society arranges weekly games around the area
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playing Aguilon every other week. For more information ring 610 340 653 or email
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sport SHORTS with Tony Matthews • Brilliant Chris Froome has become the first British rider and the eighth of all-time, to win the Tour de France three times. Mark Cavendish won four stages. • The Hungarian F1 Grand Prix was won for the fifth time by Lewis Hamilton with Nico Rosberg second and Daniel Ricciardo third. Hamilton is now six points clear of Rosberg (192-186) in the driver’s championship. On Sunday, it’s the German F1 from Hockenheim. • The last major tournament of 2016, the US PGA, starts tomorrow in New Jersey, while the women’s British Open begins at Woburn. • Hopefully England won the second cricket Test at Old Trafford! Alastair Cook (105 - his 29th century) and Joe Root (264) guided England to a first innings score of 589-8 declared. Pakistan were all-out for 198 before England batted again, setting the tourists a huge total for victory. The third Test is at Edgbaston next week. • Virat Kohli has become the first Indian to hit a double Test century outside his own country, doing so in the West Indies. • Britain's America's Cup campaign got off to a great start under Ben Ainslie. The four-time Olympic champion won two of the first three races with his Land Rover BAR team to take the lead with 26 points. • Frankie Dettori hopes to ride his 3,000th career winner this week at Goodwood while Francesca Cumani, daughter of Newmarket trainer Luca, will be the new face of ITV racing next year. • England have appointed Sam Allardyce as manager on a two-year contract. David Moyes is Sunderland’s new boss and FA Chairman Greg Dyke has quit. • Celtic play Astana tonight in CL qualifier. • Hearts and Hibs are out of the Europa League but Aberdeen, West Ham and Cork are still in and are in action tomorrow in qualifying games. • Former Norwich striker and now a middleweight boxer Leon McKenzie (38) fights Jahmaine Smyle on 12 November. And ex-Irish light-middleweight Des Rea has died aged 72. • Michael Van Gerwen has retained the World Match-play title, beating Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor in the final.
THE GARAGE ARBOLEAS IS NOT CLOSING DOWN WE ARE MOVING TO NEW PREMISES The Garage wanted to let all their customers know that we are not closing down. We are just moving to a new building situated next door to the Bowling Alley. THE G ARA G E WI L L B E C L O S ED
FROM THURSDAY 14TH JULY for approx 2 weeks (contractors permitting) and will reopen as usual.
We would like to say a massive thank you to all our customers who have supported us since we have been here, without you we would not be in business. We understand that customers are very important and customer service is our main priority and always will be. All our customers are very much appreciated and we will never take them for granted. Even though The Garage will not be open we will still be available on 616 453 813 if you require any help or advice or would like to make bookings. The Garage would like to thank everyone for all their continued support. NAV E 2 , P O L I G O N O I N D U S TRIA L , L L A N O S DE AR B O L EA S , AR B O L EA S TE L : 9 5 0 9 3 0 9 2 2 OR 6 1 6 4 5 3 8 1 3 O P E N : M O N DAY TO FRIDAY 9 : 3 0 A M - 5 : 3 0 P M S AT U RDAYS b y A p p o i n t m e n t O N LY
ENGLAND WORLD CUP WINNERS On Saturday, fifty years ago to the day - 30 July 1966 - England won the World Cup, defeating West Germany 4-2 after extratime at Wembley.
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England began with a 0-0 draw against Uruguay in Group One before beating both Mexico and France 2-0. Bobby Charlton and Roger Hunt scored against the Mexicans while Hunt netted twice against the French.
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In the final, Helmut Haller put Germany ahead on 13 minutes before Hurst nodded in the equaliser six minutes later.
England were gutted but they raised their game superbly and although controversy surrounded Hurst’s 101st minute ‘over the line’ goal that put his side ahead at 3-2, there was nothing wrong with the striker’s hat-trick strike late on which sealed a famous victory, prompting commentator Kenneth Wolstenholme to shout out: “Some people are on the pitch - they think it’s all over - it is now”. A crowd of 96,924 attended the final with 32 million watching on TV. England’s victorious 1966 team was: Banks; Cohen, Wilson, Stiles, J. Charlton, Moore, Ball, Hunt, Hurst, R. Charlton, Peters.
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In the quarter-finals, a Geoff Hurst header saw off 10-man Argentina who had Antonio Rattin sent-off before Bobby Charlton scored twice in a 2-1 semi-final victory over Portugal.
After excitement at both ends of the field, England went in front on 77 minutes through Martin Peters. But with referee Dienst ready to call time, Wolfgang Weber struck a dramatic 89th minute equaliser to force extratime.
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