Name: Damarys Ramos Student ID: 1349375 Program(s) of Study (Major): BS Healthcare Administration Anticipated Graduation Date: 2021
SECTION I – Personality and Self-Concept
My strengths as a leader are that I am a good communicator, motivator, problem solver, I lead by example and creative. With these strengths I can use them as a leader to be effective as a professional. When delegating, I first start on a positive note and assign them where they can excel.
In problem solving I tend to use my creative to come up with solutions that are more straightforward for the staff. The areas of improvement as a leader are that I tend to procrastinateat times, and need to manage my time better. I also need to work on not over working myself andnot doing all the tasks my myself but to give the opportunity for other to help when it’s a team work environment.