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Inditex profits up by 8% with 83 new stores & 10,000 extra jobs in 6 months
HIGH-STREET clothing empire Inditex earned €1.26 billion in the first six months of this year, proving once again that Galicia's most global enterprise is apparently immune to any financial crisis. Founded by Europe's richest and the world's third-richest man Amancio Ortega, 80, Inditex is best known outside of Spain for its budget fashion store Zara. It also covers the mid-upper high-street ranges Massimo Dutti and Uterqüe, Zara's cheaper 'younger sister' Bershka, cut-price streetwear chain Pull&Bear, underwear retailer Oysho, quality interiors range Zara Home, and budget young fashions store Stradivarius. Inditex is also one of Spain's greatest job-creators – of the 10,000 new posts generated between February and July inclusive, a total of 2,421 were on home territory. Overall, with sales at €10.465bn and net profits at €1.256bn, the company's earnings have increased by 8% and sales by 11% based upon the same period in 2015. Positive growth has been seen in every part of the world, including all regions in Spain, where Inditex stores are based – a growth which, on average, sits at 7% compared with the same six months of last year. Only 17% of sales were reported in Spain, however, with 25% in Asia, 43% in the rest of Europe and 15% in the Americas – the same percentages as last year. Gross profits rose by 7% to €2.112bn and net profits to just over €16bn over the last year, with gross
profit margins up to nearly €6bn or 9% more than last year. Inditex continues to maintain its expenses under 'strict control', which has contributed to its 9% gross profit increase along with its newly-opened physical stores. Online sales have risen by 13% in the two-month period since August 1, whilst a 'strong rhythm' of new job creation – including non-shop-floor positions in its head offices – has been largely maintained thanks to a further 83 stores opened in the first six months of this year in 38 countries. The latest store to open was the firstever in Vietnam, on September 8, bringing the total of 7,096 outlets in 92 countries. From October 5, online sales will extend to Turkey for the first time, meaning 39 countries now have access to internetbased shopping at Inditex stores. A careful blend of physical stores and web shops is key to Inditex's development, says chairman Pablo Isla, who reveals the enterprise has invested large amounts in modern technology this year including mobile phone pay points and shopping Apps, which the corporation intends to continue to develop. Half-year dividends will be paid at 30 cents a share as agreed at the shareholders' meeting on July 19, in keeping with the 60-cents-per-share annual dividends seen in 2015. thinkspain
September 2016
Spain’s debt equivalent to a year’s work for every man, woman, and child Debt-to-GDP ratio passes 100% for third time in months, reaching levels not seen in 100 years A new report puts Spain’s bloated national debt into context by measuring it in terms of how long each of the country’s 44 million people would have to work to pay it off. On average, each man, woman and child would have to devote an entire year of work to cancel the debt, according to figures released on Thursday by the Independent Fiscal Responsibility Authority (Airef). Spain’s public debt-to-GDP ratio, which compares the amount of the debt with the size of the economy, hit 100.5% in June of this year. The Airef report noted that this is the third time in recent months that the threshold of 100% had been passed, a milestone that had not been seen in Spain since the 18981909 period. Between January and March this year, Spain’s national debt rose to €1.095 trillion. On a positive note, Airef noted that the evolution of Spanish debtto GDP is on a downward path Spain is now the sixth-most indebted economy in the euro zone behind Greece, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus and Belgium, the watchdog noted. The Airef report states that there
are significant differences between the amounts owed by each of Spain’s regions, some of which are more heavily indebted than others. Residents of the western region of Extremadura are the worst off, and would each have to contribute 484 days of work to cancel their administration’s share of the debt. At the opposite end of the scale, people in Madrid would only have to put in 255 days, partly reflecting the capital’s higher GDP.
The estimate was reached by taking the ratio of debt to GDP, then multiplying it by 365. The national debt was shared out based on the population and then divided by GDP. In other words, the report divides the amount required by each individual, including children and retirees, rather than by salaries. On a positive note, Airef noted that the evolution of Spanish debtto-GDP is on a downward path, and will be more so from 2018 onward. However, the report also warns that the EU target of a government debt-to-GDP ratio of no more than 60% will not be reached before 2036 elpais
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Catalonia developing ID cards for residents in preparation for secession from Spain
Catalan authorities are splashing €9 million on the cards. CATALONIA has begun developing ID cards that will be issued to its residents in the case of gaining independence from Spain. The new cards will feature the residents’ names, addresses and dates of birth as well as their social security numbers and tax data. Catalan authorities are splashing €9 million on the cards, which are an attempt to show its inhabitants that their rights and benefits will be preserved in the case of secession from Spain. Madrid has long been declining the region’s push for independence, saying it would violate the Spanish constitution. expatica
Asia scoops top honours at San Sebastian film festival
Asian cinema dominated awards at the San Sebastian film festival, with veteran Chinese director Feng Xiaogang's "I am not Madame Bovary" taking the top Golden Shell prize while Fan Bingbing won the best actress gong for her role in the same film. In the satirical comedy, Chinese star Fan plays a cafe owner caught in the bureaucratic maze of the Chinese legal system after she is swindled by her ex-husband. It had attracted attention earlier this month at the Toronto film festival where it won the International Federation of Film Critics' prize, with the jury hailing "its ambitious rendering of a woman's Kafkaesque struggle as she takes on the Chinese legal system". Among the other awards Saturday, prolific South Korean filmmaker Hong Sang-Soo won 'best director' for his comedy "Yourself and Yours" about the
adventures of a painter seeking to win back his girlfriend, a woman who while drinking tends to forget her flirtations. Spanish actor Eduard Fernandez took home the best actor Silver Shell for his role in "Smoke and Mirrors", about a real-life a Spanish spy, Francisco Paesa. The festival's "Latin Horizons" section on Latin American film honoured Chilean director Pepa San Martin's first feature "Rara" about the struggle of a lesbian judge who loses custody of her daughters because of her sexual orientation. The 64th edition of the festival held in the northern Spanish seaside resort saw 17 films in competition from China, Spain, Argentina, Chile, France, Britain, the US, Sweden, Iceland, Poland, South Korea and Japan expatica
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September 2016
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Sagrada Família will be Barcelona's tallest building by 2020, outstripping the Hotel Arts and MAPFRE Tower
THE iconic and ultra-modern Sagrada Família cathedral will be Barcelona's tallest building by the year 2020, when it reaches its maximum height in accordance with the original plans. Designed by flamboyant architect Antoni Gaudí, who left his colourful stamp all over the Parc Güell in his native city, the Sagrada Família – arguably his most famous work – remains unfinished 90 years after his sudden death. Around 70% of the structure is complete, and next month, work will start on the six central towers in the Basilica. Within four years, the highest tower will be finished complete, measuring 172.5 metres (560 feet eight inches) and making it the tallest feature on the Barcelona city skyline. It will overtake the metropolitan area's current highest buildings, the Hotel Arts and the MAPFRE Tower which houses the head offices of the insurance company of the same name. Both of these measure 154 metres (500 feet and six inches) and will appear miniature next to the splendid cathedral, which draws in tourists from all over the world every day and takes over an hour's queueing to enter. As long as the cost of the works remain the same and funds are still available for the €25-million-a-year budget, the Sagrada Família will be finished in the year 2026, on the centenary of when Gaudí was killed crossing the road in front of his own cathedral through being hit by a bus. Although it will be Barcelona's tallest building, the Sagrada Família will not be the city's highest feature – it will still sit below the Montjuïc mountain, now home to the Olympic stadium and reached by cable car. This was deliberate on Gaudí's part – he believed that 'the work of man' should never be higher in stature than 'the work of God'. The cost of entering the Sagrada Família is surprisingly low considering how it is Barcelona's answer to the Eiffel Tower, the Colisseum, the Statue of Liberty or the Sydney Opera House in terms of its international attraction and fame. But even then, the 30,000 free tickets in honour of the patron saint weekend to visit the cathedral today (Friday), Saturday and Sunday were snatched up in just 40 minutes after the box office opened on Monday. thinkspain
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Richard Gere visits San Sebastián homeless shelter during break from film festival
PRETTY Woman actor Richard Gere will visit the homeless shelter in San Sebastián on Friday run by the foundation his girlfriend is patron of. Gere and his Spanish partner Alejandra Puente, leader of the Rais Foundation, and San Sebastián’s mayor Eneko Goia will talk to users of the Hestia day centre during a break in their stint at the Basque city’s worldfamous film festival. The actor is a passionate spokesman for the plight of the homeless and, during a conference in Madrid, stressed that for mortgage lenders to repossess properties is ‘cruel and barbaric’, whilst praising the Spanish capital’s mayoress Manuela Carmena of the left-wing Ahora Madrid – a faction of Podemos – for her social
and humanitarian efforts. These have included a gourmet dinner and cabaret night for street-dwellers on Christmas Eve, replacing one-seater benches set up to stop homeless people sleeping on them with fullbody-length ones, and banning any repossessions of main residences. Gere has taken his campaign to his latest film, Invisibles/Time out of mind, which will be shown in a special projection at the San Sebastián Film Festival this week. Directed by Oren Movermanen, it stars Richard Gere as a man who lives on the street. San Sebastián Film Festival has kicked off with Aliens actress Sigourney Weaver becoming the latest in a long list of international stars to receive a Donostia Award, named after the city’s title in the Basque language, euskera. When she collected her prize, Weaver announced: “Tonight, I’m Spanish.” thinkspain
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September 2016
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Basques and Galicians vote to unblock Spain's deadlock
Spain's Basque country and Galicia go to the polls Sunday in regional elections that may help unblock the long-lasting national political paralysis. The country is stuck in limbo, run by a government without full powers following two inconclusive elections which the conservative Popular Party (PP) won without an absolute majority, and which have seen parties unable to reach any coalition deal. As such, mainstream parties will be watching the regional elections closely to see if they lose ground to upstarts or nationalist groupings, and none more so than the Socialist party (PSOE) which polls say will fare badly. A poor showing -- which would come after bad results in December's general election and again in a June repeat vote -- may prompt the party's dissenting "barons", or regional presidents, to push party leader Pedro Sanchez out. "If we don't have a good score, they will use that to try to overthrow Pedro Sanchez," a source close to the Socialist leader, who wished to remain anonymous, told AFP. Sanchez is unpopular among many "barons" who think the party should help put an end to Spain's nine-month deadlock by admitting defeat, allowing a right-wing coalition government led by acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to come to power. Sanchez, however, refuses to do so. The PSOE voted against a Rajoy-led government in a parliamentary vote of confidence earlier this month, and is attempting to negotiate a left-wing, coalition alternative with arch-rival Podemos, the far-left, anti-austerity party. But a poor showing could put an end to
this, either forcing him out or pressuring him into allowing the right-wing coalition government through by abstaining in another vote of confidence. Polls indicate that in the northwestern region of Galicia, the Socialists will lose their second place to the En Marea coalition that includes Podemos, while the ruling PP is expected to win again. In the northern Basque Country, polls predict the PSOE will also lose ground to Podemos and possibly score its worst ever result in this lush, green region on the Atlantic coast. "It would be an unprecedented event and symptomatic of the electoral retreat of the Socialists in the face of the radical left," said the right-wing El Mundo newspaper in an editorial. Elections in the Basque country, meanwhile, will take on an added significance as residents go to the polls seeking to turn the page on past violence by ETA separatists. The last regional elections in 2012 happened just one year after the armed group declared a permanent ceasefire following four decades of shootings and bombings. ETA is blamed for the deaths of 829 people in their campaign for an independent homeland in northern Spain and southwestern France, while militias close to the police are accused of some 150 anti-ETA killings. This time, memories of the violence are slowly fading, although the desire for autonomy remains strong. The Basque country's ruling, moderate nationalist PNV party is expected to win again, though without an absolute majority, followed by the more radical, separatist EH Bildu grouping. thelocal
With peace, Spanish cinema breaks taboo and talks ETA
Few issues marked Spain's recent history as much as the violence of Basque separatist group ETA, but it was only when peace finally came that this bloody period made its way into films without taboo. As Spain prepares to mark five years since ETA quit violence on October 20, the armed group is more present than ever in the San Sebastian film festival in the Basque Country, with screenings of films and documentaries on the conflict. "Emotionally, peace has taken hold enough for the story to be told with honesty," said British documentary-maker Justin Webster, director of "The End of ETA", screened earlier this week to applause and a full house. "Now we can start writing the first draft of what really happened," he told AFP. Films are scarce about the separatist organisation, which is blamed for the deaths of 829 people in a fourdecade campaign of bombings and shootings for an independent homeland in northern Spain and southwestern France. It declared a permanent ceasefire in 2011. There were also some 150 antiETA killings blamed on militias close to the police and police abuse, according to a study by the Basque regional government. "Few films have been done bearing in mind how important it was in many people's lives over four decades," said Basque director Imanol Uribe. His first feature-length documentary, "The trial of Burgos" that came out in 1979, was about the last trial of ETA members during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, which ended in 1975. His last film "Far from the Sea" depicts the relationship between the daughter of a victim of ETA and her father's murderer. While this was screened in a normal manner, the same was not true in the 1980s and 1990s. His 1996 film "Numbered Days", which gives a humane depiction of an ETA member, may have won the festival's top Golden Shell prize and eight Oscar-equivalent Goya awards, but it is better remembered for the huge controversy it generated. "It seems easier to broach the theme now, it was more complicated at that time," he said. In 2003, he showcased his documentary "The Basque Pelota," a call for dialogue as violence still raged by depicting the conflict from different perspectives, from victims of ETA to relatives of jailed group members. read more expatica
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September 2016
publish your special events here. Charity/ community groups events also published FREE of charge. in Roquetas & Almerimar:
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FTG Notice
The 'Friday Tapas Group' meet each Friday somewhere in the Urbanisation at 13.00hrs. venues for the next few weeks are as follows: 30 Sept. – El Coto, opposite Hotel Trinidad, in the URB. 7 Oct. – Chaplin’s Pub, C/Sierra Nevada. 14 Oct. – Mar Y Sol, opposite Hotel Playa Luna. 21 Oct. – New York NY, in the Urb. 28 Oct. – El Adel, next to Spar Supermarket, in the Urb. 4 Nov. – Bar de Tapas La Bega, opposite Don Jamon, in the Urb.
Anyone is welcome to join the happy bunch and have a laugh, exchange views and ideas. The more, the merrier and the bar owners enjoy it too!
Acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's conservative Popular Party got a boost in regional elections Sunday, while the opposition Socialists lost ground. Residents of the Basque and Galicia regions voted in elections for 75-seat regional parliaments, but the results failed to indicate a clear path forward to ending the country's prolonged political stalemate. Rajoy has been running a caretaker government for almost a year after two inconclusive rounds of national elections in December and June. The conservatives won the most seats in both elections, but were unable to form a governing coalition, and another election is likely in December. In Galicia, the Popular Party won a majority of seats, with 41, while the Basque Nationalist Party won 29. The Basque party won the most seats in the Basque region. The Socialist Party lost seats in both regions. The results could cause the Socialists to abstain in a parliamentary vote of confidence that would allow Rajoy to form a minority Popular Party-led government. The Popular Party hopes the strong showing in Galicia, Rajoy's home region, could demonstrate that his party enjoys the support of the conservative electorate despite recent corruption scandals and boost his efforts to form a minority government. Rajoy has the support of 170 lawmakers in the 350-seat national parliament - 137 of them from his
own party. But he is still six short of the majority needed to form a government. The Basque Nationalist Party holds five seats and their support would leave Rajoy needing just one more vote or an abstention. But the Basque party's results in their regional elections make it unlikely that the party would support Rajoy. "It's difficult to imagine that the Galician and Basque elections are going to change the situation at the national level," Navarra University Public Opinion Professor Manuel Martin Algarra said. The Basque Nationalist Party is more likely to seek support from the opposition Socialists, than from the Popular Party, Martin Algarra said. He said that at the most, poor regional results for the Socialists - already reeling from their worst-ever showing in the June election, with 85 seats may put pressure on the Socialists to abstain in a future investiture vote at the national parliament and let Rajoy form a minority government. Aside from Spain's traditional socialist and conservative parties, the business-friendly Ciudadanos and left-wing Podemos parties have sprung up in recent years, winning third and fourth place respectively in Parliament. Spain never has had a coalition government, and the country's main political parties are struggling with the idea of negotiating deals in an arena with new political powers. Parliament has until Oct. 31 to form a minority government, or the country will face its third election in a year. FORTHCOMING SOCIAL EVENTS IN 2016 ROQUETAS DE MAR SUB-BRANCH 3569
4th Oct – Social meeting followed by Greyhound Racing afternoon. . 30th Oct – Poppy Table at the Table Top Sale held at Burty’s Bar. 1st Nov - Social meeting & Quiz. 10th Nov – Remembrance Service at Burty’s Bar, in conjunction with the Church Service. Following the service & lunch, the RBL will hold the BIG POPPY RAFFLE DRAW. 11th Nov – Royal British Legion Poppy event at Leo’s Bar in the Port at Almerimar. All members and guests are welcome to attend this all-day event. 17th Nov – Poppy Luncheon at Restaurante Roma, followed by the Annual Poppy Tombola. Further details to follow. 6th Dec – Social meeting and close Poppy Appeal.
All monies raised at these events will go to the 2016 Poppy Appeal.
New members are most welcome to join the branch. Contact Jenny/Mike on 950328469 for further information. Social Meetings are held at The Lodge, Calle Americo Vespucio, Roquetas de Mar, on the first Tuesday of each month at 3.00pm.
Roquetas Bridge club Meets on Monday’s at 3pm at The Bahia Serena Hotel For more info please contact Alison Ferguson 950 349 749 Sue Barlow 950 333 344 Susan Nielson 950 333 266
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Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
Our Lady of the Rosary, also known as Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary in relation to the Rosary. The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is on October 7, the anniversary of the decisive victory of the combined Christian fleet in 1571 at the Battle of Lepanto, defeating an Ottoman fleet off western Greece. It was formerly sometimes known as the Feast of Our Lady of Victory.
In 1571, Pope St. Pius V organized a coalition of forces from Spain and smaller Christian kingdoms, republics and military orders, to rescue Christian outposts in Cyprus, particularly the Venetian outpost at Famagusta which, however, surrendered after a long siege on August 1 before the Christian forces set sail. On October 7, 1571, the Holy League, a coalition of southern European Catholic maritime states, sailed from Messina, Sicily, and met a powerful Ottoman fleet in the Battle of Lepanto. Knowing that the Christian forces were at a distinct materiel disadvantage, the holy pontiff, Pope Pius V, called for all of Europe to pray the Rosary for victory and led a rosary procession in Rome. After about five hours of fighting on the northern edge of the Gulf of Corinth, off western Greece, the combined navies of the Papal States, Venice and Spain managed to stop the Ottoman navy, slowing the Ottoman advance to the west and denying them access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Americas0. If the Ottomans had won then there was a real possibility that an invasion of Italy could
have followed so that the Ottoman sultan, already claiming to be emperor of the Romans, would have been in possession of both New and Old Rome. Combined with the unfolding events in Morocco where the Sa’adids successfully spurned the Ottoman advances, it confined Turkish naval power to the eastern Mediterranean. Although the Ottoman Empire was able to build more ships, it never fully recovered from the loss of trained sailors and marines, and was never again the Mediterranean naval power it had become the century before when Constantinople fell. Our Lady of the Rosary is the patron saint of several places around the world. The diocese of Malaga, Spain (which, however celebrates her patronage on September 8), and the Spanish cities of Melilla and Trujillo celebrate Our Lady of Victories as their patroness. Furthermore, María del Rosario is a common female Spanish name (colloquially abbreviated to Rosario orCharo). Rosario can also be used as a male first name, particularly in Italian.
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September 2016
7 Hacks To Speed Up Your Beauty Routine
Too busy to fit in your beauty fix each morning? Here are seven fantastic beauty hacks to help your hectic lifestyle.
Ice Your Nails
When it comes to your nails, a simple bowl of ice water can help you out. “Avoid ruining all your hard work in a matter of seconds by dipping each hand in a bowl of ice water for one minute each to dry your nails,” suggests Beach St Tanning’s beauty expert, Lauren Capelin. Save time and money on that salon manicure, by doing it yourself. Investing in your own kit and supplies can go a long way.
Skip The Blowdry and Dry Shampoo
Eliminate the need for morning blow-dries by investing in a dry shampoo to absorb excess oil at the roots, allowing hair to remain fresh and full for another day. “This godsend should be in every busy woman’s bathroom cabinet and work drawer,” Lauren insists.
be as messy as you want as the excess ink will fall on the tape.”
Down Tools
Step Out For A Spray Tan
I rarely use a cosmetic brush. Ever. Fiddly and so quick to fray, I find that fingertips are always a much faster way to apply makeup. From foundation to eye shadow, cheek A healthy glow is the way to go in spring, but avoid the tint and lip colour, a few magic moves and you’re done in health risks of sunning yourself naturally by stepping into minutes. Lauren agrees, pointing out that the big benefit the salon for a spray tan - the best investment you can of applying foundation with the hands is that the heat from make to nail that custom-made glow for your colouring. our skin melts the product. "This allows it to be applied smoothly and seamlessly," Lauren explains.
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Line Your Eyes
Double – and Triple – Dip!
“Embrace the 2-in-1 or even 3-in-1 nature of beauty products,” Lauren encourages. “Most nude eye shadows with a shimmer make excellent highlighter and illuminator for cheekbones and cupid bows,” she says. “Glossy pink or orange-toned lipsticks make for creamy, lasting blushes “A fabulous winged eye can and a clean mascara brush works as a brow brush in a be the bane of a woman’s pinch!” existence,” laughs Lauren. Her tip is to reach for the sticky tape to save time. Stick it along the lash line where you want your line to For beachy waves, prep hair before it hits the pillow, finish. “Use a small amount Lauren advises. “Sleep with your hair in braids for easy of sticky tape applied waves in the A.M.,” she says. “For a less dramatic look, along the upper eyelid,” twist your hair into two Princess Leia-style buns and spray she advises. “It acts as a each with sea salt spray. This will result in a beachy effect, guide to ensure your liner is and you can say you did just ‘wake up like this’.” straight, even, and going in the right direction. You can
Braid Before Bed
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Opulence covers all aspects of hair by Terry and beauty by Sandra. Come along and discuss your treatments and therapies with our professional team. For the month of October, Abby is offering an Indian Head Massage for just 10€ New to Opulence, from 17th October with Fiona HOT STONE MASSAGE, 1 hour treatment, 30€ Avda Jardines del Almanzora No35, La Alfoquia opposite the football ground HAIR APPOINTMENTS CONTACT TERRY 619 467 295 BEAUTY APPOINTMENTS CONTACT SANDRA 661 858 949
hea l th & b e au ty
4 Ways to Boost Your Creativity in Under 5 Minutes
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4. Stare at the Apple logo Gavan Fitzsimons from Duke University was also interested in the impact of images on creativity and in his study, he looked at the impact of a couple of famous brand logos – those of Apple or IBM. One was famous for thinking differently, and the other for providing plain beige box computers. Participants
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2. Raise your eyebrows We know that creativity is associated with widening our experiences – the broader the range of experiences we have to draw from, the more possible combinations of ideas exist within our brains. A group of researchers at the University of Maryland took this a step further –
Cutting Edge
1. Watch some stand up comedy Our mood has a big impact on the chances of coming up with insight and inspiration. And if we get ourselves into a happy state, creative ideas are much more likely to abound. In one study, participants were asked to watch a five minute bloopers reel, which put participants into a jovial mood. The participants who had experienced a good belly laugh were able to solve significantly more insight puzzles compared to those who had watched a short clip about mathematics.
they thought that facial expressions associated Tel: 950 121 936 - with widening our visual perception could increase creativity. were briefly exposed to either the Apple or IBM logo. They asked participants in a study to broaden their They were then asked to solve an idea generation visual field by raising their eyebrows and had another task. Individuals who were exposed to the Apple group furrow their brows, which narrowed their logo performed significantly better than did the IBM attention field. Participants in the study were asked to hold one of these expressions for two minutes, while group. They generated more unique ideas, and overall, completing a creative thinking task. The eyebrowtheir ideas were judged as being more creative. The raising group generated significantly more original researchers explained that because the majority of ideas and a greater quantity of ideas. people associate Apple with innovation and being 3. Look for the odd one out different from the norm, seeing the Apple logo can Enhancing our ability to create new and original trigger this type of thought. This then leads to a solutions to problems can be as simple as staring at an significant increase in creative behaviour. image that depicts the notion of “being different”. One study published in the European Journal of Psychology, compared the ideas generated by people looking at a poster depicting an ‘odd one out’ image versus people seeing an image representing conformity for two minutes, while also tasked with coming up with different uses for a brick. The ‘odd one out’ viewers Hair and beauty salon came up with significantly more ideas. In addition, their ideas were judged as being 25% more creative.
Creativity might seem like an innate ability, but there are some simple ways you can improve your creative thinking! Find out how with these tips from Dr Amantha Imber, Founder of Inventium. When we think of creative geniuses, images of eccentric, super bright people who have strikes of inspiration in the middle of the night, fill our mind. Indeed, the media loves to perpetuate the myth that creative geniuses like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk are born, not made. However, scientific research shows us that creativity can be increased with relatively simple methods. Here are five ways you can increase your creativity significantly - in less than five minutes!
