Employer of the Year Award:
Snapping Shoals EMC
Headquartered in Newton County just off Brown Bridge Road, Snapping Shoals currently provides electricity to approximately 99,000 homes, business and other facilities in an eight-county area. Special | Snapping Shoals EMC
Power supplier’s aim remains being reliable, making community a better place By TAYLOR BECK
napping Shoals Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) has powered much of Newton County for more than 80 years, but the organization is much more than the average electric supplier. As a cooperative, Snapping Shoals EMC places a special focus on being “plugged in” to the community. “Plain and simple, that’s part of why we were created,” said Shaun Mock, who is CEO of Snapping Shoals EMC. “While it’s not unique to Snapping Shoals, one of our founding cooperative principles was ‘concern for community.’ We are here to provide power. We are here to be that reliable energy partner. But, we’re also here to make these communities we serve a better place. “We could be the power company,” he added. “But if we’re what we were chartered to be, we’re truly an energy partner. We’re not here 58 VISIONS 2022: HERE WE GROW
to make sure our profits are maximized. At the end of the day, if we make a profit, it’s going right back to the member that paid it. We’re simply here to meet our members’ energy needs.” The cooperative’s dedication to members is what earned it the Visions 2022 Employer of the Year Award, presented by The Covington News. Headquartered in Newton County just off Brown Bridge Road, Snapping Shoals currently provides electricity to approximately 99,000 homes, businesses and other facilities in an eight-county area that includes large portions of Newton, Henry and Rockdale counties, as well as parts of DeKalb, Butts, Walton, Jasper and Morgan counties. The cooperative is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors that is responsible for establishing policy and overseeing the finances and administration of Snapping Shoals EMC.
Board members include Chairman Frank Lineberger of DeKalb County, Vice Chairman Jake Carter of Henry County, Secretary/Treasurer Lance Harper of Newton County, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Jeanette Berry of Newton County, Ruby Woods of Newton County, Alfred Flanigan of Rockdale County, Anthony Norton of Rockdale County, Dr. Millard Ross of Rockdale County, Walter Johnson of DeKalb County, Gene Morris of Henry County, and James I. White of Henry County. As the region welcomes new industry and the population continues to mount, Mock said Snapping Shoals EMC was well-positioned for the future thanks to the foresight and diligence of past and current leadership. About 20 years ago, Mock said, Snapping Shoals EMC began installing fiber lines between its substations. While a questionable decision at the time, Mock said it has turned THE COVINGTON NEWS