OL 125: Personal Development Plan – Setting Your Vision(Milestone One)
Lawrence Shorter 03/16/2014
What I have learned so far about myself. First I will start with my Jungian Typology, I am an ESTJ which means I have a slight preference to extroversion over introversion, moderate preference of sensing over intuition.
Also have a slight preference of thinking over feeling and lastly a moderate preference of judging over perceiving. I definitely Learned a few things I did think I was more feeling then thinking, I did know that I do it does say I am more extroversion which I definitely agree I am more outgoing and more talkative.
I agree with the last two that I am moresensing and judging than perceiving and intuition.My productivity is for most part up in high 90 percent.
It also depends on my job, If I have a job that I don’t feel challenged and it’s just kind of