OL 125: Personal Development Plan – Final Submission Student Name: Carl K Greene II Date: January 25, 2016
Section 1: I have been pleasantly surprised and reassured about the things I have learned about myself during the first two weeks of this term.
I have been sure of my personality for some time and been able to suit my needs without much difficulty; but as I continue to grow in my current profession and wish to grow into the next chapter of my life, I find myself fighting against the grain and trying to develop more into what I want to see.
During my personality test, I found out that I am INTJ, which translate to Introvert, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Judging (Heiss, 2015). I have always thought highly of my intellectual ability and ability to do a lot.
I have also noticed that as I get further into my career, my ability to “tell people how it is”,