OL 125: Personal Development Plan – Final Submission
Student Name: Katharine Davies Date: 01/21/2016
As a young professional I was not aware of myself. I did not know simple things from learning style to more complex ideas like Jungian Typology. Through the tools that I have been provided, I have gained more insight about myself, where my strengths lie and what I need to continue to work on over time.
I hope that with this plan I am not only going to gain more knowledge about myself, but also be able to curb those insights to my own management style. My Jungian Typology is INTJ, which stands for introverted, intuition, thinking, and judging.
After taking the Jungian Typology assessment, I researched it further to understand what it entailed. What I have found out is that my personality type is the rarest and most strategic of the personality types.