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September 2016
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Following their very successful trial throughout Spain by The Vista Group International, Britain’s longest standing and best loved “Catalogue Home Shopping” company Kleeneze are officially Launching their Amazing Business Opportunity in Spain.
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227 Euros Raised In Aid Of Huntington's Disease Association
A magnificent 227 Euros has been raised by “Cafe Almoradi” in the centre of Almoradi for the not so well known charity for sufferers with Huntington's Disease. Picture shows local residents enjoying a Fun Quiz devised by Martin and Christine Watkins (who's brother in law David suffers from this horrible disease); David and his friend Peter (also a sufferer) sporting their new T. Shirts. The winning team of 6 - “Gicoholics” won a bottle of wine each to take home but decided that it was for such a good cause, that they donated them all back for the next event. “We have had such a wonderful evening” said Jill, one of their team “That we wanted to give something back. We will definitely be at the next one and see if we can't win them back again” Bar owner, Maria Silverthorne and her partner Chas, who provided Tapas for the quizzers, during the interval, in addition to donating vouchers for a Meal for 2 at one of their Bistro Nights and Sunday Lunch for 2, were delighted with this “sold out event” . “We are more than happy to help raise awareness of Huntington's Disease, as we know David well but can only imagine half of what he and his friend Peter have to go through with this awful disease” . “Chas and I, are very much looking forward to hosting it again”. Huntington's Disease is a hereditary terminal illness
affecting both men and women, which destroys the pathways between the brain and the rest of the body, resulting in uncontrollable movements, loss of speech, incontinence and loss of memory function, to name but a few symptoms. It also causes changes in personality and depression. Huntington's Disease destroys everything that makes us recognisable as human beings and there is currently no cure. Any child of an affected parent has a 50 per cent risk of inheriting the affected gene. Anyone inheriting the affected gene will develop HD. It has already claimed the life of David's father, Vic and is now affecting him and his younger brother Gary. Peter's brother has already died from the illness and his son has recently been tested positive at the age of 30. If you would like to get involved with organising a fundraising event for HD in your area, please contact Marion Smith on 651 043 681
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September 2016
September 2016 Meeting of the Vega Baja Garden Club. This was the first meeting after the summer break, and it was busy and very interesting one. Members had taken photographs of wildlife in their gardens for the first competition of the season. There were photographs of snakes, insects and many other creatures. The joint winners were Mitch Fell, with a photo of a lizard, and Roger Wagstaff who had photographed a mantis. An avocado growing trial had been inaugurated earlier in the year, and some members had had success with this. Plants in varying stages of development were shown, and although the plants were small they were obviously healthy and growing well. Anna van Djik then gave a very interesting and thought provoking presentation on the subject of the “Senses of Plants”. Her research showed very interesting results. American University experiments show that plants do indeed have a variant of senses akin to our own. Plants can “hear” the sound of a caterpillar eating a neighbouring plant. This triggers the production of insecticides in the leaves, making them less attractive to hungry caterpillars. It has also been shown that playing classical music to plants accelerates their growth. Acacia trees can “ smell” the gasses given off by other acacia trees when their leaves are eaten by giraffes. This stimulates the growth of the spiny thorns that are the acacia’s main defence against giraffes. Plants can also “see” light;
they grow towards light sources so as to promote growth and photosynthesis. Plants are also able to detect touch as is demonstrated by the carnivorous Venus Fly Trap. The steps of an unwary insect will cause the leaves to close and trap it. It is only when the imprisoned insect struggles to escape that the plant secretes the digestive enzymes that allow it to consume its prey. Anna also explained the ways in which plants can “taste”, growing towards sources of food and water. Plants are not at all helpless creatures, indeed their senses enable them to defend themselves very well. This area of research is relatively new. Future research will be most intriguing. Irene Davis, the Club’s Secretary hosted the meeting and also gave a fascinating talk about her “August Project”. Irene had asked at a local garage if she might have some old tyres! Over the month she painted these tyres in lovely vibrant colours, lined them and filled them with compost and plants to fill a corner of her terrace. The next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd October at Bar Trasgu, Calle Alicante 12, Formentera del Segura, at 2.15 for a 2.30 start. This will be a very special surprise meeting, and if you would like to attend please let the Club know, as exact numbers are needed to ensure that the surprise will work! If you are interested in gardening and would like to come along to the meeting, please do so, you will be most welcome. For further information, please contact The Vega Baja Garden Club at
A Dickens of a Christmas
Following on from their sell-out summer musical “Fiddler On The Roof” STUDIO32 are now rehearsing their winter show, “A Christmas Carol – The Musical”. Based on the classic Charles Dickens tale this modern Broadway adaptation features lots of wonderful songs and some interesting new characters alongside the more wellknown ones. Bill Nicholson plays the lead role of Scrooge whose miserly ways are called to account by the ghost of his friend Jacob Marley, played by Jenni HardyRooney. Jacob warns Scrooge that on Christmas Eve he will be visited by three ghosts: the Ghost of Christmas Past (played by Alice Wakeford), the Ghost of Christmas Present (played by Nick Morgan), and the Ghost of Christmas Future (played by Lindsay Kendall). So why not start Christmas off with a visit to this wonderful show? It’s guaranteed to entertain young and old.
Brian Jones & Co
Show dates are Wednesday November 30thto Saturday December 3rdat the CardenalBelluga Theatre in San Fulgencio, all performances start at 7.30pm with doors open 7pm. Reserved seating tickets are now on sale, priced at 9 euros, and can be obtained by calling 642 080 258, by emailing tickets@ , or from the following outlets: Tourist Information, La Marina 966 790 021, Cards & More, La Marina 966 790 954 The Card Place, Benijofar 966 713 266. Kennedy Supermarket, Los Montesinos 966 720 006 Tickets are sure to sell fast so be sure to get in early and book your seat!
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September 2016
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Successful Women in Business Every woman has her own definition of success. Being a successful businesswoman takes focus, determination, passion and most of all time. But there are certain traits that most successful woman share. THEY BELIEVE SUCCESSFUL.
every businesswoman’s plan. No matter how crazy an idea might seem, believing in themselves is integral to achieving it. They never look for problem solvers; they believed they are the problem solvers. Confidence and faith in themselves is key for a businesswoman.
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Boost and nourish your skin. Mesotherapy administers a cocktail of over 58 active substances with microinjections into the skin including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and peptides. These ingredients stimulate the collagen-forming-cells (fibroblasts) and restore hydration to the skin. The equipment uses a digitally controlled mesotherapy pistol and is quick and virtually painless. The active substances are biodegradable. What can you expect from the Skin Rejuvenation Cocktail? Improved skin hydration and fine wrinkles Refinement of the skin structure Improving skin resilience Improvement of the overall skin condition Enhancement of skin hydration Improvement in the quality and complexion of the skin
Kelly’s Kutz
Next to Lemon Tree Cafe
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Hooray Autumn is here! But are you beach ready for the cold weather? Do not despair Kelly’s Kutz are here ready for you! Kelly and Jose are prepared for all the family. The very latest in hair colours and cuts, top to toe waxing, hot shellac nail colours to compliment a relaxing manicure or pedicure. Include the men in your life for a traditional barber cut, alternative male styling and grooming needs. Bring the children too, they can have fun with the safe, glittery tattoos! See you before the beach then!!! We can’t wait to see you Kellys Kutz xxx call 965 501 937 607 528 443 near Lemon Tree Cafe Altos del Limonar Torrevieja
September 2016
pleasurable, not a chore. THEY HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.
THEY DO. Without passion, all the skill in the world won’t lift you above craft. If a businesswoman doesn’t love what she does, she’s probably not going to be motivated to go above and beyond, to innovate and to stand
A positive attitude takes conscious effort on every businesswoman’s part. They arrest negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. A positive attitude is the fuel needed to drive businesswoman from idea conception to realization.
out in the workplace. But if she’s passionate about
her career, it will make putting time and effort into it
Wasting time and energy trying to be “perfect” only
leads to unhappiness. Successful women know that that they can’t do everything well all the time. Beating themselves up for perceived flaws will only dampen abilities at work, not to mention their mental health. THEY KNOW THAT FAILURE GOES HAND-INHAND WITH SUCCESS. Failure is not the opposite of success but a stepping stone to success. Successful women know that you can’t excel all the time, and that an inevitable part of taking leaps in your career is falling down sometimes.
After 15 years of retailing, moving to a wholesale market is a big change. As with anything I thrive on a challenge and as a mum with 3-year-old twins and running the office side of my husband´s construction and kitchens business, life is never dull. After spending two years in Bulgaria whilst adopting our twin girls, as well as trips back and forth over the past 5 years, both my mum and I have been using some of the products that I am now wholesaling. Therefore, I am secure in the knowledge that I am offering ranges of skin and body care products like no others available on the market. Wholesale for beauticians, hairdressers, beauty salons, gift shops, artisan markets and anyone who would like to start a new business. Biofresh Cosmetics produce natural and organic cosmetics with no parabens (petroleum based additives). There are several ranges, all with their own special ingredients giving something to suit all skin types. Ranges include rose water, rose oil, lavender, probiotic yoghurt, olive oil and a special range for mature skin. Gift sets and handmade soaps are also available. With over 200 stunning products, there is something for everyone, including men. Please contact Zoe for more information on 639 03 60 51
unisex salon qualified staff
hair by
carol tel: 968 974 989 opening times: 9am - 5pm
Unit 1, theworkplace Business Centre, Urb. Camposol B, Mazarron
Carol is a fully qualified and highly experienced hairdresser with a very satisfied clientele. Having spent many years working on cruise ships, running a Hair and Beauty Salon for Cunard Cruises she has become expert at quickly understanding the needs of her clients and delivering a quality cut and blow dry, as well as offering a whole range of hair colouring, treatment and extensions services. Carol is also a fully qualified specialist in Afro-Caribbean hair styling and treatments, and can easily add a little Caribbean spice into any holiday hair style. She speaks fluent French and German and attracts a very good mix of European clients. She also has extensive teaching experience and is the only qualified wet Gent’s barber in the area of Mazarron. In addition to the Hair Services, Hair by Carol offers a competitive range of beauty treatments at great prices, with mini facials, manicures, pedicures, eye brow and lash tints plus waxing. Call Carol to discuss your treatment or book an appointment. Get Carol to wash away your cares and fix you up with a new look this autumn.
Gourmet heaven in three Spanish cities
From San Sebastian to Cadiz, a tour of some urban enclaves that boast exquisite cuisine
Tapas in Sant Antoni and views of Pedrera from the Alaire terrace 9am Breakfast: The Granja Viader (Carrer Xuclà, 4-6) has been serving hot chocolate with cream and mini sponge cakes since 1870. Charmingly historical and fragrant, it is in the heart of Barcelona and has a breakfast menu guaranteed to set you up for the day. 12pm Aperitif: Crossing the city to the Sant Antoni neighborhood, we found ourselves on Calle Parlament, where we sat out on one of the most pleasant terraces in town at Bar Calders (Calle Parlament, 25). There’s first-rate Vermouth – particularly Falset – accompanied by mini pizzas with pear, Gorgonzola and caramelized onion as well as unbeatable hummus. 2pm Lunch: In the Born area, we rolled up at the classic Senyor Parellada restaurant (Carrer de l’Argenteria, 37), which excels in traditional Catalonian fare with wonderful cannelloni, escudella (a kind of meat and veg broth) and codfish, not to mention the famous Parellada shellfish rice. 6pm Snacks: Art, views and eyeopening architecture is on the menu at the Miró Foundation’s bar in the Montjuïc Park. You can sip your early evening drink while admiring the Josep Lluis Sert building and Miró’s sculptures scattered around the gardens. 9pm Dinner: Once in Montjuïc, we decided to have dinner on the terrace of the Martínez restaurant, which offers one of the best views of the city, making it a perfect spot to spend a summer’s night (Carretera de Miramar, 38). A glass of Elixir Martínez vermouth on arrival was a great way to be welcomed. 11pm Drinks: In the summer months, late-night drinks are all about terrace hopping. Situated on the rooftop of Hotel Condes de Barcelona (Paseo de Gracia, 73), the Alaire bar offers magnificent views of Gaudi architecture at La Pedrera and the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. Another option is the classic Merbeyé (Plaça Doctor Andreu, 2) at the foot of Tibidabo with great cocktails, live music and the best views of the city’s skyline.
