In this lab, I will design, implement, and test a 4-bit ALU with has the abilities to add, subtract, and perform bit-wise AND. I will also gain experience in multiplexers and calculating two’s complement in order to perform the subtraction.
In part 1 of the lab, the goal was to design, build, and implement a 4-bit full adder/subtractor. The materials used for this part of the lab included, the power supply, breadboard, many wires, 4 LEDs, a full-adder chip, and an exclusive-or chip.
The start, you must attach the power and ground to the breadboard and then two the full-adder and XOR chips. After this, place 10 wires in the “low” or 0 position to represent a0-a3, b0-b3, c1, and c2.
From there, wire the full-adder chip according to the diagram below, using the XOR chip to implement the subtraction element of the adder/subtractor.