REVIEW the Case Scenario and answer the questions found on pages 100 and 101 of your textbook to help you become more familiar with the ACE process
COMPLETE the LP03 Assignment: Using ACE to make a request
Assume you are a member of a student organization that wants to organize a business-dress fashion show for students on your campus.
Select a clothing store in your area that sellsreasonably priced business attire, such as suits, shoes, and accessories. You want to showcase the store’s products in your fashion show by borrowing a dozen outfits and accessories (six for men,six for women) that will be modeled during the show.
Further, you would like a representativefrom the store to participate in the fashion show by explaining the appropriate fit of clothing,such as the https://www.solvedcollegepapers.com/product/business-101-using-ace