Experiment 12: The Dehydration of Cyclohexanol
Summary of Results:
In this experiment, we used sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid to dehydrate cyclohexanol to form cyclohexene by elimination.
We performed simple distillation and then purified the cyclohexene with saturated sodium chloride. We started with 2.5 grams of cyclohexanol, and finished with 0.50 grams of cyclohexene product.
This gives us a crude yield of 24.39%. We thenperformed the Bromine Test on our product, it was clear. This means that it is positive, so our product does contain a double bond.
For a second classification test, we performed the Permanganate test, which turned brown. This means it is also positive, and our product is an alkene.
Lastly, we obtained an IR spectrum of the product. There were peaks at 3022.99 cm-1showing an sp2C=C-H stretch, and at 1653.05 cm-1showing a C=C stretch.