950 121 936 -
September 2016
pause for thought Hello and welcome to CanDu Computer in relation to the use of Bytes. If you need professional computer technology, but remove help, you can contact me to make an the word “tech” from the appointment at my workshop or clinic conversation, it’s easier to see how those behaviours constitute addiction. (which is at Maloan’s bar in Albox). The bottom line is that the object of << Technology Addiction Part 1>> Are you are dick-head? Sorry the addiction creates a “compulsion” — that should have read “Are you addicted?”. creating a constant cycle of seeking out This article is about Techno-Addiction – a pleasurable experience over and over being unable to be anywhere without your again, often to the detriment of other technology? Before I start, I will warn areas of our lives. For example: Some everyone that I’m full of cold and there people smoke, some drink to excess, other will be typo’s, grammatical faux-pars and enjoy too many KFC’s / Burger Kings / Etc. a general sense of discontinuity. Very few people consider that they have a Question 1: Why is technology so problems with their chosen addiction. addictive? First let me say that technology In a 1999 paper on virtual IS VERY addictive but only to a minority addiction, Dr. David N. Greenfield of The (more on that later)! Centre for Internet Studies explained this You check Facebook for your compulsion as follows: friends’ latest updates. You check Twitter “This compulsive pattern does not reflect for your favourite celebrity Tweets. You a casual interest, but rather consists of a check email. You check your phone. When driven pattern of use that can frequently you’re done, you start the cycle all over escalate to negatively impact our lives. again. If this sounds like you, it’s possible The key life-areas that seem to be that you’ve developed an addiction to impacted are marriages and relationships, technology. employment, health, and legal/financial As with most forms of addiction, status.” half the battle is recognizing that you As Dr. Greenfield explains, the have a problem. The other half is beating source of the compulsion can be anything it. Over the past decade, technology has from alcohol and drugs to gambling or web entered our lives in many forms. Movies browsing. It’s the pattern of compulsion on demand, hundreds of social networks, that identifies a person may be in the and countless electronic devices demand middle of an addictive situation. He goes our attention wherever you turn. The on to list a number of facets such as ‘low temptation to give into the demands of cost’, ‘anonymity’ and many, many others these technologies can be so great that as ‘Hooks’ on which we get tangled. you might even choose those technologies Next time we will examine why above your own family or your friends! technology is So Addictive and in later RE-READ THAT LAST SENTENCE! articles, ways in which almost anyone Overcoming technological can bring this addiction under control. So addiction doesn’t mean ending your use until next week, I hope you have a lovely of that technology, it just means doing week, enjoy the cooling weather and good whatever you need to do so that the company. I will, of course, be available technology can improve the quality of through my usual line of communication your life, rather than taking over your life! to answer queries and, if appropriate, Question 2: Can We Understand offer simple solutions. Te c h n o l o g y For further information or advice on Addiction? In short, yes! When you look computing,contact Trevor on 689 892 745 or at your behaviour
Spain Bankia fraud trial for ex-IMF boss Rodrigo Rato Former IMF chief Rodrigo Rato and 64 other bankers have gone on trial in Madrid over an alleged credit card racket at Spain's troubled Bankia bank. The defendants allegedly used "unofficial" company credit cards for luxury purchases, unconnected with their duties as board members. Prosecutors say about €12m (£10.4m; $13.5m) was spent on hotels, fine clothes, entertainment and travel. Mr Rato denies wrongdoing. Bankia was rescued in 2012 at huge public expense. The unofficial credit card purchases were not declared to the tax authorities. The system allegedly started at Caja Madrid bank and was continued by Mr Rato when Bankia was created in 2011. A member of the governing centre-right Popular Party (PP), Mr Rato resigned as head of Bankia shortly before its near-collapse in 2012. The government bailout of Bankia inflicted losses on 200,000 small investors, who held preferential shares in the bank. Some of them voiced their anger outside the
I must be getting old! So often I find myself grumping at the arrogance and ingratitude of others; at the “I know my rights” outlook of so many as they snatch whatever ‘hand-outs’ they consider themselves due, with little, if any thanks. But occasionally, on reflection, I sometimes wonder if I’m not just as bad. For I, like most others I know, live in a world of plenty, where we’ve never really known hunger, never had any reason to question where the next meal is coming from, but just presume there’ll be food on the table tonight, paid for by our own hard work and prudence, with little appreciation of the incredible debt of gratitude we actually owe others for their part in this provision. How often, I wonder do we ever think of the workers, often on meagre incomes who prepare and plant the ground, who pick and pack the produce or transport it half way round the World for us to purchase? How often do we feel gratitude for those who work to provide the gas, the water and the electricity or other fuel that allows us to cook our food? And do we ever express our thanks for the seasons and weather that allows life to flourish? Or merely complain when the weather isn’t what we
Madrid courthouse on Monday. "You wretches! Stealing money from pensioners!" they shouted at the accused as the trial got under way. Taint of corruption Prosecutors are seeking four-and-a-half years
in jail for Mr Rato and six years for Miguel Blesa, the former president of Caja Madrid, a bank that was merged with six others in 2011 to create Bankia. If found guilty, Mr Rato could also face a €2.7m fine, and Mr Blesa a fine of €9.3m. Mr Rato headed the International Monetary Fund from 2004-2007. He also served as Spanish economy minister, and his fall from grace helped fuel accusations that the Popular
selfishly want for ourselves? So I’m particularly grateful that at this time of year the Church has for centuries encouraged us to pause and think about these things. To thank God for the bounty of His provision through nature in all its wonder, and to express our thanks to all who in any way work to harness this provision for our benefit as we celebrate Harvest. And so we, in the Anglican Church celebrate Harvest on the 29th September at Aljambra and on Sunday 2nd October in Mojacar and Llanos del Peral, whilst doubtless other Churches will have similar celebrations, so I’d encourage all to find somewhere this year where you can join with others to simply say ‘Thank you’. Details of a number of English Language Churches are given in Sol Noticeboard for any who wish to Worship, but further information about the Anglican Church and details of forthcoming events may be seen on the web site Duncan Burr is Licensed Lay Reader for the Anglican Chaplaincy of Costa Almeria and Costa Cálida and may be contacted at djburr@
Party was riddled with corruption. Prosecutors say the lavish credit card purchases took place from 2003-2012 - some of them during Spain's financial crisis, when millions of citizens suffered hardship and unemployment soared. Mr Rato's two successors at the top of the IMF have also been caught up in high-profile court cases. French Socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn took over from Mr Rato in 2007 but resigned in May 2011 to defend himself against charges of attempted rape in New York. Prosecutors dropped the charges later that year, then Mr Strauss-Kahn reached an out-of-court settlement with the hotel maid who accused him. In a separate case last year, he was acquitted by a French court of the charge of "aggravated pimping" in connection with sex parties involving prostitutes. Mr Strauss-Kahn's successor at the IMF, Christine Lagarde, is to go on trial in France in December over a state award of €285m in damages to tycoon Bernard Tapie when she was finance minister. She is accused of "negligence", but denies any misconduct.
902 123 461 SM A LL
*Information obtained from 2015 internal report.
September 2016
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Although many Removal firms nowadays claim to be a 'family business' few actually are. This is where we are different. We pride ourselves on giving each individual job (regardless of size) a personal service that is second to none, and in achieving complete customer satisfaction. After all, it’s our reputation our name - at stake, so we do all we can to maintain our high standards and also meet those of the customer. It's for this reason that a majority of our work is due to recommendation.
Spain and France
We specialise in relocations to and from France and Spain, and often have weekly loads going to both destinations. By combining knowledge of the European laws with local information and years of overseas experience, we have managed to remain as reliable in Europe as we are in England, and consequently have built up a good reputation in both countries. We work closely alongside several English-run storage companies in Spain, allowing us greater flexibility with our customers on both sides. All work within our guidelines and adhere to our high standards. We have become one of their top recommended removal companies for moves to and from the UK, and still remain the removal company of choice for many ex-pats.
European Removals
We offer a professional yet personal service to and from most parts of Europe and will gladly tailor make a package to suit your individual needs. We understand that flexibility and reliability is of utmost importance to our customers, especially when moving overseas and we aim to cover both areas within the services we offer. Quotations for European moves follow the same protocol as for domestic UK removals (see 'Quotations '). They require an estimator to visit your home (where possible) or can be submitted via 'Online Quotes' . You may wish to email your enquiry to:
Full or Part Loads
The main options to consider in a European move are how big your load is likely to be, and whether you require your belongings on a specific date, or just within a certain timescale. We offer two main services to cover these options: • Full Load - You pay for sole use of the vehicle. Gives you full control (as far as is possible) over the collection and delivery of your belongings, allowing you to work to a specific date. • Part Load - The cost effective option. You have part use of the vehicle along with other loads going via the same route to their destinations. Collection can still be when you require, but delivery is arranged on a full vehicle (cost efficient) basis. However, we will still do our best to work within your time frame. Both services can have storage incorporated into the move, and both offer the same experienced, dedicated customer care service from planning and preparation right through to delivery. Spain and France: We specialise in relocations to and from France and Spain, and often have weekly loads going to both destinations. By combining knowledge of the European laws with local information and years of overseas experience, we have managed to remain as reliable in Europe as we are in England, and consequently have built up a good reputation in both countries. We work closely alongside several English-run storage companies in Spain, allowing us greater flexibility with our customers on both sides. All work within our guidelines and adhere to our high standards. We have become one of their top recommended removal companies for moves to and from the UK, and still remain the removal company of choice for many ex-pats.
We offer Storage Facilities both in the UK and in Spain. We can store anything from single items to full house loads, for any duration.
Our Storage Facilities offer the following: • 24 hour Security and Surveillance • Heated Warehouse • Full Insurance • Flexibility
Storage is charged on a weekly basis and customers are invoiced monthly. For more specific information please email us at:
Aims: Our goal is to make your relocation overseas a completely stress free experience from start to finish, (as far as the removal is concerned!) and to maintain customer satisfaction throughout.
Contact Us : 01634 856433 International : +44 1634 856433
950 121 936 -
Fresh help for thousands of investors who lost fortunes in Spanish property crash Fresh help for thousands of investors who lost fortunes in Spanish property crash British investors who lost big deposits in the Spanish property crash have been given fresh hope of getting back their money. As many as 100,000 people in the UK are believed to have paid large sums towards acquiring off-plan homes in Spain that were never built following the financial crisis of 2008 when many property developers went bust, leaving buildings unfinished and property investors out of pocket. But following a ruling by the Supreme Court in Madrid earlier this year, Spanish banks that held their deposits are now starting to be held to account, with estimates for how much British buyers could claim thought to be in the order of £4bn. That is why Spanish legal experts Fuster & Associates has decided to launch a series of legal seminars for Britons wanting to reclaim their Spanish property deposits The ‘No Win, No Fee Off-Plan Deposit Reclaim’ seminars will be held in Cambridge, London, Birmingham and Manchester. “Holding seminars in Cambridge, London, Birmingham and Manchester will provide people with the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the service after having waited over eight years for the chance to recover their lost funds," said the founder of Fuster & Associates, David Fuster. email:
“Our Experience is your Guarantee”
Address: La Plaza Nueva, No 10, Albox Office: 950 102 191 • Carlos: 648 505 938 • Gavin: 671 293 942
*Albanchez* *Albox* We Are Heading to another exhibition *Oria* Beautiful villa Spacious This villa has with We would liketownhouse to takewith this opportunity to 3 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 3 bathrooms let everybody know that 1 bathroom andwe are attending aand a private and stunning a garage. very large exhibition in Holland at the end pool. views. Casa Jessica Casa Tony 2 Bed Mojacar, 550€ 3 Bed in Puerto Rey, Vera 550€ 97,000€ 159,000€ of this month and then we are120,000€ heading to !WANTED! *Limaria* another exhibition in Brussels (Belgium)R at *Arboleas* *Albox* Quality TERM LETS LONG E Stunning F to villa NiceOctober. villa with We would Flike villa with 4 the beginning of MOJACAR with 3 O a garage on bedrooms, UNFURNISHED OR bedrooms, 2 ER and bathrooms invite anyone looking a plot of 16to sell to come 2 bathrooms and D FURNISHED hectares. Casa El Coto 2 Bed Between Vera and a private N hopefullybeautiful views. clients waiting have a chat or give us a call, Uthen Pueblo & Vera Playa 475€ pool. we 159,950€ can add your house to our portfolio 169,950€ and 179,950€ Owners of villas (with or without pool) W e s it p ewith ak E n gNormally l i s h • Wthere i j s pare r e karound e n N e d e r l a n d s • H aMojacar, b l a m o sTurre, E s pArboleas añol take us. We and haveBelgian tenantsclients. waiting! We are looking due to anan increase in both British 6,000 visitorsfor atmore eachproperties event. Definitely Property Management & Maintenance also available We haveto lots of customers looking! So please contact us if you want to Wendy sell. Call opportunity give your house maximum 634 325 057 / 950 478 643 coverage!
Want to sell? Call Immo-Carlos….
September 2016
Home Mortgage Arrears Continue to Fall
House Prices Rise by 2% Accumulating Five Quarters of Increases
The average price of housing in Spain rose by 2% in the second quarter of the year, to stand at 1,506.4 euros per square metre, which represents a moderation compared with the 2.4% increase registered in the first quarter. However, with the latest figure, house prices have accumulated five consecutive quarters of year-on-year increases, according to the statistics published by the Ministry of Development from Sociedad de Tasación data. In real terms, discounting inflation, the price of housing has experienced year-on-year growth for the seventh consecutive quarter, reaching an annual increase of 2.9%. According to the Ministry’s statistics, the average value per square metre in the second quarter was 28.3% below the maximum level reached in the first quarter of 2008. Since the minimum value registered in the third quarter of 2014, average prices have recovered by 3.5%. In real terms (including the CPI variation) the current price reflects a drop since the maximum values of 34.7%. El Economista reported that rising second hand housing prices drove the increase in average house prices in the second quarter, since the price of new builds rose by just 0.8% between April and June. Specifically, housing over five years old rose by 2.2% in the second quarter of the year, to stand at an average of 1,500.2 euros per square metre, while the average cost of newly constructed housing stood at 1,746.8 euros per metre following the aforementioned increase of 0.8%. Some 10 of Spain’s regions registered year-on-year growth in average house prices, led by the Balearic Islands (+5.9%), followed by: Madrid (+4.8%); Catalonia (+4.6%); the Canary Islands (+2.9%); Extremadura (+2.4%); the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla (+2.3%) and Galicia (+1.4%). In contrast, the remaining regions still registered year-on-year declines, especially Navarra (-2.2%), Aragón (-1.9%), the Basque Country (-1.7%) and Cantabria (-1.3%). kyero
According to data published this week by the Bank of Spain, the number of households defaulting on their mortgage for a home purchase stood at 4.65% of the total housing mortgages in the second quarter of 2016, down from 5.2% in the same period of 2015. Compared with the first quarter of 2016, the number of mortgage defaults moderated slightly, as the rate then was 4.78%. El Mundo reported that, in total, the value of all mortgage loans granted to households for the acquisition of a home in Spain stood at 523,595 million euros at the end of June this year, which is 18,940 million euros less than the figure quoted last year, representing a decline of 3.5%. Of the total housing loans, some 24,535 million euros were in question in June of this year, compared with 28,216 million euros in June of 2015. The number of loans for home purchase began 2016 low, after accumulating five consecutive years of moderation to the end of 2015. Since 2010, the last year in which there was an increase in home loans, the value of home loans has fallen by 16%, dropping from 632,449 million euros to 531,256 million euros at the end of 2015. kyero
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This spacious, detached villa has incredible views of the coastline stretching from Aguilas to the Sierra Cabrera mountains. Situated a short drive from the village of Bedar with plenty of flat land surrounding it. Large private pool and courtyard and a separate annex.With three large double bedrooms but the possibility of a further bedroom in the casita. OLV1143 NEW TO THE MARKET 444,000€
Fixed Rate Mortgages Represent 4.3% of Total Mortgage Balance mortgages. The AHE indicated that, specifically referring to residential activity in Spain, 4.3% of the mortgage loans are of a fixed rate type and 95.7% are variable rate loans. The report also notes, according to El Mundo, that there has been a slight increase registered in the average repayment term and in the average loan amount. The average mortgage loan amount stood at 100,754 euros in June 2016, which is 1.4% more than in December 2015, while the average repayment term of the loans in the portfolio increased by 1.6 years over the data for December 2015, to stand at 17.82 years. keyero
We urgently need more properties for sale & rental for waiting clients
According to a recent report from the Spanish Mortgage Association (AHE), in the residential market in Spain fixed rate mortgage loans now represent 4.3% of the total mortgage balance outstanding (as at June 2016). The AHE’s analysis of the Spanish mortgage portfolio, is compiled using data from 12 credit institutions, whose mortgage balance altogether represents 93.3% of the total Spanish outstanding mortgage balance. In terms of interest rates, the AHE pointed out that fixed rate loans have risen slightly, to represent around 6% of the portfolio in June, compared with just 4% in December 2015, while 94% of the portfolio loans have been formed with variable rate
199,950 EUROS
Paseo del Mediterraneo 19, Mojacar Playa, Almeria (near the Hotel Best Indalo) Tel: 950 478 612 / 610 808 631
Sales of homes in Spain fell by 7.9% in July, compared with the same month of the previous year, and is the first decline registered so far this year, with a total of 39,841 transactions carried out, according to the latest data from the Notaries’ Statistical Information Centre. In seasonally adjusted terms, the reduction is 1.4%. Apartment sales registered the most pronounced declines, falling by 10.2% year-on-year (4.7% in seasonally adjusted terms), followed by free price housing, with a decline of 10%, due to sales of second hand flats falling by 8.4% and sales of new flats falling by 22.6%. However, in contrast, sales of single-family homes recorded a slight increase, of 0.9%. With regards to price, the price per square metre of the homes purchased in July fell by 3.6%, to an average of 1,274 euros, due to a decline in the price per square metre of single-family homes, of 4.6%, and the price per square metre of apartments falling by 2.3%. Moreover, El Economista reported that the price per square metre of free price housing registered a decline of 1.7%, with the average price of second hand flats standing at 1,399 euros (-1.2%), while new flats had an average price of 1,844 euros per square metre (-0.6%). keyero
Bedar, 04288 (next to Miramar Restaurant)
Tel: 607 705 085 or 687 938 466
Monday - Friday 10am - 3.30pm
Sales office now open in Bedar
NEW LISTING - MOJÁCAR PLAYA - EXCLUSIVE REF:RS/KS – Beautiful semi-detached 3 bed, 2 bath, house in lovely complex with pools/gardens and tennis court, with private front and back gardens and off road parking, air conditioning and Internet, located only 300 metres from Mojacar beach and close to the commercial centre with lots of bars and restaurants, shops and services nearby. Build area 85M2 on plot of 175 M2, EPC rating E 38.3.
