BIOL 112
How Apnea, Facial Immersion, and Temperature affect the Mammalian Dive Response
The purpose of this lab was test how certain variables effect the dive response of most mammals. There are certain triggers, such as receptors on our face, that make the body go into a dive response which consists of a few adaptations that allow the body to get buy on little oxygen since there isn’t a source while submerged (Clark, 2018).
These adaptations include, breath holding (apnea), slowing the heart rate and redistributing blood flow through essential tissues (Clark, 2018). Bradycardia (slowing the heart rate) is extremely important because it reduces the overall amount of oxygen the heart needs which allows the oxygen to be rationed more effectively (Clark, 2018).
Part of this rationing comes from vasoconstriction which redirects blood flow to essential muscles