San Sebastián
A foie tapa, stewed apple and other Basque delicacies 9am Breakfast: According to its website, the Barrenetxe (Plaza Gipuzkoa, 9) has been a baker and
chocolate maker since 1699 and there are plenty who swear that it’s the best cake shop in San Sebastián. Certainly, their breakfast, which includes chocolate, lemon cake or a txintxorro, or even almond cake with View of San Sebastián with the club Naútico in the background ampliar foto View of San Sebastián with the club Naútico in the background /G. Azumendi
Ultramar & Nos, in Cádiz great place to party.
orange jam, is irresistible. 1pm Aperitif: To get the best tapas, we went to the old quarter, where we chose three local bars: La Cuchara de San Telmo, which serves foie gras and stewed apple to die for, El Munto, which does perfect asparagus, and El Gandarias, where pigs’ trotters à la mille-feuille is the specialty of the house. 2.30pm Lunch: One of the highlights of the Paseo de La Concha is the Hotel de Londres y de Inglaterra (1865), which takes you back to the era of Mata Hari and ToulouseLautrec. The Marie Galant brasserie is on the bottom floor (Calle Zubieta, 2), offering views of the bay and a menu of Basque delicacies. 6pm Snacks: As its names suggests, la Mejillonera has fabulous mussels, particularly stuffed mussels, or Tigres as they are known (Calle del Puerto, 15). Nearby, we stumbled across the terrace outside the Royal Yacht Club, built in the 1928 rationalist architectural style. It’s an ideal place for having a drink by the ocean. For those with a sweet tooth, there’s the mouth-watering La Viña cheesecake. 9pm Dinner: We dined in luxury at the Rekondo (Igeldo Pasealekua, 57) at the top of Monte Igeldo with beautiful views of the city and bay. Ask for a table on the terrace and savor a classic Basque menu and wine selection. 11pm Drinks: Behind the Buen Pastor Cathedral, we found great bars on Calle de los Reyes Católicos, such as Taska, El Viena or Never Stop. The Gros area of town, close to Kursaal de Rafael Moneo, is also a
In the Rincón Gastronómico of the market, try a tipple of sherry 9am Breakfast: There is a slice of France in the center of Cádiz, next to the Abastos Central Market, in the shape of a wonderful café that has a quintessentially French bakery called Le Poeme SL (Calle Alcalá Galiano, 3). Don’t miss the apple tarts with cinnamon, or the macaroons. 1pm Aperitif: The old meat market has become a treasure trove of cuisine. The so-called Rincón Gastronómico is one of the best places in Cadiz for drinks and tapas, with tuna specialties and plenty of sherry. Make sure to pop into El
Colmado and La Sartén (Plaza de la Libertad, s/n). 2.30pm Lunch: In the heart of La Viña neighborhood, we found La Tabernita (Calle Vírgen de la Palma, 32), a small restaurant with delicious tapas and great wine. For those who prefer a beach vibe, El Nahubeach on Cortadura is a beautiful ‘chiringuito’ with great cuisine (Carretera CadizSan Fernando, kilometer 0.5). The Arsenio Manila (Paseo Marótimo, 12) on Victoria beach is also very good. 6pm Snacks: Afternoons
in this part of the world are laid back and the chiringuito Bebo los Vientos near Arsenio Manila is one of the best places to chill out with a drink (Paseo Marítimo, 11). Open from 9am until 3am, this is said to be the top spot to watch the sunset. 9pm Dinner: On our to-sample list in Cadiz was Ultramar & Nos (Enrique De Las Marinas, 2), a contrast between modern décor and traditional cuisine. The place is everything Trip Advisor promised it would be, with first-class tapas made from quality produce. They also serve a wide range of rice dishes. 11pm Drinks: To round off the day, why not wander over to the old colonial buildings and the Archivo de
Indias (San Antonio, Abad, 8), a latenight bar with different rooms, each inspired by a different colonial era. It’s near the cathedral in the Pópulo neighborhood.
September 2016
The first Paralympic Games were held in Rome, Italy in 1960 and featured 400 athletes from 23 countries. Sports for athletes with disabilities have existed for more than 100 years, and the first sport club for the deaf has been in existence from 1888 in Berlin. It was not until after World War II however, that it was widely introduced. The purpose of it at that time was to assist the large number of war veterans and civilians who had been injured during wartime.
In 1944, at the request of the British Government, Dr. Ludwig Guttmann opened a spinal injuries centre at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Great Britain, and in time, rehabilitation sport evolved to recreational sport and then to competitive sport. On 29 July 1948, the day of the Opening Ceremony of the London 1948 Olympic Games, Dr. Guttmann organised the first competition for wheelchair athletes which he named the Stoke Mandeville Games, a milestone in Paralympics history. They
These Games later became the Paralympic Games. The word “Paralympic” derives from the Greek preposition “para” (beside or alongside). Its meaning is that Paralympics are the parallel Games to the Olympics and illustrates how the two movements exist side-by-side.
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New Autumn Beauty You Need Now A new season means a fresh approach to beauty, casting aside the products you’ve come to rely upon all summer and embracing a host of new and exciting launches. From new collaborations - think Eyeko and David Downton, or Sonia Rykiel and Lancôme - to exciting debuts such as Christian L o u b o u t i n ’ s fragrance, see to buy here.
first foray into the best things Christian Dior Christian Dior has given its Rouge Dior lipstick line a complete overhaul, introducing a host of new shades, textures and finishes. Vogue’s favourite is the new matt formulation of Dior’s classic Poison hue - a deep blackcurrant shade perfect for the new season. Christian Dior Rouge Dior Lipstick in Poison Matte, £26.50. Available at Christian Louboutin Fresh for September 2016, Christian Louboutin has entered the fragrance arena with three debut scents each as covetable as the last. Bikini Questa Sera is a beautiful blend of jasmine and tuberose, Tornade Blonde
combines rose, violet and cassis, and Trouble in Heaven is a heady mix of iris, patchouli and tonka. The bottles, created with designer Thomas Heatherwick, are a work of art. Christian Louboutin Eau De Parfum Collection, £215 each. Available at
health & beauty Tel: 950 121 936 -
La Prairie Caviar is the ingredient at the heart of La Prairie’s skincare, and now the brand has harnessed its skin-plumping powers in a completely new way for the Skin Caviar Essence-In-Lotion. Using a steam distillation process to create a “caviar water” enriched with the brand’s cellular complex, the essence is designed to be applied before serum to revitalise, energise and renew before the next steps of your regime. La Prairie Skin Caviar Essence-inLotion, £164. Available at
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September 2016
La Mercè Festival in Barcelona
The Catalan capital’s festa major, a final burst of pre-winter madness for the Mediterranean city, is dedicated to its co-patron saint, the Virgin of Mercy. Nostra Senyora de la Mercè, whose image lies in the church of the same name on Plaça de la Mercè, was named co-patron after she singlehandedly beat off a plague of locusts in 1637! Then in 1714, as Barcelona faced defeat in the War of the Spanish Succession, the obviously desperate town elders appointed her commander in chief of the city’s defences. Some 600 events take place, most of them in the city centre. There’s a swimming race across the harbour, a fun run and a series of free concerts. Adding to the local colour are the essential ingredients of all self-respecting Catalan festivals: sardana (folk dancing from northern Catalonia) and parades of gegants (giants), dancing in synch with the costumed groups carrying them. Brave combatants known as castellers compete to form the highest human pyramid; the towers rise up to eight storeys high. The correfoc(fire run) is a pyromaniac’s dream. Crowds hurl themselves along Via Laietana before ‘devils’ and other fire-spurting beasts, not to mention kids armed with firecrackers. Castellers - Human Towers - Location: Plaça de Sant Jaume Date: 24 September 2016 - Time: 12:30 This event is one of the highlights of the Mercè festival and takes place in Plaça de Jaume. Thousands of people will pack out the square so it is worth arriving early. The aim of the Castellers is to build a human tower and have a young child climb to the top of the tower and stand up. It requires a tremendous amount of planning and teamwork to build a human tower and it is quite an amazing sight to see. Giants Parade - Location: Plaça St Jaume Date: 24 September 2016 - Time: 11:00 The Giants parade is a popular event for the whole family. Huge giants with effigies of kings, queens and nobles march through the streets. These huge figures tower above the crowds and spin around and around so the crowds can see them in all their glory. The Parade is often accompanied by small percussion groups that beat out a rhythm on drums as the Giants go by. The dates for the festival are: 22 September - 25 September 2016
UK BREXIT BAZOOKA The Bank of England holds a monetary policy meeting on Thursday as more hard economic numbers trickle in following June’s Brexit shock, while U.S. data and a speech by policymaker Lael Brainard will give Fed-watchers food for thought. Data and surveys in the coming week will also give a steer on price and industry trends in the euro zone after the European Central Bank disappointed market expectations that it would announce an extension of its asset purchase programme. Speaking to lawmakers on Sept. 7, Governor Mark Carney defended the BoE’s big August stimulus package but said initial damage to the economy from Britain’s June 23 vote to leave the European Union looked less severe than the Bank had forecast. While some critics of the BoE have suggested August’s decision to cut interest rates to a record low 0.25 percent, restart asset purchases and ease lending by giving cheap loans to banks was too aggressive, the Bank is expected to cut rates again later this year but leave policy unchanged this month. “We see next Thursday as being too soon for further action and expect the BoE to maintain Bank Rate at 0.25 percent and the level of QE (asset purchases) at 435 billion pounds ($578.5 billion),”
Investec economists said. “Our central case continues to be for another 15 basis point cut in Bank Rate to 0.10 percent at the November meeting.” Official figures, including inflation on Tuesday, unemployment on Wednesday and retail sales on Thursday, should give a clearer picture of how companies and consumers are responding to the Brexit vote after purchasing manager surveys showed activity bouncing back last month. Economists polled by Reuters forecast consumer prices will be 0.7 percent higher in August compared with a year ago, edging up from 0.6 percent in July, which was the biggest annual rise since the end of 2014. But sterling’s tumble since the Brexit vote means inflation is expected to rise strongly soon. The unemployment rate for the three months to July is forecast to stay at 4.9 percent -- an almost 11-year low -- while the number of people claiming jobless benefits in August is seen rising after a surprise fall in July. Monthly retail sales are predicted to have fallen in August after a jump in July, when consumers showed no immediate alarm at the Brexit vote. European Union leaders will meanwhile gather on Friday -- without British Prime Minister Theresa May -- to discuss Brexit and other issues. Thursday’s euro zone CPI release is expected to show annual inflation was 0.2 percent in August, in line with the new 2016 forecast the ECB gave on Sept. 8. The sharpest drop in German industrial output for nearly two years may presage a fall in the July figure for the euro zone, due on Wednesday, although recent purchasing manager surveys have pointed to continued modest growth in manufacturing in the third quarter. Euro zone trade and employment data ; will also
be released in the coming week, as well the ZEW survey of economic sentiment in Germany, the currency bloc’s economic engine. Swiss National Bank policymakers also meet on Thursday, with no change to policy expected. FED UP? Expectations the Fed will raise interest rates again in September have cooled after job creation eased and survey data pointed to only lacklustre third quarter growth but some policymakers still favour a hike soon. Given the U.S. central bank’s insistence that its next move will be data-dependent, the coming week’s inflation, industrial production and retail sales numbers could help shift the dial. July U.S. annual consumer price inflation was 0.8 percent, down from 1.0 percent in June and a tame reading for August, due on Friday, would encourage a deferral. August retail sales figures on Thursday could show some impact from last month’s floods in Louisiana, while Friday’s University of Michigan survey will also gauge sentiment among U.S. consumers. Markets are eyeing keenly the speech by Brainard on Monday, just before the blackout period starts for Fed officials before the Sept. 20-21 policy meeting. She is seen as one of the FOMC’s more dovish members, so any hint of a more aggressive stance could see rate hike bets being put back on. “Monday may be a very important day,” Morgan Stanley’s head of European FX research, Hans Redeker, said on Friday. “If the Fed wants to prepare the market (for a hike) then a generally dovish member of the FOMC like Brainard making hawkish statements would be an obvious way.” By Catherine Evans LONDON (Reuters)
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September 2016
pause for thought Hello and welcome to CanDu Computer downloaded and taking Bytes. If you need professional computer up any disk space or help, you can contact me to make an system resources. It’s just appointment at my workshop or clinic cluttering your Start menu. So (which is at Maloan’s bar in Albox). Did Microsoft Listen? No, So expect more Windows 10, as subjects go, is now as built-in ads in the future. boring as granddad’s old war stories that 3. Failure: Windows 10 Doesn’t Care have been told hundred’s of times! So, About Your Internet Service Provider’s Wherever possible I will find something (ISP) Data Cap. If you have an Internet even remotely more interesting to write service provider that imposes a data cap– about in the future. Having said that I something many ISPs are now rolling out– have a simple question for you. “Have Windows 10 is bad for you. Windows 10 Microsoft kept their promises one year does have a way to set Wi-Fi connections after it’s release?”. as “metered” so updates won’t happen I have read on various websites that on them. However, this doesn’t work for Windows 10 is a worthy successor to wired Ethernet connections. A further Windows 7 and so much better than Failure: Windows 10 Still Uses Your Upload Windows 8.x. Surprisingly I disagree with Bandwidth to Share Updates. the Windows 7 supposition but whole 4. Failure: You Still Can’t Completely heartedly agree that it is far superior Disable Telemetry. Windows 10 “phones to Window 8.x. So the question is “Did home” in many different ways, It contains Microsoft listen to the complaints and “telemetry” features that track how you’re correct them?”. using Windows so Microsoft can see how 1. Failure: Windows 7 and 8.1 Still Push many users use various features and use Windows 10 Too Hard. If you are a W7 or this information to improve the operating W8.x user you will have been, and might system. I, for one, would like to stop Ms still be, harassed with very hard sell to from knowing anything about what I do, ‘update to W10’. This was a common complaint just Who I do it with and Where I go, and don’t after Windows 10 was released. So, did give me that totalitarian bullS4!t about “If Microsoft listen and make the upgrade you have nothing to hide!”. 5. Success: Microsoft Now Provides notifications better? Well, not exactly. More Information About Updates. As if all The upgrade notifications actually became more and more aggressive over these updates automatically downloading time, with Windows 10 even becoming themselves weren’t bad enough, Microsoft a recommended update in Windows took it further. Microsoft announced that Update. At the worst point, Microsoft even it wouldn’t be providing any details or changed the function of the “x” button in change logs of what those updates to the window. Rather than cancelling the Windows 10 actually changed or fixed. upgrade, as the button did previously, Many professionals and businesses clicking “x” accepted the scheduled expected this information. Thankfully, upgrade and closed the window. People Microsoft eventually gave in. Microsoft began offering details of Windows 10 complained! 2. Failure: Windows 10 Is Getting Even updates that you can view on the Windows More Built-in Advertisements. Windows 10 update history web page. I had to finish on an optimistic note as 10 shipped with a “Candy Crush Saga” tile in the Start menu that automatically for 1001 reasons I think Microsoft – The Corporation – Sucks! downloads this app when you click it. For further information or advice on It’s like bloatware, computing,contact Trevor on 689 892 745 or but, to be fair, the app isn’t actually
