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“The Dukes of Hazzarad” filmed its first season in Newton County.
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Carter said the only time film crews completely shutdown a location is typically for a flashback or period piece. In fact, he pointed to one production that required the Square to be shut down in order to cover the area with dirt.
But in another instance, for the 2019 film “Doctor Sleep,” Carter said the production crew did something “unheard of” to close the Square.
“They were keeping everything so secretive that they actually came in and paid every store owner to shut the entire Square down for three whole days,” he said.
Carter said he enjoyed getting to watch filming around the county. The first shoot he ever witnessed was in Covington for “The Dukes of Hazzard.” He said they used his grandmother’s property to drive across for a scene. Carter remembered getting to stay home from school that day and meeting all of the actors.
Today, he says “The Vampire Diaries” was his favorite show to be filmed in the county.
“And that’s only because I’m working here now,” he said. “It is just being able to see people everyday coming into our community because of the show. I tell people I’ve got the best job in Newton County. I get to see our beautiful town through new eyes everyday. And I’m talking thousands of people coming through here, from every corner of the globe they come and visit us.”
