Deontology and Utilitarianism
Deontology is a theory that proposes whether an action in society is bad or goodaccording to the rules which are set to govern a particular organization. According to studies, allactions that obey the set rules are ethical; on the other hand, all the actions that do not obey theset rules are referred to as unethical.
All ethical action in society shadows the universal morallaws, including avoiding things like cheating, stealing, and lying, among others. Deontology has been evidenced as something simple that people can apply while carrying out their duties aspeople only need to obey the rules and then carry out their duty as required (Baron, 2017).
Themain aim of deontology among people is because it enables people to stay a good life as itspieces of advice people obey the set rules and warns them not to violate the set rules.