David Cameron to quit as Conservative MP for Witney Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron is to stand down as an MP, triggering a by-election in his Oxfordshire seat of Witney. Mr Cameron, who resigned as prime minister after June's EU referendum, said he did not want to be a "distraction" for new PM Theresa May. The 49-year-old said his replacement had "got off to a cracking start".Mr Cameron, who has represented Witney since 2001, became Conservative leader in 2005 and PM in 2010.Speaking in his constituency, he said it had been a "great honour" to be an MP for the area, but said it would be difficult for him to remain on the backbenches without becoming "a big distraction and a big diversion" from the work of the new government. He denied his announcement was related to the government's moves towards allowing new grammar schools, a policy he rejected as PM. He said the timing - which came after a period of reflection over the summer - was coincidental, adding that there were "many good things" in the proposed education reforms. "Obviously I'm going to have my own views about different issues," he said. "People would know that and that's really the point. As a former prime minister it is very difficult, I think, to sit as a backbencher and not be an enormous diversion and distraction from what the government is doing." He said Mrs May - his former home secretary - had been "very understanding" when he told her of his decision. Asked about his legacy, and whether he would be remembered as the prime minister that took the UK out of the European Union, he said he hoped his tenure would be recalled for a strong economy and "important social reforms" and that he had transformed a Conservative Party that was "in the doldrums" into a "modernising winning force". Mr Cameron won a 25,155 majority in 2015 in Witney, which has been held by
It’s not good to listen to other peoples’ conversations, but the other day, whilst having a coffee in one of the local bars, I couldn’t help overhearing an adjacent group discussing fairly loudly their views on the origins of the Universe. That it had been created by God wasn’t really in dispute, as they acknowledged the opening phrase of the Bible affirms that “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth”. What was being questioned however was the very old chestnut, many of us have asked, of “if that was the beginning, then where did God come from?” On the face of it this really seems a perfectly natural and logical question, which appears to undermine the basic tenets of Christianity, but the problem is that it relies on a misunderstanding of God. So, how do we understand God? Do we consider God to be the Supreme Being, master of space and time, who created everything that exists? That’s basically the Biblical definition of God, which tends to make questions of his own creation fairly meaningless, as ‘Supreme Being’ and ‘Master of time’ necessarily allows for self-creation. The trouble is that most of us, if we’re really honest, have problems comprehending
that concept of God, and merely think of Him as being ‘super-human’, with all the constraints and limitations common to mankind, though far more clever and intelligent than anyone else, and it is this concept that necessarily has problems with how such a person was created. And here’s the twist:the only way we can ever really comprehend God and understand how He came into being, is to accept that by definition God is utterly beyond our understanding, and that any attempt to comprehend Him is to belittle Him. And that is the basis of faith, which the Bible asserts, provides the evidence for things beyond our senses or understanding. And the amazing thing is that if we take that step of faith, then suddenly that question of his origin presents no problem at all. Details of a number of English Language Churches are given in Sol Noticeboard for any who wish to Worship, but further information about the Anglican Church and details of forthcoming events may be seen on the web site Duncan Burr is Licensed Lay Reader for the Anglican Chaplaincy of Costa Almeria and Costa Cálida and may be contacted at djburr@
the Conservatives since 1974. He said he had not made any "firm decisions" on what to do next, adding that he wanted to continue to contribute to public life. Mrs May said: "I was proud to serve in David Cameron's government - and under his leadership we achieved great things. Not just stabilising the economy, but also making great strides in delivering serious social reform." She pledged to continue with his "one-nation government" approach. David Cameron factfile Aged 49 Born in London, educated at Eton and Oxford First elected as MP for Witney in 2001 Was shadow education secretary before becoming Conservative leader in 2005 Led a coalition government from 2010 to 2015, winning an overall majority in 2015 Led the Remain campaign in the EU referendum Ex-chancellor George Osborne said he was sorry his "great friend" was stepping down. "We came into Parliament together, had a great partnership and I will miss him alongside me on the green benches over the coming years," he added. But Labour's Angela Eagle declined to add her voice to the tributes, telling the BBC Mr Cameron had "put his whole country at risk to settle a debate in his own party" through the EU referendum. "He has now walked away leaving others to clear up the mess." Lib Dem leader Tim Farron said Mr Cameron had "demonstrated a capacity to think above and beyond tribal politics" and wished him well for the future. "He has lots of things that he should be proud of but sadly his legacy will be one of accidentally removing us from our closest friends and neighbours in Europe," Mr Farron added.
Nose-to-nose with the actors: Spain’s micro-theatrE has global appeal
MADRID (Reuters) - Six people stand almost shoulder-to-shoulder in a black room - the entire audience for a play unfolding just an arm's length away. With minimal set and a cast of only two, this is theatre stripped to its bare bones. The micro-theatre trend has exploded since a first production in a former Madrid brothel in 2009. "Microteatro" is now an established brand, with theatres in 13 cities in Spain and the Americas. Its success - the venue that originated the format put on its 1,000th show in April - provides a bright spot in Spanish theatre which has suffered from cuts in arts funding and a drop in audience spending since an economic crisis. In the bar at the Madrid venue, 30-year-old
theatre-goer Maria Renee explained the appeal. "The good thing is you don't have to plan ahead. You can see one play or five," she said, examining the productions on offer that evening. Each short play costs only four euros ($4.50) and is repeated up to seven times a night, so spectators can dip in and out of the evening's program. The format follows a basic idea of three 15s: plays of 15 minutes for around 15 audience members in a 15 square-meter (160 square-foot) space. In the original production, 13 independent theatre groups put on 13 different shows, themed around prostitution, in the rooms of the former brothel where the sex workers used to receive their clients. That show was so successful, with queues of more than 200 people waiting to get in, that the team
Catalans rally in support of independence from Spain
Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets across Catalonia on Sunday to support a break from Spain which local leaders want to deliver for next year in spite of legal blocks by the central government. Catalans gathered in five cities across the north-eastern region, including Barcelona, and waved yellow banners in time to music, symbolising the rhythm of a beating heart uniting an independent republic. Police said that in Barcelona alone about 540,000 people took part. The mass rally on Catalonia’s national day, La Diada, comes as the pro-independence local assembly vows to press ahead with plans to form an new state in 2017, raising pressure on leaders in Madrid to respond at a time of disarray in national politics. Two inconclusive general elections have left Spain without a new national administration for more than eight months, in part due to squabbling among parties over how best to counter or defuse Catalonia’s separatist challenge. Spain’s conservative caretaker government
has firmly opposed any move towards secession and resorted to challenges via the constitutional court, though this has escalated the stand-off in recent months under acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. “We don’t really care anymore about who will govern in Madrid,” said Montse Pedra, 39, a speech therapist at the rally in Barcelona, where campaigners waved the starred blue, red and yellow pro-independence flags. She said she was no longer hopeful Catalonia would be granted a referendum on independence like Scotland’s in 2014 - where people voted to remain in Britain - but was looking beyond that. “Here that’s not going to happen one way or another, so we’re going to just declare independence, and that’s it,” Pedra added. Whether regional leaders will manage to produce the break they have promised is unclear. Pro-separatist parties won a majority of seats in the regional assembly last year and have starting laying the ground for laws and institutions for an independent state, though such moves have been deemed illegal in court. “The whole process is going a little slowly,” said another participant, 64-year-old maths teacher Rafael Subirats, adding he thought independence was unlikely to happen by 2017. Secessionists fell short of winning an overall majority of the vote last September, which according to anti-independence campaigners weakens the mandate for a split. The long-simmering separatist movement, in a region that produces about a fifth of Spain’s economic output, erupted in 2012 during a deep economic crisis and a stand-off with Madrid over demands for more autonomy. Catalonia, home to 7.5 million people, has its
September 2016
bought a space around the corner. Since then theatre companies around Spain and from places as far away as Miami and Mexico have bought licenses to use the Microteatro logo, marketing and house style. Playwright and director Jose Luis Lozano, 34, says the format is a showcase for new work and provides a training ground for writers. "You're obliged to say a lot in a short time. It's a good place to experiment with your style," he said. For the players, the closeness to the audience makes the experience like a constant camera closeup, says Anthony Rotsa, a British actor starring in the theatre's only English-language play. "You see everyone's faces, right there. If they're enjoying it, you can feel that. And if they're not, you can feel that too!"
own language and distinct culture, as well as a long-standing industrial tradition and a thriving t o u r i s m sector. Support for independence has grown again in recent months. One poll in July showed some 48 percent in favour of Catalonia becoming an independent state, while 42 percent were against it. Yet the movement has also been hampered by internal struggles. Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont faces a confidence vote in the Catalan assembly on Sept. 28. Analysts expect him to win it. Puigdemont stressed on Sunday his government would call regional elections next year as a form of plebiscite to ratify a breakaway, unless he could persuade Madrid to allow Catalans to vote on their future. “I will insist once again that this is a process that needs to be agreed on with the Spanish government... a referendum is the best mechanism to find out if people want (to be independent) or not,” Puigdemont told a news conference. By Sam Edwards BARCELONA (Reuters)
SOLTIMES PROPERTY SUPPLEMENT Spanish property prices tipped to rise in closing months of 2016
With the summer nearing an end, it is traditional for the experts to look ahead to what property markets have in store in the final few months of the year, and a glance at market conditions in Spain suggest that the housing sector in the country is looking rather rosy, according to BBVA. The banking group’s latest Spanish property market report forecasts that Spanish house prices will continue rising for the rest of the year, even if the recent recovery in the market loses some momentum. There has been a lot of positive activity so far this year, with property sales, prices and building activity all increasing, and BBVA Research predict that this trend will continue in its latest Real Estate Observatory report. The latest figures from the notaries show that building land transaction increased by 82% year-on-year in the second quarter
of the year, albeit from a low base, which is a clear sign of growth in the Spanish house building industry. The Spanish property market recovery is being fuelled in part by improving mortgage conditions and a sharp increase in tourism which has pushed up demand
for holiday homes along the Spanish coast. However, BBVA has suggested that the second half of the year might not be as good as the first half, as there are signs that growth in the Spanish economy could moderate. “Lower economic growth and what that does to consumer confidence is expected to knock some of the wind out of the sails of the housing market recovery,” said Mark Stuckin of Spanish Property Insight. “Even so, BBVA expect new development to continue expanding on the back of stronger demand and the gradual disappearance of the new homes glut, at least in areas where there is demand, such as big cities and popular coastal regions [like the Costa del Sol and the Costa Blanca],” he added.
September 2016
Work permits among Brexit options, home secretary says
propert y services
Work permits are among the post-Brexit migration curbs being considered but any changes must be good for the UK economy, the home secretary has said. Amber Rudd told the BBC the work permit proposal "certainly has value" but nothing was being ruled out. But she accepted EU nations could choose to impose new restrictions, including requiring Britons having to apply for visas to travel. Ms Rudd said it was a "given" people voted Leave to reduce immigration. Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show, she reiterated the prime minister's dismissal of a points-based system to control EU migration championed by Brexit campaigners in the build-up to the referendum, saying it "simply doesn't work". She said her department was considering the alternative of requiring EU migrants to have work permits. "Whether we look at a work permit system or another system is something that my department is looking at closely at the moment," she said. Asked about a possible trade-off between curbing the free movement of people and being allowed access to the EU's single market, Ms Rudd said the UK will have "complete control" over numbers once it leaves the EU, "with one or two provisos". The new model "has got to be reciprocal", she said. "We are going to have to work out what's in the UK's interests as well going to the European Union and what works for our economy and making sure that we get the right balance." Asked about the Conservatives' long-standing target to reduce net migration to the tens of thousands -
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latest figures had it at 327,000 - she said the government was "completely committed" to reducing immigration, and "yes tens of thousands, although it will take some time". She also confirmed the government was looking at ways of reducing the number of people using student visas to come to the UK, but said there would be "no blanket ban". The home secretary said reports that Britons may have to pay for permission to visit the EU after Brexit were "a reminder that this is a two-way negotiation" adding: "I don't think it is particularly desirable but we do not rule it out because we have to be given a free hand." Ms Rudd, one of the leading voices in the Remain campaign ahead of the referendum, played down her attacks on Leave campaigner Boris Johnson, who is now foreign secretary. Asked about her comment in a TV debate that Mr Johnson was "the life and soul of the party" but "not the man you want driving you home at the end of the evening", she said: "Boris Is not the the driver, Theresa May is the driver. "She is very clear that we are all focused in the same direction and we are all going to deliver on what she has asked us to do."
