Week 3 lecture
This week we are discussing government sponsored programs and the prospective payment system. In chapter four, we learned about all the government insurances.
The first being Medicare. Those who qualify as medicare are either 65 and older, former railroad employees, or permanently disabled.
Medicare comes in four different parts. Part A covers hospital coverage, Part B covers medical coverage, Part C covers Medicare advantage plans (Part A and B combined), and Medicare Part D, which is prescription coverage.
We also discussed the ABN or advanced beneficiary notice. This is only for medicare. This form tells the patient that they may be responsible for some payment on different procedures.
This form needs to be signed by the patient. If we don’t give this the patient this form, and medicare doesn’t pay for the service, we can’t bill https://www.solvedcollegepapers.com/product/hit-230-week-3-lecture