Home Sales Fell by 7.9% in July – First Fall of the Year
cariatz’s all in the detail
Cabo de Gata
This well located 3 bedroom village Cortijo is located in the lovely hamlet of Cariatiz, just 10 minutes from major road links and under 30 minutes from the popular coastal resort of Mojacar. The property sits on a plot of over 600m2 of land with private swimming pool.
Unique cortijo located high in the hills in a secluded place. Access is via a track for 7 km and the property is 25 mins from the nearest village. Antique doors, wooden beams, polished concrete floors.There is the main house with 3 beds and two, one bed apartments as well as a studio apartment. There is a workshop, spring water pool and solar energy.
Located in the open countryside below the village of Oria is this fabulous, immaculate, detached villa with 3 double bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and living room. The property is all on one level and situated within a flat plot of land with an outside kitchen, roof terrace with fabulous views over the village and surrounding countryside.
SORBAS (Gaffarillos)
This wonderful 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom detached Cortijo is located in the friendly village of Gafarillos, just 25 minutes from the extremely popular and renowned coastal resort of Agua Amarga in the Cabo de Gata. The property is walking distance to the village and boasts a private swimming pool aswell.
REDUCED to 175,000€
950 121 936 -
September 2016
Looking to market your property? Don’t look any further! Properties Required Both Coastal and Inland We require listings of all property types across the region. We cover the following towns and surrounding areas: Agua Amarga • Aguilas • Albox • Antas • Arboleas • Bedar • Cantoria • Carboneras • Chirivel • Cuevas • Garrucha • Huercal Overa • Lorca • Los Gallardos • Los Lobos • Lubrin • Lucainena de las Torres • Lucar • Mojacar • Olula Del Rio • Oria • Palomares • Partaloa • Puerto Lumbreras • Pulpi • Purchena • San Juan de los Terreros • Seron • Somontin • Sorbas • Tabernas • Taberno • Tijola • Turre • Urracal • Velez Blanco • Velez Rubio • Vera • Villaricos • Zurgena Ref: ARB3VT19 Price: €199,950
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms luxury 137m2 detached villa in Arboleas with master suite on first floor, superb views, air-con, heated 9m x 4m private pool, casita store, terraces, conservatory day room to front, pellet burning fireplace and low maintenance gardens.
Ref: TAB2V01 Price: €99,950
A beautiful 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom semi-detached cortijo style villa with amazing views in Taberno. Includes a private pool & enclosed fly free terrace, bar area, pellet burning fire and so much more. Immaculate presentation!
3-4 bed 2.5 bath detached cortijo style villa in Uleila del Campo. Private pool, large conservatory, covered terrace generous plot of 27,715m2, Integral garage, huge modern kitchen. Double height ceilings. A stunning, high quality villa.
A very large 3 bed 2 bath detached villa in Arboleas on a huge 1974m2. With 14m private pool, detached garage and a fly free dining area off the kitchen to the rear. Just reduced.
A large 126m2 5 bed 2 bath penthouse apartment in the centre of Antas town close to every daily amenity needed. The apartment has a walk out terrace with superb views and is ideal for full time living. Very spacious home!
2 bed 2 bath ground floor apartment on Vera Playa with great views. Walking distance to the beach and amenities, communal outdoor & heated indoor pool, private parking, air-con, fully fitted kitchen and generous terraces with garden!
REF ULE3C01 169,950€
REF ARB3VCH07 190,000€
REF ANT5A01 124,950€
REF VER2ALS03 99,950€
A simply stunning 3 bed 2 bath detached cortijo style villa with amazing views, oversized detached garage, 25,000m2 plot, Olive grove, covered terrace, full air-con and so much more. Located very near Uleila Del Campo.
3 bed 2 bath penthouse frontline 3 bed 2 bath fully reformed, charming beach apartment in a very privileged cortijo in Zurgena with a huge plot of location near San Juan. A stunning 14,740m2 and a build size of 280m2. home with amazing sea views A beautiful location with private pool, enjoying a front terrace and full roof covered terraces and amazing rural solarium. With full air-con air-con and views. Full of traditional character! just reduced in price. Has to be seen.
3 bed 2 bath detached villa very near the village centre of Arboleas. L shaped villa layout with large rooms and a 143m2 build size, conservatory style terrace looking over the private pool, car port and casita store. High quality finish.
REF SOR3V03 295,950€
REF POZ3A01 162,000€
REF ZUR3C01 220,000€
REF ARB3VM04 199,950€
3 bed 2 bath townhouse on Thallassa, Vera Playa. Just reduced in price this beautiful home is now a bargain for this complex, communal pools, indoor pool and spa centre, tennis courts, private parking and so much more!
3 bed 2 bath village home in Alfaix. A very well presented family home which has an extended utility room, air-con, open fireplace, terraces, communal pool, private off road parking and lovely rural views.
3 bed 2 bath detached villa in El Pinar. Great views. Roof terrace, private walled & gated plot, off road parking and around a 15 minute drive to the beach. A high quality villa and just reduced.
2/3 bed 2 bath penthouse apartment in Los Gallardos with superb views, roof terrace, air-con, communal pool with mature gardens and an underground parking space. Furniture is negotiable.
REF VER3T08 120,000€
REF AFX3T06 114,950€
REF PIN3VE01 99,950€
REF GAL2AN17 94,950€
A striking 3 bed 2 bath detached villa in Arboleas. A Lakes Vega build impressive home with fly free eating area, private pool, great views, aircon, BBQ area, car port and fitted wardrobes.
A stunning Detached 3 bed 2 bath villa in Arboleas with views, swimming pool, privacy and a long covered terrace taking in superb mountain views. A striking home on a large 900m2 plot.
2 bed 2 bath town house on Valle del Este with superb views to the sea, communal pool, garden, terraces and roof solarium. Property comes fully furnished with air-con and open fireplace.
3 bed 2 bath detached villa in Arboleas with private pool, very private aspect, full air-con, long L shaped shady terrace, casita store, great mountain views, outside kitchen and many mature olive trees. A Splendid home.
REF ARB3VGL14 169,950€
REF ARB3VC31 189,900€
REF VAL2TL09 94,950€
REF ARB3VCH12 199,950€
Tel: (0034) 950 469 592 or Mob: (0034) 659 265 907 . Avenida Almeria, 78 , Turre, 04639, Almeria, spain
September 2016
Paseo del Mediterráneo, 355, Mojacar, Almería property group
Opening Hours Monday to Friday: 10:00 - 18:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Office: 950 472 430 Mobile: 610 053 563 English Mobile: +44 7557 261 090 -
€84,999 Palomares
2 bed / 1,5 bath fully furnished Apartment set in high street, around the corner from promenade and amenities. Lift. Ref.1678
Cortijo Grande
Mojácar playa
€95,000 Albanchez
Immaculate south facing 3 bed / 2 bath Townhouse with private garden of 108 m2 and parking place. Nice community. Ref.1715
Immaculate 3 bed / 2 bath semidetached Villa with private pool on plot of 381 m2. Terraces & solarium. Near amenities. Ref. 1724
€179,950 Huerta Nueva €189/196,000
Lovely 2 bed / 2 bath Apartment with east facing terrace of 63 m2, store room and underground parking place. Oasis del mar. Ref.1714
€229,000 Mojácar playa
Charming 3 bed / 2 bath renovated village House with patio near amenities. Build: 170 m2. Must be seen to be appreciated! Ref.1687
€130,000 Huerta Nueva
2 bed / 1.5 bath Townhouse with garage, terraces and roof terrace with sea views near beach bars. Communal pool and tennis. Ref.1718
€165,000 Mojácar playa
Stylish 2 bed / 2 bath detached Villa on plot of 130 m2. Small complex with gardens and pool. Stunning views. Ref.1652
€210,000 Mojácar playa
Nice 3 bed / 2.5 bath Townhouse with garage on basement, patio, terrace and roof solarium. Near commercial center. Ref.1713
€130,000 Mojácar playa
Nice 2 bed / 1.5 bath Townhouse with west facing patio and roof terrace with sea views. Very good condition. Communal pool Ref.1699
€149,950 Cabrera
Charming and well-kept 3 bed / 2 bath House on plot of 259 m2. Central heating, large tiled patio and roof solarium. Ref. 1532
€85,000 Mojácar playa
Fully furnished 4 bed / 2 bath 2 bed / 1 bath east facing Apartment. Townhouse. Underbuilt with full Sea & golf views. Terrace & patio. Fully conversion and roof terrace with furnished. Air con. Communal pool. views. Near amenities. Ref.1716 Ref.1719
€130,000 Mojácar playa
Charming 3 bed / 2 bath Villa with private plot of 424 m2. Mature garden, terraces and solarium with nice views. Ref. 1717
Off-plan 3 bed / 2 bath contemporary Villas with pool near amenities. Solarium. Choice of finishes and materials. Ref.1721
€250,000 Mojácar playa
Amazing opportunity! 3 bed / 2,5 bath Villa with sea views on plot of 350 m2 in La Parata. Garden and room for pool. Ref.1697
4 bed / 2,5 bath semi-detached Townhouse within walking distance to com. center & beach. Private outside space of 90 m2. Ref.1725
price reduced
Tel: 950 064 584 609 199 394
125,000€ oria
Villa in immaculate order , recently refurbished and redcued price , priced to sell Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms , jacuzzi, above ground pool , mature garden and fully fenced and Well appointed detached home on the outskirts of Oria , short drive or walk into tastefully decorated throughout.This home is in a tranquil setting yet ideal location as only a few minutes to the local town of Cantoria and its many bars and cafes. Must be viewed to appreciate town Featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms , log burner, private swimming pool , aircon the quality and ideal setting
and under floor heating as well as many other extras. In immaculate order and represents good value for money
stunning views
350€ PCM RENTAL near albox
Delightful country Cortijo with stunning views. Access to the property is via a windy road , a ten minute drive to the many amenities of Oria. This home is amongst a hamlet of houses in a mountain setting with stunning views.This property contains 3 double bedrooms a main bathroom and an en-suite. As you walk through the main door you walk into a large fully fitted kitchen which leads on to a dining room and lounge both rooms have functioning log fires.As you head up the stairs it splits, to the right is the main bedroom and en-suite to the left of the stairs contains the other two bedrooms and main bathroom. This property has been fully reformed to the highest standard and has a very homely feel is furnished and available from October
Traditonal semi detached cortijo in original style, fantastic value for money 3 bedroom, 3 living areas, 2 bathrooms large family home. Features large plot of fully fenced land ,off street parking, spacious rooms , furnished and walking distance to a local bar and cafe Basic home in need of minor tlc hnce the low rental Must be viewed to be appreciated
Avenida 28 de Febrero Nº 44, Albox
Email: │
September 2016
UAE to introduce new laws soon to regulate drones
If you wish us to print an article about a particular topic, please e-mail -
QUESTION: I am trying to help my mother who has very bad health and wishes to move back to the UK but has not managed to sell her Spanish property yet. From a legal point are there any matters to take care of before she comes back ? ANSWER 1. Make sure her Spanish will is in good order. There have been some changes to the laws recently which make it convenient to have a solicitor take a look at it. 2. Locate the title deeds to the property and their NIE numbers. 3. Make sure internet banking is set up on her Spanish bank account. 4. Your mother may wish to consider signing a power of attorney for you to deal with her Spanish assets (in case a buyer is found and
she does not wish or is not able to visit Spain). 5. Look in to the advantages/disadvantages of selling quickly now versus holding on and waiting for a better price. From a tax point of view, if she is a resident and over 65, there is a certain advantage to selling before she loses her resident status in Spain, as she is entitled to a 100% exemption from capital gains tax. 6. Meet her solicitor before you leave in case you later need to deal with things remotely. Depending on your circumstances there could be other things to do, but I would at least cover these items.
Michael Davies is a Spanish Abogado and has been practicing law in Almería since 1993. He is member of the Law societies of Almería and Madrid and has offices in Mojacar and Almeria High Street.
The United Arab Emirates will finalize laws to more heavily regulate the sale of drones and their operations soon, aiming to minimize risks posed by unmanned aerial vehicles, an official at the aviation regulator said on Monday. Dubai International Airport was closed for more than an hour on June 12 due to unauthorized drone activity in the surrounding airspace that resulted in millions of dollars of losses for the economy. "Several incidents have happened and to integrate them (drones) safely into the commercial airspace is a challenge," Mohammed Faisal al-Dossari, director, air navigation & aerodromes department, UAE General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), said. Current regulations on drones in the UAE, introduced in April 2015, relate mainly to commercial licensing and approving how companies use drones and are under constant development, al Dossari told reporters at a regional conference on drones in the UAE capital. "The Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (Esma) is working on laws that will have a framework for the UAE for imports, sales and performance of drones," he said. Abu Dhabi has banned the sale of recreational drones since March
last year until new laws are issued, saying they posed a risk to aviation. The new laws will also address air-worthiness for heavier drones, standards for pilotless aircraft and pilot training among other issues, al Dossari said. At least 400 drones, mostly commercial, are registered with the GCAA. Drones are used for commercial operations such as mapping, security surveillance, wildlife surveys as well as for environment, transport, agricultural and maritime purposes, among others in the UAE. As a regional aviation hub with two of the busiest airports in the world, the UAE's airspace is congested. And with drones becoming increasingly relevant, there are safety and security risks, Gulf area manager at IATA, the global body of airlines, Michael Herrero, said. "The big question is how to integrate drones into commercial airspace in future, governments need to put it high on the agenda with enforceable legislation," he said.