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Modernised Cortijo, Low price
September 2016
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48,000€ offers
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El Margen, near oria
60,000€ offers
Traditional refurbished cortijo with many original features retained. The house is set in the heart of the village with stunning views, and features 3 bedrroms, 2 bathrooms. To the front of the property there is a parking space and to the side a courtyard, also to the front is approx 400m2 of very fertile land currently used for growing vegetables. Overall the property has been finished and maintained to a high standard. Fantastic value for money
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157,000€ offers
Well appointed detached home on the outskirts of Oria , walking distance to local bars and the many amenities of this busy town. This home is in excellent order and must be viewed to appreciate the style and setting. Featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms , log burner, private swimming pool , aircon , underfloor heating as well as many other extras This home represents excellent value for money
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79,500€ offers
Traditional and fully renovated two storey cortijo with elevated views across the countryside. Features 2/3 beds and 1 bath. This home is in an ideal location based in a small hamlet of homes with elevated views across the rambla yet is only a 10 minute drive to the many amenities of the market town of Albox. This house has many original features including a stable style split door entrance, traditional fireplace with log burner, beams on the ceilings and many others. Downstairs there is a decent sized double bedroom, bathroom, separate dining room and a fully fitted modernised kitchen with a belfast sink. Upstairs there is a larger double bedroom and an open upper mezzanine area that could be easily converted into a 3rd double bedroom at very little cost. Enjoy fantastic elevated views across the rambla from the large rear terrace. Recently renovated and repainted this home also features a new roof, repainted throughout and two separate cave rooms that could be used for additional outside storage. Must be viewed to appreciate the setting, original features and value for money.
950 064 584 609 199 394
Avenida 28 de Febrero Nº 44, Albox
Email: 75,000€ offers
End of terrace traditional cortijo in need of some modernisation. Features fully self contained annexe ideal for guests or as a second income opportunity. Includes 3 bedrooms, 2 kitchens ,3 bathrooms inclusive of a fully self contained annexe. In prime location in Arboleas as in small hamlet of homes yet close to all amenities including local bars and restaraunt. Fantastic location, very quiet setting with nice views across the valley and close to amenities. Now at reduced price
Villa in immaculate order , recently refurbished and redcued price , priced to sell Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms , jacuzzi, above ground pool , mature garden and fully fenced and tastefully decorated throughout.This home is in a tranquil setting yet ideal location as only a few minutes to the local town of Cantoria and its many bars and cafes. Must be viewed to appreciate the quality and ideal setting
stunning views
350€ PCM RENTAL near albox
Delightful country Cortijo with stunning views. Access to the property is via a windy road , a ten minute drive to the many amenities of Oria. This home is amongst a hamlet of houses in a mountain setting with stunning views.This property contains 3 double bedrooms a main bathroom and an en-suite. As you walk through the main door you walk into a large fully fitted kitchen which leads on to a dining room and lounge both rooms have functioning log fires.As you head up the stairs it splits, to the right is the main bedroom and en-suite to the left of the stairs contains the other two bedrooms and main bathroom. This property has been fully reformed to the highest standard and has a very homely feel is furnished and available from October
Traditonal semi detached cortijo in original style, fantastic value for money 3 bedroom, 3 living areas, 2 bathrooms large family home. Features large plot of fully fenced land ,off street parking, spacious rooms , furnished and walking distance to a local bar and cafe Basic home in need of minor tlc hnce the low rental Must be viewed to be appreciated
September 2016
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Ref No: 0029
• • • •
2 bed/1 bath Monsora Quad villa. Garden & off road parking. Close to Camposol Club De Golf. Amazing views. BOLNUEVO LONG TERM LET €425 + BILLS pcm
Ref No: BOL1
September 2016
mobile: (0034) 608 631 700 CAMPOSOL D LONG TERM LET €500 + BILLS pcm
Ref No: 0212
• 2 bed/2 bath Rosa style villa. • 8m x 4m private pool. • Glazed front terrace. • AC, log fire & much more.
Ref No: 0206
• 3 bed/3 bath Neptuno style villa. • Log fire & much more. • Furnished to high standard. • Plenty of storage.
Ref No :0178
Ref No: 0184
• 2 bed/1 bath ground floor apartment. • Fully furnished. • 20m to large communal pool. • 150m to sandy beaches.
• 3 bed/3 bath Neptuno style villa. • AC & much more. • Furnished to exceptional standard. • Great views to mountains.
• 2 bed/1 bath Classico style villa. • Fully furnished. • Quiet street. • Close to Camposol Golf Club.
Ref No :0053
• • • •
1 bed/1 bath end of terrace villa. Easy access roof terrace. Very close to shops & amenities. Great location/great price. CAMPOSOL B HOLIDAY LET FROM €110 per day
Ref No: 0172
• 4 bed/3 bath executive villa. • Amazing pool & terrace area. • AC, wifi & much more. • Furnished to exceptional level
Ref No: 0208
• 3 bed/3 bath Neptuno Deluxe villa. • Private pool. • Oil fired central heating throughout. • Amazing golf course views.
Ref No: 0110
• • • •
Ref No: 0087
• 3 bed/2 bath Executive villa. • 9m x 4m private pool. • AC, wifi & much more. • Furnished to exceptional standard.
3 bed/3 bath Neptuno Deluxe style villa. Log burner & AC. Large free flow private pool. Close to all amenities. CAMPOSOL D HOLIDAY LET FROM €55 PER DAY
Ref No: 023
• • • •
3 bed/3 bath luxury villa. Bespoke outside dining/bbq area. Kidney shape private pool. Wifi, AC & much more.
John MacDonald (El Sordo)
Río Verde
The Río Verde rises somewhere in the heart of the barren Sierra Alhamilla and winds its convoluted way via Alqueria into the Mediterranean. From its source to the Alquerian border it is a thing of wonder, clear and fresh, with proven therapeutic qualities and by far the finest bottled water available anywhere. After it leaves it has the consistency of old sump oil, the smell of putrefying carcasses and an indescribable colour which contains every offensive hue in the spectrum. Alqueria is very proud of its River. Aquatic animals and the many varieties of fish that live in and around the upper reaches of the Río Verde have the ability to detect the Alquerian border performing u-turns and heading back into the Sierra. Just why the River changes from an idyllic waterway into the hideous thing that oozes its way through Alqueria is difficult to quantify. It is as if it just gives up when it is within the Village’s boundaries, something may people also do. Certainly the bad drainage has a lot to answer to for. Poyato’s Remitroot waste drains into the River and perhaps some chemical reaction occurs with the naturally occurring algae and bacteria. Just what effect the aphrodisiac qualities of the plant have on animal and fish life isn’t however on record. Mutations of all sorts have been reported by startled onlookers but as the Alquerian Tourist Board point out, ‘one person’s mutated species is another’s
form of unique fauna’. Strange creatures abound in the River. The Alqueria Trout has no gills but instead a type of snorkel which protrudes through the disgusting liquid and allows the fish to breath fresh air. It also has rudimentary feet, these are however waning and it is believed that after leaving the water in antiquity it found that the obnoxious Río Verde preferable to life on the streets of Alqueria. The surface tension of the Río Verde, due to its viscosity supports a surprising array of plant life giving the River the appearance of firm soil which has fooled many and is possibly responsible for the occasional missing person. Many animals such as the Alqueria Newt are able to walk on the surface. A mysterious resident of the River, called ‘Nigel’ has never been seen, just whirl pools, strange currents and large bubbles rising to the surface, possible indicating a digestive problem indicate his presence. Nigel is probably responsible for the remainder of the missing person reports. The River is indeed unique and worthy of protection so please lobby your MP so the Río Verde can be declared a ‘World Heritage Site’.
This week I am outlining who this years female celebrities are and if there is any dance background which they may not be telling us! 47 year old singer Anastacia with a string of platinum hits says she is no dancer yet has been a dancer for hire in the past perhaps not this discipline but a definite plus. She has suffered ill health from her early teens with crohns disease and in 2003 suffered a double mastectomy whilst going for a breast reduction. Anastacia will partner Brendan Cole so must be in with a chance. The youngest celebrity this year is 18 year old gymnast Claudia Fragapane who will partner our youngest ever male professional A J Pritchard. At just 4'7" a tiny pocket rocket as she,s known in the gymnastic circles should certainly have the stamina required as she,s just back from the Rio Olympics and will certainly have a strong core to build on so must be one to watch. 27 year old model/actress Daisy
My chitty from the Hospital Inmaculada Huercal-Overa was uncharacteristically vague. It told me when I should be at Cardiology, but where was simply a number. ButI, an expert on Cardiology, would have no problem finding it! We walked into the Out Patients, and as we passed Cita Previa Pete said ‘Should you ask?’ ‘No, I’ll find it.’ I replied, ‘look at the queue.’ It was all of 4 people long. The escalator whisked us quickly and silently up to Planta 2, the home of Cardiology. We searched diligently through all its nooks, crannies and secret hidey-holes, but the magic number was nowhere to be found. However, there was a Reception window, and receptionists should know everything. I handed her my paper. She read it in detail, handed it to her companion, and in duet they announced that they’d never heard of H2C4, and I should ask downstairs. I was overcome by the dread feeling that we were not only in the wrong place, but probably in the wrong hospital. Downstairs the queue now resembled a world record attempt for the longest Conga. ‘Should have asked.’ Pete murmured. He was right, but eventually I got to the front, handed over my paper, and stood politely but expectantly. ‘It’s not here. It’s in the other side. Planta 2.’ We girded our loins, engaged our light sabres, and went over to the Other Side. Planta 2 was full of beds, (after all, it is a ward!) but empty of anyone
Lowe is dancing with Aljaz. As far as I can see she has no dance training in her past and is a self confessed clumsy clot so I think this will be interesting to watch 31 year old DJ and TV presenter Laura Whitmore (co-presenter of Celebrity Jungle) will partner Giovanni Pernice. Again there appears to be no dance background but she is a self confessed danceaholic so with the enthusiasm and hard work who knows what may happen? The oldest ever celebrity at 70 is actress Lesley Joseph of Birds of a Feather partnered with Anton. Lesley has danced all of her life, ballet trained as a child and has performed in many musicals throughout her career. She is also a keen yoga fanatic so will have the flexibility but whether the required posture and stamina are there remains to be seen. Former pop star and presenter 41 year old Louise
By Jos Biggs who looked as if they would know the secret of H2C4. We milled around like confused sheep for a while before encountering a nurse at the coffee machine. Going on the assumption that anyone who knows how to work the coffee machine must have an elevated IQ, I asked directions to H2C4. ‘Down to the far end of the passage, then turn left.’ She said without hesitation –she is obviously a member of Mensa! We settled down for the long trek, eventually reached the end, and turned left. There was nothing but a dead end and a stern notice telling us that it was a Prohibido Paso. Now what? So far we had walked the best part of a kilometre, and I was in no mood to walk another. I boldly went where nobody was supposed to go, and pushed open Prohibido Paso – to reveal H2C4! If you ever need to go to Ergometría, ask me – I know the way!
Rednapp is partnered with Kevin Clifton someone who has been in the top 3 every year since he joined strictly. She went to the Italia Conti school of performing arts from the age of 11 so has had some dance training. Let's see if Kevin can continue his run of fame. 41 year old TV presenter and journalist Naga Munchetty is dancing with Pasha. There was some fuss made when she made it known that despite being married she would like to dance with a female partner. Sorry, I've got no axe to grind but not for this show please! She is a self confessed tomboy and a very keen golfer. There is no reported dance experience so let's see if she can keep up the high standards from the BBC members of the past. 39 year old Eastenders actress Tameka Empson is to partner new Spanish professional Gorka Marquez. She has appeared in theatre and musicals so will have some, if limited, dance knowledge so will be interesting to see the development with a new professional to the show. Next week I'll take a look at the male celebrities and see if they are hiding any secrets! In the meantime our classes are now all back onstream so whether it's rock and roll or ballroom and latin that interests you, come and take a look! Until next time Keep Dancing! Strictly the Female Celebrities Revealed By Lyn Aspden of ‘Strictly Dance’ Class Info 635584431
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September 2016
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Teddy Young in New York City. The store is called a “stationery and fancy goods emporium”. 1977 – Voyager I takes first photograph of the Earth and the Moon together. 2014 – Scotland votes against independence from
the United Kingdom.
1. The crown of the empire state building was originally built for what purpose?......................................... 2. In England in the 1700’s, which events attracted the most spectators ? (the record being over 80,000 in attendance)..................................... 3. Name the four Asian countries that start with the letter M...................... 4. The Roman Catholic church condemned which of the following until the 16th century: a: Spoon b: fork c: knife 5. Draw a half moon at the tropics.... 6. What took place for the first time in ALAMOGORDO?............................... 7. What is the missing city or country in the following song titles a. Big in _______ b. Lost in ________ c. Voodoo ________ d. Nightboat to ________ e. The city of _______ f. Midnight in ________ 8. Who met whom on the tenth of November 1871 in UJIJI?..................... 9. Who was the last man to win the grand slam in tennis?........................ 10. What would you be eating if you ordered LENGUA in Spain ? ..............
