Infrared Spectroscopy Worksheet
Open the IR Tutor program.Initially, a screen will open telling you to change your monitorresolution.DO NOT change the screen resolution, just hit continue!
Once you have opened the IR Tutor program, use the program to answer the following questions.Each question can be answered with the information found in the program.
1.Where is the IR region relative to visible light?
a.near the red
b.near the violet
2.How did Hershel first detect IR light_J
3.Is all infrared light the same wavelength?____________________________
4.What doesλstand for?________________________
5.What doesυstand for?________________________
6.What doesυ(bar) stand for?____________________
7.Write an equation that relates Energy(E) to wavelength.
8.From your equation, what happens to energy as the wavelength increases?________________________