Telephone: 950 460 999
“English spoken”
Deborah Cubel fisher 7 years experience in this area
“on parle francais”
legal & fiscal advice for residents & non-residents, Tax Payments and refunds • Wills and Inheritance process • Purchase / Sale private contracts • Land property and Catastro registration licenses • Conveyancing / Notorial documents
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• Taxes (local rates, rubbish collection, vehicle, tax returns for residents and non residents and refund of the capital gains tax)
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Wills €125 / each Including Notary Fee
Yearly contract €149 Including VAT 21% • Yearly tax returns (no increase if more than one owner, or more than one property) • Legal and fiscal advice FREE throughout the year • Free assistance / advice for any visitors staying at your property • Free visit from a technician / architect to offer independent expertise on matter such as: putting in insurance claims, confirmation of the legality of an extension / building work, free estimate for any work to be carried out
If you introduce another client to us you will not be charged your next annual fee C/ del Mar, 33 - Galeria Alcana Local 11 Vera 04620 (Almeria) Tel: 950 39 06 21 Fax: 950 39 02 12 email:
Ronda de Las Buganvillas, Local 15, (nr Garrucha)
Maria Maroto Perez: Solicitor/Barrister - Esther Serrano Saez: Solicitor/Barrister
• NIE Cards • Residency Cards • Social Security Cards • • Company Setup • Insurance • • Conveyancing • Translations • Litigation • Wills & Inheritance Tax • Tax Returns • Visit us now at our new office: Local 15, Ronda de Las Buganvillas. Situated between Victor´s Bar and Cajamar Bank. We look forward to seeing you soon!
We are pleased to introduce ourselves
We are a multidisciplinary law firm based in Vera (Almería) and as such we deal with many different aspects of law, specialising in litigation, conveyancing, taxation, civil, commercial and fiscal law. Our aim is to provide a personal, quality service, in plain English and to do so promptly, efficiently and in a friendly manner. We will keep you up to date and fully informed throughout and all at a very competitive price. We can also arrange the following if needed: • Open a Spanish bank account • Connection of utility services • If you are considering renting your house or land we will negotiate your letting agreement, ensuring that the terms of your contract meet your requirements • Write your Spanish will • As your Fiscal Representatives, we will assist you in any dealings with Spanish Tax Office and explain to you all the taxes that you are liable to pay. For those that become residents of Spain, we can also assist in other legal matters, such as matrimonial issues or business contracts.
John MacDonald (El Sordo)
‘The Also Ran’
Much has been said about the high and mighty in Alqueria, the dynamic Manuela, the studious Poyato and that intellectual giant Loco Paco, but what of the ordinary souls of the Pueblo. Sacerdote del Semblante Lánguido is the Village priest. He arrived in Alqueria full of hope and a joyous wonder that filled the heart with delight. He had the best interests of the people at the very centre of his very sensitive heart. He laid awake at night worrying about his parishioners and counselled them with wisdom during the daylight hours. Then one fateful day he took Manuela’s confession. His hair greyed, his faith evaporated, he turned to drink. It was the making of him. He now sleeps the sleep of the intoxicant. He couldn’t give a ‘damn’ about those whose spiritual well-being he is entrusted with and he has embraced Existentialism. He is now for the first time in his life a happy and rounded individual. He does suffer from the occasional flashback to Manuela’s outpourings which leaves him sweating, trembling and in a state of intense sexual frustration but it is a small price to pay for happiness. Ernesto Muyinestable is one of those individuals who has devoted his life to his art. Ernesto lives for his flamenco, he twirls and stomps morning, noon
and night as he practises new and ever more complicated steps. To say he is one of the best flamenco dancers currently practising would be an overstatement. He isn’t good, he isn’t even bad, he is terrible. The main and very obvious reason for this is that Ernesto is a uniped. He lost his right leg while playing ‘Ludo’ during the ‘Great Tournament of 87’. Now he falls over a lot. Every time he performs he receives a storm of sympathetic applause. He believes this is reward for his prowess in the art of flamenco dancing and so inspires him to perform more complicated routines. He then receives more sympathetic applause, so on and so forth. It will probably all end in death or serious injury but like our worthy Priest, Ernesto is happy. Don Sageo has a lot to answer for. He is Alqueria’s intellectual. At least is the only individual in the Village who can read at an adult level and is capable of joined-up writing. It was the Don who discovered, through his archaeological research that Alqueria wasn’t included in the Christian Reconquest and was therefore not technically part of Spain. In fact it was Sageo who is responsible for the Alqueria of today. It goes to demonstrate that every person, no matter how humble can have a profound effect on their own and others lives. Especially in Alqueria.
Strictly Week 1 I don’t know how they do it, but strictly seems to get stronger every year! Another 15 celebrities and yet another very strong bunch showing potential right from the word go! With nobody being eliminated this week they all get at least 2 weeks of training (and if you believe this you will believe anything!) From the moment they are signed for the show I’ll bet they are all taking private tuition! Opening the show this year was TV presenter Laura Whitmore with her partner Giovanni and a Cha Cha Cha. Laura has very long legs but unfortunately didn’t use them! Although there was good characterisation and great energy she did go wrong several times and also ended up off time. I gave her a 4 and the judges a total of 25.. Next up were BBC TV presenter Naga Munchetty and Pasha with a Waltz. She started off very well with quite nice posture but due to the difficulty of the choreography, she ended up losing it, as a result was dragged around the floor. Because of this she also looked unsteady on her feet and her waltz was lumpy. Nevertheless a good try for which I gave her 5 and the judges 23. Judge Robert Rinder and Oksana also danced a Cha Cha Cha. I gave him 10 out of 10 for effort and his facial expressions - well, they had to be seen to be believed! This could only be described as a frenetic dance but with great rhythm. I found his action a little stilted but I think he is going to be hilarious. I awarded him 6 and the judges a total of 25. The oldest competitor to take part in any series at the age of 70 Lesley Joseph then danced with Anton and a Waltz. As an actress she captured the essence of the Waltz, but unfortunately she is far too small to dance with Anton and as a result her shoulders were up round her ears and because of her age has posture issues which I’m not sure can be remedied I gave her 4 and the judges 23. Ore Oduba and Joanne were the first this year to dance a Tango. And the first awful
Embedded Pet Hair
I’m not the world’s greatest enthusiast of housework. I do not leap out of bed in the mornings with a merry cry of ‘Ooh goody, I’ve got some nice dusting to do today.’ House cleaning is a chore and a bore, but it is not the worst; that accolade falls to cleaning the inside of the car. That job I hate! I hate it with an H, in CAPITALS,BOLD and UNDERLINED. I can think of only one job that is worse – going down sewers to clear fat bergs! However, since living in a mudless country, and having no dog, it has gradually crept up the list of jobs to reach a status of disliked, with a capital D, but no bold underlining. That was until Lucy, the Dog That Is Not Ours, got a sore throat and needed to go to the vet. Despite her protestations that she was alright really, but that if we insisted, wouldn’t it be better to walk all the way to Albox to the vet rather than go there in that horrible Coche? As she only needed to go twice she does not qualify as a Frequent User, plus she travels on a carpet of newspaper, (she’s car sick) so two journeys can not have made that much impression on the boot of the car. Or so I thought. I set to – the boot was liberally be-sprinkled with Lucy hair. How can one neat and spruce shorthaired dog lose so much hair? She should be bald, but she’s not! The only way to remove dog hair is to scratch it free of the felt covers with a thumbnail, then
piece of music not even resembling a Tango and way too fast! There was a lack of Tango in the choreography but Ore did a good job. His frame wasn’t too bad but he will have to learn to get rid of that bottom! He has had some dance training in his past which showed up and I gave him a 6 with the judges 27. I think he will be one to watch but I’m afraid Joanne is my least favourite professional and for me fails her celebrities. Athlete Greg Rutherford and Natalie performed a Jive. This started off with great energy and gusto but as it progressed the leg retraction disappeared on the kicks and flicks and he was suffering with twine toes. Again not a bad effort and a 6 with the judges 27. That was Fridays show so onto Saturday evening which started with Louise Redknapp and Kevin and a Jive. Great kicks and flicks here but lacked flexibility on Jive basic leaving it looking a bit flat. Great energy and musicality and definitely one to watch. I awarded her 7 and the judges 31. Next to perform were Melvin Odoom and Janette with a Cha Cha Cha. Melvin has a lot of work to do and is one of the weaker dancers this year. He needs to work on keeping his feet on the floor as his Cha Cha Cha looked very plonky and lacking in hip and leg action. I gave him 5 and the judges 22. Model Daisy Lowe and Aljaz were next to dance a Waltz. What a great opener! An excellent interpretation with a nice frame, head and neck position and soft fluid movement and being so tall looked really elegant. She will definitely be a contender in the Ballroom section but being so tall we’ll see if she can control those limbs for the Latin. I gave her 8 and the judges top place this week with 32. Next up were my favourites Hollyoaks actor Danny Mac with Oti and a Cha Cha Cha. What can I say Wow! Wow! Wow! and Yummy!! Danny is an ex West End performer, with excellent speed, accuracy and lines coupled with great hips and not to mention drop dead gorgeous looks! He has to be a strong contender already for the glitter ball trophy (not saying that I’m biased!) I awarded him 9 and the judges 31. Hope he is as good in the ballroom. Eastenders star Tameka Empson and Gorka (our new Spanish professional) were the first to dance Paso Doble
By Jos Biggs deliver it to Laurence the Dyson! Then I remembered Tony Grey. He reckons he has invented a vacuum cleaner that will remove Embedded Pet Hairs – I presume he means pet hairs that have fallen off the pet and embedded themselves in the carpet, and not hairs still attached to an Embedded Pet – all our pets are embedded, we couldn’t get rid of them if we tried! I don’t believe him. I am so sure that he is boasting that I will throw down a challenge: Tony Grey, if you are so confident that your G-Tech vacuum will remove the dog hairs from the boot of our car, then come and prove it to me! And if you are right I will abandon Laurence and purchase your unbelievably efficient machine – but I have a feeling that Laurence’s future is secure!
this year. Nice to have traditional music and being an actress Tameka showed great interpretation of the dance with strong lines and musicality. I gave her 7 and the judges 26. Pop singer Anastacia and Brendan then danced a Cha Cha Cha. Such a sexy sassy performance with good foot leg and hip action. Her nerves got the better of her which resulted in her going wrong a few times and losing balance on her spins but a good first dance for which I gave her 6 and the judges 28. Our weak link for this year politician Ed Balls and Katia danced a Waltz. I have to say it was a bit better than I was expecting. At least there were signs of heels and toes evident. As a total non-dancer it was a respectable first dance with a reasonable frame for which I awarded him 4 and the judges bottom place on 21. Gymnast and pocket rocket at just 4’7” Claudia Fragapane, our youngest celebrity at just 18 coupled with our youngest professional AJ performed a Cha Cha Cha. Her action was more stilted than I expected of a gymnast but it was sharp and musical. Being considerably smaller than AJ, I don’t know how she will cope with the ballroom so time will tell. I gave her 6 and the judges 26. Closing this week’s show were pop singer Will Young and Karen with a Tango. What on earth was he wearing?!! Skin tight drainpipe trousers at half-mast with red socks and no jacket!! Please!!! This put me off his performance which although nice and staccatto lacked being low enough into the floor for control. I found this performance very patchy in quality with some good, some not so good pieces. I gave him 7 and the judges 30. There are some really strong contenders this year with only 3 weak dancers tha t I can see. I can’t wait to see how they will go next week in the opposite discipline. If you have been bitten by the bug, why not come and join one of our classes and learn along with the stars? Until next week - Keep Dancing! by Lyn Aspden of Strictly Dance Class Info 635 584 431
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September 2016
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1. Which Geordie played for England and managed the Republic of Ireland?............. 2. Which ground hosts the FA Cup Final?....................... 3. Which Joe managed Everton when they won the 1995 FA Cup?....................... 4. Which Lane do Sheffield United play at?.................... 5. Which London side did Ruud Gullit join in 1995?...... 6. Which London striker has played for Arsenal, Crystal Palace, Queen’s Park Rangers, Spurs, Chelsea, West Ham and Millwall?....... 7. Who was England’s manager for the 1990 World Cup in Italy?........................ 8. Who was Ian St John’s partner on TV?..................... 9. Who was the England manager when the side failed to reach the 1994 World Cup finals?................. 10. Who was the first Footballer of the Year in England and Scotland?........
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1. Who is elder, William or Kate?.............
9. Graham Taylor
soltimes Will & Kate Quiz
4. Bramall
10. Gordon Strachan
e r u t c i sol p iz! qu
5. Chelsea
on this day 28th September
1 Porsche 2 Pizza Hut 3 CNN 4 FedEx
1791 – France becomes the first country to emancipate its Jewish population. 1924 – First round-the-world flight completed. 1960 – Mali and Senegal join the United Nations. 1971 – The Parliament of the United Kingdom passes the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 banning the medicinal use of cannabis. 2008 – SpaceX launches the first private spacecraft, the Falcon 1 into orbit.
puzzle pages
To advertise in this space
Contact our sales advisors on 950 121 936 or email: Across 1 Hindered (8) 5 An Asian temple (6) 9 Strive (8) 10 A coarse cloth with a bright print (6) 12 Hoods (5) 13 In a futile manner (9) 14 Senility (6) 16 Fleck (7) 19 Aged (7) 21 Not the top (6) 23 A pronunciation mark (9) 25 Prefix meaning “Hand” (5) 26 Cerumen (6) 27 Feathers (8) 28 Most rational (6) 29 Traitorous (8) Down 1 From that place (6) 2 The state of having lost one’s husband (9) 3 Absorbs written material (5) 4 Speak clearly (7) 6 A reprieve in intensity (9) 7 Leaves out (5) 8 Liturgical assistants (8) 11 Focussing glass (4) 15 Farmers (9) 17 Wittingly (9) 18 Door-to-door salesmen (8) 20 Abominable snowman (4) 21 Rod-shaped bacteria (7) 22 Small amount of food (6) 24 Bib (5) 25 Desert animal (5)
standard CROSSWORD
famous birthdays on this day
1943 – J. T. Walsh, American actor (d. 1998) 1952 – Andy Ward, English drummer 1964 – Paul Jewell, English footballer and manager 1971 – Alan Wright, English footballer and manager 1995 – Jason Williams, English footballer
ACROSS 1 Go into public transport without right to amuse (9) 5 Lots of things that float? (5) 8 She will almost initially forget ledge (5) 9 Ruined or ancient vessel (9) 10 Guidance for the one coming first’s joint (10) 11 First hospital before this place (4) 13 Made system of belief without a prudent ending (7) 14 Turn around in empty garage, first daughter made a noise like a pig (7) 16 Some stores ponder reply (7) 18 Performer starts to join underground groups, getting less exposure regionally (7) 19 Waves at slave, we hear (4) 21 Average, with a good start, sharp adjustment needed to parts of text (10) 24 Ascertaining the dimensions of geraniums, perhaps (9) 25 Part of the Maglev, or “ghost-train”, coming back to small wood (5) 26 Where pigs live with the French fashion (5) 27 Rows, bringing one in for a skinhead’s first animals (9) Down 1 Frame rough sea in middle of felt (5) 2 Young people showing support for golfer at new ranges (9) 3 The thought of what’s seen in The Mirror? (10) 4 Charged a Chinese leader 100 US Dollars, including final fee (7) 5 Way for Stewart to catch one (4) 6 Transgression of lacking barrier (5) 7 More certain without tear to give up (9) 12 Shift equipment at middle of farm for bird (10) 13 Charms sit awkwardly at birth celebration? (9) 15 Call ringer? (9) 17 Diane shortly to sign journals (7) 18 Heads of Japan and India move a gun’s province of China (7) 20 Prepared set (5) 22 Gets rid of small buildings? (5) 23 Greek character left eastern animal (4)
Quote of the week...