CRYPTIC crossword
similar to a smile 6. The first atom bomb test 7. a. Japan, b. France, c. Chilli, d. Cairo, e. New Orleans, f. Moscow 8. Stanley and Livingstone (I presume) 9. Rod Laver in 1969 (the rocket) 10. Tongue
1. An airship dock 2. Public Hangings 3. Four Answers: Mongolia, Myanmar (ex Burma), The Maldives, Malaysia 4.B. Fork 5.A bowl shaped moon,
soltimes Paul Newman Quiz
soltimes PARAlympic quiz
1. The Paralympics has the same Olympic rings as its symbol. True or False 2. The Agitos, the three swoops in red, green and blue that represent the Paralympic motto “_____________” 3. The International Olympic Committee and International Paralympics Committee are the same entities. True or False
4. There are two sports which are exclusive to the Paralympics what are they? 5. In which city was the first official Paralympics held? Acceded Accountability Aside Atmospheric Booed Cents Dispel Doses Droll Duels Dunces Duties Eastern Evocative Forewent
Green Income Instantly Lairs Lying Mower Oboes Overhands Pines Point Pushed Reign Relic Revelations Safety
Salve Sampled Scars Schooled Snowy Stick Swore Thyme Tombs Vigil Wanes Widens Worse
6. Who Founded the Paralympics? 7. How many Medals did Great Britain win in the 2012 London Paralympics? 8. When was the First Winter Paralympics held?
squiggle SUDOKU
Young) is founded by Charles Lewis Tiffany and
standard SUDOKU
1837 – Tiffany and Co. (first named Tiffany &
Name these famous Car Company Logos
1. False 2. spirit in motion 3. False 4. goalball boccia 5. Rome
Quebec City.
e r u t c i sol p iz! qu
6. Dr. Ludwig Guttman 7. 34 Gold, 43 Silver, 43 Bronze 8. 1976 in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden
on this day 18th September
1ALfa Romeo 2 Lancia 3 Mitsubishi 4 Tesla
1759 – Seven Years’ War: The British capture
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standard CROSSWORD
Down 1 Some winners get a blue one (6) 2 In some mysteries, he did it (6) 3 A small fatty European fish (5) 4 Freedom (7) 6 Emperor (9) 7 Collision (8) 8 Inherent aptitude (8) 11 Strike (4) 15 Encountered generally (9) 17 Uncertain of religious truths (8) 18 Land ownership (8) 20 Pout (4) 21 From Mexico (7) 22 Pertaining to the universe (6) 23 Stellar (6) 26 Genus of rhubarb (5)
famous birthdays on this day
1923 – Queen Anne of Romania (d. 2016)
1971 – Lance Armstrong, American cyclist and activist, founded the Lance Armstrong Foundation 1971 – Jada Pinkett Smith, American actress 1974 – Sol Campbell, English footballer and politician 1976 – Ronaldo, Brazilian footballer
ACROSS 1A short time at Lincoln brought back protozoon (6) 4 All over graduate’s animal (5) 8 Tried to dance around - setter’s fault (7) 9 Small container going into space? (7) 11 New vampire tie is urgently necessary (10) 12 Somebody admired on the screen? (4) 13 O ne assuming an attitude as a model, perhaps (5) 14 F ixed Student Union elections, not out to get permits (8) 16 Patching unusual drink (8) 18 Hooters sound silly at first, losing current (5) 20 Head of department to have blue (4) 21 F ollow brother or sister back to equipment, we hear, to make food fit for an animal (3,7) 23 L eader - the headless one taking part in advertising (7) 24 C eremony that’s not exactly real fun (7) 25 N imble soldier held by drink (5) 26 B lur music’s not half bad, during empty bit of entertainment (6) Down 1 A ray of light at right angles to a vessel’s length (5) 2 Ordinary seaman holding even exams (1-6) 3 Odds and ends to rib about, with one vehicle coming before another’s brought up (4-1-4) 5 Go east, to wash outside (5) 6 Purpose for which one is sent to girl? No - I turned up (7) 7 Queen to wear flowers for undergarment (8) 10 Petite gal’s novel - and where you see what it’s called (5-4) 13 Con child into taking metres away from first coat (8) 15 That which is joined together without interruption to nearly go on with hesitation (9) 17 Suspend animal with a sneaking, cowed look (7) 19 100 deuces designed to turn out well (7) 21 Doctor’s tool to speak slowly (5) 22 Enraged boy with Lawrence (5)
Quote of the week...
28 24
September 2016 August 2016
food & entertaining tel: 950 121 936 - Tel:
coriander Coriander is also known as cilantro and Chinese parsley. Coriander has a very long history with evidence of use found in Neolithic archeological sites. It is one of the most popular herbs world-wide, and is very popular in Indian, Thai, Mexican, Chinese, and French cuisines. taste and Uses Coriander has a unique lively flavor with are very delicate and often mistaken for parsley, however, its distinct scent makes it easy to differentiate. Since the herb is so delicate its flavor is quickly diminished when heated so cilantro is most often enjoyed as a garnish or and ingredient in uncooked dishes such as salsa and guacamole.
The true taste of cilantro is best enjoyed fresh, however, if it must be cooked add it at the end of the cooking process. Over cooking cilantro is not recommended as heat quickly dissipates the flavor. To use coriander snip what you need from the root ball, wash and pat dry. If your recipe calls for it, mince the leaves and stem finely with a sharp kitchen knife. When substituting fresh herbs in a recipe calling for dry, one part dry is equal to three parts fresh
TEL 622 434 912
Opening times 10am till Late Tuesday - Sunday
Full Main Menu 6pm - 9pm Sunday Lunch Available 2pm - 7pm 3 Course 9.95€ / 2 Course 7.95€ Happy Hour 4pm - 6pm Wednesday is quiz night with Nick Marshall with our great 5€ meal deals for quiz players PLUS Karaoke with guest singers Last person standing, winner takes all
strong citrus undertones. The leaves
Kitchen tips
Greggs introduces Blackened Fish ‘healthy’ pasties Tacos with Avocado Coriander Sauce
Those who relish the greasy-lipped an increase in profit in the first half indulgence of a fatty Greggs treat, of this year, Mr Whiteside said he look away now Those who relish was thinking about expanding into the greasy-lipped indulgence of a fatty Greggs treat, look away now. sushi and Mexican food. He’s not joking about Greggs being “wellFor the UK’s largest bakery chain has doubled down on its healthier loved” either – when people love offerings, unveiling a new Greggs, they really love Greggs. A sourdough pasty, made with short quick scan through their Facebook crust pastry and a crumb topping. page shows anger is already ingredients This new healthier pasty will not mounting over the changed recipe use the blackened buttery fish: puff pastry so For the beloved of fillets the melt-in-the-mouth for the Cheese and Onion pasty, 1.5 lbs fish sausage and rich steak bake. as well as residual ire over the 1 1/2 tsproll paprika So selective diners 1 tsp garlic powder can forget those altered vegetable pasty taste. flaky moustaches and opt instead 1/2 tsp cumin Last year a campaign to bring for chicken katsu or Bombay 1/2 tsp salt juice of 3the lime Greggs macaroni pie back potato fillings,pepper with flavours 1/4 tsp cayenne avocado-cilantro gainedthe hundreds of supporters, inspired fromoilaround the globe. For 2 tbsp canola saUce: and even had its own song, with 12 corn They aretortillas being added to its new 1/2 cup sour cream Tommy Mackay, a songwriter “balanced choice” options, which For the slaw: 1 ripe avocado, pitted and skinned from also include salads and fruity Edinburgh, penning 1/4 red cabbage, sliced thin 1/4 cup cilantro, choppedthe lyrics: “If yoghurts – frequent partakers juice 1/4 green cabbage, sliced thin you’re the kind of person with of 1 lime of1/2 Greggs recoiled in diced horror 1 jalapeño, chopped and seeded medium-sized red onion, hollow legs/And you cannae get when these first hit the shelves. salt to taste 1/2 cup cilantro However, this year they accounted enough pastry from Greggs/They for ten per cent of sales. Roger why, oh, why, oh why/Have they directionsthe group’s chief Whiteside, ditched the macaroni pie?” Leader In a small bowl, combine paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, salt and executive officer, said: “Greggs of the Scottish conservatives, Ruth cayenne pepper. for Sprinkle mixture over both sides of your tilapia fillets and is well-loved its the traditional Davison and Kezia Dugdale even pat down and seasonings. Combine pasties sausage rolls,all of butthe avocado-cilantro sauce ingredients in involved the campaign, with a food processorthat until our combined. Combinegot all of the slawiningredients in a large we recognise customers bowlincreasingly and mix well. looking Heat the for oil inlower a heavy-bottomed the leaderpan ofover themedium-high Labour party are heat. Once heated, addfat in the tilapia (a few a time if youtweeting: can't fit them all at calorie and lower options.” in at Scotland “Paging once) Cook for 4-5 minutes on each side, or until the outside is blackened and @NicolaSturgeon Sisters, These pasties the fish flakes apartare easily.under Remove300 the fish from the heat, and –if desired, warmI calories and appeal to the new think some teamwork on30 this the corn tortillas in the same skillet over medium heat, cooking for about Food secondsStandards on each side.Agency Break uptraffic the tilapiaone into is 2-3''essential”. pieces. StackThe the tortillas Macaroni light system – meeting greenbetween or in twos. Distribute the fish evenly 6 sets and top with Piethehas notof tortillas, been brought back. amber instead of an angry red.Serve So and enjoy! slaw and avocado-cilantro sauce. much so that after Greggs posted
F O K TAL N W O T E H T grow your own curry
though, which smells of curry but doesn’t taste like it.
cucumber plant Tim was eyeing up would cost 10 times the value of the food it produced – barely enough for a shared salad with his housemate David. You can do better, boys.
My mate Tim has just started gardening. He is a resourceful man, so he’s not going to let a small matter like not actually having a garden stifle his ambitions. Along the windowsills of his little shared flat in Waterloo it’s like a mini Kew Gardens. There are ferns, creeping jasmine, even a 6ft banana tree – it’s frankly amazing. But now he wants to try his hand at indoor edibles and has asked for my advice. Four words, Tim: grow your own curry. Unlike the dwarf varieties of Med-type veg normally recommended for edible houseplants, spices originate on the shady floor of tropical forests (like most of our favourite houseplants) and are adapted to cope far better with the less-thanoptimal light of the average living room. Also, as only relatively tiny amounts are required to flavour a dish, you will always have on hand a ready supply of crops that are hard to find and expensive to buy. A
I love kaffir limes, whose leaves are used to impart a fresh, citrusy scent to southeast Asian curries and soups. These are sold for the same price as regular citrus and can be grown in exactly the same way, but will give you more leaves than you can ever use for life – not just a slice of fruit in an annual G&T. Tiny bird chillies are probably the most resistant to low light of any variety, producing vast amounts of fire power in their mini fruit. Curry leaves (Murraya koenigii), sold through online nurseries, pack all the flavour of Malaysian and Sri Lankan curries into their foliage. Add a few to a shop-bought paste and be transported to an exotic holiday. These can be grown just like their close relative, citrus. Don’t confuse them with the curry plant (Helichrysum i t a l i c u m )
Lemongrass can be sprouted from supermarket sticks just by popping them in a glass of water and potting them on in gritty compost when rooted. They won’t produce many tender bases, but will kick out masses of fragrant leaves, which can be used to make incredible stocks and stews, with their fibrous fronds sieved out before serving. Thai basil makes a great houseplant that is just as easy as its Italian cousin on a sunny windowsill, but far harder to buy in grocery stores. Red Asian shallots (find them in any Thai supermarket) were the first crop I grew. They offer up leafy shallot greens, much like chives, but with an altogether more aromatic, complex flavour. Add all this together and you have the beginning of a pretty epic curry. Tim, you reading? t h e g u a r d i a n . c o m
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September 2016
breaking news....breaking news....
Tel: 950 121 936
- community news -
Priest: Reverend Pauline Williams 950 956 166 / 687 250 860
Archaeological Museum
Every Day, Open from 10:30-14:00 and 17:00-20:00. Closed Monday mornings. At C/ Conde de Aranda. Tel: 968 493 287. Entry: Individual €1.20 Groups €0.60
Sports Centre every Monday at 10am Five tables equipment supplied, coaching given if necessary, all standards welcome. Contact George on 965 326097 or Gordon on 966 848304 or e-mail drewgeorge49@
St. Nicholas Ecumenical Church
We hold services each week at 10.30am on Camposol, Mazarron. Everyone is welcome to join us. For further details, CALL the church on 665 302 019
A parkinsons Support Group
On Tuesdays at 11am At Bobbie Jo·s, Los Montisinos For a chat and a cup of tea For further information contact Wally Williamson On 966 770 871
Roman Catholic Church
Saladillo, Mazarron ( close to Camposol) Mass in English every Saturday at 4.30 pm Mass in Latin every Sunday at 4.030pm For further information please contact Father Octavio on 676 219 445 or Father Carlos on 628 824 555.
