I would have to say, the most apparent thing I have learned about myself thus far, is that I hate self-reflection. I am much too analytical at times, and tend to pick myself apart during assignments like these.
In assessing my Jungian Typology, I found out my personality type is ESTJ. I am only ever-so-slightly more extroverted than introverted, by 3%; so ISTJ describes me pretty well, also.“The ESTJ is outspoken, a person of principles, which are readily expressed.
The ESTJ is not afraid to stand up for what he or she believes is right even in the face of overwhelming odds.” (Functional Analysis) This is me to a “T”, and almost to a fault, at times I am tend to put being right over the importance of others feelings.
From the productivity assessment, I learned that with a score of 61, I am quite organized and productive, but at times I could loosen the reigns https://www.solvedcollegepapers.com/product/ol-125-ol125-ol-125-16ew