950 680 007 -
come dine our way Just a few or your favourite restaurants
To advertise here contact: Tel: 950 680 007 -
Top autumn recipes
Hearty and comforting autumnal recipes.
Autumn coleslaw
Liven up slices of ham, smoked duck or roast beef with this healthy and colourful side salad Ingredients
handful mixed seeds (we used sunflower, linseed and pumpkin) splash of tamari 4 tbsp low-fat natural yogurt 3 tbsp mayonnaise 2 tbsp Dijon mustard 3 tbsp flat-leaf parsley,
Autumn tomato chutney
Put all the ingredients into a large pan and bring to the boil over a medium heat. Stir occasionally until the sugar has dissolved. Boil the mixture, uncovered, for about 45-50 mins until the fruit is tender and thickened. Cool, then transfer the mixture to a sterilised jar and seal.
week days a OPEN 7
Meet Our New Managers Nicole and Stefan
NEW VEGETARIAN MENU cous-cous, risottos, vegetable lasagne, fresh pasta, pizzas, soya burgers, vegetable soups, vegetable pies, tofu salads, all serve with fresh vegetables and potatoes or rice.
Booking Recommended
Spanish Speaking 950 430 145 English Speaking 647 730 103 PolIGONO Industrial Albox, Near the ITV Garage
Heat a pan and add the seeds. Lightly toast on medium heat. When slightly brown, splash in tamari and toss seeds about. Pour out of the pan and reserve. Mix yogurt, mayo, mustard and parsley. Pour over veg and apples, toss through and season. Sprinkle over seeds and serve.
chopped 1 celeriac, peeled, julienned or grated 3 carrots, peeled, julienned or grated ½ red cabbage, very thinly sliced 2 eating apples, thinly sliced
A good tomato chutney take some beating, and this version is great because it's not too sweet 1kg ripe tomato, peeled and chopped 750g cooking apple, peeled, cored and chopped 375g light muscovado and chopped sugar 2 tsp salt ½ tsp 250g onion, chopped ground ginger 250g raisins 350ml cider 1 green pepper, deseeded vinegar
September 2016
Restaurant - Bar ida
Sharron & Danny welcome customers new and old
Traditionally Cooked Sunday Lunch Roast Beef, Pork, Chicken, Honey Roast Gammon (and now Braised Lamb available from 10am - 9pm, Sunday 5pm-9pm at a supplement) Available Saturday 1st October, 6pm 12:30pm - 4pm
Full Menu Available ALL DAY, EVERY DAY
Singing Live in the Garden Brian Dee BBQ Menu available Please call to reserve your table
Diners take priority
E v e r y W e d n e s d ay 6 p m - 9 p m Buy one fillet meal at €10 get 2nd half price Booking Essential (Ribeye Steak also available) (Fillet and Ribeye are available on the menu every day of the week for €10)
Line Dancing Tuesday’s 4 til 5pm
Fridays Atlantic Cod Fillet with Handcut Chips & Peas full menu also available
ZUMBA Fridays 10:30am
Air Conditioned Restaurant
We are here
Albox Arboleas Zurgena La Alfoquia
La Vida
Cucador Huercal Overa
Junc 547
Monday - Saturday 10am - Late ● Sunday 12 - Close Avenida Europa, Cucador (Above The Attic) ● 950 634 562
in Arboleas opened in July this year . Angie and Royston are the proud new owners of this fantastic venue and greet everyone with a warm welcome and a smile throughout the day and night. Angie and Royston will not be strangers to some of you as they have lived and
come dine our way Just a few or your favourite restaurants
To advertise here contact Tel: 950 680 007 -
worked locally in the Arboleas area for over 17 years. Angie has spent over 20 years working in the hospitality industry and has been running Bars in Spain and Vienna to name just a few places; she has also worked on Cruise Ships entertaining the guests. Royston is a local face that some of you will know, as he has been running a local building company in this area for many years. So why not pop along to LEGENDS and show your support to this local couple and let Angie and Royston
Menu del Dia 10€ Selection of Tapas English Speaking Everyone Welcome Friendly Atmosphere
entertain you.
Check out our facebook page for all the amazing events that you will be able to see this year at LEGENDS. Facebook page legendsarboleas
Avda Lepanto, 43 Opposite the BP Garage 04800 Albox-Almeria Tel: 950 430 993 Mobile: 659 056 082
BAR DOLAR Pueblo Laguna - Vera Playa Tel. 622 559 384 Open 10am-2am Closed Thursdays
Come to Bar Dolar Every Friday from 1pm – 9pm and try our delicious Beer Batter Fish & Chips by Mandy formerly of the Vera Chippy. Eat in or Takeaway. Booking Recommended. Once you’ve tried our Fish and Chips, then you’ll love our Sunday Roasts. World Championship Pool Table Karaoke on Wednesdays Vera Mojacar Garrucha
Open Monday-Friday Evening Only (Saturday-Sunday All day)
Friday night Fish & Chips €6
(Booking Essential)
Saturday Homemade Pie, chips & gravy Sunday Roast. 2 Course €7.95 (Call for Details)
Available for parties with marquee and bouncy castle. Free wifi BT and Sky Sports Call Linda f or mor e inf or mation Tel: 642 947 182 P l a z a d e C o n s t i t u c i o n S / N Pa r t a l o a plazabarpartaloa for up and coming events
Live Sporting Events shown
.Bar Dolar
Function Room Available Puerto Rey
La Cena
menu del noche €11.95
Saturday 29th October Kids Halloween Party
Pool Table & Darts
Includes a carafe of wine per couple 11 starters, 10 mains & 9 Desserts Full A La Carte also available Monday - Saturday 7pm - late. Closed Sunday
Call 950 430 930 after 5.30pm
Find us across the old bridge from Palza Mayor Albox, opp Bar Wassy
is situated in the pretty village of Cerro Gordo and just 10 minutes outside Albox. They do delicious homemade food including beef wellington, orchard pie and speciality food. All freshly prepared so booking is essential. Try their homemade 3 course Sunday lunch at 8.50€. Free venue for your Party or Get Together just phone Chris for details 950 930 169 or 650 599 739. www.bistobonita.
La Cena
would like to invite you to sample the exciting new additions to the already successful menú of the night. With 4 new additions per the 3 course taking it to 11 starters, 10 mains, and 9 sweets. With additions to include more choice for the high volume of gluten free people. Still priced at the value beating 11.95€ for 3 courses, including a carafe of wine for 2 people. Full a-la-carte still available. Please call for reservation.
Now serving English Breakfast
Restaurant ● Daily Menu Celebrations & Special Events, Open Everyday 9am - Late Closed Monday Evenings Specialises in: Meats cooked over natural firewood, Roasts and Tapas
Menu del dia and Menu del noche with a wide variety of dishes Childrens and Vegetarian Menus Available
Free WiFi zone for clients
TEL: 950 472 288
Paseo del Mediterraneo 235 Mojacar Playa Beauchelles En El Sol
Tel: 622 582 538 / 666 959 822 Paraje Los Castejones s/n Albox
Sundance Spas
September 2016
Pool Maintenance S.L.
Open: Monday - friday 9.30am - 2.30pm & 4pm -6pm Closed Saturday & Sunday
Telephone 607 658 540 for out of these hours
Bliss - 2 seater 3,995€
Renew - 3 seater - 5,250€
Relax - 5 seater - 5,895€
Sunny 8,495€
Refresh 5 seater - 5,695€
Dream 2,995€
12 Secondhand spas in stock. prices from 1,500€ to 6,000€
now in our showroom New range of economical Spas
discounted sundance
up to 40% off
We Purchas Your Old Spe a Cash Paid
Pool Maintenance • Now taking on building work, terrace, extensions etc
Mojacar Showroom, Paseo de Mediterraneo, 165
Tel: 950 472 845 or 607 658 540 •
Roquetas & Almerimar • 950 121 936 •
Brit dead in Ibiza after smashing head on rocks in drowning horror
A British holidaymaker has died after hitting his head on rocks at a picturesque cove in Ibiza. The man drowned after suffering the accident near Cala Bassa beach a short drive from the resort of San Antonio. Local police were alerted just before 6pm yesterday after one of the friends he was with spotted his body floating in the water. Lifeguards had brought the unnamed 63-year-old tourist back to the beach using a boat the pals are thought to have been on and were attempting to revive him on the sand when the officers arrived. The efforts to save him failed and he was declared dead at the scene. A spokesman for the town hall at San Jose, which covers the area, said he had hit his head while swimming by rocks close to a cave near the beach. Many tourists who visit the beach jump into the sea from rocks - often posting pictures of their feat - although it was not clear today/ yesterday (SAT) if the holidaymaker had banged his head while swimming or fatally injured himself whilst leaping into the sea. Cala Bassa, a 15-minute drive from San Antonio, is popular with tourists. It is famed for its clear water and golden sand with one travel review claiming: “It’s enough to make you think you’ve escaped the Med and made it to Thailand.” It adds: “Large rock formations on either side of the beach are a constant reminder however, of the rocky and rustic terrain of Ibiza and popular with dare devil rock
jumpers. One local on an English-language travel forum named Cala Bassa as a good place to try when one tourist asked on the site: “Can anyone recommend a great place to dive jump into the sea and to swim casual in the open water. British holidaymaker Tom Jarvis, 22, from Romford, Essex, died in July after going for an evening swim with a friend in San Antonio. His body was recovered from a nearby cove following a night-time search. That tragedy happened less than a fortnight after police in the same resort launched an air and sea for a Brit youngster reported missing by his friends - only to discover the following morning he was sleeping in another hotel.
tell the world about your clubs / events or associations! the soltimes can tell your local community what is going on and where. send details to
Burty’s BAR Playa Serena, roquetas de mar Opposite Playa Luna Hotel between Oasis & Mar y Sol.
Tel: 679 156 715
table top sale sunday 2nd october from 10:30am
Mini SUNDAY roast from 2.50€ Selection of hot & cold Tapas served Daily
QUIZ every thursday from 3pm Bingo Every Wednesday from 3pm free
Open from 11am (closed friday)
PUB CHAPLINS oquetas R ra Nevada, 27 Calle Sier ORTS BAR NO1 SP
Free Wi-fi Daily All Live Sport m p 3 Tues Bingo .30ish Friday Quiz 9 ioned dit Fully Air Con
Ta p a s / Sn a c k s En g l i s h Me nu Fish & Chips C o f f e e & C a ke s Sa n g r i a
Open 9:30am - Late (Closed Tuesdays)
m es - Sun Thurs 5p Open from 1pm Tu 4 368 TEL 618 82
0€ Light Bites 1.5 day 7.95€ Ribs Wednes Steak 3.50€ in lo ir S z o 4 r Thu Chips 5.95€ Friday Fish & Everyday! le b a il a v A u n Full Me
Opposite Protur Hotel
678 202 160
d 10 years
in UK UK TV TV Leading the the way way in IPTV Spain UK TV Leading
Our systems are the best in the current market If your current system is more expensive put ours on your box for 169€ per year ● 300 + Tv channels, inc BBC, ITV, Sky inc Sky Sports & Sky Movies ● 60 day catchup ● 7000+ films (updated daily) ● 30,000+ series box sets ● Easiest system on the market to use ● The most comprehensive UK TV in Spain at the lowest cost ● For more info contact us today 1 ● Brand new 254 STB with 1 year Subscription only €279 NUMBER
Tel: 699 386 277
September 2016
Call Jane on: 950 121 936 or 950 680 007 Ext 1342
for sale
air con
MD Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration S.L.
advertise your unwanted items up to 300€ for free email: by TUESday 5pm
Kenwood Chef Premier boxed with instructions (was food mixer used twice still 110€) now 50€ Tel 680 933 boxed with attachments, 200€ 396 Albox Area. 25 years sole experience in MD S.L Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Tel: 950 439 004 Dog LED Lit Nylon Safety 24inch log effect collar € 5 New, Rain resistant, not a jack of all trades electric fire, black with gold washable and durable 4 For all your installation or service edging, good working order 3 modes, quick strobe; slowly requirements including our latest MD Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration S.L offers heat setting. 40€ ONO 24 inch flashing; steady; off. Tel: 950 telephone colour television good working 135 774 or 626 971 512. 950 432 110 / 607 364 917 607 364 917 or 950 432 110 order built in Video player 90€ Used gas bread oven, email: Ono, parasol green canopy wooden stem hardly used 4 doors, 8 shelves with bargain at 15€. Tel 950 473 thermostat control, can bake cakes, breads, meats, pies 151. etc 200.00€ buyer to collect, SETTEE TWO SEATER X 2, tel: 653 344 186. Albox area. Air Conditioning Services cream 125€ each or 200€ for both. Tel: 950 475 455 / 661 4 Large Pine Leather based in Mojacar & all areas Back chairs 60€ Tel: 634 with 10 years experience covered 016 366. 336 242, Turre Area. BOWLS. Taylor Aces, Size 4, We offer competitive affordable rates includings bowls carrier shoes Gates 1 pair, black steel, and case 50€. Tel: 950 475 with mofits, size 2.4mt x visit 500cm 200€ ono, Steel Mesh 455 / 661 016 366 Gates 1 pair 2mt x 2mt, good Bosch ake 40 - 17s Chain condition, 200€ ono, White email: Saw, 1700 high power quick Chest drawers 7 drawers, Includes 5 silver brushed effect handles, Tel: 645 294 064/950 472 081 stop feature. litres of oil, in a1 condition. A 970cm x 810cm x44cm, good bargain at 85 euros, ono. Tel condition, 55€, Moving House alternative energy no. 950 930 228. 18 clean strong cardboard For Sale Astronomy boxes, 13 x 10 x 7 ½ Free to Telescope 60 m.m reflector Collector, Tel: 633 554 487 Celestrow power seeker, New Albox Area. WOODEN SHED 1.60 baby hire x 2.00 with floor made by WOOD2Go 300€ Ex. Con. Buyer to dismantle and collect Everything for the visiting baby location La Alfoquia Tel: 634 Car seats, high chairs, stair 332 735 / 634 310 660. City & Guilds Fully Qualified F-Gas Certified
Digital Vision
Solar Wind Power solutions Over 15 years installation experience. established 12 years in Spain. Call Phil for competitive prices 636 261 240 email:info@sunergy www.sunergy are you getting frustrated at ever increasing electricity bills do you want a clean, reliable energy alternative if so call ecocorp on 671 716 597 or 950 930 187 for a no obligation quotation
airport services Tel: 639 081 067 Cheap
Airport Parking
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If you would like to start earning extra money now! Then the internet is definitely the place to do this. You can earn money whilst relaxing by the pool or even earn whilst you’re sleeping. This is the reality for people that are making money online.