Talks & Workshops
MABS Murcia North East - Sew’n’So’s - Sewing Group Every Mon Fortuna. Taking place every other Monday at Urb. Las Kalendas from 14:00. For further information email:
The next Chatters will be on Wednesday 21st September at the Pasty Shack (near to the Mercadona), Rio Nalon in Los Alcazares. There will be the usual complimentary refreshments between 10.15 am and 10.45 am followed at 11am by the usual quizzes and games with the opportunity to win modest prizes. The speaker will be a return visit by the popular local historian, Antonio Zapata, who will continue telling us about the history of Los Alcazares. Everybody is welcome. This meeting will also be the first opportunity to purchase tickets for the Chatters Christmas Carvery Lunch which will be at the Pasty Shack on Wednesday 14th December. Last year was a sell out so be sure to buy your tickets early. Chatters is a monthly informal group allowing people to meet old and new friends. Sponsored by Help At Home, a local Charity which provides help and support in their own homes to people needing a little temporary help following ill health or other issues. HAH make no charge for this help and rely on Fundraising and Donations to cover costs. Follow Help At Home on Face Book or find out more at
MARKET DAYS IN THE AREA Monday - San Pedro del Pinatar Tuesday - Los Alcazares / Alhama de Murcia Wednesday - Santiago de la Ribeira / Fuente Alamo / Totana Thursday - San Javier / Camposol Sector A / Lorca Friday - Isla Plana (Summer only) Saturday - Mazarron Pueblo / Aguilas Sunday - Puerto de Mazarron / Mar Menor / Cabo de Palos
The FAST2016 Responders have had another busy month, being on call 24 hours a day and training every Tuesday and extra training provided by Debbie on Friday. During the past few weeks, we have recruited additional volunteers who will receive guidance and training from our Training Team to become fully qualified and accredited FAST2016 Responders on Camposol. Unfortunately, due to the shortage of FAST2016 Responders, there have been a few days over the last few months where our service has been suspended. There is a pre-recorded message on the emergency number for such an occasion. However, we are hoping that full cover will imminently be resumed as soon as our new recruits are fully trained and accredited by Murcia Health Authority. We should also like to welcome back Carl, Mandy and Suzanne to FAST2016; it is always nice to welcome old friends back to our team. FAST 2016 are planning a "Health Awareness Day" on Saturday 24th September at Mariano’s on A Sector; everyone is welcome. More details will be posted on our web page or from the bookstall on the Friday Market on B sector. This initiative may be expanded to get the health awareness message across to various groups for the benefit of the community of Camposol. More information on our web page. You may have noticed that we have changed the colour of our tops since we reformed in June, but rest assured that you will still receive the same assistance from all the Responders and Supporters as previously. Trips The coach trip to Alicante is now fully booked thanks to Sue and Jane. The next trip will be an early Christmas shopping trip to Benidorm on Wednesday 16th November, tickets on sale outside Euronics on a Friday at €15. Enjoy a day at your leisure, shopping in the market/site seeing/chilling. The day is yours to do with as you wish. On Tuesday 13th December there will be the “Ultimate Christmas Shopping Extravaganza!” For €20 per person, there will be three trips in one:- Licor43 Experience, Free afternoon to shop at La Zenia Boulevard, Visit to Iceland at San Javier Planning is underway for the Christmas Fayre at Mariano's on Saturday 29th October. There will be the normal traders, the renowned cake stall and lots more! Plus the FAST2016 raffle with fabulous prizes on offer will be drawn. Please do not forget that FAST2016 is always looking for new Responders to help provide the continuity of this wonderful service to the residents of Camposol. If you would like to join our friendly team and, at the same time, receive training so you can provide excellent lifesaving skills if required, then please contact us at our recruitment email address provided below. Regular Tuesday training sessions will recommence at the beginning of September. All the information is on our web page, E mail, or call the information number 634 309 899.
In 2016 we aim to expand our teams of listeners around Spain. If you are resident in the Mazarrón área and would like to hear how you can join us as a Listener or spare a few hours a week to help with fundraising / other events held in the area please contact our General Manager to register interest in attending an initial group meeting locally. Also on Facebook and Twitter. (Volunteer positions are unpaid but certain expenses can be claimed)
welcome events
Wednesday October 5th. - Ladies evening at Mariano’s with Fashion Show, Stalls, Bingo and dancing to Woody. Come along and support 3 local charities - Age Concern, MABS and MAD. €4 Wednesday October 19th.- This month we welcome the return of the popular trio Vice Verse Her, great music to listen and dance to. €8 November 9th. We are off to Benidorm for lots of shopping, first stop the Market. Lots of time to explore the old town shops before returning after dinner. The Rich Bich show is now fully booked but there is room on the coach for you shoppers. ONLY €10 Wednesday November 16th. For this months dance we welcome a 4 piece band, Starbeats. They are new to this area, playing 60’s music including a Beatles tribute and more. €8 November 24th. Madrid & The Races. Staying 4 nights at the city centre 4* Tryp Cibeles on B&B. Shop on Black Friday for bargains and enjoy a trip to the horse races on Sunday. Also included are trips to the beautiful Palace of San Lorenzo and The Valley of the Fallen. €350 p.p. December 7th. Welcome Christmas Party. One of the highlights of the year featuring the wonderful Ricky Lavazza and supported by a great duo Time Warp. This really kicks starts the festive season and is always very popular. €12 December 31st. New Years Eve Dance. See the new year in with your friends singing and dancing to 3 very popular artists, our own Christine, Terry J and Rob Sweeney. Included is an excellent buffet with Champagne at midnight. A coach is available for €7. These tickets fly away so be quick. €20 For more information or to book your tickets for 2016 events only, call Rosemary on 620 105 179 February 17th. 2017. Granada Trip. 3 nights on half board at 3* Monjas del Carmen city centre hotel. On the return journey we will visit the amazing cave houses and museum in the fabulous village of Guadix. All this including coach travel €215 p.p. March 16th. 2017. St. Patrick’s Day in Benidorm. Paint the town green and watch the procession on Friday 17th. Staying at the 3* Ambassador Playa1 for 4 nights on half board with a visit to a chocolate factory on the journey home. Coach travel included €215 p.p. For more information or to book your tickets for 2017 events only, call Steve on 697 960 590
Luz del Sol
new properties s.l.
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Sgt Pepper Beatles Album, without sleeve with original cover, Beatles Abbey Rd, with sleeve and original cover, The Carpenters, Singles Album with sleeve and cover, Bob Dylan, Nashville Skyline, with sleeve, Queen, Greatest Hits 11Dble Album, all in good condition or playing order. Make me an offer Tel:605 063 165 Mazarron Area. Genuine Headlights for a Citroen Berlingo Multispace LHD. Brand new, still in box. 90€, Computer desk with glass top and chair. Would suit small area. As new, 25€, Electric oil filled radiator. Hardly used 30€, Tel: +44 754 965 1043 Quesada area. Delongi Stretto 2500 w., oil filled radiator on wheels with thermostat. 25€, Rointe Royal TM wall radiator, 700 w. Thermostat range 17 to 27 degrees. Daily, weekly time controls or Manual override 30€, Sherwins Model HAS 2800 Garden Shredder
2800 w. shreds up to 45 mm. excellent condition full manual. 50€, Child Car Seat, Babyauto, instruction manual, excellent condition. 25€, Baby Booster seat, Creates a High Chair when installed on normal dining Chair. Excellent condition. 15€ Tel: 966 712 200 (Benijofar). One Electro Western style guitar, natural finish, very good cond with slider volume, tone, balance controls, ideal for beginner or accomplished Player, with lead, carry cover, capo, tuner. 55€OVNO, Round table in red varnish finish, very nice, in good cond. 4 matching cushioned chairs 40€ Tel: 605 063 165 Ariston Washer 8lb/ Dryer 6lb large capacity, 5yrs old but working, very clean and user instructions displayed in English 599€ new. Wants 120€ Tel: 0794 121 2311 UK Murcia. Buyer collects.
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Inky was found abandoned with her 3 siblings. Although her 3 siblings have been rehomed, Inky is still waiting for her forever home. If you want to share your home with a true feline then Inky will suit you. She could be a descendant from those cats worshipped by the Ancient Egyptians, she is sleek with large ears set on a triangular head , and really amazing to look at.
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Jessie is a beautiful tabby female, not old, but a little on the mature side. She is a bit shy, but will make a wonderful companion cat once she learns to trust you. She is one of many of the cats in APAH’s care who need a loving home. To arrange to visit the APAH Cattery, please call us or visit our website.
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Tino is a small 18 month old corgi cross type with a small, long body and weighs 9 kilos. Tino is negative for all Mediterranean diseases and great with other dogs. Call: 645 469 253
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September 2016
amazing Andalucia modern andalucia In 1810-12 the people strongly resisted the French occupation during the Peninsular War (part of the Napoleonic Wars). Andalusia profited from the Spanish overseas empire, although much trade and finance eventually came to be controlled by other parts of Europe to where it was ultimately destined. In the 18th century, commerce from other parts of Spain began to displace Andalusian
commerce when the Spanish government ended Andalusia’s trading monopoly with the American colonies. The loss of the empire in the 1820s hurt the economy of the region, particularly the cities that had benefited from the trade and ship building. The construction of railways in the latter part of the 19th century enabled Andalusia to better develop its agricultural potential
and it became an exporter of food. While industrialisation was taking off in the northern Spanish regions of Catalonia and the Basque country, Andalusia remained traditional and displayed a deep social division between a small class of wealthy landowners and a population made up largely of poor agricultural labourers and tradesmen.
Alhambra — Imagine yourself in Islamic-era splendour The sheer red walls of the Alhambra rise from woods of cypress and elm. Inside is one of the more splendid sights of Europe, a network of lavishly decorated palaces and irrigated gardens. The Alhambra takes its name from the Arabic alqala’a al-hamra (the Red Castle). The first palace on the site was built by Samuel Ha-Nagid, the Jewish grand vizier of one of Granada’s 11th-century Zirid sultans. After the Christian reconquest, the Alhambra’s mosque was replaced with a church. What you see today has been heavily but respectfully restored.
Seville’s Cathedral & Giralda —The home of God: built by the hands of lunatics Seville’s immense cathedral, officially the biggest in the world, is awe-inspiring in its scale and sheer majesty. It stands on the site of the great 12th-century Almohad mosque, with the mosque’s minaret (the Giralda) still towering beside it. After Seville fell to the Christians in 1248 the mosque was used as a church until 1401. Then, in view of its decaying state, the church authorities decided to knock it down and start again. ‘Let us create such a building that future generations will take us for lunatics’, they decided (or so legend has it). The result is a cathedral measuring 126m long and 83m wide.
Córdoba’s Mezquita — Discover Andalucía’s most spectacular structure It’s impossible to overestimate the beauty of Córdoba’s Mezquita. The Mezquita’s architectural uniqueness and importance lies in the fact that, structurally speaking, it was a revolutionary building for its time. It defied precedents. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the Great Mosque in Damascus both had vertical, navelike designs, but the Mezquita’s aim was to form an infinitely spacious, democratically horizontal and simple space, where the spirit could be free to roam and communicate easily with God. The original Islamic prayer space (usually the open yard of a desert home) was transformed into a 14,400-sq-m metaphor for the desert itself.
White villages of Las Alpujarras — The quintessential pueblos blancos for which Andalucía is famous One of the most picturesque corners of Andalucía, Las Alpujarras is a 70km-long jumble of valleys along the south flank of the Sierra Nevada. Arid hillsides split by deep ravines alternate with oasis-like white villages surrounded by vegetable gardens, orchards, rapid streams and woodlands. Ancient paths wind up and down through constantly changing scenery between labyrinthine, Berberstyle villages.
