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Share your story with Issuu's eBook creator

Make an eBook, publish it in minutes, and start sharing your message with the world. Our eBook creator makes it easy to compile your long-form prose into a shareable, searchable, indexable, and engaging eBook using our eBook creation software. From memoirs to technical manuals, you can host an eBook that readers can enjoy on the go.

What is an eBook?

There are a million reasons why people choose our free eBook creator. Whether you want to publish a novel, craft a comprehensive corporate manual, or create an engaging lead magnet for your business, our eBook maker is a one stop shop for self-publishing. There's no limit to what you can do when you make your own book online.

In terms of reach and readability an eBook is the best and most convenient option. They can be read on the go with any handheld device, computer, or laptop. With our eBook creator, you can even incorporate assets that a traditional book cannot. You can add videos, embed links, and annotate or highlight important points.

Create an overall better reading experience when you make your own book online. An eBook is the economical and eco-friendly choice that gets in front of the audience that matters to you most, in a way that truly is an interactive and engaging experience.

How to Create an eBook:

  1. Upload the PDF version of your book to the eBook creator (Or you can upload .doc, .docx, or .ppt file types or import your files directly from Dropbox or Google Drive). 

  2. You can add links and videos to your eBook to create a dynamic reading experience with the Issuu eBook maker. It’s a brilliant way to connect with your audience and have them engage with your work.

  3. Use our Embed feature to include it directly on your website. The best way to market your book is by making sure it's discoverable.

  4. Make your eBook mobile-friendly! Use our Article Stories feature and pull stories from anywhere in your eBook and easily turn them into their own mobile-optimized articles.

  5. Finally, it’s time to sell it! We are here to make it easy for you! Use our premium Digital Sales feature to sell your brand new eBook - commission free.

Digital Sales

Generate revenue through eBook sales. 

You can sell your eBook through Issuu either as a standalone digital product or as part of a subscription. Setup is easy. You can be selling in as little as 15 minutes.


Readership measured. 

Issuu Statistics can help you track the performance of your eBook. You can see how often it’s downloaded and other vital traffic info. You can also get insights into reader habits with data on average read time and clicks on links within the eBook.


Make it easy for readers to pick up your eBook.

Use our Embed feature to add your eBook directly to your website. With a few clicks, you can feature your eBook on your homepage, within a blog post, or anywhere on your website. Embed settings let you pick a theme and display size that matches your branding.

See other eBooks on Issuu:

eBook: FAQs

  • Once your eBook is complete you are able to sell it anywhere, including on Issuu. We help you make money online by selling your eBook through our platform and keep all the proceeds with commission-free digital sales. You can sell it on your own website too. If your book contains valuable industry specific knowledge your current business associates and customers may be a built-in reader base.

  • eBooks work just like any other book with lots of improvements. Once you draft and publish your story on our free eBook creator, you can pat yourself on the back because you are a published author! eBooks read like a normal book with flipping pages instead of scrolling text and added features such as links and videos built in.

  • The recommended format for an eBook is plain black text in Times New Roman, Ariel, or Georgia font. Most eBooks have the spacing set to 1.5 with standard margins. That being said, you have the freedom to format however you want to when you make your own book online. Feel free to display your story in a manner that is uniquely you. Our eBook maker is a great way to experiment with different styles.

  • eBooks are used to tell your story, in a dynamic and engaging way. The interactive style of eBooks holds the attention of readers because when it is in digital form, your book is always in their back pocket. Our free eBook creator also helps cut out the middle man when compared to traditional publishing. You simply draft and publish. No need to pitch your story to big name publishers or hire an agent.

Explore features to elevate your content

With a wide range of features at your fingertips, Issuu helps you create unique and connected reading experiences.

Are you ready to make your eBook shine?

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