Alicante Almeria Murcia For Free Information Visit New Servicing / Repairs
Steve Hayes Informatica
Pc’s, Laptops, Printers etc. Sales & Repairs on-site callout / tuition. Consumables
Albox, Almeria Tel: 950 120 900 drainage
Sola tubes for sale 25€ each brand sola SL size 150x 4.5 metal mounting bracket also available. Tel: 950 064 797
LICENSED POZO/septic tank emptying
• Repairs to existing pozos • CCTV Camera Inspection Call Andy on 950 091 109 or 648 768 587 Email:
avon cosmetics Tel Claire 691 987 454 avonfromclaire
GENTS BICYCLE 1970s/80s MODEL (Full size - dark hobby/craft grey) with sturmey archer 3speed gears - aluminium ELAINE’S WOOLS cable brakes - ¬mudguards – Quality UK Wool chain guard & parcel rack, & Accessories. & Straight handlebars VGC Come & view my DISPLAY. Also 69€ ONO Tel: 678 580 800. Available at CAT 2 Ten pin bowling balls Services & Total Entertainment finger tip 6kg & 7kg including Call 667 273 889 twin ball bag 75€, 2 pairs of elaineswools@ bowling shoes size 43 (81/2) 15€, pro release wrist strap insurance 15€ Tel:639 265 342 Huercal Overa.
drainage cont..
Drainage Solutions
• Emergency Drain Cleaning • High Pressure Water Jetting • CCTV Surveys • Drainage Repairs • Location of Cesspits • Qualified Engineer • Expert Reports
Established 10 years in spain Tel: 616 531 283 or 670 088 966
Cleaning of Septic Tanks ▪ Emptying of Septic Tanks & Cesspits, with high pressure cleaning ▪ Small unblockages of pipes & drainage
albox insurance
Award winning agent
For all your Insurance Needs
Please contact Glenn & jayne 950 121 943 infoalbox.libertyseguros
The Metal works
Grills, railings, gates of all types, security / sliding / roller, Pool Cleaning & Water Tanks rejas, concertina Contact: 675 838 808 doors etc. Tel: Keith Wood Gardening 638 900 949
potty finca services
• Installation of new septic tanks with certificates
health & beauty
professional tree felling & pruning, including all types of palm trees
strimming of overgrown gardens & hedge cutting spanish registered. ring john or Ruth on 616 855 294 or 950 163 930
locksmith Phil the Pick L o ck s m i t h 24 hours. Locked Out? Locks fitted/ upgraded house safes. Arboleas & surrounding area. Special weekend rates. Tel: 697 243 181
CONTACT SALES ON Tel: 950 121 936 or 950 680 007 ext 1332
Customers can now pay for advertising in our New Drop in Sol Times office located within Sol y Mar
Logs load of small or big Olive logs, no roots €160. load of mixed Olive some roots €140 load of eucalyptus, no roots €160 all loads 2 tonnes Arboleas & surrounding areas Call Lee on 636 092 632
bob The Painter
All aspects of P&D, Interior & Exterior, Gates, Rejas & Boundary Walls
Free Quotations Tel: 662 597 596 - 660 072 171
painter & decorator friendly - professional -reliable all types of exterior & interior work
ring for a free quote
Tel: 649 186 107 or
email Personal
Your One Stop Adult Online Store Sexy Lingerie, Love Toys, Aphrodisiacs, Male Impotence Aids, Fancy Dress, Body Jewellery, Adult Games, Adult Novelty Gifts, Stag/ Hen and Party Essentials Diva Queen Size Range Quality larger size lingerie 100’s of Clearance Lines Lowest shipping rates in Spain! FREE shipping on men’s famous blue pills – while stocks last. Discreet packaging delivered to your door. Shop Email –
property cont...
Hazlo Propiedades Properties wanted in Vera, Vera Playa, Valle Del Este and Garrucha. International Clients waiting Call +34 662 046 689 or Email us:
now taking bookings for summer 2017
3 bed, top floor, located in frontline position opposite the best beaches in the southern end of the Playa. The apartment is bright, spacious with a build area of over 100m² + a terrace overlooking the sea. Communal pool. Air-con in all rooms. Within very easy walking distance to all shops and amenities.
removals cont... SPAIN UK SPAIN Removals Friendly Reliable Service, Fully Legal Special offers from Spain - UK Office: 968 564 298 Mobile: 696 621 884
C & A REMOVALS & STORAGE UK-SPAIN - SPAIN - UK from a box to a full load Cars, Pets & passenger if req
LUBRIN ALMERIA SPAIN & ESSEX UK Unwanted items bought for CASH Call: 634 310 512/634 349 347 or 07482 319 786
Failine 40 motor cruiser set up as a comfortable live aboard boat
Complete with all mod cons fridge, freezer oven hob & microwave, warm air heating in all cabins, 2x flat screen TV + Sky, hi fi etc. Comes with residential mooring, electric and water. Sleeps 6, full navigation pack, 2 toilets and showers. Would suit someone who needs to relocate back to England a couple or single person, all set in a country park on the Thames in Essex. This including mooring fees with electric costs a little as £25 per week.
For full details contact Tony on call 0044 7595 474402. £55,000. full survey.
sat / tv services
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Digital Vision
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Quality Rental Properties Urgently Required Wherever, whatever as long as its in VGC, We will rent it for you Sale properties also needed
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friendly, reliable, All jobs considered. Call John on UK: 00447 939 88 0110 Spain: 0034 634 368 071
Works within 20 mins and can last up to 24 hours. Mens blues pills blister pack of 10 for €35. Same day discreet delivery - money back guarantee. Confidentiality Assured
call 620 166 719
animal corner
To advertise here call: 950 121 936
Ken & Jackie Dog & Cat Sitter service
• Your home or ours • Honest & trust worthy • 5 years experience of all types of animals • References available on request
676 389 592
Puppies to a good home. 20€ each to cover injections. Mum and Dad were German Shepherd cross and these 3 will be medium size. All boys, they have been treated for worms, ticks, fleas and given their first lot of injections. Tel: 693 709 931
September 2016
Our Business is Growing Specialists in:
Landscaping - Irrigation - Garden Maintenance Lawn work - Tree Trimming
Call: 666 847 583 or 950 132 518
olive & Eucalyptus
Cheapest Logs In Town
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Every load will receive half price chimney sweep Tel 619 070 839 Visit our Facebook page
painter & decorator
friendly - reliable - also general house & garden maintenance electrics - TILING - POOL GROUTING
ring for a free quote
Tel: 649 186 107 or
Over 30 years experience
Tel Graham 620 112 193 / 630 493 817
Avda 28 de Febrero 04800, Albox Almeria, Spain 950 120 900 / 615 647 058
SH Informática
Steven Smith - Arboleas Builder
Building Maintenance & Property Repair No job TOO Big or TOO Small
Blockwork - Plastering - Damp Proof Concreting - Tiling - Roofing Painting - Decorating - Rejas
Cladding Specialists
We upholster all types of chairs & sofas
Custom made exterior cushions
Large fabric selection domestic & imported
Tel. 692 176 069
e-mail: Testimonials of work available
bob The Painter
All aspects of P&D Interior & Exterior Gates, Rejas & Boundary Walls
Free Quotations Tel: 662 597 596 - 660 072 171
P.J Pool Services
Call Paul for all your pool cleaning and repairs. All areas covered. Fully Legal
950 930 536 / 634 306 690
Uk TV including BBC, ITV, Ch 4, Ch 5 Sky 1, Sky Movies, Sky Sports, BT Sports (over 150 Channels) €25 per 700+ Box Sets Month 7,000+ Movies on demand All via the internet with almost no buffering
Call Mike on 646 341 575
All aspects of pool cleaning, maintenance and general repair including total refurbishment. We can carry out acid washing to eliminate calcium deposits, full re-grouting and replacement of missing tiles. Sand filter overhauls/replacement of sand & glass. All equipment repairs/ replacements including pumps, filters etc Single cleans or fixed price weekly cleaning including all chemicals. We pride ourselves in putting the “sparkle” back in to your pool. We also offer a comprehensive range of gardening services including gravelling, pruning, weeding, weekly/monthly tidying especially for holiday homes where owners & guests don’t want to arrive and find a garden full of weeds & debris! FRIENDLY, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE SERVICE We cover most areas within a 40km radius of Albox FOR A FREE, NO OBLIGATION QUOTE, PLEASE CONTACT US NOW Tel: 634 332 170 /
Free collection & delivery - Free in-home estimates Furniture & Antique Restoration & Re-finishing
email GARDEN MAINTENANCE ♦ Pruning ♦ Irrigation ♦ Tiling ♦ Patios ♦ Concreting ♦ Walls ♦ Balustrades ♦ Pool Maintenance ♦ Monthly Contracts
Tel 617 150 300
PART & FULL VALETS - T CUTS & POLISHING - INTERIORS UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - SOFAS AND RUGS To book your appointment, please call Barry on: 661 571 939 Fully Insured & Spanish registered est: 2004
No Gimmicks, just an excellent service references available on request
A CLEAN CHIMNEY IS A SAFE CHIMNEY! Are you a local trades person? advertise in this section and reach over 30,000 readers each week. For only €10 per week
CALL: 950 121 936 EMAIL:
Film Review
Private Peaceful - -
“ I don’t believe in heaven. I’m not sure I’ve ever really believed in God….the church. I’d look up at Jesus hanging on the cross and wonder why God, who is supposed to be his father, almighty and powerful would let them do that to him. Would let him suffer so much.” This 2012 adaptation, directed by Pat O’Connor is based on Michael Morpurgo’s book. It proved so popular that by April 2004 it had been adapted into a play by Simon Reade and was first performed at the Bristol Old Vic starring Alexander Campbell before transferring to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and London’s West End. The film stars Jack O’Connell (Charlie Peaceful), George Mackay (Tommo Peaceful), Alexandra Roach (Molly Monks), John Lynch (Sergeant Hanley) and the late Richard Griffiths (the Colonel) amongst its cast. It was shot on location in Ipswich and Suffolk. Tommo narrates from 22.00 on the 24th of June 2016 to 06.00 on the 25th of June, whilst in solitary confinement, nervously fumbling with his late father’s watch given to him by Charlie, his brother in No Man’s Land. Eight excruciatingly painful and poignant hours before the tragic denouement…During those fateful moments where Tommo decries that every single moment “will be far too precious” he retells the story of his childhood, living with his family in Iddlesleigh, a farming community pre-first world war England. The action covers 1908-1916. Morpurgo drew his inspiration for Private Peaceful and War Horse from interviews conducted with three farm-boy veterans who
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were in their 80s. “There was no poetry in their stories, only horror and regret and great sadness for the loss of good friends.” Throughout the tale, the melancholic drones of “Oranges and lemons” can be heard from Big Joe to Tommo and finally Charlie. The three brothers. It is only when Tommo ominously mutters “here comes a chopper to chop off your head” then shockingly adding “you’re dead!” that the whole tragedy is unveiled. “But who would shoot their own soldiers?” It will haunt you. James Peaceful was a gamekeeper and forester for the Colonel living with his wife, Hazel and three sons in a tied cottage on the estate. The boys were exceptionally close and protective of Big Joe who was simple-minded. But it is Charlie’s protective and fatherly relationship of young Tommo that will move you, right up until the end. Tommo-the name represents an everyman character, had a close relationship with his father and he felt special when he helped his father fell trees. “I love it here. Just the two of us.” Through his innocence and insecurity he asks his father who he loves most hoping he will say Tommo. James teases his youngest and answers Charlie. Not the right answer. Tommo storms off telling his father he hates him when divine intervention strikes as Tommo is trying to apologise. “I looked up to see the great tree above me swaying when all the other trees were standing still. I stood and stared, mesmerised at the gradual fall of it, my legs frozen under me, quite incapable of movement.” James heroically saves his son’s life but succumbs to his own sad demise and during Tommo’s impressionable years gaining maturity he harbours a guilty secret that he finally unburdens in No Man’s Land to his
beloved Charlie: “I have inside me a secret so horrible. Father needn’t have died that morning in Ford’s Cleave Wood. He was trying to save me I have killed my own father.” Without a father to support his family, Hazel is offered a position as a lady’s maid then in charge of the Colonel’s laundry enabling the family to remain in the cottage. Charlie is taken on as a worker in the hunt kennels. A new gamekeeper, Monks replaces James who takes an instant dislike to the Peaceful brothers. His daughter, Molly becomes closely entwined and it is mutually reciprocated. A skinny dipping episode is momentous when she foretells the future with stones, a method used by gypsies. “ The stones say that as long as we stick together we’ll be lucky and happy ‘til the day we die.” Was it wishful thinking or was she tapping into her psychic energy? An infatuated Tommo asks her who she is going to marry and she teases with a Peaceful. Which one though? Conflict arises between the brothers who both fall in love with Molly, culminating in Tommy telling his brother he hates him. War is declared and the novel then shows the brothers signing up for different reasons. For Tommy it is to stop the Hun from invading, the taunts of cowardice and a sense of adventure. He is too young to sign-up but falsifies his age. Charlie goes to keep a loving eye on his brother. Sergeant “Horrible” Hanley takes an instant dislike to Charlie, proving to be the bane of his life. War is destructive, we know that and we are faced with many harrowing images of death. Can Charlie protect his brother and the million dollar question-can the boys survive the war? Can promises be kept…? Find out for yourself. REVIEW it by Carol Naylor.