Book Review
THE farm by Tom rob smith - -
“He drove me to the madhouse. He said this is where I belong, in rooms next to people howling like animals.” “The Farm” follows a similar pattern to many of the Scandi murder/ mysteries: picturesque villages and isolated farms with bleak landscapes, taciturn patriarchs such as Hakan who dominates Elise his wife, Mia his adopted daughter and the entire community. He thrives on this power. We have an amateur sleuth plagued by her own nightmares seeking answers to the disappearance of a vulnerable child. Are we talking about murder or abduction? Smith presents us with stories within stories, multi-layered. Fascinating. You might remember Smith from “Child 44” (2006) one of a trilogy, the first ever thriller to be longlisted for the Man Booker Prize? Ridley Scott snatched up the film rights and the film has just been released (Autumn 2015). This one is a murder mystery set in Stalin’s USSR. “London Spy” BBC2 drama is currently on tv, Smith’s first drama for television. More than 4 years ago Smith received a call from his father with the unexpected and shocking revelation that his mother had been committed to an asylum. It was alleged that Smith’s father had become involved in criminal activity leading to a sinister conspiracy. She discharged herself and flew from Sweden to London in an attempt to convince Smith and his brother that she was not insane. Smith had the unenviable task of deciding whether she was insane. This autobiographical streak separates the novel from Smith’s trilogy, more typically Scandi in essence, but this one gives it a disturbing and chilling feel and a very real appeal to readers who devour thrillers like myself. How does the past affect people’s behaviour and perceptions in the present? There seems to be a fine dividing line between the truth and how we, as individuals, might perceive the truth. In a nutshell, people and events are very often not what they appear to be. Daniel, a freelance garden designer, the son of Tilde and Chris is 29, living in London with his partner Mark, a 40 year old corporate lawyer, a fact he has chosen to conceal from his parents. He didn’t want his parents to think they had failed: “The memory of a perfect childhood would die, and we’d mourn it as surely as we would the passing of a person we loved.” He saw the concealment as well-intentioned cowardice rather than shame. Daniel was under the impression that his parents had a perfect marriage, they were an unbreakable team and were financially comfortable in their retirement. He felt shame, sadness and disbelief at his untrustworthy insights, the raw truth of how poor they actually were. Hakan Greggson was their Swedish neighbour, a powerful farmer who controlled his wife and daughter Mia, enjoying his power within the local community. The unsolved mystery is what becomes of Mia who abruptly disappears off the face of the earth. Tilde is convinced she has been murdered and collects flimsy bits of evidence which lends itself more to an understanding of Tilde’s own psychotic behaviour rooted in what happened to her during the summer of 1963. It’s mind-blowing. “Everything that man has told you is a lie. I’m not mad. I don’t need a doctor. I need the police.” When Tilde arrives in London she is shabbily dressed, her clothes showed signs of “distress,” her shoes were scuffed, trousers crumpled unlike her normal appearance of being well-dressed and she seemed to have aged considerably. Once she felt relatively safe from her enemies
Special Offers Visit:
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she opened her satchel and took out her documents, photos and a black, leatherbound filofax in which she had written copious notes in order to figure out what was going on around her. When she returned to Sweden 50 years later she felt very much like an outsider in her own country- a Utlanning-a word Tilde felt to be very cruel. The landscape mirrored her sense of loneliness and isolation where “the wilderness rules supreme.” “This is the landscape that inspired the mythology of trolls, giant lumbering man-eating creatures with mushroom warts on their crooked noses and bellies like boulders.” Monsters could easily hide in the forests, their yellow eyes stalking you, like the dreaded elk! Tilde had run away from her parents aged 16 travelling through Germany, Switzerland, Holland before finally resting in the UK where she met and married Chris. “I wanted to grow old on the farm with your father. I wanted to build the home I’ve dreamed about since I was a child. Somewhere special.” She hoped to become self-sufficient, fish for salmon in the nearby river, grow vegetables and convert the outbuildings into rustic guest accommodation. Chris was more pessimistic about the success of this. She recounted swimming alone and naked in the Elk River, feeling vulnerable when she became aware of the presence of a giant elk. The locals didn’t believe her story and mocked her. The incident reminded her of the story of a forest princess riding naked on the back of one of them. She interpreted the sighting as a blessing-they had made the right decision to move to Sweden: “We belonged here.” Hakan, a 50 year old seemed to display the vigour of a young man but the cunning of an older one. Defined by his ownership, Tilde referred to him as a “primitive xenophobe.” He was desperate to expand his empire and buy Tilde’s farm, offering three times the amount paid. Tilde became paranoid that he wanted them to fail and was constantly spying on them. “In the summer of 1963 an event changed my life, broke my life and made me a stranger in my own family.” The real truth of the summer of 1963 is shocking……………… Tilde told her son she was terrified when they committed her. She was surrounded by genuine madness and didn’t know if she’d ever leave the asylum. Was there a conspiracy? A paedophile ring? Was this the deeper scandal, connected to the murder of Mia? Who was Freja? Who killed her? What can Daniel do? “I’m not saying you’re wrong. It’s also impossible for me to say you’re right.” He does the only thing possible, he goes to Sweden to discover the truth for himself, uncovering plenty of skeletons, culminating in an intense and dramatic denouement. Yes, he discovers the truth. Nothing is what it seems. It’s certainly an exciting and gripping novel that will leave you hooked from beginning to end, no doubt about that. Publisher: Simon and Schuster. ISBN: 978-84739-675-4 REVIEW it by Carol Naylor.
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Mazarron fc 1 AD Caravaca 4
Mazarron supporters were on their feet as one at the end of this game. Not to applaud the efforts of their team but to show their anger at the totally inept performance of the referee Victor Garcia Acosta. After 16 minutes Javi Rodriguez was blatantly tripped in the Caravaca penalty area but the referee waved play on. The ball was transferred to the other end of the pitch and Javier cut inside David before placing his shot firmly past Juan Pedro in the Mazarron goal to give Caravaca the lead. Mazarron could not get into their stride and were restricted to long balls played towards Raul who was operating as a lone striker and to a couple of shots from long range. However it was the home team who scored in the 40th minute following excellent play by Javi Torrano down the left. His cross to the far post was headed back by Ruben for Raul to hammer home Mazarron's first goal of the season . The fun started in the 48th minute when a long ball out of defence saw three Caravaca players in offside positions. Play was allowed to continue and substitute Boudia made a last ditch tackle before coming away with the ball only to see the referee pointing to the penalty spot. Nicolas drove the spot kick straight down the middle giving Juan Pedro no chance. On 64 minutes Javi Torrano took the ball out of defence with a Caravaca player hanging on to his shirt. The referee waved play on but Mazarron conceded a free kick and the attack broke down. The referee did not caution the Caravaca player and was surrounded by angry Mazarron players as the visitors took the free kick quickly. With defenders out of position and the ball on the very edge of the penalty area, a Caravaca striker made a theatrical dive after Raso's tackle and another penalty was awarded from which Steven made no mistake. The referee completed his hat trick after 75 minutes when Boudia made a last ditch sliding tackle and Senor Acosta adjudged that the ball had bounced up and hit him on the arm. A third different penalty taker Rokas made it 4-1 giving Juan Pedro no chance. Mazarron refused to lie down and spent the last 15 minutes of the game almost entirely in the Caravaca half. Raso, Mariano and substitute Jose had good efforts and three minutes from time Mariano hit a superb shot from 25 yards which smashed against the cross bar and Jose's follow up effort was cleared off the line. The referee then capped his incredible performance in injury time when Mazarron substitute Juanillo was brought down inside the penalty area and play was inevitably waved on. Team: Juan Pedro: Raul Torramo: David (Boudia): Raso: Juan Andreo: Mariano: Cesar (Antonio): Ruben (Juanillo): Raul (Jose): Coco: Javi Torrano. Man of the Match: Javi Torrano.
September 2016
Stan Wawrinka wins us open
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Third seed Stan Wawrinka rose to the occasion once again to beat top-seeded defending champion Novak Djokovic 6-7(1) 6-4 7-5 6-3 and win the U.S. Open on Sunday for the third grand slam title of his career. The 31-year-old Swiss, who defeated Djokovic on his way to winning the 2014 Australian Open and 2015 French Open, denied the world number one a third grand slam title this year following the Serb's wins in Australia and France. Wawrinka, who does his best work with titles on the line, set up his championship point with an easy volley after sending a fatigued Djokovic deep into the backhand corner. A Djokovic backhand that sailed long ended the nearly four-hour slugfest at Arthur Ashe Stadium. "This is amazing," Wawrinka said at the trophy ceremony. "I came here without the goal to win it, but every time I step on the court I tried my best to win every match. "I think I played quite a lot of tennis these two weeks, I am completely empty. I had to bring everything I had today against Novak. It was so much emotion." It was another Flushing Meadows disappointment for Djokovic, who in seven trips to the U.S. Open final has twice won the title and finished runner-up five times. "He is a great champion and deserves to win this title," the 12-times slam winning Serb said in congratulating Wawrinka. "We played almost four hours and we both felt it. We both felt the demanding match we played today physically but he came out on top. In the decisive moments he was a better player, he was tougher mentally." Djokovic who won the first set tiebreak 7-1 by running off the last five points, saluted Wawrinka as a "big match" player. The Swiss has won three of their seven grand slam encounters. "He loves to play in the big matches," Djokovic said. "He comes up with his best game. He's so solid from both corners. He's got a good slice and amazing one-handed backhand, all corners. Big serve. Moves well. He's a very complete player." It was a gruelling, groundstroke battle that featured captivating rallies and brilliant shotmaking from the familiar foes. Wawrinka trailed Djokovic 19-4 in their career
meetings, but the hard-working Swiss saves his best for the big stage and he came through with a superlative performance that extended his remarkable streak to 11 straight wins in tournament finals. As the match wore on, Wawrinka proved stronger and appeared to have Djokovic on the ropes early in the fourth set, the Serbian breathing heavily after some rallies and clutching at his leg in discomfort after being broken to trail 0-2. Djokovic was granted a medical timeout after holding serve for 1-3. Djokovic, who had injury questions entering the slam and benefited from an easy ride that included a walkover and two retirements, took off both shoes and had some toes taped. The six-minute interruption did little to stem the victory charge by Wawrinka, who built his winning edge by being better on the most important points. The Swiss led Djokovic by the narrowest of margins, 144 to 143 in total points. Wawrinka cashed in on six of 10 break point opportunities, and frustrated Djokovic by saving 14 of 17 break points against him to become the oldest U.S. Open winner since Australian Ken Rosewall (35) in 1970. The victory was worth $3.5 million for Wawrinka, who is only missing a Wimbledon victory to complete the coveted career grand slam. He is a perfect three-for-three in grand slam finals. By Larry Fine
T.M.G.S. 2 Roda Golf 7/9/16
Call Spencer on 637 090 665 MECHANIC WORKSHOP PHONE JAMES on 672 532 758
It’s difficult to find a course without maintenance on the greens at this time of year, but Roda Golf we found in near perfect condition and with lower temperatures than earlier in the week it made for a very pleasant days golf. The format of the day’s competition was individual Stableford reflecting on the numbers it must have been the fact that it was a team game that was scheduled had put some members off from participating. Roda may well be on next year’s more frequent visit list, as some local courses are now increasing their green fees and it’s the local residents that will suffer most. It is therefore my job to find the best courses at the best prices for our members and will be looking closely at venues that have we have not played often. Today’s Results; N..T.P.’s Hole 2 J. Hillier, Hole 7 J. Eyre, Hole 11 A. Goslan, Hole 13 J. Dean, In the “2’s” pot this week was just €18 and Joe had the only 2 on hole 13. Visitor’s category; The 2 Dutch girls were separated by an Irishman but only on handicap. 3rd place, Marika Digellen, 2nd place M. Russell and 1st place Daphne Mol all had 33 pts. Silver category, 3rd place J. Hillier 26 pts. 2nd place, A. Goslan 29 pts. 1st place J. Davidson 30 pts. Gold
category; 3rd place V. Brown 31 pts. on L/H 2nd
place J. Dean 32 pts. 1st place C. Gray 33 pts. Further information about our Society can be found at where you can also download our new mobile app. Or or call our Secretary on 661 524 101
SPORTS SHORTS by Tony Matthews
• Team GB started this week with a total of 56 medals at the Paralympics in Rio – 23 gold.
• Cyclist Dame Sarah Storey is now the most decorated British Paralympian of all-time with 12 golds onthe track. • Kadeena Cox has become the first Brit since 1988 to win medals in two different events – cycling (gold) and athletics (bronze). • Other GB ‘stars’ include cyclists Sophie Thornhill (with aide Helen Scott), Steve Bate (with aide Adam Buggleby) and Megan Giglia; swimmerEllie Robinson (aged 15), Ollie Hynd and Beth Firth (2), rower Rachel Morris and athletes Richard Whitehead (aged 40), Jonnie Peacock, Georgina Hermitage, Libby Clegg (with guide Chris Clarke), Hannah Cockcroft and Sophie Hahn. • Last Saturday, the Manchester Derby ended United 1 City 2 and in Scotland, Celtic hammered Rangers 5-1. • Other PL results included Liverpool 4 Leicester 4-1; Arsenal 2 Southampton 1, Swansea 2 Chelsea 2, Stoke 0 Spurs 4, West Ham 2 Watford 4 and Bournemouth 1 WBA 0. • Manchester City, Bolton, Plymouth and Lincoln lead the PL, Championship, Leagues 1 and 2 and the National League respectively. • James Coppinger has become the first player to make 500th appearances for Doncaster. • Dundee United goalkeeper Cammy Bell saved three penalties in his side’s 3-1 win at Dunfermline. • Edinbugh City gained their firstever point in Scottish League football, drawing 1-1 at Stirling Albion. • Barcelona surprisingly lost 2-1 at home to Alaves, while Real Madrid are top of La Liga after beating Osasuna 5-2. • Yesterday, in the Champions League, it was Barcelona-Celtic, Manchester City-Monchengladbach and PSG-Arsenal, tonight it’s BruggeLeicester, Real Madrid-Sporting and Spurs-Monaco (at Wembley) and tomorrow Feyenoord-Manchester United and Southampton-Sparta Prague meet in the Europa League. • PL games coming up: ChelseaLiverpool (Friday), Manchester City-Bournemouth and Hull-Arsenal (Saturday) and Watford-Manchester United and Spurs-Sunderland (Sunday). And also it’s FA Cup second qualifying round this weekend. • Sylvia Gore, scorer of the first-ever goal for England’s women at international level (in 1972) has died, aged 71. • Stan Wawrinka beat Novak Djokovic in the men’s singles final of the US Open. • German Angelique
Kerber defeated Karolina Plitskov in the women’s final – her second Grand Slam victory this year. • And Jamie Murray (GB) and Bruno Spoares (Brazil) won the men’s doubles title. •Niaro Quintana won the Vuelta n Espana while England’s Steve Cummings was victorious in the Tour of Britain. • Gennady Golovkin stopped GB’s Kell Brook in round five of their middleweight title fight last Saturday. • American Dustin Johnson won golf’s BMW Championship. • 57,000 competitors ran in last Sunday’s 36th Great North Run when, for the third year running, Mo Farah won the men’s race and Kenya’s Vivian Cheruiyot the women’s event. GB’s Mark Telford triumphed in the wheelchair race. • This weekend it’s the F1 Grand Prix from Singapore. • USA-based Liberty Media Group has bought F1 for £3.3bn.
San Miguel Golf Society at La Finca. Sept 7th
September temperatures seem to have gone up and be hitting records following the lower than average August peaks, and so the 40 members and 5 guests who made it to La Finca found themselves baking under a somewhat oppressive heat.