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September 2016
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September 30 - October 2 Team USA Davis Love III (Captain), Jim Furyk (Vice Captain) Tom Lehman (Vice Captain), Steve Stricker (Vice Captain), Tiger Woods (Vice Captain), Dustin Johnson, Jordan Spieth, Phil Mickelson, Patrick Reed, Jimmy Walker, Brooks Koepka, Brandt Snedeker, Zach Johnson, J. B. Holmes, Rickie Fowler, Matt Kuchar, Ryan Moore Team Europe Darren Clarke (Captain), Thomas Bjorn (Vice Captain), Padraig Harrington (Vice Captain), Paul Lawrie (Vice Captain), Ian Poulter (Vice Captain), Sam Torrance (Vice Captain), Rory McIlroy, Danny Willett, Henrik Stenson, Chris Wood, Sergio García, Rafael Cabrera-Bello, Justin Rose, Andy Sullivan, Matthew Fitzpatrick, Lee Westwood, Martin Kaymer, Thomas Pieters
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September 2016
Tyson Fury: Eddie Hearn does not think heavyweight champion will fight again
ARNOLD PALMER – Golfer supreme A tribute by Tony Matthews
American Arnold Palmer, recognised by many as one of the greatest golfers in the sport's history, died last weekend at the age of 87, at the UPMC Presbyterian Hospital in his home city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was undergoing heart tests. During a long and successful career, golf’s ‘greatest ambassador’ won a total of 91 tournaments worldwide and his seven major victories in seven years included wins at the Open in 1961 at Royal Birkdale and 1962 at Troon. He also claimed a record 62 PGA tour wins as well. “Arnold Palmer is the most important golfer to play the game” said BBC's golf correspondent Iain Carter. “His force of charisma put the game on the map and it never dimmed". Fellow golfing great and a close friend of Palmer’s, Jack Nicklaus, has already admitted that he will "miss him greatly". "We’ve just lost one of the incredible people in the game of golf and in all of sports," he tweeted. "Arnold transcended the game of golf. He was more than a golfer or even a great golfer, he was an icon, a legend." Palmer attracted thousands of diehard fans known as "Arnie's Army" as he helped to promote the game into the television age. "Today marks the passing of an era," said Alastair Johnston, CEO of Arnold Palmer Enterprises. “His influence, profile and achievements spread far beyond the game of golf. He was an iconic American who treated people with respect and warmth, and built a unique legacy through his ability to engage with fans." Tributes to the sporting star have poured in from
the stars of the golfing world and from many others elsewhere. "Thanks Arnold for your friendship, counsel and a lot of laughs. Your philanthropy and humility are part of your legend," Tiger Woods tweeted. Australia’s World Number One golfer, Jason Day, said: “I spent some special times with Palmer at Bay Hill.” “He was a true pioneer for our sport. Forever remembered," said Northern Ireland's star Rory McIlroy. "My heart aches with passing of the King. What he did for golf cannot be measured. An athlete, a pioneer, a philanthropist, a family man, and much more... his legacy will live on. R.I.P. Arnie" tweeted US golfer Zach Johnson. Lee Trevino said: “He was a fabulous player”… Tom Watson agreed, saying “What a golfer – he was the best”. Nick Faldo described him as a “super star on the golf course” … and Sam Torrance said: “He was King of Golf”. US President Barack Obama tweeted a picture of himself with Arnold Palmer at the White House, adding: "Here's to The King who was as extraordinary on the links as he was generous to others. Thanks for the memories, Arnold." Former President George W. Bush admitted: “He brought golf to millions by his daring and caring. My wife and I are missing him already”. Palmer was born in Latrobe, Pennsylvania in 1929. The son of the green keeper and grounds man at his local country golf club, he later became the professional at that very same golf club. He was one of golf's most dominant players in the late 1950s and early 1960s. R.I.P. Top man, top golfer.
World heavyweight champion Tyson Fury will never fight again, leading British promoter Eddie Hearn has said. Fury, 28, has withdrawn from his rematch with Wladimir Klitschko, scheduled for 29 October, because of reported mental health issues. The Englishman, who has not fought since beating Klitschko last November, postponed the original rematch in June. “Fury will be stripped of his titles and, after a legal battle, he’ll say: ‘No more, I’m done’,” said Hearn. “It’s going to be really messy and it might take a year to resolve. I know there are sensitivities around mental health issues but this is a business. “The governing bodies have had
enough. The world heavyweight title is a huge part of their business and they’ve not made any money from it for a year.” Fury beat Klitschko on points in Germany - the Ukrainian’s first loss since 2004 - to pick up the WBA, IBF, WBO and IBO titles, with American Deontay Wilder holding the WBC belt. Within two weeks Fury was stripped of the IBF title because he was unable to fight mandatory challenger Vyacheslav Glazkov and that belt is now held by Fury’s fellow Briton Anthony Joshua.
19th Hole Golf Society, Ryder Cup Match Report
On Thursday 22nd of September at a hastily rearranged venue the 19th Hole Golf Society played its version of the Ryder Cup at the lovely Aguilon Golf Resort. In its version it was the North of UK versus the South with a few Irish and Spaniards thrown in for good measure and to make equal teams, Mike Esposito captained the North whilst Bob Tagg the South. It was a tightly fought contest with 2 points awarded for a pair’s win and 1 for a singles win matches drawn were awarded a point each. The North came out the close winners (that’s the Southerners version) just pippin the Southerners by 10 points to 5!!!. In the Individual competition Norman (Storming) Taylor took 1st place with 40 points, leaving Paco Ocaña Grajal with the same points, in 2nd place, Norman also scored a Two on the tricky 14 to complete his day. Big thanks to all who took part making it a good fun day with some excellent golf, and special thanks to Aguilon for accommodating the 19th Hole Golf Society at short notice. Results - Ryder Cup North 10 points – South 5 points.
1st Norman Taylor 40 points (23) on a card count back 2nd Paco Ocaña Grajal 40 points (19) 3rd Brian Blythe 39 points (17) Nearest the Pins 3rd Caroline Smith 8th Ron (The Rocket) Curtis 12th Caroline Smith 14th John Stevenson 15th (in two) Colin Smith 17th Colin Smith Twos 3rd Nick Pogson 8th Ron Curtis 12th Hudson Maguffin 17th Brian Blythe The 19th Hole Golf Society arranges weekly games around the area playing Aguilon every other week. For more information ring 610 340 653 or email gs19thhole@hotmail.
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SPORTS SHORTS by Tony Matthews
• Celtic-Rangers and AberdeenMorton meet in the SLC semi-finals. • Manchester City Ladies beat Chelsea to win the Women’s PL for the first time.
• Ex-Arsenal, Swansea & Wales defender Mel Charles has died, aged 81. • It was Marc Marquez, Jorge Lorenzo and Valentino Rossi 1-2-3 in last Sunday’s Spanish MotoGP. • 100,000 fans will attend Sunday’s Malaysian F1 Grand Prix in Kuala Lumpur. • Wasps beat Northampton 20-15 to go clear at the top of the Rugby Union’s Premiership. • Castleford’s Denny Solomona has run in a club record 42 tries in a season. • The Ryder Cup starts in Minnesota, USA on Friday and Europe’s Rory McIlroy is bang in form after winning the PGA Tour Championship to claim the Fed-Ex Cup and £1.15m in prize money. • Arnold Palmer, regarded as the greatest golfer of all-time, has died, aged 87. • Doncaster’s Beau Greaves, aged 12, won the 2016 women’s Yorkshire Darts Classic title and is tipped to become a world champion and millionaire before 2020! in draws against Russia and Sunday’s • GB’s Anthony wasthem beaten opponents Slovakia,Crolla who held to on points by Venezuela’s a damaging goalless stalemate. Jorge Lindares a WBA lightweight title There is ainpredictability and pedestrifight in Manchester an streak about England that Allardyce must find aFury way may of curing - and • Tyson never boxany again analysis of this must be couched in the said British promoter Eddie Hearn. context this was(China) his first game • Dingthat Junghui won and the a damaged team will not be rebuilt in Shanghai snooker title. a day. •England’s Phil Taylor van lack of beat threat Michael was emphaGerwen to fact claim his64 first Darts sised by the it took minutes to League championship. muster their first shot on target and • And on Sunday, we pass havefrom the that was more of an over-hit Prix de Wayne l’Arc deRooney Triomphe, theeffort Great captain than an on goal. Run and the Cardiff halfScottish marathon.
allardyce openS with win
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THE ALMERIA SWING RETURNS FOR 2016 Neil Evans and Desert Springs delighted to announce the return of the tournament September 27, 2016– Following on from the success of the inaugural tournament in 2015, the Almeria Swing will return to Desert Springs Resort and Golf Club from the 5th to the 10th December. The tournament is part of the Senior Golf Circuit and is open to all Professional Golfers aged 48 and above and Amateur golfers of the same age with a single figure handicap. Simon Coaker, Desert Springs Director of Golf and Marketing remarked: “Desert Springs is delighted to once again be host to The Almeria Swing as part of the Senior Golf Circuit. The Indiana is a thinking golfer’s course, one that cannot be overpowered, and it is going to be interesting to view how the
more experienced professional is going to approach the course. We very much look forward to welcoming the players and to providing them with a wonderful experience.” The Event will consist of two separate tournaments. A Better Ball on the 5th and 6th December and a 54 hole individual event from the 8th to the 10th. Neil Evans, PGA Professional said: “We look forward to welcoming back many of last year’s competitors and to meeting new players for this year’s event. Desert Springs is a superb venue for what is fast becoming one of the best tournaments in Europe for the Senior Golfer.” If you would like more information about this event, please contact Neil and Tracey Evans at 638 531 821 or email at neilevansegs@
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and West Ham-Chelsea in the 4th round of the EFL Cup.
• Middlesex bowler Toby RolandJones claimed a hat-trick against Yorkshire to earn his county their first cricket Championship title for 23 years. Somerset finished second with Yorkshire third while Hampshire and Notts were relegated. • Indian spinner Ravi Ashwin has taken his 200th wicket, in only his 37th Test. He’s the second fastest to achieve this feat in Test cricket. • Last weekend, Manchester United hammered Leicester 4-1… Arsenal whipped Chelsea 3-0… Everton lost 1-0 at Bournemouth… Liverpool thumped Hull 5-1… Spurs won 2-1 at Middlesbrough… Stoke drew 1-1 with WBA for whom Tony Pulis took charge of his 1,000th game as a club manager… Sunderland succumbed 3-2 at home to Crystal Palace… leaders Manchester City won 3-1 at Swansea… and West Ham lost 3-0 at home by Southampton. Watford met Burnley on Monday. • Norwich have replaced Huddersfield as Championship leaders. • Hartlepool’s 772-round mile trip to Plymouth was not in vain as they drew 1-1 in FL2. • Celtic crushed Kilmarnock 6-1 to stay top of the SPL. • In the Champions League last night, it was CSKA-Spurs, Borussia Dortmund-Real Madrid and Leicester-Porto. This evening we have Arsenal-Basel, Celtic-Manchester City, Atletico Madrid-Bayern Munich and Monchengladbach-Barcelona. Sam Allardyce’s reign opened with the • Tomorrow’s Europa League result he desired, if not the perforties include Dundalk-Maccabi Tel mance, as England beat Slovakia in Aviv, Hapoel BS-Southampton and their opening World Cup qualifier in Manchester United-Zorya. Trnava. •It The top aPL gamesstart, this weekend was not sparkling Adam Lalare (Saturday) lana’sSwansea-Liverpool 95th-minute goal securing victory and LeicesteragainstBurnley-Arsenal, a side that played more than Southampton, Manchester United30 minutes with 10 men after captain Stoke and Spurs-Manchester City Martin Skrtel was sent off. wo Doug (Sunday). Allardyce could be justified in sug2th Ellen gesting • Nextbeggars week, cannot 2018 be WCchoosers qualifiers include Austria-Wales, Republic , 17th and that winning was everything after of Ireland-Georgia (4 retreat October), England made a humiliating followed from Euro 2016by with a England-Malta, last-16 exit to Northern Ireland-San Marino and Iceland in France. el hours later. England struggled to48 create chances h & Peter Scotland-Lithuania and turn possession into goals at Euro • There’s a Manchester derby & Mike 2016, a flaw which costLiverpool-Spurs them dearly (United v City) plus
ety arund the y other on ring 9th-
SOL TIMES COSTA ALMERIA SALES HQ: 950 680 007 / 950 121 936 OPEN: Mon-Thurs 10am-5pm Fri 10am-4pm
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Sol Times Almeria is independent of political parties, private investment and government. Our policy is to provide readers with a news and information service that is fair, accurate and balanced. Sol Times Almeria is an independent publication. Published weekly and produced exclusively in Almeria. Sol Times News Group cannot be held responsible for claims made by advertisers, nor can it be held responsible for errors in advertisements caused by poor quality text, photographs or layout instructions. Furthermore, no responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage resulting caused by any error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of an advertisement. EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER: Views & opinion in editorial copy are not necessarily those of the publisher. the publisher accepts no responsibility for accuracy of information, errors, omissions or statements and reject claims arising out of any action that a company or individual may take on the basis of information contained therein. Almeria Edition AL-344-2005/Roquetas Edition AL 956-2010
SOLTIMES september 2016
Brilliant Burke scores first Bundesliga goal It's been some season for teenager Oliver Burke. The 19-year-old earned a £13m move to German side RB Leipzig in August after scoring four goals in five Championship games for Nottingham Forest. He then made his full Scotland
debut in a 5-1 win over Malta and on Sunday became the first Briton to score in the Bundesliga since 1999. Burke's goal, on his first start for his new club, helped them earn a point at Cologne.
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