The course was set up long, especially the back 9, where two mighty hits were needed to reach stroke index 18 hole, into, as almost always, a breeze and teeing off from the whites. Greens were painfully slow and quite uneven following recent hollow tining and sanding and many putts were left short. However, even given these difficulties the scores were, across the board, quite reasonable with 3 players, Paul Tomlinson with the day’s best return of 39, Nick Spicer and Chris Hamblett beating their handicaps. The Gold category had the rather unusual situation of 4 of the top 5 players having to be separated by countback, the winner Mike Frankish just edging them out by a point. The day’s stableford competition results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze Category: 5th Brian Mulligan (33 on CB), 4th Mick Roscoe (33 on CB), 3rd Paul Fisher (35), 2nd Alan Gilbert (36), and 1st Chris Hamblett with 37 points. Silver Category: 5th Phil de Lacy (30), 4th Hugh Reilly (34 on CB), 3rd Steve Belshaw (34 on CB), 2nd Nick Spicer (37), and first with an excellent 39 points Paul Tomlinson. Gold Category: 5th John Osborne (35 on CB), 4th Jamie Rorison (35 on CB), 3rd Barry Roehrig (35 on CB), 2nd Steve Higgins (35 on CB), and 1st Mike Frankish with 36 points.
• Warren Gattlin will coach the British & Irish Lions Rugby Union team on tour in his home country of New Zealand this winter. • Yorkshire or Middlesex will win Cricket’s County Championship but Notts have been relegated! • For the first time ever, the winner of the St Leger was trained by a woman - Laura Mongan – whose horse, Harbour Law, ridden by George Baker, caused a 22-1 upset by beating odds-on favourite Idaho. • Ex-England and Lancashire bowler, and Port Vale footballer, Ken Higgs, has died, aged 79. He took 71 wickets in 15 Tests. • Racehorse Desert Orchid, died 10 years ago, aged 27. ‘Dessie’ won 34 races, including the Cheltenham Gold Cup and Irish National but not the Aintree Grand National.
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Nearest the pins on the par 3’s (open to all) went to Brian Mulligan (hole 3), John Osborne (6), Steve Higgins (13) and Marge Birtwistle (16).
Nearest the Hanak (Gold, (Silver, hole (Bronze, hole
pins in 3 went to Ivan hole 7), Steve Belshaw 11), and Mick Roscoe 10).
The Abacus was won by Alan MacDonald, who was clearly affected by the loss of a favoured Lovett Wedge from his golf bag just prior to teeing off from the first, with the suspicion that some unsavoury type had removed it. If anybody knows anything......... Best Guest prizes: Two were given today, with the massive hitting Michael Stenhouse (handicap 3), playing with his grandfather Ron and making knocking the ball over the water in to a stiff breeze on 17 to land nicely on the green look like a piece of cake, won with 31 points. Jez Morgan came second with 29. Our thanks go to the staff at La Finca golf course for their contribution to an enjoyable day. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Barry Roehrig a call on 966 731 033 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf get-togethers. Next week, September 14th, we will be at Las Colinas, with golf followed by this year’s AGM. Members please attend if possible.
September 2016
Man Utd first UK football club to earn £500m in a year
Manchester United has recorded record revenues of £515.3m for the 2016 financial year, the first UK football club to do so. In a year when it won the FA Cup, the Old Trafford club also signed 14 sponsorship deals, and saw commercial, matchday and TV revenues all rise. It is now predicting 2017 revenues of up to £540m, even though it is not in the Champions League this season. Under new boss Jose Mourinho they are currently third in the Premier League. ‘Invest in squad’ The club’s accounts up until 30 June 2016 confirm that the Premier League club was the first British team to break the half-billion mark, but the figure is short of Barcelona’s €679m (£570m) revenue revealed in July. The Premier League giants also revealed operating profits of £68.9m, and adjusted core earnings of £191.9m, both also records. “Our record fiscal 2016 financial performance reflects the continued underlying strength of the business and the club is on target to achieve record revenues in 2017, even without a contribution from the Champions League,” said executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward. “This strong financial performance has enabled us to invest in our squad, team management and facilities to position us to challenge for, and win, trophies in the coming years.” Net debt increased by £5.7m on the previous year, to £260.9m, which the club said was primarily due to the impact of foreign exchange rate movements on its USdenominated debt.
PINATAR 292 for 5 TORREVIEJA 146 for 7
Torrevieja CC travelled down to San Pedro del Pinatar in their last league game of the season. With 8 junior players in the team, it was a chance for them to show their talents and gauge their improvement. Having won the toss, Pinatar elected to bat and soon began to score freely. In the 13th over, with 56 runs on the board, but having lost 3 wkts, Ravi Singh joined Bittu Singh at the crease. There then followed a runfest as the pair added 112 for the 4th wicket. Bittu Singh caught behind for 63. Sukhi Singh came in and continued to score before Ravi Singh was caught behind for a well deserved 110. Sukhi finishing on 41 not out. Ciaran Guichard finished with 3 wkts for 34 and there was 1 wkt each for Kieran Wood and Rahul Maini.
barca lose to alavaes but look to celtic
B A RCEL O N A (Reuters) - Barcelona are eyeing their Champions League opener against Celtic on Tuesday as a chance to make amends for their shock 2-1 defeat at home to La Liga newcomers Alaves on Saturday. With many of his players in action with their international sides in midweek, coach Luis Enrique rotated his squad, resting regulars Luis Suarez, Andres Iniesta, Gerard Pique, Sergi Roberto, Jordi Alba and talisman Lionel Messi. The decision backfired and Alaves, playing in the top flight for the first time in a decade, made the most of their few chances, frustrating the champions even after Suarez, Messi and Iniesta came on. Ibai Gomez’s 64th minute strike won the game for the Basques after Jeremy Mathieu had cancelled out Deyverson’s surprise opener. “We made a lot of changes so the freshest players could play but we were fragile in defence and we have to look at that,” said Luis Enrique. “Conceding the second goal after an error of ours was a big blow for the players but on Tuesday we’re playing the Champions League and that’s another story. In that competition you pay dearly for your errors.” Luis Enrique is expected to field his first choice 11 against Celtic, so Suarez will meet up with his former Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers.
What appeared to be a daunting prospect for the young Torrevieja side, 293 to win against a more experienced bowling attack, did not phase any of the team. With some excellent defending and attacking any bad deliveries they progressed steadily. A dogged 23 from Rahul Maini, 35 from Kieran Wood, and 25 from Ciaran Guichard helped Torrevieja to see out their 40 overs and also denied Pinatar maximum bowling points. The experience will prove invaluable to the juniors and things can only bode well for the future. Next Sunday, Torrevieja face a touring side from the UK in a T20 game starting at 1100 o'clock at the sports arena in Torrevieja. Spectators welcome. Further information
Rodgers presided over the Uruguayan’s best two seasons in England, compelling Barcelona to pay the Merseyside club 81 million euros ($90.97 million) for him in 2014.
Goalkeeper MarcAndre Ter Stegen is the coach’s only doubt after he missed the Alaves game with a muscle strain. Celtic head to Spain on a high after thrashing Glasgow rivals Rangers 5-1 on Saturday in the first league Old Firm derby in over four years to stay top of the Scottish Premiership. Rodgers is still without lead striker Leigh Griffiths through a torn hamstring injury but new signing Moussa Dembele proved more than an able replacement against Rangers, scoring his first professional hat-trick. Celtic were beaten 6-1 on their last visit to the Nou Camp in December 2013, but Dembele believes they can get something this time. “We are going there to give everything and try to get a result,” he said. “When you start a game of football, even if it’s against the best team in the world, you have to go there and show what we can do and give everything to try and get a result.” (Reporting by Richard Martin)
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Eoin Morgan & Alex Hales will not tour over security fears
England one-day captain Eoin Morgan and opening batsman Alex Hales have opted out of October's tour of Bangladesh because of security concerns. No international side has toured Bangladesh since 20 people were killed in a siege at a cafe in Dhaka in July. The England and Wales Cricket Board said in August that tour would go ahead following a security review. Jos Buttler will captain the one-day side, with the squads for the one-day and Test series to be named on Friday. The tour features three one-day internationals followed by two Test matches. England director of cricket Andrew Strauss said: "While we understand and respect Eoin and Alex's decision, we are disappointed that they have made themselves unavailable for selection for the Bangladesh tour." He added that no further withdrawals are expected following "open and honest" discussions with all the players. England players Stuart Broad, Moeen Ali, Chris Jordan and Liam Dawson have all publicly said they will tour Bangladesh. Former England captain Michael Vaughan has described Morgan's decision as a "huge mistake", while Nasser Hussain, another ex-skipper of the national side, said Morgan "should be with his team". But team-mate Ben Stokes tweeted his support for both players. England fly out on 29 September, with the one-day series starting on 7 October and the Test series on 20 October.
Local Oceanwoman 5km Champions on Tarbarca Island This weekend the International Oceanman Openwater Championship Competition came to Tarbarca Island, off the coast from Santa Pola for three open water races in this year’s circuit. Swimmers competed across three different distances 10km, 5km and 2 kms. Oceanman is the only International Championship in Open Water Swimming designed by swimmers, for swimmers. Oceanman 2016 is held at five venues across two continents, offering both professional and amateur swimmers the chance to achieve their personal goals in unique locations, for their beauty and surroundings, like the Costa Brava, Tabarca Island, Lake Orta, the Caribbean Sea and on Mediterranean in the World Championship Final to be held in Benidorm on 16th October 2016. Sunday 11th September saw an early start for all swimmers ferried in three journeys to Tarbarca from 6:30am onwards. Races then commenced in a series of staggered starts, the 10km swimmers going first at 8am followed by the 5km race at 9am and the 2km race at 11am. To ensure swimmers safety in the water Jet Ski, boats & canoes escorted the swimmers around the courses. Four and a half hours later race winners were presented with a series of awards and prizes.
Quesada Golf Society
Last Wednesday the society travelled south and inland from Pilar De Horadadaaaa.. to play Lo Romero. The course was as usual in excellent condition and the weather perfect for a good game of golf. The 35 players had a welcome surprise on arrival. Out Match-day & handicap secretary Big Jon Dunnion was sat at a table ready to hand out the scorecards. Behind him was a large poster advertising the insurance company Linea Directa. It turned out that they had been in touch with John and offered to partly sponsor our golf day which John had gratefully accepted. Each player was given a sleeve of balls, a pitch marker and a goody bag containing water and a banana. The format of the competition was a chosen pairs with the best 9 scores of each player being aggregated to give a total score for the pair. Everyone enjoyed the game with some players letting their partners down while others didn´t and came up with winning combinations. The winners on the day were the pairing of Londoner David Trottman and Les “ What did you say, I can´t hear you” Lindores. David had a very good round with his driver and new hybrid club working wonders for him. He kept Les going and they returned home with a score of 44 points. A couple of points behind was the pairing of Stormin Norman Lewis and John Simmons. Who would have believed that but they got it together well on the day. In 3rd place was the oldest paring out on the course with
Local male swimmers, Rodrigo Solis Ibanez and Javier Ronda Bou from Club Natacion Tenis Elche were placed 2nd and 3rd in the Oceanman 5km race gaining Elite status and entry into the World Championships in Benidorm. In the Female Oceanwoman 5km race Zoe Connolly, Club Natacion Elche, won 1st place as the first female to finish and 1st place in the Junior 16-19yrs category. Second placed was mum Vicki Connolly, Club Natacion Elche, finishing as the 2nd female to complete the race and in 1st place in the 50+ category. The third Elche swimmer, Beryl Altabas had an outstanding swim winning the female 60+ category and being the oldest female swimmer to finish in this year’s series of races. All three girls have gained places in the World Championships in Benidorm.
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a combined age of many years, young Trevor Hobbs and his lady wife young Ann Hobbs. In fourth place was another mixed pair, partners Janet “ Where are my prawns” Candelin and big John Dunnion. Apparently Janet had a very good round and was the main contributor to their combined score. The “Nearest the Pins” winners were, Big Roy Kavanagh, Darryll “Sicknote” Wright, our treasurer Brian Airey and David Trottman ( x 2 ). David had a very good day out there. There was no winner of the 2´s with the pot being carried forward to the next game. There is a members meeting at the Quesada Country club on Tuesday 13 September starting at 10.30 am. A sociable evening of ten-pin bowling followed by a meal with “2 fried eggs” at the Quesada Bowling Alley is the next event which takes place on Thursday 15 September. The next society game is on Wednesday 21 September at many members favourite course, Las Colinas. . The format of the competition will be an individual stableford. Anyone in the Quesada area looking to join a very friendly golf society and play golf once a fortnight at a wide variety of courses at a very reasonable Sol Times Calida and Sol Times Blanca are independent of political parties, private investment and government. Our policy is to provide readers with a news and information service that is fair, accurate cost, should contact and balanced. Sol Times Calida and Sol Times Blanca are independent publications. Published weekly and the Chairman & produced exclusively in Murcia & Blanca. Sol Times News Group cannot be held responsible for claims by advertisers, nor can it be held responsible for errors in advertisements caused by poor quality text, Membership Secretary made photographs or layout instructions. Furthermore, no responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage inaccuracy or non-appearance of an advertisement. Deposito Legal Sol Times Les Pancott on 966 resulting caused by any error,Calida AL 851-2010. Sol Times Blanca AL 852-2010 716 723.
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